o rTOOO RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JULY 14. 1021 T 1 I THE NE W United States Cream Separator MR. MOE TELLS OF LONG AUTO TRIP WITH DISC BOWL "Is built to endure Makes cream getting sure.' The solid one-piece frame with medium sized, enclosed gears, au tomatic oiling system and low crank peed si and for strength and durability. The perfected bowl with fewer and interchangeable, unnumbered discs insures easiest cleaning and closest skimming at all times. Come and see KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. hood' river, ork;on We offer QUALITY, SERVICE and GOOD WILL Our meats and groceries are of the best Phone your orders to SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY HOLMAN & SAMUEL Phone 1811 Vote Yes 302 --Soldiers Loan and Bonus Bill When We Weigh Out Coffee, tea, sugar or other groceries we don't care if the customer re-weighs it when she gets home. For correct weight is just as much a specialty with us as hitfh class things for the table at low quality prices. We don't cut prices at the expense of either quantity or quality. N. H. MacMILLAN On The Heights THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford prices have been fur ther reduced. You can pay more but you can't buy more than the sturdy strength and power the Ford car gives you. Dickson -Marsh Motor Co. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone 1111 A tfip of a little over 1.000 miles. the loop automobile tour from hero in to eastern Oregon and Washington by way of Walla Walla and Wenatchee and returning through Yakima ovtr the Snoqualmie Pass and by way of I'uget Sound districts, forms an ideal summer recreation jaunt according to A. L). Moe, who recently returned from the journey with Mrs. Moe. "All in all," savs Mr. Moe, "we found the roads on the entire trip good. The Columbia Highway, all the way from Portland to 1'endleton except for a detour east of The Dalles, is in ap pealingly good shape. The motorist going easi on tne tiijjhway hnds prog ress over The Dalles detour better than in case he is heading west, be cause jf (he steep east side hill grade of the detour on the climb up from the Deschutes river. This road is steep rocky and rough. The Highway is graveled clear through to Pendleton. The dust does not bother and going is good. "The road from Pendleton to Spo kane is in fine shape, some pavement, some macadam and the remainder good gravel surface. The main highway between Walla Walla and Seattle was found in good condition, except for a steep bad grade just before we entered Ellensburg. The road between Pasco and Cle Klum is fair, but the surface is showing the etTects of wear in places. From the latter point in to Seattle the way is excellent. The scenery of the national forest through Snoqualmie Pass isjexcellent. The road winds around Lake Kachess for a con siderable distance, and the scenery of this stretch compares favorably wilh parts of the Columbia River High way." Mr. and Mrs. Moe toured through the Wenatchee district, heading west through Lilewett Pass, the only outlet from the apple district to Seattle. As the completion of the Blewett Pass road will shorten the distance between Spokane and Seattle bv 100 miles, the route apparently causes considerable rivarly between Yakima and Wenat chee. The road when completed will be one of the most scenic in the state of Washington, Mr. Moe says. The summit, in the Wenatchee national forest, is over 4.000 feet high. The grade, already constructed, is eaHy, but the highway from the summit south is single track and should be taken with caution, as there are few turnouts. ! "Down in the valley," Mr. Moe con tinued "about 20 miles of the road re main to be graded. It is not danger ous, but is narrow and winding. Con struction crews will have the entire route fairly well'completed by the end of this summer.. The state highway commission of Washington at the in stance of contractors, recently an nounced a determination to close the route entirely during the period of con struction, but Wenatchee, bringing to hear her every energy and influence. ana seemingly through the cooperation ol the national roads department, so cured action that will keep the road open all summer. The federal bureau has agreed to construct a detour around the portion being rebuilt. Mr. Moe traveled over the Pacific Highway between Portland and Seattle last year. He declares the conven iences of thiB link of highway admir aoie as comparer with a year ago, when construction necessitated con stant detuors. He expressed the belief that all but 35 miles of the route will be hardsurfaced before the year is over Only a part of this :i,r miles was tound rough by him and Mrs. Moe. Mr. Moe inspected orchards of the Walla Walla and Dayton section and in Wenatohee and Yakima. Crop condi tions are exceedingly promieing in all fruit sections, he declares, and the urain farmers of the Walla Walla dis trict expect to harvest bumper crops. The labor situation has eased to a point, he says, where men are appeal ing for work in the harvest field at $1 per day and board. The apple growers of the Washington districts, he sayB, are encouraged over price outlook, de spite the diminished buying power of eastern consuming points. With the eastern commercial apple crop short CM W aBhington growers expect to de rive a heartening profit from this sea son's huge apple tonnage. At Wenat chee, he say, the apple crop is esti mated at 15,000 carloads. Mr. Moe says he finds cash buyers present in the Washington districts already mak ing bids for the crop. He was inter ested, he eays, in a new cooperative j agency, just established in Wenatchee, j with Dwight L Woodruff, formerly j New York city sales manager for the j Apple Growers Association. at its head, j This cooperative concern, brought i about as the result of the failure of an ! independent buyer who still owes J growers $500,000 on their 1920 tonnage, has signed up 5.0(H) carloads of apples, he says. Mr. Moe says he finds a light pear and peacn crop in the Washington dis tricts, and cherries range from a third to a half of a normal yield. Wenatchee cherry growers are finding a ready cash market for their black cherries at 12 cents per pound. These are beimr tacked and shipped east under refrig eration. The light varieties, the can ning demand being poor, find a low sale at four and five cents. Mr. Moe savs that the apple trees of the Washington district show compara i tively light damage for the heavy freeze of December, 1919. Cherries ; and peaches were hit rather heavily, he says. In Wenatchee, too, he says that apple- of the Spitzenburg variety are dying and growers attribute thia dam age to the 1919 cold wave. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF TANLAC EXPLAINED World's Leading Authorities Show Just What Tan lac Really Is and Explain Effect of Each of Ten Ingredients on the Human System. Pow er of Medicine Conclusively Proven. A day never passes hut what thousands of people ask the questions: What is Tanlac? Why its phenomenal success? Why do we hear so much about it? and Why has this preparation so far out-stripped all other medicines of its kind? The answer to these questions is easy and can be explained in just one word merit. Tanlac is scientifically compounded and represents years of work, study, experimentation and research by some of the foremost chemists and pharmacologists of America. The Tanlac formula is purely ethical and complies wit1 all rational and state pure food lawj. It is purely vegetable and is n. . from the most beneficial roots, herbs and barks known to Materia Medica. The Tan lac laboratories it among the largest and most modern !y equipped in this country. Ten Ingredit nts In Tanlac Altogether there are ten ingredients in Tanlac. each of which is of (recog nized therapeutic alue. In referring to one of the more im portant ingredients of Tanlac the En cyclopedia Brittanica says : "It has been the source of the most valuable tonic medicines that have ever been discovered." In referring to other of the general tonic drugs contained in Tanlac, the l.'ith Edition of Potter's Therapeutics a standard medical text book, states that "they impart general tone and strength to the entire system, includ ing all organs and tissues." This same well known authority in describing the physiological action of still another of the ingredients of Tan lac which is of value in treating what is commonly known as a "run down condition" uses the following expres sion : "It is highly esteemed in loss of ap petite during convalescence from acute diseases. " There are certain other elements in Tanlac which, because of their influ ence upon the appetite, digestion, as similation and Elimination, improve the nutrition and vital activity of all the tisBues and organs of the body and pro duce that state of general tonicity which is called health. The United States Dispensatory makes the following comment regard ing another ingredient: "It may be used in all cases of pure debility of the digestive organs or where a general tonic impression is re quired." There are certain other ingredients described in the Dispensatory, and in other standard medical text books, as having a beneficial action upon the organs of secretion, whose proper func tioning results in a purification of the blood streams passing through them. In this manner, objectonable and poi sonous ingredients of the blood are re moved and the entire sytsem invigor ated and vitalized. Tonic am! Hody BalUrr Tanlac was designed primarily for the correction of disorders of the stom ach, liver and bowels. At the same time, however, it is a powerful recon structive tonic and hody builder, for it naturally follows that any medicine that brings about proper assimilation of the food and the thorough elimina tion of the waste products must, there fore, have a far-reaching and most ben eficial effect upon the entire system. We carry a complete line of GARDEN TOOLS as well as Builders' Hardware, Carpenters' Tools Ranges, Etc. We have recently added to our stock a line of PAINTS and FRUIT JARS. Prices and quality always right. BLOWERS' HARDWARE CO. Don't Pass The Buck, Pass The Bonus Bill QUALITY QUANTITY AsK for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS WE WILL PAY $5 Cash Reward And replace, free of charge to the wearer, any pair of "Star Brand' ' Shoes with the Star stamped on the heel, containing leather board, paper or fiber board (substitutes for leather) in the outsoles, in soles, heels or counters. Star Brand Shoes Are Better to III $2.85 4.25 "In Every Respect" says the Good Judge You get more genuine chew ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. The good tobacco taste lasjts so long a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That's wny it costs less to use. Any man who has used both kinds will tell you that. Put uj in two styles YV-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Highway is Sanded The recent hot sunshine, according to Senator Nirkelsen, is causing the as phalt to "bleed" through the land sur facing of the Highway. On exposed hillsides, he says, the paving hat been heated to the point that it i becoming wavy. "My crews are kept busy spreading sand over the bleeding spots," says Mr. Nickeslen. "Autombiles moving over the soft road cause but little dam age, but horses soon dig it full of hole. Following an application of sand the surface is made all the better." Kilinnsneso and I ontipatln "For years I was troubled wit bil iousness and constipation, which made life miserable for me. My appetite tailed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and cath artics only made matters worse. I do not know where I should have been today had 1 not tried Chamberlain's TabeU. The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, strengthen the digest ive functions, helping the sv?tem to do its work naturally," writes Mrs. Ksa Pott. Birmingham, Ala. Children's Brown Bear Button, size 8 Girls' Mohogany Side Polish, size 2', to 7 Ladies' Mahogany Lace Oxford, size 2'2 to 6 4.50 Men's Mahogany Lotus Kip (English) 6.50 cz3orz51 ALL LEATHER SHOES Remember We have the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote on your require ments. -Yours for prompt service. w OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE, OREGON J. C. JOHNSEN i till bhWipju: H)w? vjmwto. ww m& eXm. ur . klfioi & taunt -fey'' yr uf .... wiiiium j . Tauuivuu, jtiyAitrtor A, vyttrrtrnrlr ,,iA,y rirrti '6,eny ir rrnrsj t i4rfMtf ' W mW ' . I'm , ' ' 1 The Housewife's Ready Storehouse You wouldn't expect one order to do it, now honest would you? There is always something for any meal or for any sudden occasion if you keep your pantry stocked with groceries from Kaesser's. "GROCERIES OF QUALITY" The Valley's Development The progress of the Hood River Valley the past few years I, as leen closely linked with advancement of the Hoo.l River Creamery. The party on the fair loard tour Satuni.v' expressed "ratifying surprise at the inanj or charuis'.s who practice profitable dairying. A visit to our plant any day of the week w ill show how deliveries of cream and the checks that follow are aiding Hood River. MOOD RIVER CREAMERY Take w of tl- f ashion Motor Raw to Portland Cars make four roan trip dailr, leaving II -1 Kiver as to lows: V.M and 11 a. m.nd2aan j 4.30 j. id. aprTtf S. E.. BARTMESS DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMFR Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381, 3821 . HOOD RIVER. OREGON r Viw ARE YOU A CONNOISSEUR OF CIGARS? If you are you will be quick to recognize quality in mir cigars. Th-y truly are 'real smokes" every one. No matter what brand you hav.' been smokttjg we have a latter one for the same money. Try one. If you don't say it is good, w e are licked THE ELECTRIC KITCHEN H. S. GEORGE. Prop.