"Ex -Service Men Attention!" 111 P OREGON stands ready to help YOU own your Home We will co-operate by financing your material until cash is available from the State. Why delay? SEE US TODAY. EMRY LUMBER & FUEL CO. Successors to Bridal Veil Lumbering Co., Hood River Fuel Co. FOURTH AND CASCADE PHONE 2181 NEW MODEL CUTLER GRADER For the grower of small acreage and limited space for packing. With this SMALL GROWERS' MODEL you can pack out your crop with the help of your fam ily with minimum expense. We have larger models of greater capacity. F38fe We have also See our "TWO METHOD' SPIRAL ROLLER SORTING TABLE jt jBI LU,. v. III I , .. 'i M M SMALL GROWERS' MODEL Seven spring bottom biimon eacb side of thu grader. Sizes two (?rH(ieH. Separates each urade Into seven sizes. Working capacity m) to V packed boxes per day Two or four sorters. Power required i- bore iower, but '4 horse power motor recommended. Can be uperared in a 11 It. x '.M) ft. room. 4 Packets' Stands furnished. BOX PRESSES GRAVITY CARRIERS MOTORS GASOLINE ENGINES Write us, or see our agent, C. M. SHEPPARD, of Willow Flat, Phone Odell 16x. CUTLER MFG. CO. BARGAINS IN Orchard Ladders From 6 to 10 ft., 25c per foot From 10 to 14 ft., 30c per foot Come early for this shipment of ladders will go fast at these bargain prices. H. GROSS Second-hand Man and Furniture Dealer Third and Oak Streets Phone 1213 GOOD 1007 PURE American-Maid Bread FRESH DAILY AT YOUR GROCERS HOWELL BROS. WoodworKing and BlacKsmithing Tel. Fourth and Columbia Sts. J. R. W ATKINS CO. Represent! hy GEO. WILDE. 1312 13tl Street, Boed Kiver, Ore. Telephone 1'.'23 The Studebaker Line Cameron Motor Co. Tel. 24 .1 Have you ever thought ol the work the Telephone eliminates during apple harvest ? Oregon - Washin gton Telephone Co. Hood River Abstract Co. Real Estate and Insurance Accurate abstracting of land titles. era will find us make our repr ine w ith the new Our Cus endeavorin ular prices market levels. PINE GROVE STORE V I )U kfOKP tr..p. THE PHEASANT IN APPEALING NEWNESS The Pheasant in its new location in the Hotel Oregon building, facing the entrance on Second street, began its career last Thursday. The place has been made -constantly more appealing, as fast as painters and decorators can work, since. The full front of the new I'heasant is occupied by the big soda fountain, luncheonette and candy show cases. The walls are covered with a handsome and uninue paper, featuring pheasants. The tea room is in the rear and may be enteted from Second Street or from'tbe hotel dining room. The tea room is finished in a French gray effect. Walls, pillars and tapes tries carry out the inviting color scheme. A pretty display of ferns, grouped around a central column, is made. The booths and tables of the team room art: neatly arranged. The entire place is what one would call ex tremely tastv. The rooms are en hanced at niirht by the mellow lighting effect. Mr. and Mrs. erators of the taken over th Geo. H. McMullin, op 1'heasant, have also main dinintr room of the Oregon, i his will be run m con nection with the tea room. It was re cently retinted and thoroughly over hauled. The entire kitchen force of the old I'heasant has been transferred to the new quarters. BOYS' CLUB NEWS The camp was officially dedicated last Friday night. A large delegation of the city and valley's youth was present. The boys, after games around a hue;e bonfire, had a feast of ice creajn and cake. A talk to the boys was delivered by Rev. Hoddy. The ice cream, so highly appreciated by the boys as a treat of dedication evening, was contributed by Mrs. H. I'. Allen. The swimming tank will be ready for dedication this evening. Leslie Hutler will take the first plunge. He will 'be followed by senior officers of the camp. Director Newhouse makes the fol lowing announcement: "Don't think when you visit the camp that you have to work, for there is only work for those who wish to help develop their camp. Those who are doing so much, however, will in the future be glad they did a b t aB this is to be a future as well as a pres ent camp "All Scouts who expect to go on the Wahtum Lake trip July 16 please sign up before July 12. This will cost you for the 10 days about live dollars." Skamania Oops Good Prospects for a bumper apple crop in Skamania county were never better according to R. B. Phipps, district hor ticultural inspector who returned to Vancouver from White Salmon last week after an extended inspection of the orchards. At least 1,000 cars of appleB will be shipped this year from the district around White Salmon, Phipps said. What the market condi tions for apples will be Phipps was un able to state. The crop will be a rec ord breaker whatever the prices may be. he added. Mr. Phipps has spent a month in the Clarke prune orchards on a tour ot in spection. I he Clarke orchards are in fair condition but many growers were so discouraged at last year's crop fail ure that they have neglected to care for their orchards as they should he said. The crop this year will be very small, about one-quarter of normal, due to the continued rains last spring. Thief Steals Rare Coins The methods recently used by a thief who entered the Heights grocery and feed store of Hubbard Taylor, taking as loot some rare gold and silver coins, has led authorities to the conclusion that the work was that of some one familiar with the place of business Two young men were seen loitering near the store the evening before the burglary was discovered. Only One Mass Sunday Hut one mass will be said at St Mary's Catholic church Sunday morn ine. This will be at 0 o'clock. Ian mediately following the mass Father Thomas will leave for I'arkdale, where DMUM will be celebrated at 11 o'clock. St. Mark's Episcopal Church Cor. 1 111 . ami Kugenu Sundav school at 10 o'clock. Here after evening prayer service will be conducted at n p. m. each Sunday. Rev. C. G. Hoisholt, Rector. - , a St. Mary's Catholic Church Den Km Sunday morning are as to lows: LoH Mass, I o'clock ; High Mass, Mi: o'clock. Instruction for (be chil dren at 'J o'clock, eacb Saturday morn ug. l' Seventh Day Adventist Church (Corner 15th and C streeta Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m. Preaching service 11.15 a. m. Prayei meeting, Wednesday 7.45 p. m. All I are welcome. I Minister F. F. Ooter. Residence 810 I Columbia St. Phone 3473. Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday School at ! :30 every Sunday iir, ruing. Regular Serice at 11 o'clock. I Regular Sunday evenin servp i s. Spe I rial musical programs. .All cord ial ly : invited. Rev. D. M. Cariienter, jnlTtf. Pastor Christian Church This church will have each Sundav night throui summer and a cordial ext( ndt d to every one. light services h the entire invitation is liible school CONVENTIONS DRAW LOCAL DENTISTS Year before last, during the summer solstice, it so happened that all of the ministers and the justice of the peace were away simultaneously on a vaca tion, and a couple sought vainly for someone here to officiate at a marriage ceremony, finding a journey to a neigh boring town necessary. The unfortunate victim of a tooth ache will be in equallv trying straits this year. Drs. C. H. Jenkins, L. L. Murphy and H. D. W. 1'ineo, three of the city's dentists, will leave Saturday for Vancouver,. B. C, to attend the annual Provincial Dental Association. Dr. E. L. Scobee is spending his vaca tion on a ranch place near Redmond and Dr. Carolyn Underbill has left for San Francisco, Calif., to attend the annual convention of the California Dental Association. The dentists on the northern tour will be accompanied by their wives. Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Pineo expect to be away from their offices about 10 days. Dr. Murphy will remain longer, as he will prolong his vacation ty mo toring and boating down the peninsula. He expects to return July zz. All Oi the dentists will engage in post gradu ate clinic work at the Vancouver con vention, thus familiarizing themselves with the latest methods of their pro fession. Dr. Scbbee was accompanied to Red mond by A. S. Keir, who is in partner ship with him in large ranch places. the two men expect to have a disguise of brawn and hayseeds in their hair when thev return home about 10 days thence. They will aid in harvesting their huge hay cro. AT THE THEATRES THE LIBERTY Friday and Saturday, July 8 and 9, Wm. S. Hart in "() Malley of the Muonted: and Urban Movie (hat, something new in pictures, and a Uni versal News. Sunday, one day only. July 10, Con stance Kinney in Such a i.i tue Queen"; Rolin comedy. Monday and Tuesay, July 11 and 12. Ivlorv Plelrfnwi in her irreatest screen characterization, "Suds," taken from the famous book," 'Op of Me Thumb." Miss Pick ford and Lavender, the laun dry horse, are co-stars in this one of the screen s most human stones. Ab solutely a wonderful picture. Also Topics of the Day. Wednesday and Thursday, July 13 and 14, Douglas McLean and Doris May "Chickens," taken from the Sat urday Evening Post story, "Yoncalla Willies." Also Christie Comedy, "Shullle the Queens." Friday and Saturday, July 15 and Hi, a big Loll Weber production, "To Please One Woman," and Urban Movie Chat and News. Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ. 1,.T"1"M 1"HHH"H-H"1"M-M"PIM-1"H' Clipped Here and There 14-HH-I"H-H-H"M--I-I-I-I One of the most persistent advertis ers in the history of success was Rob inson Crusoe. He knew what he wanted a ship and he put up an ad for one. He flung a shirt on a pole, at the top of his island; that, in the language of the sea, was plain to every sea faring man. The circulation was small- there was no other medium but Crusoe kept at it, despite the fact he got no inquiries for a long time. He changed his Copy as one garment after another was frayed out and in the end got what he wanted. Suppose Crusoe had taken down that signal after a time and declared, "Ad vertising doesn't pay." Where would he and his Btory be now ? Put up your signal and keep it there. Crusoe advertised under very discour aging circumstances. You've got a sure thing - it is only necessary to have the patience, persistence and pluck of Robinson Crusoe and the good ship "lietter Husiness" will soon tie up 'longside your pier. The Packer. FORTUNES OF WAR BRING VIOLINIST TO AMERICA Chautauqua Presents Prominent French Artist, Mile. Lucile Collette Mile. Lucile Collette, the aensstlonaJ l tei:ei violinist, Is one of the most BOtftble art lata ever presented on the Western Chaata aquas. The fortunes of war brought tier is isssrkis and Iter iwttess here ms Instantaneous. The Mix! i os I OsBstts iii speaking of her neit Sunday at 9.45 a. m. Preaching at ll a. m. Topic, "The Ideal Chris tian Life." Christian F.ndcavor at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8. Topic, "'God's Wonderful lxve." The audieno a are on the increase and interest ia deepen ing J. C Henna. Pastor. - i The Baptist Church Pr. K Re- lence ?rt Hav len. I'a-t r. rkso Street, Phone 2723 at )0 a. m. at lla jp. and 7. 30 p. in a- 3o p.m. Wednesday at 7.30p.m. re.cnt iipiM-iitaiice In (but -it y s.iid. 'She Is a l.rlll htiit violinist r..,iuew l.a' of th Ki!!olik tjpe. altioiiL-h wit! a much more brilliant mid masculiu tone." Slw i now under contract h'. L;.st with Libel l,e.:irrska, tiraveute. M. rtineiu- Itotta. Rothler and mny MfeM great artists. The Pheasant AND Hotel Oregon Dining Room NOW OPERATED 11NDI.R. ONE MANAGEMENT Our Soda Grill and Tea Room, operated in connection, make an ideal arrangment for handling luncheons, dinner parties, etc. We invite inspection of our new quarters. &fe PHEASANT OREGON HOTEL BUILDING SECOND STREET The Ideal Grader We have been marketing Ideal Graders for the past six years. They have grown more popular each year. Our machines are a favorite in all North western fruit sections. We have shipped them in numbers to foreign apple districts, The 1921 model of Ideal Grader is ready for distribution. It will carry a number of improvements. We mention at random some of them: The machine can be adjusted for sizing while in operation. Two adjusting screws do the work. Our new sorting table is a feature that will be noticed at once. We hope to place as many as possible of the machines we manufacture in Hood River and for this reason would urge that local grow ers give us their order at once, in order that we may include them before we are booked to the limit of our capacity. IDEAL FRUIT & NURSERY CO. Tel. 5832 FOR SALE IDEAL GRADER 3-Grade Machine GOOD AS NEW HiaBliaVMBMHMNBl $200 Including Electric Motor PHONE ODELL 5-X BUICKfl and CHEVROLET'S Oveiand Tractors and Been Sprayers Hood River Garage tin K. of V. Kand W.i.y Plaudits The First Churdi of Christ. ScicBtist Service will he heM in Chan ail line, snh and Kncene, Sundav. 11 :0 m Snbjet: Chritnn Scieiur. Snii lav SVhool at Ha. m. U InenleT pli 'SSI, p. sn. Th readme room i open dailj from 3 5 p. .. in the Church. Bov Hurt hfl Struck b far Harold Ranh. amall son of Mr. !r. Roy Reah. of the Frankton rict, ia reeoverina' at The ! - t al from had lareratkme cf a u'tained Monday niirht when at v an automobile orrOnied hv J K. of P. band was a chUf at traction at the big Fourth of July r-ilehration at Wasco. The band boys journeyed to the Sherman county capi tal Saturday. They pave concerta un til Tuesday evening, as the celebration in the wheat country lii.sted for three day. The band won universal plaud its for their musical ability. The member of the band, too, returned hume speaking in glowir? term of the residents of Wasco, whose hospitality they declare cannot be excelled. The trip was characterized ao one of the ;i'a.antest the band U-ysj have ever Rim Bottoms to be Planted ANOTHER REDUCTION IN TIRE PRICES SO x 3 $11.50 13.75 32x3J. 16.75 82 x 4 21.75 33x4 24.00 WM. WEBER. W will be triad to see you and your friends at any time at THE APPLE BLOSSOM CAFE T. Matsumota ar nee ranchers wh ill grade of the Highway. :ter started arroes the road ran beck directly in the path dent was the only one re- tra , ported in the county for the Fourth. I plented immediately tatn i on Uiitom trged b the Co reedy receded from res, whicn win be THE OLDSMOBILE LINE Highway Auto Company Tel. 4331 for demonstration