The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 23, 1921, Image 10

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Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Maloney and
daughter, oi McMinnville, and Mr. and
Mra. H. Husk ins and son motored here
and spent the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Johnson. Mr.
Maloney is recorder of Yamhill county.
Mrs. Etta Clark, of Portland, has
been visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Clark is Mr
Jonhson's cousin.
Odell Grange announces a dance at
the local hall Friday, tomorrow, even
ing. Miss Martha Ferguson and J. Fred
McGrew. presented in dramatic recital
Friday evening under the auspices of
tne tipworin league, entertained a
large and appreciative audience with a
program of superior merit.
Edgar Harris, of Portland, spent the
week end in Odell.
The church was beautifully decorated
for the Children's Day service. A
large audience enjoyed the program,
the children doing their parts excep
tionally well under the direction of
Mrs. W. (). Mills and Mrs. G. A.
Weber. J. Fred McCrew gave a read
ing entitled, "How The Church Was
Built at Kehoe's Bar." A solo by
Mrs. A. H. Ferguson was much appre
ciated. The committer on arrangements for
the Fourth of July Community Cele
bration met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Ferguson Wednesday even
ing. The Boy Scouts will have charge
of a lemonade and ice cream stand and
the Ferguson Bible Class a candy
booth. Complete arrangements will be
announced next week.
Sunday school 10 a. m. next Sunday.
At 11 a. m. Kev. W. S. Gleiser will
give the first of a series of sermons
on "The Lord's Prayer." Epworth
League 7 30 p. m. Subject, "Women
Whose Lives Have Inspired Us."
Dorothy Hawkins, leader. Sermon at
8 p. m., "The Hand of God in The
Great War."
The children and their children and
many friends of Kev. and Mrs. Troy
Shelley gathered at the family home
Monday afternoon to tender congratu
lations on their golden wedding anni
versary. Joe D. Thomison was present
and a complete account of the day will
appear in this issue of the Glacier.
Claude Sampson, of Washougal, Wn.,
spent the week end here visiting his
little son. Earl, at the home of the
little boy's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
A workman in the (juarry was seri
ously injured Sunday when the burn
ing fuse jumped a distance sufficient to
cause the blast to be discharged before
the man could reach a safe distance.
The injured man was placed on a
stretcher and taken to the hospital in
Howl Kiver by truck.
Any one who saw the Boy Scouts
manage that ice cream social will not
doubt their ability to make a grand
success of the lemonade and ice cream
stand at the Fourth of July celebra
tion. At the annual school meeting of
Dist. No f. held Monday evening, Alli
son Fletcher was reelected director
and Mrs. Olsen are visiting friends in
White Salmon this week.
Mrs John Mohr and son, John, are
in Portland for several days.
Children's Day
given next Sunday
charge of Mrs. K.
Mrs. P. B. Laraway
program will be
at 11 o'clock in
A. McCuIly and
Miss lmogene Bishop, who is a mem
ber of Waucoma Camp Fire Girls club,
entertained the members of the club
last Friday at her home. Saturday
evening thejgirls gave a dancing party
at the Bishop home for the Boy Scouts.
This week there will be a bonfire and
supper at the same place.
Mrs. M. P. Isenberg, Miss Isenberg,
Mrs. James Woodcock, Miss Irene
Woodcock and Mr. Taylor were callers
at the Somerville home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rahles and
daughter, Mies Nancy, and Mrs. Mary
Wittacker, of Portland, were guests
at the summer heme of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Osbum. They came to attend the
Snow-Epping wedding.
Miss Maud Kahles is a guest of her
sister, Mrs. Emma Epping. Also Mr.
and Mrs. .era Snow, of Portland, par
ents of Berkeley isnow.
Mrs. Sarah Davis returned from
Portland Tuesday.
Leandcr Anderson and bride and the
latter's mother motored here from
Tacoma on their way to Berkeley,
Calif. Mr. Anderson will be remem
bered as a son of Kev. Anderson, once
pastor of Belmont church. While here
they visited at the Forden ranch.
T. J. Ross, father of Mrs. L. W.
Bishop, who has been very ill at his
home in Portland, we are glad to hear
is improving.
Mrs. Wm. Farrell had a bad fall
Thursday and was laid up for a few
days. She is much improved.
Mrs. Stephen Bower has had a se
vere attack of lumbago, but is better.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bishop and Miss
lmogene motored to Portland Tuesday,
returning Thursday.
Mrs. Jean Adams, who for the past
four weeks has been visiting at the
Somerville home, left Tuesday for her
home in Minneapolis. Mrs. Adams is
a sister of Mr. Somerville.
noon :
.James i-nerry or Mosier, ur., raises
cherries, and they are the real article
in extra fancy stocks, if recent crates
brought to the local market can be
considered a fair example. Mr. Cherry
drives down each morning from Mosier
with a large load of Bings and he finds
no trouble disposing of his fruit among
local fobbing men.
Last year the orchardist marketed
over nine tons of Koyal Ann cherries
at an average of 15 cents a pound.
This year conditions are different. Al
though the crop is extremely light,
canneries are not making any offers
for tne fruit, making it necessary to
ship to this market.
and J.
C. Duckwall was reelected
Waugh have re
brother, A. K.
lso Mr. and M iss
Mr. and Mrs. K. 11
centlv entertained a
Waugh, of Seattle, i
Skov, of Corvallis.
Geo. Axtelle left last Saturday for
10 weeks of summer school at U.
of W.
Adah Laraway returned from
gene last Friday for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Halliday, of
Portland, spent the week end at O. P.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Piepenbrink, of
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Piepenbrink, Sr.. of Milwaukee, Wis.,
were guests at the home of F. II.
Blackman last week.
Ethel Bickford has gone to Seattle
for a summer course at the university.
John Callan. aged 74, died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. John Mc
Elroy, at Van Horn last Saturday
morning. Funeral services were held
at the Rose City cemetery in Portland.
Robert Waugh, who recently return
ed from Corvallis, has completed the
course in civil engineering at (). A. C.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lage and son,
Charlie, and Mrs. Martin Dragaeth
left last Saturday for a week at Can
non Beach in company with Dr. ami
Mrs. Jenkins.
The Aloha Club will be entertained
next week Wednesday by Mrs. B. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Olsen and Sid
ney Olsen, of Medford, are visiting
relatives here.
The annual school meeting Morula v
resulted in the election ot G. T. Rob
erta as director and R. A. McC.nllv
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Combs, Mr. and
Mrs. Hand and Mrs. Comb's mother
were up from Portland Wednesday and
spent a few hours at the C. W. Clark
Chas. Lott returned from Prineville
Sunday evening accompanied by Mrs.
IiOtt who had spent several weeks
The Mount Hood Sunday schoool will
give their Children's Day program
Sunday at the Sunday school hour.
Johnnie and Tommy Sheldrake are
spending a few days with their grand
mother,Mrs. I. F. Everson.
Mr. and Mrs. C..E. Kitchel and Iva
and Russell Curtis are visiting rela
tives here, before leaving for Fossil to
spend the summer vacation?
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lenz and son,
Glen Allen, Jr., were up from Hood
River Sunday to visit relatives.
Mrs. Emma Mckinley is here from
Sheridan visiting her daughter, Miss
Hilda Mckinley.
A. J. Sawyer and granddaughter,
Miss Marian Wyatt, were Hood River
visitors Friday.
Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25,
Monte Blue in "The Kentuckians" an
even better show than "The Juck
lins." Also Gumps Cartoon and Uni
versal News.
Sunday, June 2fi, Alice Brady in
"The Land of Hope." Also a Rolin
Monday and Tuesday, June 27 and
28, Cecil DeMille presents his greatest
masterpiece, 'Forbidden Fruit, the
picture that ran 1H days at the Colum
bia Theatre in Portland at advanced
prices. Will show it here at usual
Wednesday and Thursday, June 29
and 30, Thomas Meighan in "The
Frontier of the Stars." Also a. com
edy, "You'll Be Surprised" with
Snook ie, the Chimpanzee. Be sure
and send the kiddies. This is the kind
of a show the mothers are continually
asking for. When we get one be sure
you send the children.
Friday and Saturday, July 1 and 2.
the big Cosmopolitan production.
"Straight is the Way." Also a Gumps
cartoon and Universal News.
Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ.
Thos. Fairfowl is at the home of M.
R. Catherwnod with a stroke of pa
ralysis. His right side is affected.
Milton Kinganon was reelected school
director and E. 11. Green, clerk at the
annual school meeting Monday. Chil
dren living'at a distance will be hauled
to and from school next winter.
Mrs. C. E. Neet, of Portland, is here
for a few days visit with her husband,
head man at the planing mill. '
Mrs. Don J. Yeck has returned from
a visit to relatives at Maupin.
ine congregations or .-t. Mark s
Episcopal church, of Hood River, and
St. Paul's Episcopal church of The
Dalles Will unite in an open-air service
and outing to be held at Ortley Sun
day. Members arid friends of the lo-
al church will assemble at the church
Sunday morning at 10.45 and the trip
will be made by automobile, lunches to
lie provided by those attending. The
Sunday schools of the two churches
will join in the outing and, in order
that provision may be made for the
members of t. Mark's Sunday school,
all who intend to go are asked to noti
fy either Mrs. George Stranahan or
Ralph Bennett, in order that places
may be provided for the children.
The open-air union service, partici
pated in by the congregations of the
two churches, is a unique innovation
planned by Rev. George G. Hiosholt,
pastor of the two churches.
Treasure Peterson
Miriam Grow.
Mr. and Mrs. A.
Fruit Jars
It's time to can your Berri-'s
now and our stock ol Jars and
lar Trimrnjngs is complete.
Easy Seal Jars
Economy Jars
Wide Mouth Masons
Regular Masons
Jelly Glasses
Jar Caps
Jar Rubbers
All new stock at
The Star Grocer'
"Good ThincstoEil"
Scno and Benard Sellinger, their
nephew, Cecil Sellinger, and George
Kvans enjoyed a few days' fishing over
at Trout Lake the past week.
Prank Ginger, accompanied by his
uncle. Col. Lewis Ginger, motored to
The Dalles over the new highway
Misses Thelma Winans, of The
Dalles, and Florence Middleswart, of
Cortland, are spending a few days on
the farm with their grandmother,
Mrs. Emma MeClure, and family.
L J- Merrill and ('apt. II. II. Moore
motored to Portland Saturday after
noon, returning Sunday evening ac
companied by Guy Duvall who has
been in the St. Vincent hnsnital for
has been visiting I the past few months. Friends will be
glail to hear of his sufficient recovery.
Strieker and Mr. n,s to return home.
Misses May and Anne Shogren ac
companied by their sister, Mrs. Mo
Lynn, of Portland, left for Portland
via Goldendalc. They expect to return
to their Mosier home the last of the
week before leaving to spend the sum
mer at the beach.
The meeting held Friday at the resi-
of Mrs. Lelhott under the aus
oices of the Red Cross by Dr. White
ude and Mrs. Bailey, of Portland, and
Mrs. Saul, of. The Dalles, was well
attended, there being .'(1 children under
six years and five over six years of age
examined. The results of I he scores
will be announced at a later date, as
the ret urns have not yet been receiwd
from the examining doctor.
Mrs. Wm. Johnson was in The Dalles
Saturday with her son, Pert, having
('erital work attended to.
Fred Evans, accompanied by his son
Dnrrcll, Francis Nielson and Cecil
SclliupfOf, left early Saturday morning
t ' orvallis where the boys will at
U : il the summer course at O. A. C.
.Misses Ida Nielsen and Harriett
Strauss left Sunday morning for Cor
vallis to atte-d the summer school.
Mrs. J. M. Carroll returned Sunday
from a visit with relatives in Cor
vallis. She was accompanied home by
her daughter, Mrs. Howard Rose, of
Corvallis. who will spend a week or so
here with her parents.
Mra. C. G. Nichol entertained at
Sunday dinner Miss Mabel liennctt.
of Hosier, and Miss I 'oris, Robinson, of j
.easrviiie, i am. miss Kooinson ar
ri. i the last of tie week and will re
main fer a two weeks visit with lira
Nichol, who is her cousin.
A dramatic recital given at the
Grange hall, Odell, last Friday even
'nK. by J- Fred McGrew, Salem young
man, and Miss Martha Ferguson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fer
guson, won the gifted young people
much approbation. Both Mr. McGrew
and Miaa Ferguson are members of the
department of elocution at Willamette
University. Their Odell rendition re
flected credit on their college.
Miss Ferguson and Mr. McGrew
gave a recital Sunday evening at the
Anbury Methodist church which was
highly appreciated.
Rig Car Wrecked Near Cascade Locks
Traffic Officer Murray reports the
wreck near Cascade Locks Sunday of
a large automobile which bears a li
cense date issued to Mrs. Carrie Mat
lock, of Pendleton. The machine, ac
cording to Mr. Murray's report, left
the road, apparently going at a high
rate of speed. It mowed a row through
young scrub oaks and was brought to
a halt by contact with a culvert. Mr.
Murray says he does not believe any
one was injured.
Automobiles of A. B. Cash and tht
Krussow family collided Sunday night
on the Mosier tirade. A short tim
later a machine driven bv Frank How
ard struck the Krussow car, the lights
of the latter car having been extin
guished bv the first collision.
Tratlir violations reported by officers
during the past week have heen :
A. t. Seegar, no tail light; Grant
Marsh, double parking and blocking
traffic; (irant Douglas, driving rig
without light; W. K. Collier, of Mo
sier, no driver s license ; J. B. Smith
Iransfrr Co.. Portland, no driver's li
cense, one ncamigni, no Lai I light, no
mirror and cut-out open.
(Continued from First Page.)
inch cup, I believe, and I hope it will
make a nice little exhibit in the Gla
cier window along with a brief notice
of what it stands for.
"The purpose of this contest is to
encourage the rural service in newspa
per making and to determine what
constitutes that service. The volume
submitted by you is a whole commen
tary on the two subjects.
"We are going to check the total
rural service, total reading matter ex
clusive of paid advertising, and total
paid advertising. We believe there is
a very direct and pronounced relation
between the amount and quality of
rural service and are trying to prove
whether there is or not by an analysis
of all papers 80 in number submit
ted In the contest.
"Would you mind writing us a two
or three hundred word article for pub
lication on what rural service is as
you understand it and practice it, and
the advantages it has in getting and
holding such a rural subscription list
as is necessary to make merchant ad
vertising profitable."
Writing here from Albany, where
she is engaged this week in conducting
a home industries demonstration, Mrs.
Edith Tozier Weatherred announces
that a Fourth of July celebration will
be held at the Devil's Punch Bowl.
Mrs. Alice. Stott Gabriel, prominent
New York City club woman and law
yer, will be the orator of the day.
Mrs. Gabriel, native Oregonian, is
president of the Woman Lawvers' As
sociation of the World. The Declara
tion of Independence will be read by
Hon. Harvey G. Starkweather, of
Portland. Other prominent Portland
era will be in the valley for the occa
sion. The out of town participants
will be guests of Mrs. Weatherred and
her brother, Albert Tozier, at Sun
shine Shanty, their country home near
A program of music is planned for
the celebration. A large number of
Hood River valley folk will attend.
William Marshall at an unofficial
shoot last week, broke
pigeons in a 26-shot go. This is the
record high mark for Hood River.
The Southern Pacific Company's Sun
set Limited, running between San
Francisco and New (Jrleftns was held
up recently by a woodpecker, a red
headed one.
The Limited was clicking off the
miles toward El Paso when a block
signal dropped red, forcing the engin
eer to stop and giving the flagman an
opportunity to stretch his legs until
the next clear block showed against
the horizon. No train was in sight.
Investigation disclosed the fact that
a red-headed woodpecker, one of the
busy kind that builds its nest in the
tops of telegraph poles in the mesquite
country, had become interested in sem
apnore .No. nnii and nan pecked away
the lead wire to the track relay Post
just east of the signal.
As the block signals automatically
order ston when anything happen
to the mechanism, the feathered red
head successfully prevented the prog
ress of a transcontinental train, and
escaped punishment.
Men : Are you thinking where you
can save money on your
4th of July Togs
Just remember that the J. C. Penney Company is the place.
Men's and
Young Men's
Snappiest and best
assortment in the city
to choose from.
Made of the best
materials by the best
and largest
manufacturers in
$1 9.75
The boy is going to
need a new Suit
to celebrate the 4th
in, and we are
prepared to take care
of his wants at a
saving price
Most of them have
two pair of pants
Drop everything and come in and save money on all your purchases.
White Serge and
Flannel Pants
$5.50 to $6.90
W -V A.
Let Penney's Save You Dollars
Men's Straw
$1.98 to $2.49
J. c.
Middle West Visitors Here
W. H. Heaton 8nd wife, of Kansas
City, Kas., after a visit here with Mr.
1 1 e.i ton 's mother, Mrs. M. M. Hi aton,
his sister. Mrs. .1. Lindsay, and broth
er, J. R. Heaton, and family, left
Monday for Seattle and other Sound
points, where they will visit relatives
before returning east. The local rela
tive Bnd the visitors motored to Sea
side and Astoria last week. Hefore
comic. g here Mr. and Mrs. Heaton
visiti ! fi ends in Salt Lake citv and
a sister, Mrs. h. K. Hlaylock, of Crass
Mr. and Mrs. Heaton left Pueblo,
Colo., just five hours before that city
was struck by the disastrous flood.
New Ferry About Heady
The new ferry boat of the Hood
River-White Salmon Ferry Co., will be
in commission the latter part of this
week. A crew is now completing in
stallation of a larire Fairbanks-Mors.'
crude oil marine engine.
The new ferry, with accommodations
for 10 large automobiles at a trip, is
aid. according to motorists who have
toured widely, to be one of the beat
crart or its kind the Northwest.
The traffic across the Columbia is very
heavy here during the summer months.
The level of the floodtida of the Co
lumnia, having taiien helow dikes sur
rounding inundated truck gardens of
Harry Munemato, Japanese farmer
has trapped thousands of fish, chiefly
carp, in the enclosed hems, the re
ceding freshet, too, has left a base
ment of a big storage warehouse of
the Taft Transfer Co. filled with fish.
The carp have feasted in the .lapan
ese gardener s vegetables, ana his pea
vines, cabbages, -beans have been
eaten even to the roots. The fish
trapped in the concrete basement are
hungry and rush for, grass thrown in
for them. It has been suggested to
Munemato that he recompense himself
in a degree for the loss of his Hooded
gardens by utilizing the fish for fertil
izer. It is estimated that he will have
available several tons of carp when he
releases the penned m waters through
sluice gates as soon as the Columbia
recedes far enough.
Ired motored to The Dalles
Sunday and returned with his wife and
mall son, Arlyn. The child, who has
bt i ver ill with pneumonia, is now
well on the road to recovery.
Mrs. J. E. Higley and daughter.
Kuth, returned Monday evening from a
few days.' visit with Mrs. Higley 's
sister, Mrs. M .-Cruder, and family at
The following appeared in the Fortj
and Telegram of last Tbursdsy after
Peddler License Meeting Planned
The Progressive Business Men's As
sociation will meet with the city coun
cil next Monday night in an endeavor
tr secure an increase in license fees of
peddlers who bring truck loads of
fruits and vegetables.ere fromVrt
Isnd over the Highway. It had been
piannen in aiscuss the
William Marshall Sunday won a
handicap tournament of the Hood
River Gun Club, breaking 23 of H
pigeons. R. V. Foreman, Howard
Dumbolton and Earl Franz tied for
second place with 21 pigeons, Mr.
Foreman winning out in a shoot-on"
match. Other participants scored as
follows: J. W.Havi!an.l, 18; F. Hish
P, 17; A. F. Davenport, lh; Wayne
Poland, 19; S. J. Frank, 17, and Cor
bt1 Alexander, 27. Members of the
club. ( articipating for a silver trophy
cup to be awarded the highest average
score for the season, ending October 1.
show percentages to date as follows :
Marshall, Hi ; Foreman, SX; Dumbiton,
f4; II , vi land, 0 ; Murphy, ill; rrank,
74; Poland,.80, and Davenport, 79.
Dumbolton was awarded a sack of
flour given by the Consolidated Mer
cantile Co. Mr. Foreman received a
Jackknifa donated by Kelly Bros.,
while Mr. Dumbolton. declared holder
of third olace. was given a nine, do
nated by C. A. Richards. Contributors
for the silver cup are : The Kutler
Banking Co., The First National Bank,
O. -W. Telenhone Co. . W. F. Larawav
and I. S. Boyd.
Middle West Fruit Negligible
Mrs. G. R. Johnson, wife of a Bar
rett orchardist, who has just returned
from a vM with friends and relatives
in Khnsas City and neighboring points
of Missouri and Kansas, declares that
the fruit crop of those sections will be
"They will have to ship in even
their canning fruit this season," says
Mrs. j.-hr.son, "for along about Faster
time .i severe freeze, accimnanied by
a mow, struck the district, killing the
fruit, tiien in bloom."
i The Story
Uur Mates
A K V 2,
17S8, (Jeorgiu
accepted the
C o MtttQttaa
and became
the fourth
state in the
I 7 !'.
t nlon. The settlement of Oeor
glu was conceived as a buffer
against the depredations of the
Spaniards and Indians, whose
Invasions of South Carolina hud
reached u climax iu 1715 with a
raid in which four or live hun
dred settlers had been mw
end. To protect South Curo
linu from future Inroads James
Oglethorpe planned a colony to
the south, and In 17:12 he ob
tained from QeOTfe II a grant of
land. The new territory was
eonsiMpieiitly mimed Georgia,
after the king. The deed stated
that the land was grunted "in
truM fr the poor." This referred
to Oglethorpe's plan to have us
the settlers the Insolvent debt
ors who, according to the laws
n ill in BaOgUI BO, were
cust Into prison. Many of these
were released from prisons and,
re-enforced by some (Jcnna::::
and Scotch Higliiaiiders, found
ed the town of Savannah In 17.!3
and rapidly spread up and down
the coast, where successful
plantations of rice and indigo
soon became established. Geor
gia continued to prosper until
the population of Its BaVM
J square miles entitles It to a rep-
t resentation of 14 presidential
J electors.
0 ( by BJsONM Nwppr Syn.licaU. )
We wish to announce to the growers of
Hood River that we will he actively en
gaged in the handling of the 1921 crops of
Apples and Pears
We will hove some cash buying accounts
and on an V. O. Fi. Ixisis can get quick
est action on returns.
Export business will le specialized.
See us Fridays and Saturdays
at office Oak St.
All films lelt with us up to 4 o'clock
p.m. are out tl'ie following dav :i! I p.m.
In at four out at four Slocom-Dniiner-berg
Co. jy22tf
O.-W. R. & li ( o. Time Table
No. 2:5, Portland Express 4 :40 a. m. !
Xo. 1 1. SNikane-l'.rt. Pass. . . 5 va. m.
No. 19, t .Levis, Kan Citv, j , ,
' Vli 111 4 ni
lenver. passenger. . I
No. 1. iVnilleton-l'i.rt. Local.. 3:20 p.m.
No. 1", Chi., Omaha. IVnver, i
Kan. City. Sal; Ike 5:15 pm
to Portland. pa--e: t- r
Pot Roast, 15c; Boil,
Saturday, June I8th
Mt. Hood Meat Co.
Phone 4141.
4th and Oak Streets.
Special .Sermons at f . 4 I.
i Ke. D. M. Carpenter is giving a
series of special sermons at the Chris
tian and Missionary Alliance on "The
Coming of the lord." Next Sunday
his tc ; te will be, "After Jesus Comes,
No. 24. Port -Salt Lake, pasuli; :.V a. m.
No. 2, Port. -Pendleton local . 1 :4 i. m.
No. 1, Port., Salt Ijike. IVn, )
Kan. City. Omaha, 10 :V am
Clueac. pa?entjrer... )
No. 4. St I out-, Kan. Citv, ) .
Denver, passenger ' P' m
No. 12. Port.-H.kaiie. St. -,
Paul. CMaaja Pass . f 25 P- m-
Scobee and members of
matter with Mr.
niirht. but the ence
itter was post-f ask I
ence of Mayor yout
tne council.
Uk linifdiing is in
erberif - a finisher
you are having k-xlt
ihont it. His esper
e - ith a smile,
rg Co.
Highway Auto Company
Tel. 4331 for demonstration
Glacier Office