00T RtVEIt 0 LACIER, THURSDAY, JBlfE 1s, 1921 about your crank Road dust, carbon,fine metal particles and other impurities accumulate in your crankcasc oil from engine operation. The gritty oil circulates through your engine, impairing its performance, and ultimately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs. Automobile manufacturers recogni; ger, and in their Instruction Books, c: lis dan illy ad- These important instru garded; cleaning the cran! disliked. tsre-rally To meet this r Service has been and other dealers, co-op ard Oil Company. These Calol Flushing Oil, tl cleans out old oil, dirt, gr and does not impair the fresh oil used. The cleaned crankcase er grade of Zerolene. , Modern Cr; lMlaha1 Vi,r T. with the prop- the sLi shown 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY" (California) for better operation QJand longer engine life" moder CRAHKCASE CLEANING CALOL HUSHING OIL mm ZEROLENE The Best in Groceries Wo make It a point to keep our tli! best in Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Truck Garden Stuff and Fruits of all Kinds in season. We will ho glad to help J lift phone us when yo short notice. icm'c hamper, that lunch on FRASIER & SON Ifh TIT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 Taking effect Wednesday, October 29th, 1919. i No. I It. I No. I Motor Motor .i'''vt Daily "'' Stntions Sunday Hi! Motor Daily 30 I tt.nO "Slesir. tM!"r. Owing to limited ., go Hotoi c lmn.ll.-d on the iteaastrains, either in following tl Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDKRSON. Soto Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 4IS OAB si PHONE UM , S. E. BARTMESS FUNERAL DiKBCTOR AND LfGHNSED EMBALMER Licensed with Oregon's first class of En.tvlmers. Phone I3SI. 3821 . HOOD RIVER, OREGON J HUCKABAY & BARGER Plumbing and Tin Work P1PELKSS FURflAt ES .' Telephone I (Mil River Motor Car rig Storage- Gas and .urth and Slate Stn-ets THK SANITARY WAY HOU MAN STEAM I AM Germ. Killed J. C. MEYER Mood River's Tailor and Pr I I t urn i tore and Hardware I I L; I CREAMERY'S BUSINESS HAS STEADY GROWTH that Ih ceived 7 whs in Anril of husineps institution increase in the paHt River Creamery, lck'a reports Phow , in Anril, 1920, ro of hotter fat. This 11,700 poundf for The r effective 1020 FELT LIKE AN IRON BAND AROUND HEAD Mrs. Osborae Says Mie Shudder Win b. She Thinks lion She Suffered "For yean," said Mrs. V. B. Os borne, of 71h Lancaster Ave.. Laxinar .. I h ton, K cunditi was tettj den noice 1 at tier tnid-CoIntnbia f shipments are from whole milk 1, is becoming a re and in other The drink, called 1 In en placed on stablishnients at hotels serve it. lardirtts my be amery with their June Crop Report cultun V. L. land.) tes Department of Agri eau of Crop Estimates, igr. Statist jcian. at Port stairs, io ( ughly ej "i had they can hand was 1 now sbl iieadachef i could ni food. A 1 caused 11a tion re; ive been in a run-down bus, weak and dizzy, i nervous that any sud citement would produce if my heart that fright olutely could not climb tempt such would thor- II: of May was avem'c pr of the state, 11 the eastern let, consider ds in Union count and r of thi :uirtd, due to heavy rainfall ng snows. The summer rise llombia began earlier than usual, and at the present time is con IderaDly above the maximum height or average years. Some damage and a lot ot inconvenience has been exper ienced by dwellers on the lowlands of the Columbia river. Spring planted crops would be materially helped by rain, particularly in the Willmf.uV valley district. With the. exception of prunes and peaches the Oregon crop of tree fruits will probably be about equal to last year. duce erabl Youn Hood i pro-and ver is exnectud t ni crop of apple igon should have a Cflnild ar crop than last year, orchards in the Willam liould also produce more 1 last year. Pears do not e so well as last year and e that the crop will be IB. Western Oregon cher less than last year, but 'op promises much larger a vcrv un rvous headaches and when on it seemed that an iron awn tight around my head, er when I think of those My stomach was weak and digest the lightest liquid food of a solid nature a and the sickening sensa ii fur hours. "Mv misery was almost unbearahlo My sleep was never sound and 1 was worn out all the tinc. My condition was indee ! a very deplorable one. I finally anight treatment in Cincinnati but nothinLf helned me one narticln. 1 was on the verge of giving up in despair when a neighbor pleaded with me to try Teniae. 1 obtained a bottle of the medicine and began its use. "I began improving at once and soon felt my nervousness and dizziness dis appearing. Then my headaches left me iiwi I realized my strength had re turnee!. Mv appetite and dicestion im proved and 1 am now so much better in every wav. Ibis lanlacis a wonder ful medicine and the only one that ever really helped me. I hope every poor woman wn j is suftenng as i did will try h. Adv. 3 ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT of Eastman Cameras and Supplies have arrived and we can now show you all the new designs. Eastman Cameras and Films Can be had from us in all styles goods are all new (just in) and stock is fresh. We carry the latest devices in SELF-TIMER (take a picture of yourself), PORTRAIT ATTACHMENT, SKY FILTERS, COLOR FILTERS, and NEW STYLE TRIPODS Let us do your DEVELOPING AND PRINTING, you "Sandy Service with a Smile." We give Yours to Serve A. S. KEIR Reliable Druggist Post Wires Sympathy Edward W. Van .Horn, commander of the local Post, last Thursday forwarded to national headquarters of the Ameri can Legion a telegram expressing re rets over the tragic death of National Commander Galbraith, killed in an ay tomohi ! aeeidant. "We feel deeply shocked at the death 01 our national commander, wired Mr. Van Horn, "and extend our heatrtfelt thy to the family in their great ' ; t 1 ih " -- which must he deeply felt by member ot the American Le- canne pron is e pron crop of better than growers. The g their usual p larger than posal of the Loganberries a lair market 1 fruits give in average h every ft ion. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy h'very family should keep this pre paration at hand during the hot of the summer months. It is almost sure to be needed, and when that time conies, is worth many times its cost. Buy it now. Notice to Creditors In the Circuit ( Oregon for Hood R 1 The Dalles Will Ship Teaches ml Whit, not shit an, cold Mrs. Myers' Brother Safe tutor, A. near Pu- urt of the State of rer County, Notice is hereby given that E. U. kte & Co., ami E. U. Cate and A. J. rtgstalf of Hood River, Oregon, have t ie an assignment of all of their uperty. both personal nd real, for 9 benefit of all of their creditors, to F. Hartrampf as assignee; and it W. F. Hartuimpf has accepted id trust and taken possession of the ope(ty apd entered upon his duties i such usignee and has riled his deed assigamerit in Hood River County, Lat of Pregon. All nersons having urns against E. U. Cate & Co., K. U. ste and A. J. Wagdtalf, or either of lern ate hereby required to present Id claims pronerly veiilied and with i pei vouchers showing all the facts I ncecning such claim, together with a Htemerts of the security held or ration 01 ttie debt and will sjiowance thereof, to the 1 assigi ee within three 1 the date hereof, is may be presented to W. pf at his Hi e in Hood on, or at No. t27 Railway! lilding, Portland, Oregon, irst publication June 2nd, C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery ocrzSI TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT MODERN BARBERSHOP IN OLD HUNT PAINT SHOP BUILDING Every convenience. Equipped to care for every member of the family, from father and mother down to the child who wishes his hair cut or bobbed for the first time. A lifetime of experience enables me to give Hood River the best in massages and shampooing. JOHN CALANDRA months ith SifM late of last publication July 1 Uh, i 1921. W. F. Hartrampf, Assignee. I Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the matter of the estate of Louis! Plog, dec eased. Notice is hereby given that the tin-.ler.-ignrd has been duly apnointed. by the County Court of Hoi I River Coun ty. Oiei'nn. administrator a! 1h Mtat ! 1 1 1 J 1 1 ( . ( 11 . ither BH : paintt The signs si r, w en uis 1 11 nr. dei't tied as such. All per claims against above r hereby required to pre properly verified as by the undersigned, at tl Raker. Attorney at La has quali- havfng any I estate are the same, reaaired. to 1 tl er, th late l ocal banks Are State Depositories Ruth Hood River banks have been ! I .h..-i the 200 institutions of the state recently designated as depos ited ies uf state funds Funds deposited by the state must be secured by munic ipal, county or school district bonds, I ceunty warrants or surety protection. The funds draw two per cent interest. Wnen Alarm Sounds ot'OHitmenl li. In to turn off irrigation or r:g the departmei for practice du nod. The pre.-j e department, hi es, would have t it with efflciei,, ntidi 'ifCiinij ajnda visited 1 m I ho Dated this 21th day of May. P.I2I. John K. Plog. Administrator of the Estate of Louis Plog, DeceuedL m26jn23 Notice or Hearing on Final Account tfoiee it hereby given: That the tin danigned, as Executrix of the Will of Agnes rhry; IVceHsed, has filed her Final Account in the County Court of H IR ver Oeonty, Oregon, and that Saturday. June 2ath, 1W1, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the County Coutt room in Hood River, Oregon, has lieen ap nointed as the time and place for the hearing of any objection thereto, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published. May 26th, 1981. Adelaide l. Bey. Executrix. Attorney fur Estate. m2t5in2:? Your bathroom and your health Every fixture bearing the name"Maddock"is designed to do more in protecting your family's health than all the prophylactics that could be stored in your medicine cabinet. Maddock lavatories are provided with a patented cleansing feature which makes it easy to keep the overflow clean and sanitary. Maddoclc closets have extra large water surface, which insures the utmost in non-soiling sanitation. Maddoclc bathtubs are made in the latest designs and of a con struction which is germ-proof and easy to clean. Let us give you estimates for a complete bathroom equipment of this character. Or, we will gladly give figures for any single unit. A request for this information will not obligate yuu. French & Gibbon 908 12th St. The Housewife's Ready Storehouse You wouldn't expect one order to do it, now honest would you? There is always something for any meal or for any sudden occasion if you keep your pantry stocked with groceries from Kaesser's. "GROCERIES OF QUALITY" YOU RUN DOWN 9 One Month's Treatment. Try our Nux and Iron TabIets--$r.OO for C. N. Clarke, The Glacier Pharmacy Telephone 12 1.1 Beating af Bcfeool ad l!iu r,l)iegon. 20th, 1981, at :i i Street school to Hiid ll Blatant busi- DGNT DESPAIR If you ne troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigest: n, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, vou will find relief in GOLD MEDAL W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in ri:al estate Fruit and Farm Lands Does this move you? Wo arc moving household sTOOfMaUld litisiiicss moivh.Mti dise every day lor the leatl inp: people of this city and giving them the best of ser vice at reasonable rates. May we move you also? Call us up at No. 4111 and gel our figure on your moviitar. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone till LENORE GKEGOKY Call Batardayaai Oraansi n,.t. i. ,r aavtaa Mi- Qregory. Ms llintiuat t.. I'ortUnd. r.'v.n ' nnal Ramady of Holland s ' sites, all druggists. Q ' tl.. Mm, CaM M.d.l , H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor office, smith Black, Bom 2. Tel. utaa HOOD RIVKR, (KK. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVCR. OREGON M. E. WELCH, I.Ut W Il VFTI RIAKY M Ki.KOX Funeral Director fiineral dire. t.r. the Ims4 and For your name and address I w ill tell you just how to be rid of that dangerous, distressing, disfiguring GOITRE S. E. BARTMESS No pain, no drugs, no ' opera tion.' no stop in work or play. DR. V. I . STR MTON Apt 3i' i.v I r 1 ri c Strett I' -Kll M. oKK. 1 p pa -.-I to do aoT work ta -u r - B. B. POWELL DRS. ABRAHAM AND SIFTON Plumbing, Heatine and PBY8icux8 md gcittii Sheet Mfttnl Wnrlr 1 Work 3li (.ascadr Avenue HOOD RIVKR. OMBOOM S A. DOCK8TADER PIANO TIMNG AND R; PAIRING Plaver i.ian.,s a ;n.ialtv MISS B. GRIFFIN in. XJuitar. Etc. iriev ResKlence Tel. it Ten j.l.'.tie Roil iinf .