0 noon mvijp iu.acikti, Tnrnsn.AY, .Tr.vrc i, 1021 o Bigger, Stronger, More Durable Than Ever Before assr" Jsty' "Fi "Zr"" issLi' ixiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiutiiiiiiitwi iiiiii"ti For monrhs, we have worked to make Goodyear Tires for passenger cars even better. We have increased the size of our clincher type Goodyear Cords, made, the tread thicker, the carcass heavier, the bead stronger. Today our larger si e Cords are likewise bigger, stronger, more durable. And fabric tires and inner tubes, too, show added value. Whatever car you drive, there are improved Goodyear Tires and Tubes now ready for it, at the nearest Goodyear Service Station. Goodyear Tike & Rubber Company of California f L - 8) ! The following Hood River firms carry a full stock of Goodyear Tires and heartily endorse their quality E. A. Franz Company The Hood River Garage Mt. Hood Motor Company Dickson-Marsh Motor Company NEW MODEL CUTLER GRADER For the grower of small acreage and limited space for packing. With this SMALL GROWERS' MODEL you can pack out your nop with t ho help of your fun j, a ily with minimum expense. We have lamer models of ; See oui "TWO METHOD" SPIRAL ROLLER SORTING TABLE SMALL GROWERS' MODEL Woi perili Pow Can 10 Q 1 J iter capacity. We have also K TRESSES GRAVITY CARRIERS MOTORS GASOLINE I NWNES Write us. or see our agent. C. M. SHEPPARD, of Willow Flat. Odoll 1(1 n tti r d am vr as t ioIh st I'ORII N) HOWELL BROS. Woodworking and BlacKsmithing Tel. 2T..S1 Fourth and Columbia - J. R. W ATKINS CO. Kn t-sented by GEO. WILDE, si-..-. K The Stloebaker Line Dr. Carolyn Onderhill E. L. SCOBEB, D. D. S. c H JENKINS D M D 0 DENTIST imxn wmuton DErnrr H wt. 8 a. m. to n p. in. f Telephone : Office li! . r.- Smith Building. Teh-phone 2S2I -thee TwJ. SMI Reeuteoer Tel. 3412 i Uaoce oOs BaUer baak CONGRESSMAN TO GIVE ADDRESS HERE An added feature of the approaching chautauqua. to be hi-ld at the open air theatre July 5 10, inclusive, will be an address by Hon. Henry T. Kainey, representative to congress from Illi nois. Mr. Rainey has been one of the outstanding Bgurei at Washington for the past 18 years, lie will talk on "Federal Taxation and Miracles of Fi nance." His lecture will be non-political. The chautauqua will provide enter taining and educational features for every afternoon and evening of ube sessions. "It Pays to Advertise," the comedy success which is to be presented at Chautauqua on the fourth night by the Keiffhley New York Mayers, is abso lutely clean and wholesome. This fact combined with the rich Americanism of its humor, the rapid-fire idioms con tamed in the dialc clever situations 1 New York product cessful comedy drama in years. lhe story is told with a contagious verve and vigor and the dialogue is written with a real feeling for that particular type of humor that has been recognized as purely American since the days of Ben Iranklin The New York Sun says, "Before the company has been before you two minutes the play will reach out after you and tap you genially on the back, and you will be aware of a warm, com fortable feeling that will cause you to settle back contentedly, with complete trust tnat it is going to keepyou jovial and interested the whole evening. It makes fun of advertising but is one of the best ads the advertising man can have." rue and the many ifected, marked its m as the most sue FAIR BOARD VALLEY JUNKET SATURDAY The members of the county fair board, accompanied by about 80 ranch ers, orchardists ami business men, will leave the Commercial Club Saturday morning on a junket that will include the East Side, Upper Valley and West Side districts. The party will leave here by automobile, touring up the East Side. They expect to stop at the places of all ranchers specializing in blooded stock. - Gordon Brown and Le roy Ohilds will accompany the party. K L. Manser has asked that all growers who have stock of which they are especially proud to notify tl e visit ors in order that they may call and in spect them. Growers who are experi menting with new methods of labor are also urged to demonstrate their plans. The junketers will take picnic lunch at t'arkdale, where cortee and cream will be served. Mr. Manser asks that all who have not yet made plans for the Saturday trip, call him at his home, 5497. The party will leave the Commercial Club at 9 a. m. MARKETS BUREAU EXPERT IS HERE R. ' R. Pailthorp, of the Washington, D. Cm office of the Bureau of Markets of the United States Department of Agriculture, arrived Monday to spend the week here with the Experiment Station and advise growers, erecting home storage and packing plants, on methods of ventilation. While here Mr. Failthorp will visit the Mosier and other adjacent fruit sections. He will make an inspection of storage plants of the Apple Growers Association. Mr. Failhthorp says that Hood Fiver is better equipped with cold storage plants thtn any other northwestern fruit section. WOMAN'S CLUB NEWS Mrs. Munroe says the Pendleton con vention was one of the most interest ing ever held In the state The en tire Ijptof officers, she states, was re elected. "Our body at the convention took strong action on some of the measures before voters last week," says Mrs. Munroe. "They were strong for the lajnus bill. The Pendleton people cer tainly know how to entertain. They treated us royally while we were there." Miss May I 'avidson was reelected a member of the directorate of the state federation of Professional & Business Women's Club at the annual conven- ! lion in Portland last Saturday. Other delegrates present from here at the convention were : Mrs. Susie I. Lynn and Mrs. O. K. Croyle. Howard Cooper in Service Howard CoOpeJ W. F. Cooper, of district, is now FHglc Uoat K, I ticipating in Ko ami which will Mr. Cooper, who an enlisted man ning the rank of list before the for a 2-weeks s the Hose show, 1 had been called prised to find hir at the big show. , son of Mr. and Mis. t he East Side orchard in Portland aboard part of the fleet par se festival activities remain for a time. entered the navy as I during the war, win ensign on the reserve 1 .rrniatice, was called! 1 rvice. Local folk at ot knowing that he for duty, were sur- n with ravsl officers l 1 its vn M r v Tve tried them at but give me a Camel I'm through experimenting. No more switching, tto more trying this and that. It's Camels for me every time. They' re so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! Why? The answer is Camels exclusive: evnprr Wend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. There's nothing like it. No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too. Camel TURKISH DOJffSrrCs-" , BLKNli BA C I O A H K T T g B R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem. N. C. We are agents for the Fairbanks-Morse Z Type Engines and Electric Lighting Outfits for ranch homes It will pay you to give us a call We handle the- Hays spray rigs "THE HAYS PAYS" Why? Because it is equipped with the Fairbanks-Morse Z type engine. Miss Edginglnn Dean of Women Miss Grace F. HJgington, alumna of thi 11 stitutiop, acting dean of wom en at the I'nivoriitT of Oreeon sum-1 will also teach short Miss Edgington for- subject at the I'nt nirton. Miss Edging-! I'r ar.d Mrs. Jesse' the professorship of : versify of Oregon, r of the alumni maga- I . ' j SLUTZ BROS Telephone 3173 for a demonstration mer session, story writing merly taught versitv of Wi ton. daughter Edrinrton. b Miss Edging! n writes her parents that the summ r nessinn will be at tended an.. N 300. The term will last from Jui e to July 31. The Hn,f IfceSonl In older, t , it was believed that the teat of the oul was the stomach, i -t im i i - the reason that man is never so rom, rtely used op as when hit stomach is of order. For the cure of ordir.:r tomach troubles there i nothing q lite o prompt and satis factory as r ambcrtaia's Tablets. They strengthen the sjtesaaeh and en able it t. i . it?" Aaaetjss natural ly. Give them a trial. They only cost Life is too short to learn all thinprs by experience, some are better learned from the experience of others. For example: Learning that you can't pet Kelly-Sprino;-rield mileage from a bargain tire. YES, quite a few of us are out after the money but when it comes to a show-down good health is what we're really looking for. If that is the way yuu feel about it, remem ber our address and phone number. Our quality gro ceries are real health food. Yours for Service Now is the time to get your PLANTS for Flowering' Beds and Porch Boxes We have plenty of plants on hand. Come and see thorn and pick out what you want. Also plenty of vege tal )le plan Is Tomatoes, Pep pen, Cauliflower, 25c a dos. Cabbage. Celery, and all kinds of other plants. Send in your orders early for Dec oration Day tlowers. HEIGHTS GREENHOUSE GEO. HASUNGER Tel 319 J THE TIRE SHOP 214 Oak Street Phone 1484 Wall Frart is wall psi east. See tl Opis a Roll e the Hurt stock of fraction of original ' in this issue. tkea rubber stamps. H. D. W. PINEO, D.D.S. FENTIST ELIOT M'ILPINi. Telephone :N1J HOOP RIVER DR. W. F. JONES Chiropractic and Electrotherapy Smith Htiiidinaj. Third and Oak Street DR. N. PLYLER ("llIKOl'K.U'TOR Chiropractic and Electric Treatinen Rooms 2', Slaaw cS HeJIbi nner fib Phone liv3. Batdj Bivsjr, Oft DR K. O. DUTRO PAINTING PAPERHANGING DECORATING CONTRACTING See us for estimates J. R. SOSEY G. E. BARR 3271 FW 2743 R. J. BARR FW 3474 E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Otri'-" in Eliot BniiduiB PHYSICIAN AND Office: Hal Hid:.. i(JROE i Pboue 1 71 Hood River, Ire?' Office Honni, a. m. 1o S p m R. C. GLANVILLE 'KM V AT LAW ational Rank Rnildinz I! H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN Ln SURGEON. 1 " pmmpily Bwcr?e in Inwn nr country 1 v or Kif h". Tr rvn" Rt1iK. liUI: Ofllc, I2H. Office la th KrnKioa aaMtn L. L. MURPHY. D.D.M General Dentistry Booms 11-15 Brocias Bldg.