nOQD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, jrXfrlO, 1021 6000 ROLLS WALL PAPER at One-Fourth of Wholesale Cost We have bought the entire Hunt Wall Paper Stock and expect to close it out in double quick time at most astonishingly low prices. 5cts Double Roll Hundreds of rolls splendid Bedroom, Living Room and Kitchen Papers, selling regularly today as high as 60 cents per Roll. 10 cents Beautiful Patterns in Heavy Weight Papers for every room in the house. 15ctsto25cts Engraved and Embossed Patterns which sold as high as $2.00 per Roll. OATMEALS, LEATHERS, VARNISHED TILES at 25c to 50c per Double Roll 500 Bolts BORDERS 5c Pe" Bolt. Just the thing; for use on calcimined walls. r r p& r Same price as wall. They 111 ll I IH l N are usually sold by the UJlKJMiJ yard Thege aJl gQ at 5c to 50c Bolt same price as Side Wall and Ceiling Special Room Lots, 49c to 99c Bundles containing plenty of paper to do large rooms. Enough to paper every room in the house for less than the regular price of one room. E. A. FRANZ CO. The Choice of Every Car Owner u Now $1835, f. o. b. Hood River HOOD RIVER GARAGE. ELLISON-WHITE CHAUTAUQUA MAKE CHAUTAUQUA WEEK YOURVACATION WEEK MUSIC ('liaiitauiUii is a rcritabta FaativaJ "f Muxir. Tba Lowell Patton Company, faataring Lucila Codetta, dfatiagttiahad V aach ioliuit, present!" two concertHoii the lliir'l d iv. 'I'lien there is the Murv Ada! llaj' Oran.l Opera Singan In IWfl BOtebU MMWfa 'ii the l ot ilav ; the" Alexander Trio ; the Liberty Ilelleg and the rJtaaMPlattBfaajata Trio. Ten conceit in all (vitality the music alone in worth far BON than the roxi of the seas m ti. k-t. LECTURES Many not.ihle p ople iipear on the ChaataOQjm lecture staff tlii poasuii. Pr. Roowi Parkai Mflea, ftaal joaraaiiat ami laterviewat of celeliritieg is one of the heU'l-liners. K. I!. Fish, editor of ' 'LaliOf aiel Industry," is another. Add to these names than of DtM Bit od ( '. l'eri.-ho. former IVe-ident of the State OoHega of South lik ita; ( hief Stronheart, Indian lecturer ami entertainer: Mr. K. L Hni-r, DK in i -nent author and sm h loist and Virgil L Shepherd. ENTERTAINMENT An outstanding entertainment event is scheduled for the fourth night in ft bag play Bfodoclloa presentel ly the KeigbJ? Nea York l'lavers w ith an all-pn t'es-ional east. Two other entertainment fea tures f note rest in the eaaaiaa of Winifred Windus. a reader w ho ranks at the ti-p in her pffofead mi ! I Kh-ctra Piatt, a New York mnlogfgt and entertainer who ia v it h nt an equal on the t'liautauqu t plat form. Season Tickets On Sale Soon ADULTS, $2.50; Students, $1.50; Child's. $1.00. No War Tax. ILLUSTRATED PROGRAMS NOW BEING DISTRIBUTED WATCH FOR YOURS HOOD RIVER, OREGON July 5 10 Inclusive McRae Cuts Wood J. H. MeRae, who has heen business I manager for the local lahor union, has taken the contract for cutting 1,080 cords of Wood from a tract just, west of Mitchells Point tunnel. Mr. McRae has secured a crew and has already be irun preparations for his wood camp. The wood, to be distributed through i i-tern Oregon by the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., will be flurried from the camp to the O.-W. It. & N. tracks. First Church of Christ. Scientist Services will lie held in Church BoJldins, !tli and BngSM, Sunday, 11 :()i a. 111. Subject: Is the I'niverse, In clod log Man, F,vdved by Atomic Force'.' Suii'lav School at 11a. m. Wednesday service, 8 p. m. The reading room is open daily from 8 to p. in., in the Church. ANOTHER REDUCTION IN TIRE PRICES 30 x 3 30 x 3 J 32 x 3 '32 x 4 33 x 4 $11.50 13.75 16.75 21.75 24.00 WM. WEBER. Rubber Stamps AT THE GLACIER OFFICE MADE TO ORDER Mattress Making and Renovating Pads. $3.50. .Mattress, from $1.50 to $7.50 Upholstering and Furniture Repairing ' CARPET CLEANING Sleep and rest well on a Hood River made mattress. Wright's Mattress Works 417-418 May Street PHONF. J.MI Christian Church The Endeavor convention was not well attended but the spirit of every session was an uplift. The address by 1'rof. Wa ter Mvers and the presence of officers of State Union were greatly appreciated. The pastor ia now on the field and earnestly asks the prayers and help of every member. Regular services next Sunday. Ilible school 9.45 a. m. Treadling 11 a. m., "The Secret of Tower." Christian Kndeavor 7 p. m. and preaching 8 p. m. lopie, Christ the World a ha vior. " Come and worship with us. J. C. Hanna, Pastor. Seventh Day Adventist Church Corner 1 fith and C streeta Sabbath school Saturday 10 a. m. Treadling service 11.15 a. m. Trayei meeting, Wednesday 7.45 p. m. All are welcome. Minister K. F. Oster. Residence 810 Columbia St. Thone 3473. Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday School at 9 :30 every Sunday morning. Regular Servicea at 11 o'clock. Bandar Sunday 8enin' aervicts. Spe cial musical progfaaTM, All cordially invited. Rev. I). M. Carpenter, jnlTtf. Pastor Asbury M. L Church , Minister, (iabriel Sykes. Sunday phcool at 9.45 a. m. Public worship at 11, sermon by Rev. Thomaa K. Elliott, ivice president of Willam ette University. Young Teople'a aer vice at 7 p. m. St. Mark's Episcopal Church Cor. Iltl and Eugene Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Here after evening prayer aervice will be conducted at 8 p. m. each Sunday. Rev. C. li. Hoi8holt( Rector. St. Mary's Catholic Church Services Sunday morning are as fol low: Im Mass, H o'clock ; Hijrh Mass, 10: M o'clock. Instruction for the chil dren at 9 o'clock, each Saturday morn ing. - U The Baptist Chorea Pine Street, near 12th Dr. E. Harden, Pastor, Residence, 1M7 Tine Street, Phone 2723 Sunday School at 10 a. m. T iblic Worship at 1 1 a.m. and 7.30 p.m KpaoMh League at 30 p.m. Prayer Service Wednesday at 7.30p.m. REV. AND MRS. SHEL LEY WILL CELEBRATE Kev. and Mrs. Troy Shelley will cel ebrate their golden wedding anniver sary at their Odell home Monday. The rooming will be stient in a family re union. During the afternoon Rev. and Mrs. Shelley will hold a reception for their friends. Kev. and Mrs. Shelley were married on the banks of the Kickreall, Folk county, at a big pio neer camp meeting. The pioneer couple settled on one of the earliest Odell ranch places. Mr. Shelley was pastor of the valley's first union church. No formal invitations will he issued to the golden wedding celebration, but Kev. and Mrs. Shelley have asked that all of their valley friends who read these lines join them at the Monday afternoon reception. "It will be a day of great joy for us," says Mr. Shelley, "and we extend the sincerest and cordial invitations to ail of our friends to join us." At 3.30 o'clock there will be a short program rendered. Eollowing this a luncheon will be served. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Shelley wlil lie in charge of the luncheon. The committee con sists of Mrs. Q, E. Howerman. Mrs. M. U. Odell, Mrs. Will Kemp, Mrs. I. E. Ferguson, Mrs. J. M. Taylor, Mrs. Ken Krohn and Mrs. Harry Connaway. Miss ripping Honored Miss Hetty Epping, prospective June bride, is now being honored by friends at a number of social affairs. Miss Kpping's wedding to Kerkley H. Snow, former Portland man and manager of the Tacific Tower & Eight Co., will occur at the home of her mother, Kmma E. Epping, in the West orchard district on Saturday. Father Cronin, of Portland, will ciate. Misses Jessie Lewis and Anna mae Chipping, schoolmates here and at the University of Oregon, will be bridesmaids. Miss Chipping was hostess Saturday afternoon at a miscellaneous shower party for Miss Epping. Sixteen girl friends were present. The home was decorated in pink sweet williams. A luncheon of coffee, cake and ice was served. Miss Epping received many handsome presents. I THE UN I VERS ALC A ft Ford prices have been fur ther reduced. You can pay more but you can't buy morn than the sturdy strength and power the Ford car gives you. CZ30HZ3 Dickson-Mil rsh Motor Mrs. Side Kev. ofli- HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone 1111 Co. Hotdmen's Junket Postponed A luncheon at Mt. Hood Lodge, scheduled for Monday by the Oregon Hotelmen's Association, Jwas postponed until Monday, June 27, when it is ex pected hotel men from all parts of the state will he present. The motor jun ket was postponed because Portland bonifaces had not recovered from the rush of Rose Festival week. Manager Osburne, of the Hotel Os burne, and wife, of Eugene, who will he unable to attend the luncheon the latter part of the month, motored up to the Lodge Monday. They were joined here by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kand. G. A. R. Men Have Accident T. G. Harris and C Laraby, Salem Civil war veterans en route by auto mobile to the Tendleton encampment x the Oregon ( Irani! Army, escaped ' without a scratch Monday when their ear overturned on the Highway jum east of here. Mr. Harris, driving. took to the ditch to avofd being struck by another car at a sharp curve. The automobile was brought here for re- i pairs and the veterans joined the local i delegation, going on to Tendleton by train. All fllntl lait with ns up to 4 o'clock p in. are out the following day at -I p.m. in at four out at four. Hlocoin-Doiiner-bern Co. jy22tf Factory representative for the Laun-Dry-Ette Washing Machine will be at our store on Saturday, June 18th. to give a demonstration of this wonderful machine. Remember the date and be here and see it work. KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. BETTER THAN EVER We have increased OUT shelf gpace and made numer ous improvements at our 12th Street grocery, making it at present the largest of the city. We have added to our stock and are in a position to give you a service second to none. It will be to your interest to call and inspect our stock or to telephone us for prices if you cannutsce us in person. L. H. HUGGINS Tel. 8141 BIG DOUBLE BILL JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD presents r . "ISOBEL, OR THE TRAIL'S END His greatest northern story, enacted by the same all-star cast as "KAZAN ' headed by JANE NOVAK. Positively bigger than "Kazan," and HAROLD LLOYD, in From Hand to Mouth" A convulsion of joy in two spasms. USUAL PRICES VERA KOI.STAl) on the LIBERTY ORGAN IT'S COOL AND COMFORTABLE at TOPICS OF THE DAY LIBERTY n(9fi.?1 MONDAY TI IFADAY Uw,,v AiV 61 A.pV Hauling iitvj Tel. 3142 Poddy. o7tf COMING WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY WALLACE REID I I