nOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1921 CORD TIRES Now Selling at the Lowest Level in Tire History - $24.50 - 46.30 - 54.90 30x3 -32x4 -34x4 - (And Other Sizes in Proportion) Tire repair men, who judge values best, class these tires a having the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment They are the quality choice of cord users. This new low price is made possible by strictest economies and specialized production. Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of making 30x3-inch Non-Skid fabric tiret. With a daily capacity of 1 6,000 tires and 20.000 tubes, this plant permits refined production on a quantity basis. All materials used are the best obtainable. The duality is unirorm. it is trie best tabnc tire ever ottered to the cat owner at any price. HIGHWAY AUTO CO., HOOD RIVER, ORE. GRAB 'EM You'r out of luck if you don't grab your share of these worth while specials. They are goods you need and are specially priced beginning Thursday, June 9th. Cane and Maple Syrup, small bottle, 5c Red Salmon, 1 lb. tall can, 30c Jiffy Jell, package, 10c Tree Tea, lb. 50c White Wonder Soap, bar, 5c Sardines, 1 lb. oval can, 20c Seeded Raisins, pkg. 27c Head Rice, 3 lbs. 25c SOME REGULAR PRICES Apricots, can, 25c Corn Starch, 3 lbs 25c Quaker Quakies, pkg. 10c Beans, white, lb 7c Carnation Milk, now 14c Oregon Milk, now, 2 for 25c Peaches, can, 25c Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs 35c Plums, can, 15c Corn Meal,sack, 40c Bordens Milk, now 14c Campbell's Soup, 2 for 25c Peanut Butter, fresh barrel, pound, 10c Slated Peanuts, fresh barrel, pound, 15c 3 on Consolidated Mercantile Co. HOOD RIVER ODELL GOOD 100' PURE American-Maid Bread FRESH DAILY AT YOUR 0R0CERS 30 DAY CODLING MOTH SPRAY DUE 'The (By Leroy Child) 30-day spray for codling moth should be appiled between the 12th and loth of June to pel the best results. Growers who applied their last spray a few dtys late can delay the applica tion a few davH. but have the sprav on bo that an interval of not more than 15 days occurs. Bgga of the first brood will be hatching until the 1st of July at least so that this spray is extremely mportant. The spray applied around the fourth will not control these late worms. In the higher elevations where the first codling moth spray has not been applied, growers should make their ap plications bv the 15th of this month. Where green aphis is present add Black Ieaf 40. Brown aphids are now leaving and the tobacco will not assist in controlling this pest." BOYS' CLUB NEWS The Friday hike of last week was participated in by a larger number than the Tuesday trip. The former, however, is primarily for young boys, while the Friday hike was arranged for boys 10 years and over. The direc tor urges that as many as can partici pate in the Tuesday hikes. Many boys are working and cannot attend a week day hike. It is planned to arrange a .laturdav trio tor their convenience. The hikers will leave the high school at 6.30 o'clock. The following program will be the order of all hiking trips: 6.00 n. m. Assembly for raising of Flag. b.20 Have (ires ready for cooking and be cleaned up for retreat. 6.30 Ketreat or lowering of Fl g. Ialk, "Why We Love the Flag." 6.30 to 7.30 Cooking of meals and cleaning of equipment, inspected by director. 7.30 to 8.30 (lames. 8.30 to i) Story telling around the council fire. 8.46 First call to bed. 9.10 Taps. Every boy must he ab solutely quiet. Punishment for break up of this order is a kangaroo court, where the bovs have a lot of fun but everything is done in the right spirit. Second offense, however, may mean police duty about the camp. 7.30 Keveille, calisthenics and rais ing of Flag. 7.30 to 8.30 Mreakfast and clean ng up equipment for inspection. 8.30 Inspection of equipment by director. All equipment must shine. 10.30 He ready to leave for home. The boys are going to establish a permanent camp and are going at the work and find there is a lot of it play because they can see into the future and there they picture a fire big log abin with a large lire place, where many winter and summer evenings will be enjoyed, again to the right of their :abin they picture a swimming pool where the hot summer evenings may be enjoyed with plenty of hot sand on the bank to roll in, and again they have mapped out a goodly sized ath letic field and now that thev have ilenty of athletic equipment such as volley ball, base ball, etc., they will have realized thai, dream within a short time. The hoys know this means work and play together and have assigned themselves to the task to help their director make this a amp second to none in the state. We as a club feel the communitv is be hind us in every sense of the word and with that feeling we hope to accom plish a groat deal. The boys have now stretched a large tent for those boys who prefer not sleeping in the open and will be used in case of rain. Dia- Dia-cake BOWLING NEWS One of the best midsummer bowling matches wason last Friday evening by.a picked team composed of McCul lagh, Kolars. Stewart. DeWitt and lloue,.from the champion Bed monds, 2715 to i!694. Just before bowling the Red monds shared a strawberry short served b Mrs. House as reward for winning the match the previous week, and the promise of a similar reward spurred the bowlers to the tine totals above named. I). P. Smith and Alva Sherrell led for the losers with 682 each and Mc Cullagh and House for the winners, 576 each. Detailed scores follow: Blue Diamonds McCullagh, 188, 180, 208, 578; Kolars, 171, 17!). 183, 533; Stewart, 162, 185, 180, 527; De- Witt. 168, 188, 157, 603; House. 188, 212, 176, 576. Team totals, 867, 944, MM. 2715. Red Diamonds- Sherrell, 205, 198. 179, 682; Annuls, 177, 157, 160, 484; (ireen, 161. 207, 189, 647; Smith, 214, 208. 160, 682; l'oe, 150, 172. 177, 49i. Team totals, -V7. 942 855 26i4. "Dad" Smith got high three consec utive games fur the week, 623, while Annala's T:M ii still high for any three games for the month. Spoon winners among the women bowlers were: Mrs. Sherrell 131; Mrs. Mellon. 121 ; Mrs. Carries, 152. 148; Mrs. Campbell. 154; Miss K. Baker, 166. Mr. House, now sole owner and man ager of the Blue Diamond Alleys, has posted a standing prize of $5 cash for the breaking of any one of the follow ing alley records, which were hung up last winter and spring: hive man team, 3 games, M. A C, 2S44 ; five man team, 1 game, n. A. I ., Itrj.,. Two man t am, I carnes. House and Sherrell, 1306; two rrjan team, 1 game, House and I'luminer, 481. One man, I L-smes. House. 730; one man, 1 game. House, 277. Best t in uldes. House and Plum mer, 4l . M .Hugh and Annala, 443; total ;24. Five woman team. S games, Rhine stones. 17:13 five woman team, 1 game. Rh;nei( nes. 617. Two woman, 3 games, Mrs. Dewitt and Mrs. IVtcrs. 731 : two woman team. 1 game, Mrs. DeWitt and Mm. Peters. 25. One woman. 3 games. Mrs. Morti mer, 503; one woman, 1 game, Mrs. Mellon It Mixed d 'Ul Ie. 3 games. Kruse and Mrs. Mellon, 1(137; mixed doubles, 1 game. Mr. ami Mrs. House, 401. Bridal eil Sacked I nder 'iver baseball team Sun e Bridal Veil team by a I Lapham ttarted the River s pitcher, but be nt illness was replaced McCuU-beon caught for sensation of :h game d catch by Lee Kraiier -Id. Mr. Fraaier made tabbing a high liner. A. M. Cloud Cap Inn Will. Open Soon I r.-iA . hovp I i.ii ii, nnaninir 1 ho mat ' to Cloud Cap Inn,. according to Homer A. Rogers, who operates the mile high hostelry in conjunction with Mount Hood Lodge. Snow is still several feet deep on the higher points of the road, Mr. Kogers says, but it will be clear by June 25, when the Inn will be opened for the summer season. The Cloud Cap Inn road, built on a steep grade, is usually badly damaged by winter floods. Mr. Rogers says that it was found in very good condition this season. Mr. Rogers says that his guest lists this season have been far larger than any former year. He expects his busi ness at the two hostelries to set an ex traordinary record for the season. Highest cash price paid for your used furniture, stoves and rugs. Call MeClain at L. A. Franz Co. s20tf The I day kf. core of game as cause ft by Jeff thi ..xa was a one ha in the center long aide leap U. T FOR SALE Have very desirable residence In Port land worth JfXXX) to trade for Hood Klver property, Highway preferred. Handy house for old couple on Cas cade Avenue. All furniture goes with properly. Has garage. Modern In all respect. At MHO with a turn cash pay. ment, one can move In and hegln living without the necessity of moving a lot 01 furniture from Kastern Oregon. A dream of a home for K'.'fiOO, situated with a view worth JIHODO In 1'ortland and will be in Hood Klver. Has 6 rooms bath, furnace, big living room, glaased In porch. Lot lOOxUH, all kinds of fruit, garden, chicken house and (lowers all ready to pick. Takes fl;!0U cash to handle. The Wtn. It. Warner 10ft acres. 27 In alfalfa, H In fruit, to in pasture, as good a house as one wants, smaller house, two barns, all for IUOOO.00. Can be had on fine terms. 8!;acres for Hummer Home site for 81200, 7 miles out. Has spring and some flue trees. 2 acres on Highway for tWOOO. R. E. SCOTT First National Bank Building Waverly Gear Grease Sticks to the Gears. Does not foam. Wears like iron. Keeps the gears cool. It is wonderfully satisfactory MT. HOOD MOTOR COMPANY Ask your dealer for Havoline Oil It makes a difference 1 C. BAI D IN J U swop BALDWIN & SWOPE CONSTRUCTION CO. Plans and Sketches for all Classes of Buildings Furnished. Construction Work and Alterations. No Job Too Big or Too Small. Our Work is Our Keoommeixlati n. BROSIl S Bl II DING HOOD RIVER. OREGON Phone mi The Ideal Grader We have been marketing Ideal Graders for the past six years. They have grown more popular each year. Our machines are a favorite in all North western fruit sections. We have shipped them in numbers to foreign apple districts, The 1921 model of Ideal Grader is ready for distribution. It will carry a number of improvements. We mention at random some of them: The machine can be adjusted for sizing while in operation. Two adjusting screws do the work. Our new sorting table is a feature that will be noticed at once. We hope to place as many as possible of the machines we manufacture in Hood River and for this reason would urge that local grow ers give us their order at once, in order that we may include them before we are booked to the limit of our capacity. IDEAL FRUIT & NURSERY CO. Tel. 5832 WILLIAMSON'S QUALITY DOUGHNUTS DO HOOD RIVER FOLK LIKE THEM? Just ask thorn. Our sales increase in proportion to the number of new families who taste our product each day. But the story of our doughnuts is being carried fast. They say they are a real Hood River product a product of quality. The following grocers handle them exclusively : J. A. CARR & CO., L. H. HUGGINS, HOLMAN & SAMUELS, E. E. KAESSER, CONSOLIDATED MERCANTILE CO., HUBBARD TAYLOR AND FRASIER & SON. Madame Home Builder lJOW often in planning our homes we long for some friend of artistic ability to whom we might go for ideas as to the proper draperies, rugs and furniture for the living room, a model kitchen that shall be a gem of beauty or a quaint little breakfast nook which will be a saving to both our feet and our tempers. We have our own ideas along these lines, but we lack assurance that they are "just the right thing." The answer to all of these perplexing questions is to be found in '7,W Tn sit in Building." This is a large attractive book whfch is pronounced by authorities the finest cremation of its kind. A copy of this splendid book will be loaned you for the asking by simply sending in the coupon below. Without obliuation on my part tvill you kindly loan ma a copy of GOOD TASTE IN BUILDING " Same . . Address EMERY LUMBER & FUEL COMPANY BaccaiMn to BRIDAL VEIL LI MBERING C. 4th and Cascade Hood River, Ore. Hone 2181 Hood River Abstract Co. Real Estate and Insurance Accurate abstracting of land titles. Hae you eer thought of the work the Telephone eliminates during apple harvest ? Oregon-Washington Telephone Co. When We Weigh Out Coffee, tea, sugar or other groceries we don't care if the customer re-weighs it when she gets home. For correct weight is just as much a specially with us as high class things for the table at low quality .prices. We don't cut prices at the expense of either quantity or quality. N. H. MadUILLAN On The Heights