HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, jrXEWIfi, 1921 T. THE NW United States Cream Separator WITH DfoC BOWL "Its easy, thorough action Is its principal attraction." GETS ALL OF THE CREAM, ALL OF THE TIME, WITH LESS WORK THE REASONS: A perfected, self-centering Cowl wuq lower and interchangeable, un numbered discs and Record skimming qualities. Adapted for perfect separation anywhere- nor! h, smith, east, west any time winter or summer, morning or night. Slow spend of only 42 turns per minute for the larger sizes, ai led by a simple, but sure spied Indicator bell, means great reduction in power required consequently less work. Come and sea LOCAL FOLK AT COL- LEGE FARM WEEK Sectional View of Disc Bowl KELLY BROS HOOD RIVER. CO., Inc. ORE! ION 220 o 0 mi i in mmf I I I i i We offer QUALITY, SERVICE and GOOD WILL Our meats and groceries are of the best Phone your orders to SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY HOLMAN & SAMUEL Phone 1811 Vote Yes 302- Soldiers Loan and Bonus Bill Next Week Will Be DrSchoJs Foot Comfort Week You can rid yourself of corns, callouses, bunions or enlarged joints. Come to our store and let our foot expert demon strate.to you how to have comfortable feet. Dr. Scholl's Bunion Reducer Protects the bunion or enlarged joint. Causes reduction through absorption because it retains r.he natural warmth and moisture. Made of soft rubber. 7 CT" Worn in shoe. Price each J J V Dr. Scholl's Toe-Flex Straightens the toe, prevents overlapping and removes the cause of bunions. Per fectly comfortable. Price each ... I ....... . 75c Foot Expert's Services Free Now is your opportunity to realize the joys of genuine foot comfort. Come in and get his services. Everybody invited to ge,t "Foot-Happy" Star Brand Shoes ARE All Leather CZZ) J. C. JOHNSEN "You Save Money" says the Good Judge And get more genuine chew ing satisfaction, when you use this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. And a small chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of the ordinary kind ever did. Any ma who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W -B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Rev. W. H. Noddy and A. W. Stone are taking an active part in the rural life and marketing conference at the Oregon Agricultural College during farmers week, which began Monday and w ill close Saturday. Twenty-seven of the 48 speakers from the outside who will speak during rarmers week will take an active part in the rural life conference and nine will take an active nart in the marketing conference. Kvery speaker who appears on the program is well known through his or her activity in marketing or some other rural life problem. Such speakers as Dr. Math ews, dean of the divinitv school of the University of Chicago, Mm. Max West, formerly of the United States Chil dren s bureau, Ceorge A. Mansueld, president of the State Farm liureau federation, and i ol. Harris W einstock, former market director of California, will appear on the rural life, market ing or home makers' conference program. The regular class work will include lectures and demonstrations on the problems of child care, foods and cook ery, household problems of manage ment and finances, livestock farming, beekeeping, dairy farming, farm man agement, poultry farming, farm me chanics, farm crops, grain grading school, orchard and garden practice, plant diseases and insect pests, soil ob servation, diseases of domesticated animals, law and farm business meth ods, exhibits of various types and special recreation for the children will constitute the things to be oltered by the regular staff during the week. P. F. CLARK NAMED NEW SALES MANAGER The directorate of the Apple Grow ers Association last week announced appointment of P. F. Clark, of Yak ima as sales manager to succeed C. W. McCullagh, who recently resigned. Mr. Clark will assume his duties on July 1. The new sales manager is a veteran I cf the apple marketing business. For a number or years ne was sales man ager of the Yakima Fruitgrowers As sociation, handlers of the "Big Y" apples. During the past year Mr. Clark has been with the Cascade Fruit Co. He is well known to the trade, being generaly known to the nation's apple buyers as "Fred Clark." City Possesses Heat Cubes City Marshal Hart has a large quan tity of canned alcoholic heat cubes at t ,e city jail. The product, in demand bv Indians in the berry harvest, we e confiscated when the city officers found Jim Storm, young transient aged 27, delivering it to redskins. The Indians are p ohibitef from buying the heat cubes, and they had bargained with Storm to make their purchases. Sev eral bucks had already received their canned jag material and were partially soused. Storm was placed in jail for a night. The next day the ofheers escorted him to the city's edge and bade him make haste in getting to other parts. Four teen cans of the patented heat cubes are in possetsion of the city. Orchard Conditions Generally Good The general conditions of Hood Kiver valley orchards at present is good, ac cording to M. I). Aimstrong, county fruit inspector, who has toured all dis tricts, lie says that tracts are very clean, and that growers have been co operating in a campaign for the eradi cation of anthrarnose, a pest, the in roads of which may be entirely blocked if growers follow a course of applying Bordeaux mixture at proper seasons. The U per Valley crop, from present indications, however, will be more reg ular than that of the Lower Valley dis tricts, where, Mr. Armstrong says, scattering orchards are showing a heavy drop. Heavy thinnings in the Upper Valley and in other sections, where the drop in not pronounced. Lost Lake Camps Available A party of United States forestry service men is now engaged in the Lost Lake district completing" surveys of the forested area to be leased to citizens for summer camps. The work of plotting the forest summer homes was begun last year. Completion this fall, of the Lost Lake highway will make the Lost Lake district a popular recreation ground. W. K. Winans, owner of lakeside property, has also plotted some choice camiiesitos and announces that he will place them on the market. He is now at the lake building trails and roads through his protierty. G. L. DAVKNPORT Grower and shipper- pp!v rota toe. Onions. Seed Potatoes mi. variety ' 1 he Best that's Grown" AU kind of Produce solkitod. 147 Front M. PORT LAftfX ORI TUR FASHION STABLE'S Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 Leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Every Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. Just Little Stones In Scotland observance of the Sab bath is,' or was, very strict, and man ual labor on that day is looked on with horror. One Sunday the good wife of Jock was horrified to hear a great knocking in the garden. Going out, she found her husband hammering away at a Larrow behind the trees. "Ma jMidene.ss, Jock," said she, "what are e doing! don't ye know its the Saw-hath?" "Aye," replied Jock, "but I'm behind the trees, and I must knock the nails in." Said his better half, "Hist, mon ! why dinna ye use screws?" Judge Blowers Visits Grandmother Judge Blowers, recently back with a family party from a motor trip to Centralia. says the roads to the Wash ington city are fine. He states that only short stretch of about five miles on a detour this side of Kidgefield. was trying. The party included Mrs. Blowers, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Blowers and Mliss Alice Blower. Judge Blowers made the journey to -ee his grandmother, Mrs. C. A. Ijm panus, mother of the late ('apt. A. S. Blowers, a prominent local pioneer. i Mrs. I.amjisnus, aired 15 years, moved a year ago from her old home, Wadena Minn. Defpite her extreme age she is active mentally and physically. I commend" ( ham It. Main's I aid. t - "Chamberlain's Tablets have been ;-t , ! - rr I.,.- km! ar1 mself off ard on for the past five yeara. When mv husband Roes away from home he al- ways takes a bottle of them along with 1 him. Whenever I have that r.esvy feeling after eating, or feel dull and i played out, I take one or -two of Cham berlain'a Tablets and they fix me up fine," writes Mr?. Newton Vreeland. i Minoa. N. Y. Take these tablets when troubled with constipation or indigcs- j tion and they will do yon good. . A. W. -treet. P ils and nelial yon Abstract isnk, Manag w i TmmmwM 1 I if ' WT ,U.U II r 1 WHMIMTK 1 I II S 1. ' I M WMm, )M I 1 ill I I li R?JH I I I r--V JsU H m MswZssu u 4 iv . m 1 . jjgjl clean as a new pin 1 hM JL when you use a good oil I J i'v fisiThi-fM cookstove. No drudgery VM 1 ' no lrt" j"ust touc'1 a mafch n' cican iiueuse tuuKing neat. if j NJ lobe sure of best results -Ja in youc stove, use Pearl Oil J l v the uniform kerosene. Pearl '' I Oil is clean burning and eco nomical. It is refined and re refined by a special process. Every drop is converted in to real heat. reari uu is lor sale by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil. IP STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK The World's Greatest Playground and Museum of Natural Wonders Magnificent hotels and commodious camps ; 300 miles of improved highways; all in tho midst of matchless so ncry. Its hotels me marvelous c-tublishmenls. Its camps are pretty little tent til laes, models of cleanliness, sanitation, order, comfort and simple, informal living. An Ideal plana for vacation pleasures. BM for oar beautifully illustrated booklet tailing all about its Wonders iu word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY during the season between Portland and West Yellowstone by. the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Commencing Salurday, June 18th, Leaving Portland 5:00 P. M. Our local agents will tie triad to ex plain t he various tours which enable visitors to see the Yellowstone so comfoi tablv ami at min imum cost; also to quota fares, prepare your itinerary and make your reservations. Call on J. H. FREDRICY Phone 1151 Hood River, Oregon or address M. MaMURRAY, Qaa'l l'a-s. ifssit, I'oitland, Oregon. MEAT MARKET BARGAINS Not for one day only but until further announce ment we will sell as follows: 5-lb. Lard Compound 65c Beef Boil 10c Beef Pot Roast 15c Breakfast Bacon 30c The Hood River Market A. F. DA V F.N PORT, Prop. Phone 4311 Many Ptoplc Talk Against Cement onfortti- mmlity. nate as U use a Those are the ones we want to use our cement or in fact any thing in the line of huildin? materials we sell. We will stand back of 'our jrols nd guarantee you satisfaction in every way or yortr money Lack. Taft Transfer Co. We carry a complete line of GARDEN TOOLS as well as Builders' Hardware, Carpenters' Tools Ranges, Etc. We have recently added to our stock a line of PAINTS and FRUIT JARS. Prices and quality always right. BLOWERS' HARDWARE CO. Don't Pass The Buck, Pass The Bonus Bill QUALITY QUANTITY Ask for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS Remember We ha ve the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote' on your require ments. Yours for prompt service. OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE, OREGON 411, I Iifiirw Mitt w r m till isbiuiifim fjvptMH ijhj m$ Is J W . . , "flft lf ill iit'tfttirM4rtn r"''"ffVJf t.jfsy sfn ,tttf(J mm' Have You Tried The Super-Buttermilk? It is jroinjr stronger every day. We have tried it out at load restaurants and The Dalles likes it. It is made of whole milk, prepared with a culture, Take homo a quart. For a wholesome summer bev erage it cannot be equaled. HOOD RIVER CREAMERY The Long and Short of it is that you have f try our cigars to knot their smoke goodness. Men words can zie no idea of their suit'riority to ordinary ci gars at the same prices or even higher. So drop in and give them a trial. If you don't say it is one of the b st cigars you ever smoked THE ELECTRIC KITCHEN 11. GEOBGfi, Prop.