HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, jTXE 0, 1021 whercv r woi t convenient. THE NEW United States Cream Separator WITH Dr3C BOWL "Z.efs jour i Ye enoj e." I.i cf superior construction and haa i 1 1 . , , . 11 "as labor-saving con veniences not found in olli , separators rri I. ... j Dcn. wi go on omwr .de permitting separator to h, ..l,,,! . A speed indicator bell assists in keep ing separator at proper speed with out waste of energy. Blow crunk speed of 4 2 turns per min ute means less power required. he perfected bowl, self-adjusting with interchangeable and fewer discs, is easier to clean and is a record skimmer. rwu j jne-piece frame with sanitary base ban enclosed gears, automatically oiled, making it a Strang and durable, yet easy running MpUfr- TJicbc ar.d other features make the New united btates Disc Separator a favorite with the former a v. ife. Come and see KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. HOOD RIVER. OREGON 219 II I I We offer QUALITY, SERVICE and GOOD WILL Our meats and groceries are of the best Phone your orders to SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY HOLMAN & SAMUEL Phone 1811 Vote Yes 302-Soldiers Loan find Bonus Bill ALIEN PROTECTION EMBODIED IN BILL A proposal to confer on the federal government nower to determine and enforce, even as against states, treaty rights which aliens in the United StatM tuny be given, was introduced last week by Senator Kellogg, republi can, Minnesota, in the form of a bill framed by the judiciary committee of the American Mar Association. Senator Kellogg said that the meas ure was put forward to raise the issue and not to apply necessarily to any specific situation. Under the bill the president would be authorized, where in judgment any statute of any state or territory con travened treaty right of alien, to in truct the altorney-general to take up the defense of civil or criminal prose cution brought by state officials before state courts and to secure their re moval to federal courts for trial. The federal 'courts would take jurisdiction when any acts had been committed againsrtiliens which would constitute crimes under state laws and penalties similar to those provided in the state statutes would he imposed in case of acts against American citizens. United States marshals and, if necessary, army or navy forces would be avail able to enforce decisions. California, under its anti-alien land laws, does not violate any rights guar anteed to the Japanese or any other aliens by treaty and never has at tempted to do go, it was declared in a statement issued by State Senator In man, president of the Japanese Uxclu- lon League ol California. The statement follows: "If Senator Kellogg of Minnesota and those favoring his bill just intro duced, assume that its provisions could be invoked against operation for in stance of the California alien land law, the are evidently not familiar with the provisions of that law. "It specifically declares that aliens ineligible to citizenship shall be ac corded all rights as to purchase, enjoy ment, transfer and use of real prop erty, as may be granted them under treaty, but not otherwise." r Next Week Will Be teScholl's Foot Comfort Week You can rid yourself of corns, callouses, bunions or enlarged joints. Come to our store and let our foot expert demon Strate to you how to have comfortable feet. Dr. ScholVs Bunion Reducer Protects the bunion or enlarged joint. Causes reduction through absorption because it retains the natural warmth and moisture. Made of soft rubber. EZf Worn in shoe. Price each i J V neiBiiiTiiaaisBnaifi'- Dr. ScholVs Toe-Flex Straightens the toe, prevents overlapping and removes the cause of bunions. Per fectly comfortable. Price each 75c Foot Expert's Services Free Now is your opportunity to realize the joys of genuine foot comfort. Come in and get his services. Everybody invited to get "Foot-Happy1' Star Brand Shoes ARE All Leather czd J. C. JOHNSEN BOY SCOUTS' TRIP TO EAtp CREEK IBv Jack Cram) I "Gee, but it was hard work rolling out. This was the sentence heard by more than one person Fridav morning about six o'clock. Four who heard these words were Mr. Butler, Mr. Acheson, Mr. Sinclair and Mr. Keir, who took the Roy Scouts from Riverside church to Eagle Creek that morning. We were wide awake and on the trail by 8.20 and the first 24 miles were easily accomplished. This brought us to the Eagle Creek punch bowl. Two. miles more and we came to the high bridge. Then one mile fa ther and we arrived at a suitable camping place. Each group of boys had their own camp and did their own cooking. When dinner and roll call were over we were free to do what we liked until six o'clock. Some energetic Scouts went to Eagle Creek tunnel others craved the water and took a swim, while still others wilh the aid of a rone climbed the mountain. Everyone took special precaution and avoided all unnecessary danger. After supper we held a Kan garoo court in which we found we had some budding orators. But after a hard fight the defendant was found to be innocent, much to his relief, on the charge of peeking over a bluff. Taps were sounded at H.30. Nearly everyone slept well and were up at 6.30 with their eyes on the fry ing pan and an empty feeling in their stomachs. After breakfast and inspec tion, the morning was spent in hiking and building a swimming pool. We had dinner at noon and at .'! 30 started for the Highway. We hated to break camp for we had had a livelv time but we were glad when we arrived at the mad to find Mr. Allen, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Porter waiting to take us home. We ate supper before starting. Everyone had a good time and we are looking foiward to more trips like this one. Oak Street Work Completed Hood River now has: two thorough fares to accommodate Highway traffic 1 across the city. The city has just completed the grading of a section of , Oak sreet between Tenth street and its intersection with Cascade avenue, the j latter street formerly having carried the full stream of motor traffic. The improvement of Oak street was antici- ' pated by business concerns, and gar ages and service stations have arisen along it in the business district. The opening of the new street will enable the city to handle the heavy motor car traffic without congestion. The Transfer & Livery Co. did the grading. "Try It Out Yourself" says the Good Judge And you will find how much more satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of the ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. ny man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco G. L. DAVENPORT Grower and shipper Apples. Pota toes. Onions. Seed Potatoes-true variety "The Best that's Grown'' IMHI sv m m TRADE All kinds of Produce solicited. 147 Front St. PORTLAND. ORE. THE FASHION STABLE'S Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 Leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m.' Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Every Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. Flood Water Stops Irrigation The ranchers of the Underwood fruit district, according to Mrs. H. A. Hus sey, wife of an orchardist on the flat there, will welcome a fall of the Co lumbia. The backwater of the larger stream has flooded on the White Salm on river a pump used by the Under wood Irrigation Uistrict in watering their berry tract and orchards. While the interruption of the irriga tion system will cause no injury to apples, it comes at a time when the water is badly needed for strawberies, and as a result of the failure of the water, the Underwood crop affected by the high water may be cut somewhat short. Riverside (hoir Enjoys Picnic Members of Riverside Community Church Choir recently enjoyed a leus ant Sunday afternoon picnic en the Dee Flat ranch of Al. J. Graff. A Mimntuoua luncheon was rnread. Thot attending were : Mrs. E. L. Houee, Mr u- .1 Mrs V V. Knnce Mr u- l Mrs. W. H. Metcalf and children, Infe rence and Priscilla, Janice Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sletton, Mrs. Jessie V. Gleason. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Wutst, Sarah Howes, A. J. Graff, Mr. ard Mrs. ("has. N. ( Urke, Thomas and Charlotte Clarke and Mrs. A. StaaU. ; i oiiphh n! ( haiiilM rlaln's TalilrN "Chamberlain ' Tablets have been used by my husband and myaelf oft and on for the past five years. When my husband goes away from home he al ways takes a bottle of them along with him. Whenever I have that heavy feeling after eating, or feel doll and played out, I take one or tio of Cham berlain's Tablets and they fix me up fine," writes Mrs. Newton V reel and. Minna. N. Y. Take these tablets when troubled with ronttipation or indiges tion and they will do yoa good. (r-t von i flower and vegetable plants at flant, cauliflower, celery, peppers. jni! I alfc iTI ill 6V;v have a Coal Bin or a Wood Box? YOU can get clean economi cal Pear Oil from dealers everywhere. You save youtself a lot of trouble and work when you cook with a good oil cookstove. No ashes to carry no fires to requireyourfrequent attention. With a good oil cookstove and Pearl Oil the heat is applied directly to the cooking utensil. The heat is steady and depend able. Pearl Oil gives high fuel values. Pearl Oil is the clean burn ing, uniform, economical kero senerefined and re-refined by aspecial process. Dealers every where. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) PEARLOIL HEAT AND LIGHT J The six cylinder Oldsmobile touring model is chiefly a business man's oar. It is a compact, handy ear delight ful to handle either on the open road or in heavy traffic economical of both fuel and tires. Yet it offers roomy, comfortable touring accommodations for five passengers. This Model 37-A Oldsmobile sets the pace in six cylin der values. At. $1750 (here) we believe it to be unrivalled among cars of its general type. The convertible roadster, built on the same standard cbassis, is also priced at $1750. HIGHWAY AUTO CO. CORNER OAK AND FIFTH STREETS PICNIC DAYS Summer is here and you're already planning- your week-end picnics Our market is equipped to aid you in preparing your luncheon as well as the Sunday dinner when you want something especially nice for your guests. The Hood River Market A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 This Firm endorses the Soldiers' State Aid Bill We carry a complete line of GARDEN TOOLS as well as Builders' Hardware, Carpenters' Tools Ranges, Btc. We have recently added to our 3tock a line of PAINTS and FRUIT JARS. Prices and quality always right. BLOWERS' HARDWARE CO. Don't Pass The Back. Piss The Bonus Bill QUALITY QUANTITY A.sK. for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS Remember We have the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote on your require ments. Yours for prompt service. w OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE, 0HE0ON 1 afldj whim wmt mmm; 'Iff' ,, ..', itif 'tfA'fi rnttntntttfn rrtnrrt trr" trxrA urmfinjtrrrt fn Cititi ui mi u initrrriu ,r; Vv,U fsr rrf mm4 tf I A Good Hot 1 ire at this season is of course very desirable; it makes the home cheerful and your holi day visitors feel fine. Burn our coal and you will pet such a fire. It may he bitter cold without, but will always be comfortable within. Taft Transfer Co. MODERN BARBERSHOP IN OLD HI NT PAINT SHOP BUI DING; Every convenience. Equipped to care for every member of the family, from father and mother down to the child who wishes his hair cut or bobbed f-.r the first time. A lifetime of experience enables me to jjive Hood Rver the best in massages and shampooing. JOHN CALANDRA See us before buying Arsenate of Lead We handle "CORONA DRY" The Universal Insecticide Orchard Supplies and International Harvester Supplies The Hood River Fruit Co.