nOOD RIVER GLACIER Til 0 RSDAY, JFX E 9, 1021 Mount Rainier I i B)T I in i rorgeousZMt Rainier Mount Rainier is 14,408 feet above the Bea-level the sec ond highest mountain peak in the United States. It is the cen ter of Rainier National Park, Washington and is situated bout seventy-five miles by road east of Tacoma. This remarkable mountain is of volcanioorigin and is now crowned with snow and ice, having the most extensive glaciers to be found in the United States. The National Paries High way leads diree'ly from Ta coma to Rainier National Park, and at Longmip" Springs within the Park boundaries is a Standard Oil service sta tion ready to serve motorists with Red Crown Gasoline. Wherever you tour in Washington you will see the Red Crown sign on service sta tions and garages. It is the sign of quality in gasoline. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) CI? j m tyc Gasoline RKUBKN F. FRASIKR W.T. KRAMER We have just purchased the husiness of t he Ar nold Grocery Co. W. T. Frailer, who has heen with this husiness for several years will remain in active charge. We offer the people of Hood River a service of courtesy and goods, staple and fancy, at prices just as low as conditions will permit. Come in and give us a trial. FRASIER & SON TEL. 7121 nT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 Taking effect Wednesday, October 29th,'.ltl9. 0 . BOt'Tllltol'NIl Ndiiniiiorsii No. S Na. :, No. I Motor Motor iiH.v DaTy Dil s j .1 Station. P. M. A. M. A. M. 4 00 10.46 8.00 ... Lv. Hood River Ar 4. as lo 4S 8.05 Powardala 4.12 10.57 s 15 Bwitchback 4.20 11.10 8.25 Van Horn I . ll. is 8. so Mohr. 4 M 11 18 8.40 Odell 4 40 ll.M 8 45 Summit 4.43 11.26 H.50 Blomlier 4.47 11.80 UJK) llolntein 4.50 11. SS H.Oo WiMM I 4.67 11.38 9 20 ....Dm n, 6.02 11.48 tt.25 Trent Creek 5.12 11.63 .S5 Wood wortb . . . . 1 6.17 12 00 10.00 Ar. Parkdalc lv ! . M. M. I A. M. I No. 2 No. 4 No. 6 NY8 iMifv I Imlly Miilnr Motor Kicapt Bseapt ?! Siitiird'y i i. Hand) Daily only t m. a. m. r. m. r. m. S.Oii 9.25 I 2.15 0.45 ! 67 9.22 2.U 0.4! 8.60 9.16 2.04 fi.34 2.40 ! 02 1 .52 8 .22 S.85 8.68 1.48 1 38 8.53 1.43 II. 1U 8.40 1.36 8.08 2 W 8.42 1 .32 I 02 2.10 8.37 1.27 5.57 I Or. I 8.34 1.24 5 54 2.00 8.30 1.20 6.60 11 15 8.25 1.15 6.45 11.05 i 8.15 1.88 6 IB 11 (Hi 8.10 1.00 , 1.88 A. M. A. at. P. M. I P. M. Steam, t Motor. Owintf to 1 1 in it-. I spare on Motor Car all handled on the pteamtraiii. -it ) n-r in advance c trunks ami heavy if ir f. .!!. iiiu the lai.'v:ie ill lie piiHHencers. Anderson Undertaking Co. C C andi kson. sie rrof titai Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 41S OAK STRUT PMONK I.W4 S. E.. BARTMESS FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381, 3821 HOOD RIVER. OREGON HUCKABAY & BARGER Hood Rjver Motor Car Co Plumbing and 1 in Worn k,; ik. and oh PIPELESS FURNACES .f Nl k u m kvicf station FKUIT (JROWERS PLAN WATER SHIPMENTS Representatives of deciduous and cit rus fruit growers of Washington, Ore gon and California having a capital in vestment of more than 1800,000,000 and an annual production of more than loo.ono carloads of fruit, met at Seattle last week to perfect an organization of the All Western committee on water transportation, which will act as a cen tral agency for the routing of Pacific Coast perishables to tfulf and eastern markets hy water In preference to the all-rail haul. In addition to electing C. S. Whit comb, of Los Angeles, as association president, J. H. Wade, of Wenatchee, was made president of the deciduous branch and a vice president of the as sociation ; C. De Vere Kairchild, of Yakima, will be secretary-treasurer anil the directors at large will be H. r Davidson, of Hood River, and C. 1 Lewis, of Salem. The California bod ies interested in the association will elect similar officers and there will be bureaus in the various fruit producing sections, with Whitcomb the directing head of all. A conference will be held with Sec retaries Weeks and Hoover by repre sentatives of the committee and with western congressmen to further the cause of harbor improvements and in stallation of refrigeration on a number of the United States shipping board vessels in addition to those of privately owned ships. Representatves of intercoastal steam ship services are prepared to make definite rates and provide adequate cooled space when the growers organ zation finally pledges a minmum of 9,000 carloads of apples and citrus fruits. Figures were presented showing 24 leading ports of the United States are equipped to handle this fruit from in tercoastal points. The committee resolution adopted said that water transportation will revolutionize distribution of Pacific coast fruits, stabilize the industry by creation of numerous new maikets. save millions annually to the producer and the eonnsumer. The organization will represent all fruit growers and shippers of fruit in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, with two bureaus citrus with headquarters in California, and deciduous, with headquarters in Wash ington state each bureau to be a com plete organization and pelf-financed. THIS MAN DREADED TO SEE NIGHT COME a So R.-tliM. (Ic Couldn't Sleep' And Hat light Was Always Welcome "With the exception of a little milk toast, which comprised my diet for more than eight weeks, 1 could not eat anything;, " said Capt. Ceo. W. Womble, residing at 106 Jennings St., Knoxville, Tenn., a highly respected citizen of that city. "1 am now able." continued Captain Womble, "after taking two bottles of Tanlac, to eat practically anything. 1 had a bad form of stomach and inten tinal trouble for a long time and for months my condition had been such that I suffered agony. 1 got so I could not eat the simplest food. I tried doc tor after doctor anil all kinds of medi cine but nothing that was prescribed for me seemed to do me any good. I had a terrible pain in my breast just over my heart and for weeks and weeks 1 got no relief. "I finally got so nervous that I ac tually dreaded to see night come as I could not sleep and was always so rest less that 1 would rejoice to see day light come. 1 was also constipated all of the time. In fact, life seemed a burden and 1 was s. miserable that I was almost on th verge of desnair. Several of my neighbors told me about lanlac and advised me to try it. "I. am personally acquainted with Mr. Dan M. Chambliss. of the firm of Kuhlman & Chambliss. and when I told him of my condition and how I sutlered he advised ma to begin taking laniac without delay and that it had relieved hundreds of the best people In Knoxville. I have .ow taken two bot tics of lanlac and am giving vou this testimonial in the hope that it mav in duce others to take it. Since taking mis meuicine 1 actually leel like 1 had been made over again with the youth. energy and ambition of a sixteen vear old boy. -Adv. ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT of Eastman Cameras and Supplies have arrived and we can now show you all the new designs. Eastman Cameras and Films Can be had from us in all styles goods are all new (just in) and stock is fresh. We carry the latest devices in SELF-TIMER (take a picture of yourself), PORTRAIT ATTACHMENT, SKY FILTERS, COLOR FILTERS, and NEW STYLE TRIPODS. Let us do your DEVELOPING AND PRINTING. We give you "Sandy Service with a Smile." Yours to Serve J Reliable Druggist Olerman Pays $50 II. A. Olerman, driver of the auto- mbile wrecked at Wyeth Sunday before last, on leaving the Cottage hosuital Wednesday afternoon, was arrested by Ueputy .Sheriff Sloat on a charge of driving while intoxicated. Judge On- tbank assesed a fine of $M. RINEIIART PARTY DUE AUGUST I c. c. mercial with 11. Kenzie Crew, secretary of the Com Crab, which is collaborating U. Hayes, merchant of Mr liridge and noted Oregn guide in arranging for a horseback trip to conduct Mary Koberts Kinehart am her husband. Dr. S. M. Kinehart, and party over the route of the proposed Skyline Boulevard from Mount Hood South to Crater Lake, has received a letter from Dr. Kinehart, who states that the recreationists will reach Ore gon about August I, Dr. Kinehart says : "I know Mrs. Kinehart will be glad to meet your friends and fellow citi zens informally. However, we shall not remain long in one place. We hope to spend whatever leisure time we have in fishing and sightseeing. Mrs. Kinehart is very tired mentally and I know the woods will restore her. 1 hope if we do have the pleasure of meeting you and your friends you will under stand that she desires no formal enter tainment. We all prefer to be just folks without frills or formalities whatever. " Mr. Crew has just received a letter from Mr. Hayes, who asks information about the Upper Vallcr ranch of Coorge Har.neman, four miles south oi mi. 11 nou i.oiige. the initial camp nt the Kinehart party will probably be made on thiH place. The party will visit the new Columbia Gorge Hotel ami Mt. Ilniid I.oiige. Indians Attract Tourists Kerry harvest scenes are now as great an attraction for vistiing motor ists as the surrounding points of scenic interest. Many growers have secured Indians for this year's harvest. Last week a party of about .'10 Kedskins from a Pendleton reservation arrived in pick the berry crop of W. K. Gibson A Sons, of the Willow Flat district. The wigwams, surrounded by colored blankets and gaily garbed, may be seen in nearly every wooded copse in the berry districts. The number of Indians in the valley at the present time exceeds that of any year of re cent date. Ten years ago, however, as high as .'"h Indians participated in berry harvent, the squaws and papooses picking the tmlk or the truil. Cars Park on Lower Koad Walter Ford, who with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. William llailey, returned last week from an automobile trip to Seaside, declares that one of the most noiiceanie leatures ot motoring over the Lower Columbia Kiver Highway is the way drivers are permitted to park their machines an the paving. " m the tinner highway." savs Mr. Ford, "the load is kept clear, but on the lower river the motorist has to be areful because of the cars standing on the road. When a man gets a punc ture or has to diagnose engine trouble he just steers to one side of the paving and stops. F'rom general appearance it seems that our portion of the road is much better patrolled than that on the lower I olumhia. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy Kvery family should keep this pre paration at hand during the hot of the summer months. It is almost sure to be needed, and when that time comes, is worth many times its cost. Buy it now. Notice to Creditors In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for ifood Kiver County. Notice is hereby given that E. U. Cate & Co., and F,. U. ("ate and A. J. Wastair of Hood Kiver, Oregon, have made an assignment of all of their property, both personal and real, for the benefit of all of their creditors, to W. F. Hartrampf as assignee: and that W. F. Hartrampf lias accepted said trust and taken possession of the property and entered upon his duties as such HHsignee and has filed his deed of assignment in llnod Kiver County, State of Oregon. All persons having claims against t. 1 1 . t ate & Co.. EL U. Cate and A. J. Wagstalf, or either of them are hereby required to present said claims properly verified and with proper vouchers showing all the facts concerning such claim, together with a statement of the security held or claimed to be held therefor, and such other matters as may show the nature and consideration of the debt and will warrant the allowance thereof, to the undersigned assignee within three months from the date hereof. Said claims may be presented to W. F. Hartrampf at his office in Hood liver. Oregon, or at No. f27 Kailway F.x i iunge Building, Portland. Oregon. lata of first publication June 2nd, 1921. Dale of last publication July nth. 1!)21. W. F. Hartrampf. Assignee. Notice to Creditors C. A. RICHARDS 1 1 1 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery cziorzz TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT aag wm ill H J 1 FROM FREIGHT CAR TO YOUR DOOR or vice versa from your farm or factory to the freight train our transfer truck does the delivering in only a fraction of the time horse trucks take and there by save you time and money. Our trucks drive right up to the freight cars and deliver your goods or call for them. Our phone No. 4111. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 1111 Of Mailt THE WEARY WAY llri uniinc I ias i nri-oinc Kan) in II I Kher ta way, indt ev Till I i l phone (HI I ' id Sljle Stri i is THK SAMT KY WAY HOFFM N H1AM PUSH R All 'term Killed J. C. MEYER hood Kier' TaBM and Preaaer Hutel raion BMj. Tel. 1121 Furniture and Hardware !()R SALE , .ii I f r MHnixl-hand article ami junk. at .KOSS I r .nl ami ak. M. 121" W ith a back With roit dii Annoying ur 'Tia a wn lHan'a Kidl for kidnev tn ublc. Aak vour neighbor Arc endowed by Hood Kiver citize s' Mrs. W. ('. Wheeler. iL'lfi Eugene I St, Hood River, aara : "I am triad to say a food word fur lKan'a Kuim v Pills. I knew one can depend on them. My kidneya were weak and I had at tarks of backache. If I overworked or took cold, I felt dull and languid and had pi energy. Mv work waa often it In the County I'ourt of the State Oregon, for Hood Kiver County. In the matter of the estate of Louis Plog, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has li', : duly appointed, by the County Court of Hood Kiver (k)un tv, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Louis l'log, dr. -rased, and has iiuali- tied as such. All persona having any claims against above named estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified as bv law required, to the undersigned, at the office of John liaker. Attorney at Law, in the Hro siua Kuilding, Hood River, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 24th day of May, 1921. John K. IMog, Administrator of the Kstate of Louis Flog, Deceased. m2'jn2.'$ Notice of Hearing on Final Account Noice is hereby given : That the un dersigned, as Kxerutrix of the Will of Agnes Kay, Deceased, has filed her Final Account in tt.e County Court of Hood Kiver County, Oregon, and that Saturday. June 26th, 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the CoantJT OMtl room in Hood Kiver, Oregon, haa been ap pointod as the time and place for the hearing of any objection thereto, and the settlement thereof. Dated and lirst iiblished, Mav 2t'.th, HtL Adelaide D. Kay. Executrix. (leorge R. Wilbur, Attorney tor tNtate. m26jn2:? Free Employment OFFICE FOR BOTH Union and Non-Union Labor Those wishing employes or those in need of work, apply an I register. Telephone 2104 BRAAKMAN'S PAINT SHOP 207 3rd Street Smith Building Applicants must furnish tddraaMI in order that they may Ik; reached quickly. Under auspices of Local 17516 American Federation of Labor. PAINTING PAPERHANGING DECORATING CONTRACTING Sec us for estimates R. SOSEY G. K. BARR IW 3271 R I'hnftt 2743 J. BARR FViik 3474 The Housewife's Ready Storehouse You wouldn't expect one honest would you? There is any meal or tor any sudden occasion if you keep your pantry stocked with groceries from Kaesser's. order to do it, now dways something for if you "GROCERIES OF QUALITY " ARE YOU RUN DOWN One Month's Treatment. Try our Nux and Iron TabIets--$I.OO for C. N. Clarke, The Glacier Pharmacy Telephone 1 1 6 DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel Urad; have headache, indigestion, inso- .nia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL W. J. Baker & Co. Deafen in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Do STORY TIME your kiddies look forward to slorv timo in thn eve-ninj; just before the Sand Man comes? ' Do you send them Off to the land of dreams with hearts content and with happy thoughts? Hut are their little bodies properly nourished? M" a wary ior adults, it is the storv of mat win leave in its trail health and milk form the perfect food, of each they can eat and drink. We milk, a storv and li;ul)iness. Rutter Give your little ones all HOOD RIVER CREAMERY LENORE GREGORY HUGHES OF violin Kuropean Training ami Kxpvrien.v Cail Satnrilaya at Oregon I fatal, or a.Mre-s Mi-s . r. ..r . Han -nek t., Portland, Oregon. r-ly a.k for kidney rvi Itoan' Kidney Pills- the Mr. Wheeler had. Co., Mar.. Buffalo. N Tha world'a star 'ar 1 remedy for kidner. ttoar, bladder and uric acid initial and National Remedy of Holland aince Three sizaa. all druggists, Guaranteed. . mm C.,d Medal mm e.r box asd accept bo latitat km. Lawk fo. th H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor unice, mun mock, Kootn -. Tel. :u I1hM KIVKK, ORK. A. J . DERBY Lawyer MOOD RIVER, OrtlOON. M. E. WELCH, I.U ISK1 IKTt.KIMKT M Kl.Fo Foator-Milburn Y. 14 Order K rate at tl t nou tfice. for lerry la reparel ! do any work la ary Uae. He ran be artnoif by pruning hi ine the reterln f..'lua at or TIRE SALE Present business conditions force us to sell Tires at follow ing prices : 30 x 3i 32 x 3i 32 x 4 33 x 4 They are all Tires. This throufrh March WM. WKRK K No. s;ile $15.25 18.75 23.75 24.75 1 Crescent will last lor your name and address I will tell you just how to be rid of that dangerous, distressing, disfiguring GOITRE No pain, no drugs, no "opera lion." no stup in work or play. IK. M. L STRATTON Apt i.i irx ini, str, ,.t Pi d.TI M i. on B. B. POWELL Plumbing. Heating and Sheet Metal Work .Mt Cascade Avenue HOOlfcRIVKK. ORK(,i S A. DOCKSTADER PUKO TUNING AND REPAIRING Flayer piano? a specially Leave order at Slivum a Book Sbm i DRS. ABRAHAM AND 5IFT0N PHYSIC! Url md RTRQBOIU iRoorrj 17, M a) Broeiua Building he, flione: Ir. Abraham 4152. IT- Nft-n ;13. 4151. MISS B. GRIFFIN Teacher of Violm. Piano, Mando lin, Guitar, Etc. At 0M Daaatai ataHaaai Tel. 25gi oppoaitc Telephone Boilding.