The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 02, 1921, Image 1

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No. 1
State Aid for World War Veterans
"The Devil sick, the Devil a saint would be ;
The Devil well, the Devil of a saint was he."
In those dark days of the world war when our boys with the allied soldiers were straining every nerve to hold the line,
and when for those few days we feared that Hindenberg would yet through, we were loud in our praises of the men at the
front, and we would have voted unanimously for any measure that would have expressed in some small degree our feeling for
the men who were offering their lives that we might continue to enjoy the blessings of Liberty in America.
Just how we feel about it now will be shown by the vote on the Bonus Bill which conies before the
people of Oregon at the Special Election on June 7th.
Kresse Drug Co., TAe sJUL sto
There seems to be a well defined effort
by chronic calamity howlers to continually dis
seminate propaganda that times are "hard" in
Hood River Valley, but a careful analysis of
the situation belies such statements. While the
results of the 1920 fruit crop have been a
setback to many, it has not seriously impaired
their resources or credit.
The First National welcomes applications
for legitimate loans, not for speculative or luxury
purposes but for farm and commercial needs.
You are invited to call and talk over your
Reed the Legions' explanation of the Soldiers' State Aid Bill
Twentieth Century Truck Farm
J. H. KOBERG, Proprietor
Hose - Lime - Sulphur - Bluestone
Spray Gloves
Whale Oil Soap
Arsenate of Lead
Hydrated Lime
- Dusting Sprays
Bordeau Mixture
Du Pont Powders
"Friend" Sprayers
"I have used three different makes of Sprayers but
never got Real Satisfaction until I bought a 'FRIEND.' "
A Reliable Hood River Orchardist
Hood River Spray Company
Phone 2421
State Aid For
m World War Veterans M
If the Bonus Bill had come before the
jJP people of Oregon on June 7th, 1918, v$
If the Bonus Bill had come before the
people of Oregon on June 7th, 1918,
can you Imagine the mental process
ol the voter who would have voted
against it?
Surely on June 7th, 1921, we will wel
come the opportunity to express, even
In this small decree, our appreciation of
the services of the men who, by reason
of this service, are now confronting
many serious problems In returning to
civilian life.
Vote 302 Yes
I Si?0' ,:(IJ
Now is the time to place your or
der for slab wood so as to allow time
for proper seasoning during the
summer months. We handle the
entire local output of the Dee mill.
Special prices on car load lots of
ten to twelve cords. F. 0. B. car
shipments to ranchers at points on
Mt. Hood Line.
PHONE 2181
Successors to
All accounts must be settled
monthly or no further credit
will be extended.
Effective this month.
Native Ortgonian Passes Here
The body of W. H. Calavan, aged 69
years and native of Scio, who died at
bia West Side home on Friday, was
ahipped to Carlton by C. C. Anderson
Sunday for funeral services and inter-
I ment. Mr. Calavan, who bad spent
moat of hia life at Willamette valley
pointa, came here three years ago for
hia bealtb, baying a West Side orchard.
In addition to hia widow, be is survived
by sever, grown children.
Red Tile Roof of Columbia Gorge Hotel
' Forms New Landmark for
Wayfaring Motorists
The red tiled roof of the Columbia
Gorge Hotel forms a new landmtirk for
the wayfaring motorist on the Colum
bia Kiver Highway.
Except for finishing touches to the
superb interior and the cleaning away
of debris left by carpenters, masons
and painters on the outside, the big
tourist hotel, the most elaborate of its
kind in the Pacific Northwest, is all
ready to greet the tourist, attracted to
the scenic Cascades by smoothly paved
links of highway. California, long
noted for its tourist inns, has larger
resort hostelries than the Columbia
Gorge Hotel but bonifaces of the south
can boast of no greater comforts or
conveniences than have been provided
ine new .s-story ounaing, wan a
frontage of 185 feet, is of fireproof
concrete and stucco construction. It
has 48 rooms with 44 baths on the sec
ond and third floors. On the first floor
are the huge dining room, which will
accommodate 600 guests, and elaborate
reception and lounging rooms 1 he
gueal at mealtime may look from a
series of French windows over an ex
panse of the Columbia to the north,
and Wau Guin Guin falls of Phelps
creek drops perpendicularly 125 feet
down the canyonside to the level of
the Columbia. The O.-W. R. & N.
track runs directly beneath the hotel.
The structure is overtopped by a look
out tower from which unusually ap
pealing views of the Columbia's can
yon, both east and west, may be had.
In time guests, it is likely, will be
atttracted to the new hotel just to see
the sunsets in the gorge.
The Columbia Gorge Hotel's cost
will approximate $300,000. S. Benson,
who financed the hostelry for Henri
Thiele, former chef of the Hotel Hen
son in Portland, declares that his in
terest is for the purpose of demon
strating the possibilities of such re
sorts in the scenic northwest. Mr.
Kenson declares that the hotel was a
vital need to supplement the invest
ments Oregon has been making the
past rive years in highways.
Both Mr. Benson and Mr. Ihiele are
now busily engaged, aiding full crews
of workmen in completing the hos
telry. It is now planned to open the
resort about June 11. Mr. Benton may
be found daily removing debris from
the grounds or some other task. The
other day armed with a crow bar he
was removing timber moulds from con
crete Btairs on'the Highway side of the
structure. Mr. Benson was asked to
join Hood River citizens and offer sug
gestions for plans to boost the $360,000
road .bond issue, to be placed on the
ballot that the June election.
"Are you going to have a real worth
while meeting: he asked. "1 meai
are you going to get enough together
to really accomplish something: If
not I do not want to attend. 1 am
pretty busy here. But if I can do
something benefical in aiding the bond
issue I will be present."
The proposed highway bonds, if
voted, will enable Hood River county
to join the state on a 50-50 basis in
constructing the valley trunk of the
Mount Hood Loop Higwhay. Mr. Men
son declares that he doesn't see how
the county can afford to decline the
offer, which will result in a trunk
market road from one end of the Hood
River valley to the other.
When a visitor to the new hotel calls
for Mr. Thiele he is always directed to
the kitchen. There the noted chef
may be found at any hour of the dsy
supervising fhe installation of equip
ment that will make the new hotel's
kitchen one of the finest in the land.
Mr. Thiele knows that Oregon rial ton
must be provided with more than a
feast for the eves. It is his plan to
make the cuisine of his hostelry as
famed as Mount Hood or Multnomah
The new hotel has a private water
system, springs, affording more than
100,000 gallons daily, having been
tapped on the high plateau south of
the building. A huge storage tank,
with pressure maintained by electrical
equipment has been placed in the great
basement, carved from almost solid
rock. The new hotel, which has just
been connected up by crewa of the
Pacific Power & Light Co., will be the
largest individual user of electricity in
the county. The lighting system is
elaborate and an elevator ia operated
by electrirty.
The grounds of the new hotel com
prise 21 acres, extending to the west
along the gorgeside. Several years
will he required in landscaping the sur
roundings. Much native hrubtery and
a grove of rugged oaks will be left in
tact. Flower gardens, tennis courts
and croquet grounds will be established.
An entrance road from the Highway
will penetrate the native shrubbery
and bordering flowerng I . A porte
cochere has been constructed at the
southwestern corner of the new hotel.
The need for the new hostelry ia
already manifest in the reservations
for accommodationa extending through
out the summer. Thousands have al
ready applied for rooma at various
times. Mary Roberta Rhinehart, ac
companied by her husband, Or. S. M.
Rhinehart, and sons, will make the
hostelry a base in August while view
ing Cascade wonder apoto. Peter B.
Kyne, another nationally known author.
a expected here at an earlier date.
Well known men and women from the
four corners of the country will be
guests of Mr. Thiele before fall, he
says. Mr. Ihiele aays the hostelry
could be filled with permanent guests
for the season. He will discourage
thia, however, and maintain the ac
commodationa for the general public
aud transient tourist.
The tariff at the new hostelry will
be exceedingly reasonable, and the cit
izen of ordinary means will be able to
partake of the mid-Columbia's hospi
tality without embarrassment to hia
Mr. Benson has panbably act a pace
that will be followed, by others in the
construction of mid-Columbia tourist
hostelries. A large mart proposition,
it is announced by J. H. Fredriry,
president of the Commercial Club,
hinge on set ion of Hood River county
voters the election of June 7, when
a bond issue of $350,000, to provide
funds for connecting the Columbia
River and Mount Hood Loop High
ways, will be passed on. He state
.l... c : I i . I i I-
umi ooHMciai interests nave aireauy
selected a site in the forested area in
the southeastern part of the county,
where an inn every bit as large as the
Columbia Gorge Hotel will be erected
if the Loop Highway is assured.
The new hostelry, increasing the
taxable property of Hood River county
by nearly $300,000, is being cited as an
appealing argument for the road bond
issue. The tax collected on the hotel
already built, it is declared, will more
than pav interest on the county's bond
issue of $71), 000 voted to aid in opening
the Columbia River Highway. In
increase in assesesd valuation from
hotel property in the mountainous area
citziens favoring the bonds declare,
will eventually finance the issue.
Former Opposition Swings in Line When
Practicability of Location for
Trunk is Shown
Mrs. Ida Ooyle and H. A. Orleman,
both of Portland, were injured, the
former seriously, in an automobile
wreck at 5 o'clock Sunday morning at
ine crash ol the overturning car
aroused the family of A. Fin, Wyeth
merchant. Both victims were found
unconscious, the body of Mrs. Doyle
under the car. Mr. Orleman had been
thrown'clear of the wreck. Liquor was
found in the car.
Physicians of this city were called
and the man and woman were removed
to the Cottage Hospital. Both soon
recovered consciousness, but Mrs.
Doyle suffered a fractured pelvis and
serious bruises. Mr. Orleman s body
was covered with painful but not seri-
us bruises. I he road is straight m
the vicinity of Wyeth, but tracks show
thatZthe car, badly wrecked, swerved
to the left of the pavement and then
quickly back to the right, leaving the
hard surface.
riie victims are unable to account
for the wreck. They state that they
had been engrossed at the time in
watching the sun rise.
1 raffle Officer Murray, who investig-
ated the wreck, says the crash was
witnessed by a resident of Cascade
Locks, who was motoring home from
here and met the ill-fated machine
just before the accident happened.
1 he Lock! citizen, whose name Mr.
Murray did not obtain, reports that the
machine was going at a high rate of
speed and was swaying from one side
of the road to the other. Alarmed he
hurried his own machine to the road
side. Although the ditch at the point
is shallow the turned over three times,
a wheel being removed by a telephone
Kle in one revolution.
The wrecked ear was on the High
way and caused such a jam of eqrious
automobilists that Mr" Murray had it
removed by J. F. VolstorfT as early
as possible to this city. The top was-a
mass of wreckage and it is miraculous
that Mrs. Movie was not. killed.
The wrecked machine was owned b
Ken C. Wing, 1121 Knst Yamhill St
roruanti, wno rented it to iikrinuii
wno, ii was staled, had rented curs on
former occasions.
Authorities state that Mr. (Herman
as soon as he is able to leave the bos
pital, will face a charge of reckless
The schedule of berry harvest wages,
showing a material decrease over last
year, has been e.-tahli hed by the A
pie Growers Association as follows:
For picking,, nine cents per carrier of
six hailochs, with a bonus of two cents
per carrier for all who complete the
season with a grower; packing, 17
cents per crate with a honiM of three
cents. The respective wage for last
year were 12 and 20 cents with the
same bonuses provided. The Associa
tion has established a free employment
agency wun mrs. j. w. ingalls in
While no changes will be made in
this season's grading rules, the ship
lung agency a loiices that a more
rigid inspection will be maintained.
I lir receipts oi heme iii' growing
laily now. A total of 115 crates was
shipped Monday. Shipment of a car
ot, however, is not expected before
Monday, June j. The demand for
transient harvest hands will not be
very keen until next week, when em
plovment will be available for at least
50 girls and women.
Tuesday F. K. Jones, who follows
the harvest seasons of fruit areas ui
and down the Pacific Coast, and his
family arrived here by wagon from
Sarramento to participate in the berry
harvest. The family will nick for
Ridgewood Farm, where last season
they were employed in the cultivation
of the 25 acre tract, one of the largest
in the district. Many Indians are ar
riving from nearby reservations to
pick berries.
The county court has designated the
following places as polling places forJ
the special election June 7:
Baldwin, Wyatt's hall; Barrett, Bar
rett school house; t'erter, Taylor's
hall; Dee, Dee school house ; Falls, I.
O. O. F. hall ; Height--, high school ;
North. Library hall: Odell, Grange
hall; Oak Grove. Oak GroTe school
house; Park, Baptist church; Park
dale, Mclsaac's hall; Pine Grove,
Grange hall; Waucoma, court house;
West, Frank ton school house.
Precinct boundaries within the city
re: North, north of State street
within the citv; Waucoma. Iietween
I State and Montello streets; Heights,
between Montello and Pine streets:
! Park, south of Pine and Taylor within
the city.
While a week ago the expression of
opposition to the $350, 000 valley trunk
road which will enable this county to
participate in the state program for
constructing the Mount Hood Loop
Highway was rather alarming to citi
zens who view the plans as the most
important ever before taxpayers, a
trend favorable to the issue has set in
strongly in the past few days, and now
many citizens who formerly expressed
disapproval or who were in doubt have
become strong adherents of the bond
campaign. ,
Those who view the bond campaign
from every angle and from a close
canvass of all parts of the county now
consider a favorable vote assured.
The activities of S. Benson in the mat
ter and the Pine Grove meeting last
Friday night made many votes for the
bond issue. Many have opposed the
bond issue or have remained lukewarm
on the proposition because they consid
ered the location wrong. Since they
have been shown th;it the state could
scarcely participate in the construction
of a trunk line on any other routing
and that the location as made by En
gineer Scott is the best for all practi
cal purposes over an indefinite period
they have confessed the errors of their
layman's viewpoint and are now work
ing tor the bond iseue. Lven in cases
where men are still not satisfied with
the existing location, they are still for
the bond issue, declaring that the gen
eral program of the trunk route and
the Loop Highway is too important for
them to take the responsibility of de
feating it.
An element of voters has found it
impossible to warm up on the bond
issue because of the existing burden of
high taxes. Indeed, some citizens of
this class are so firmly opposed to any
increase of taxes that they still declare
an opposition to the bonds. Others,
however, are analyzing the isspe from
a business standpoint and declare they
will vote for the bonds as an invest
ment that the valley cannot afford not
to make.
A voice of cheer was brought from
Cascade Locks Tuesday by A. O.
'1 understand." he said, "that you
folks are coming down Wednesday
night to convert us on the road bonds.
We do not need any teaching. So far
as I can gather everybody in the Locks
ia for the bonds. We are not so un
grateful as to oppose tho issue. The
Highway has been our making. We
realize the worth of roads, and Cascade
LockB is going to turn out. and do her
part for the trunk road bond issue."
A rallv for stimulating interest in
the $350,000 bond issue, proposed for
raising funds for Hood River county's
participation in the Mount Hood Loop
Higrway program, will be held to
night, Thursday, at Park Grange on
the West Side. The chief speaker of
the event will be S. Benson, ex-chairman
of the State Highway Commis
sion, who is now making his home here
and who is taking a keen interest in
the success of the bonds. The meeting
was arranged by County Judge H. L.
Last night J. H. Fredriey and a
party of citizens from all parts of the
v.i I ley motored to Cascade Locks for
a meeting.
If the county votes the $350,000 bond
issue and joins the state in the con
struction of the valley trunk line of
the Mount Hood Ixop, the state will
take over the 20.8 miles of road and
maintain it. This is assured local vot
ers by official announcement ol infl
Highway Commission.
Hood River county voters, who hesi
tate on voting the bonds because the
program as now outlined does not call
for ultimate paving, may rest assured
that the state will hardsurface it as
soon as the grades have settled suffici
ently. They cannot afford to do other
wise. The members of the State High
way Commission will make just a such
a statement to you, although at pres
ent they do not feel justified in making
such an official annoucement.
When the Columbia River Highway
grade was cut, nobody had any official
assurance that it would ne paveu Dy
this time, but today it is hardsurfaced
to the Pacific By 125 the trunk line
if the Loon Highway up and down the
Hood River valley will be paved.
Can any one vote against the $jfn,00U
and thus defeat all chances for this
paved highway?
Week End Traffic Offenses Many
Traffic offenses over the week
were msny. Officers apprehended
following : E. f
light: H. EL C
John K. Kobb
and W. P. Rob
parking on Higl
Isaacs, imprope
Zf k, of Portland
Bert, no Uil
Portland, no U
Hay don. Bend, i
rehended the
ut one head
o Uil light;
uver. Wash.,
nona. Wash.,
ment; II C.
; A. R. Wat-
tout; A. C
A. W. Peteis and C. A. Reed. Fast
Side ranchers, who were members ot
the Pomona Grange Loop Highway
Committee, which has been waging the
only organized opposition to the -'50,-000
bond issue, have resigned from the
committee and have announced that
they will support the bonds. These
men were originally opposed to the
bonds because the location eonilicttd
with their views as to selection of a
route. They both declare that they
have never opposed the general plan of
a vallev trunk and the Mount Hood
I.- i road.
Man i Hurl at Losing tamp
A. H. Canfield. aged S
brought to the Cottage H
ears, waa
ital Sot ur
ic en ankle
Lines were
-aught be
Mt Hoed
F. Wright.1' camp of the Waucoma Lumber Co. He
and Harry had bee) working for the company t ut
24 bouts when the accident occurred.
oot. His inj
the leg was
tween rolling logs st the