The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 12, 1921, Image 2

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ilnaft Ktwr (Slartrr
ARTHUR I). MOB. PublUher.
Subscription, Sl'.oo I't r Year.
Dtaplay advertlalDa, per inch, transient rate
25 cents tliKt lima ami 20 cents for Mail adv.
attain; outrun rale, first time 2u cen (a and If.
cent : for same ailv HtfHin.
Local readliiK nollees, fi cents per line.
Claaalfied AdH.-i'S cents for Inaertlon, 6
lilies or less; 1(1 cents for each additional Inser
tion ol same ad.
Sunday was Mother's Day. and the
nation over men und women let their
thoughts wander back to the days
when the loving care of mother niatie
tasy the path for little footsteps. The
prorr'cs of adulthood of the time were
fori' ot( en, soothed by the very thoughts
of rolnee that came from a moth
er's in hildhood. A mother's
love lasts fl.rougbout the ages, keep
ing the fa ah of little children alive in
the hearts of grown men and women.
The teaching that n mother gives in
childhood direct from wrong footsteps
in after years. We recall the word of a
popular ballad of a few years ago.
"Adam never had no mammy to take
him on her knee,
And teach him right from wrong,
And show him things that ought to be.
And deep down in my heart I know
That Adam would a let thatanple be,
But Adam never had no mammy."
The words of the balladiat express a
truth. Men and women would be bet
ter if they would think more often of
their mothers and turn more fretjuent
y to them for counsel. They should
not become soengrosscd in self as to
observe but a single Sunday in honor
of their mothers.
Charles L. Gratton, head of the
Portland Credit Man's Association, ad
dressed the Hood Kiver Business Men's
Association Tuesday night on methods
of retail credit systems. Mr. Oration
cited that Portland merchant have in
augurated a system of extending credit
to customers that is working out suc
cessfully. The local association, following a
recent membcrt-bitt campaign, has be
come much stronger. A large crowd
of merchants and business men greeted
Mr. Gratton, who was presented by
Harrv Connaway, ptMidentOf the association.
ForHale or Trade One Stndeliaker Konr.
tloo.l tins, K'.od storage tmtterlea, electric
Unlit, dasli and front, sell starter. 1'itee MIX).
W'H! trade for lioraes, cattle or real estate.
I'ercy Shelly, I Stale HI. l'hone 3751. mill
Hor Male Or will exchantre for Hood Klver
properly with good terms on halanee, an Kas
lern Washington wheat fsrm, MO-MTM al.ont
one.half In crop and other half in slimmer
fallow. I'rlce gift per acre. Address owner
care of (Under. m'0
tor Sale or Trade- One-way dratc saw, latest
make. O. A. llowney, I'houe 4774. inl
Kor Hale Bailey's Kncyclopedla of Ameri
can Horticulture In 4 vols, SA. H C. (ireeu,
it. F.D.I. 1'iione KM Odeii. miu
lror Hale-A 2I0
Call M1I7.
Cypher incuhawir. Sin
for Hnie
Miller, It. I
Young plga.
. 1), 3, liox A,
T. J.
in 12
Auxiliary PIsbi Or
T.eyinn Al.xi.iur
The Flag and body of a great war
veteran, who succumbed to wounds
sustained in France, passed down the
town's main street Sunday. An escort
of American Legion men and relatives
accompanied. The streets were fairly
crowded for a Sunday mornirg, and
yet as the cortege passed, except for
another world war veteran and a
(Jrand Army man, those on the streets
sat nr stood covered. No hats were
lifted to the passing Colors or to pay
respect to one whose life bad been a
sacrifice for American existence.
We cannot believe that the apparent
irreverence was due to any lack kof
patriotism or respect Jfor the body of
the boy on the way to the last resting
place. It was a mere apathy, which,
however, cannot be excused. The
passing Flag should make your patri
otism fervid. And the tribute of
standing uncovered in the presence of
the bier of a soldier who has died for
his country is all too small.
I he t.egion
chief aim am
disabled toldi
been but little
to do in this county
pitala in I
iliary. Tht
and outsidt
flowers, lit
terial and t
interested v
The Hood
should sha
The relief e
give an 0
Oriental ci
2.30 till r,
nlal Tea
i has
as l ts
ie caring for the
fur there has
Hood River unit
The many hos-
throw the greatest
upen tne Portland Aux
have boys from all over
the state to look after,
; delicacies, reading ma-
,he home touch which only
,'omeu can give.
River Auxiliary feels it
re in this responsibility,
ommittee of the unit will
iental tea for this purpose
May PJ, at Library hall,
d girls will serve tea from
SO. L'niov this afternoon
there, knowing
patriotic obligat
are fulfilling
iberta C. Lane '21
Kor Halt! Cheap for cash I'Jis Maxwell lour
ing, run soul hi i lea, llowch Ignition, Zenith
ciiri.urctor. I spotlights, i new tires, moiome-
tcr, all tools, pump, newly enameled, motor
i. hi. i and in tine coinniion. Sll l'lue hi.
.'til 1 2lnl for appointment. nil.:
r or Hale Hed Mexican heans, six treats per
hound. Also young plas. 8ti each. It. 0. Kl-
der, Mosier, tire. n2Htf
Kor Hale Netted (lem seed potatoes, nice.
clean stock, ji.wi per sack at ranch, o. IH
lleWitt. Ml. Hood, Oregon. mill
Kor Hale I nu lliggest, fiurgaln yet! Over
one and one-half acres near the center of the
city for less limn fMKIO per acre. Terms easy
Apply to A. W. Out hank. mlH
Kor Hale Two cows and heller or will trade
lor mower and rake, l'hone i:tl. aliltf
Kor Hale-gt-r.
A Hydra r:
HuckahayA Har-
Kor Sale A good family milch cow.
1ST I. ,1.11. Koherg.
The activities attendant on the con
struction of the Columbia (Jorge hotel
and the big increase the hostelry will
make in the county's assessment roll
should tend to cause taxpayers to view
favorably the proposed I960, 000 road
bond issue. The hotel is having tem
porary benefits. For the pagt Bix
weeKs a r. r. & I., crew naj tieen en
gaged in extending lines and connect
ing up with tf'e hostelry. Its perma
nent benefits will be gained in the in
crease of tax valuation, which will
automatically reduce the taxes of all
in the district.
Says the Oregonian :
Cherries from the Sacramento valley
graced the market yesterday at $0 a
box. Thev are food for people who
can afford to dissolve pearls in vine
gar. More proteins anil vitamines will
be found in a rive-dollar bill fried on
d eaten with maple syrup,
irtiia cherries at a fortune
fry five dollar bills. In
but a mere
both lick
Bof t
h throw
either ci
The first annual junior class banquet
to the senior class was held in the
south room (if the Home Economics
department last Friday night. Miss
Livona Peterson, president of the juni
ors, was official hostess and Supt. Can
non was toastnm.ster. Plates were
laid for 88 persons, including the mem
bers of the school and the high school
faculty. The five course meal was
orenared and served bv committees
fiynii the junior cIuhs under the direct
supt rvison of Miss Grace F. Smith,
head of the department, and was a
model in culinary art, while the man
agement wus to economical that, the
actual cash expenditure was a trifle
less than fifty cents per plate.
James Johnson, of the juniors, gave
a welcome to the seniors and incident
ally told them wliat be thought of
them. The compliment was returned
in a response by Farl Hughes, of the
senior class. Other toasts were :
"Our Faculty," by Helen Goodpasture ;
"Our Students," by Principal Conkle;
"The Mascot," by Roberta Lane; "The
Class Play," by Franklyn Davenport ;
"The Operetta, by Paul Reed; "Our
Schools," J. W. Crites, chairman of
the school board; "Our History,"
County Supt. Gibson. Miss Livona
Peterson gave the farewell to the sen
iors, to which Ray Slavens, president
of the senior class, responded.
The experience of after dinner
speaking was entirely new to all of the
pupils taking part, but they all did
remarkably well. The committees on
preparation, decoration, serving, pro
gram, etc., all deserve meritorious
ptkiMa After tie bantiiet there was
dancing in the auditorium until eleven
o'clock, which a number of paianti
and friends attended.
Last Friday afternoon a seven inning
base ball game was played on Gibson
held between The Dalles high school
and Hood River, in which the visitors
carried the honors by a score of 04.
Coach Fleischman's team will visit
The Dalles tomorrow and attemnt to
even the score.
Friday night the freshman class will
put on the last of the Benson's operet
tas under the direction of Mrs. O. 11
Henney, entitled, "The Feast of the
Little Lanterns," a Chinese operetta.
Some specialties from the "Isle of
Chance," will be repeatetl including
(lie sailor boys, the three follies, the
ten fairies, and the bovs' glee club.
The doors will open at 7.15.
KorHale An Oliver No. 9 typewriter, new
flu; Oliver No. r. In food condition, 130. r . A.
Masae, phone Udell 140, 11. F. U. 2. HUM
K'or Hale or lease on lODK term The K'nder.
wood Hotel, pool room, hullillnt; with lunch
counter and confectionery and tohacco sonp
I all at i nderwood, Washington and see own
er Mrs. Mary V. Olson. ma
Kor Sale A S-yearold marc. Will work sin-
tile or double. Call at old W. .1. Itavidsou plac.
or address vieo. I. tilehl, 1701 Sherman Ave
Kor Hale At a HarKaln a modern resldenc
two blocks from center of business district, 1
rooms, Including four large bedrooms, large
double sitting room, kitchen pantry, large
closets, bathroom and enclosed . otch. Ed, nip
ped with furnace and has convenient Karuge.
call w. .1. miner, inzitl
Kor Halt; or Trade for real estate Hudson
Super-Klx. Latest model. Only run HOIK) miles
.ill on pavement, far has U:Jit) m "extras.
Cord tires, all good as new, Looks, runs and
Is as t,'ood as new. Hce 11. M. link- Lotus
(irllle. inlTtf
For S:tle Krcsh milk gtails. Why keep a
cow when a goat will supply your family
with eueugn and neller milk at. less than one-
lenth tin; cost? K. 11. Hherman, Cascade
I te. Illltllt
Kor Sale 1'., Ion Maxwell truck for 81 loll I
Icons. 1 1 Igh way Auto Co. Tel. UU, m.ltl
l or Sale Day old chicks, .Single Comb Uhode
Island Iteds, pure bred, dark colored, trap
Mi sled stock. Have laid better than 71) per
cent all winter. We alao have broody lieua for
mothers. Avalot: rami. Sherman J. prank.
l'hone 5108. inllltf
C 4
SuitSforMen and Young Men Shoe Specials
We are best supplied and prepared
to take care of your Suit require
ments. All the newest weaves and
styles in guaranteed qualities. We
have all models from the suit specially
i i - i j. j?n l . it.
maae tor ine snort ienow to me ones w
made especially for the tall and slen-
der and the stout, and the newest of km
vounL'- men's models. You can rest yP
assured that your suit is right in every
way if it is a
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
We take a great pride in seeing
that your suit fits you right and looks
right. We don't want to sell you a
suit if it is not what you want and
like. We want you to be perfectly
satisfied first, last and all the time.
We'll pe pleased to show you anytime.
4 Ml
We have a table filled with Dress
and Everyday Shoes for Men at the
pair $5.98 that is really a big bargain.
Values up to $9.98 in this lot and
about all sizes. Your qq
choice, the pair $dawO
Shoes and Slippers
for Ladies
A big table filled with the best val
ues you've had in several years.
Black and Brown, about all sizes from
2!4 to 8. Your choice of a g-f
any pair on this table pfc-OU
Children's Shoes
and Slippers
A very nice assortment in ankle,
strap and button shoes for chil
Children, sizes 2 to 8, the pair HoC
CcpirlchtllartSthallucr Man
Retailers of
To Woar
Hood River's
Largest and Best
Loat-A brown silk unil.rella Willi white
Ivory handle. Kinder pleaae leave at Ulacler
oinee. i""
Koiind --Mechanic s thickness KiiatiH' Own-
r inav have same t.y callint! al Glacier, ldeu-
I lly lug guage and paying coal of ud. nil
r Hale (Jood lola for Hale In all parts of J
city, prlct'H ritjht. A. W. Onthank A Co. al III
Kor Hale--Kntiatgc your wlnler'a wood now
al lf7.ftt) per cord on MtlhodlHt Lane, 7 mile
North of Itanett aehool houae. It. L. Noel,
Route 4. ml2
I or Halt 10 aciea choice Hood Klver fruit
land one tulle from depot. Term! reasonahlc
1. L. AdauiH, DM Bait Aah Ht., l'ortland. Jl
KorHale HO acreH land l1, 10 1 lis 1 1 nu Clfy
ol Hood Klver, pari l.otloni land with fre
water, halanee gooil paature land not hondcil
lor water. cordN tir ahd oak wood Ntuin
paye, county roatl thru land, talr bulidlnga.
frlce i;i;..rn per acre. ,1. 11. l'lillllps. I'hon.
.'i'.ifit )DMtl
01 Service-A Jersey bull.
place for $:t,at your place for
bred stallion at the same pr
oes , l'hone 4774, Kggermont
11 I
Willserveat my
6, AIno standard
cea. O. A. Dow
It. V. U. 4, llox
III 1 2
Live Htock Kxchai;
horeH houi;ht and w
make It a condition pi
iiiiunl muni be fully
M. K. Welch, Velerni.1
I Kiver, Oregon.
l'hone lihOL
(re Ualry cowa and
Id on commission. 1
1 ci dent to transfer that
estetl against disease,
lan, Fashion Btablee,
l'hone UPI, Kealdence
Kor Hale
contract for
tel. 5416,
we I
,g well
I'lirhlug, Will also
1. Geo. W. Friday,
K'or Hale - Stephens Halleiit Hix. The Car
lieautv. I am otlcrlnu this car at a tiieatly
redneM price. Win. Weber. MMtf
Report of lln- Condition of the
at llta.d Kiver, iii Hie State of OrcKon, at the
close of bualnew-Aprii j, iwh.
Kor Hale (J
ed anywhere
llroa. I'h.. nr 1 1 !
I drv hl-iuch lir w
it reduced price.
id deliver.
Hall man
11 uct
Itos AiiKi'leo, whs OW
Krt'atefit lioowterH. M
Hie iiarne of thi' Id
which he loved for its lieautv, to many
foreign countries, lie wan fond of
comparintr Hood Kiver with other
places of scenic note, and he always
found the Apple Valley heading the
(apt. Lewis Offered Oregon Post
A. ;. I.euis yesterday received" a
I. h i' 1 am fiotn hit) Hon, ('apt. F. C.
I,i wis, who umitiunt't'd that lie had
heen offdivd the choice of a profd lot
'-Inn of military science at the Uni
versity of Oregon or a detail with the
tinfoil National Guard at Salem,
(apt. lewis saketl his father's advice
on accepting the offer. The latter rec
ommends that he take the professor
ship. ( apt. Lewis has just returned
from an as imminent with the American
Army of Occupation on the Khine.
While Dahlias to Honor Mothers
ti Interesting feature of Mothers'
1 ! Lrat ion here Sunday was the
.lutlson (i. Rim I, a
cr, of a hedge of .pure
For Bale If yoU are prepared to cout ract for
our winter's wood lor May and June tlellV-
ry at attractive prices, call U. I'. Morden.
I'll, ne MHi, aim
K'or Hale Seven head of milk cows, coming
fresh soon. Can be seen at Lewla Khoades,
Middle Valley Kant h. l'hone Odell IS, ui 171 1
K'or Sale li iter ea West side 2 in I lea out. Ilea 11.
t H11I bolldtng slU), li Inches water, 'M) apple
nets 11 years old. ftiMKl.tlU. Address llox K,
care of tilacler. mlOtf
KorHale Knur-room houseand larjie antry.
house plastered, a lartre wood house. Three
lots, si tie w a Ik and sewtr connect ions In. l'rlce
llgQB Pbooe IUM, m:n
K'or Hale A 11117 Sludebaker K'our in Al con
dit Ion tor thfU- ii wilt trade lor lighter car or
peiHoual property. J. P. Wcndling. l'hone
JUL mSltf
Loans and discounts
ovcrdalta unsc.-iired
I'. S- Iiontls dt posllcd 10
secuie clrculalion WJKOMl
All other United Siatea
tlovernmt nt Heciirities. . i.i,jiui
Total U.H. tf.iv securllles
Other boutls. stockf. Becurith , etc.
Baoklna huuse 4buw.w
Km iiiture and tlxtureg SJMXI.W
Ib id estate owned other than iihiik-
Ini houae
Cash in vault
Lawlul reaeive with lederal ne
rve Hank
Net amounts due from national
Clucks on oilier hanks 111 saiuecity
or town as leporlliiK bank
decks on banks Itaiated OUlaiae 01
11 v or town of reixtrting bank
ami other ca-h Items
Redemption mini with (J. s. Treaa-
n and tine irom U. St. ireasurei
S 17 1 . HI-'.'
14818 00
lino 00
19, win H
I I Mil I I I I
Kor Hale s,.eet cedar lence pot
prices on rouKh ami tlressed lumber
Co. Udell 17.
1. Best
K'or Sale 01 Kent -l'-':, aci
jiMVr Willi small buildiuits.
s pine and oak
1 1 , ml les out on
hrookaide Drive and Heimonf Road, Key to
bouse may tie hatl at 1 he t Hacier titllce. F. 11.
Sherman, Cascade Locks, Ore, a7tf
I-1 11- s .1.' T n 1 1 1 it I , 1 : 1 1 iiiiu'iIit cans and
fuse; a safe powder to handle; nolhaw lm; or I Total of delimit
or 11 .11 ui' irs Phone .Ins. Avaon I' ti I'll 1 . I tv.stii
Sin tin. in .1. K'rank. Baati
Kor Sale .11 acres all level brush land, some
Umber, :t S mile stitilh of I'arktlale on east side
til road at Kelley's mill. Write or Impure ol
II. K. .1. Hleverkropp. phoue IW. nlstf
QapKal stock paid In 1
Surplus luntl
Undivltletl piollts tli.UA W
lsa current ep., Int., etc.. 15,011 HO
1 llrealatlng notea oatttandlng
1 'ashler's eneckl outstanding;
Individual depoalM aubjecl to
Oertlltcales ol deposit tlue In less
IbanWdayatol her than nr money
State, county or other municipal
depiniils sir. ned by pledge of as
sets ol Ibis lunik
I ileilostlssuhjecl to
14 ILK I'-'
I'ltite deooslts siiblect to resei ve.
payable alii 1 ;n days, or aubjecl
to W tlavs more notice, and
Hstal savlnas:
Certllicatea of .leposit other than
for money borrowed
Postal savings i.omIs
Other lime depoalta
loiai of time depoalta eunjeel K
serve aSQI Jau.UI
1 mmiKi
. 1,1m is
Inn 000.00
il.OKti .1.)
Rubber Stamps
for your
Strawberry Boxes
and have them
dahlia f
white tin
He who thinks 1 i
ishould have -pent a
visiting motorists go
of lack of signs. U
pen on another hlossi
road signs will .. n I
ay features were cele
ihurches. Churchgoers
inatiuns honor of their
nri.tiKhbred K I. Kid t-Kks t.
, 1 setting. I'houe W 111.''
Kor It. nt 1 small
one furnished .and
Conners, Hull St.
ate uarane for rent per.
1. 1115 Cascade. ml.'
lUiiKaios on the llciiflits'
.ne iinfurnlsheil. 11. A
state of Oregon, 1 ounly of lltatd Klver ss:
I.S..1. Moor. , 1 ashler 01 ine anoM -naioi o
Kor Kent K'nrnl-lied houst k.
II. It. Leonard, 719 Ninth St.
'ping ritoma
111.1t f
bank, do -
men! is true
anil bellet.
nubscribeil I
10th day of Mi
Kor Kent -Shares or cash, line Cenlral Ore
Kim ranch. Jill acres In alfalfa Joins free
outside rang, Pot full particulars address
110 salmon St , Port land, ore. ml.'
iii swear that the above stat.
0 the best of my knowletlgt
s. .1. MOOKK, t asblei
id sworn to before me thb
Q, CKKW, Notary PoDllO.
. for the State ol OTegon.
on expires January '21, UBa,
l: K. O. Hlanchar.C. K. Copple
For Kent Furnished roon
II. It. Kiiimrl. ill Columbia.
See "Bthohl the Man,"
greatest motio: picture sh
presented in Hood Kiver.
profit by the depiction of
M . ich eow
l'hone I7VHV II.
icrtlcal feed aewlitK ma
ton call Mrs . A 1 is. per.
gall hay. baled h.ti lev at
sale foi cash Mul sell
n.ieil. .1. It. I rttaby. ml
For Salt -Cord wood timber alsnul of a mile
1 inn.. .- H.....I Kiwr on Highway. F.
d McKay Hldg., Portland, ore. Jnlrt
l or sale a l'tif IHidge aa good aa new RM
Oiliei.n 1 Overland , tel .tSM mis
lot salt ', a luxea of Newtown ctatklng
apples H'llldellvtr Phone Mlt. all
the call of the Red Cros wom
Mpply them with their tjuoU of
i's ifarments.
Two nice plga.
I . MM
r orchard
e.4 u I pped
K or Kent - lb torus with or without Istard
Mrs. Fied Howe, phone 17s3. f.KH'aacatle Ave
For Kent 2 furnished nanus In one of the
tiest locations In Httod Klver; modern con
w in. tic s Call JI Oak at., or tel. 443. d.'tf
Wantetl-Woman lor ireneral housework.
Plain- Mrs J, P. I lionils.ui, No. it.-'. iul2tf
Want.'tl-Man with team or auto to sell our
products III thlBCountv. Men and women for
city sa lea work als.. wanted state whether
you prefer city or country work. Mention tins
paper. Meconium A Co . Winona. Minn mlH
Warned Man for year round poattlon on
ranch Home, running Water, garden etc
furni-tie.l. K W. Arena, H F'. l '2. Phone
Odell U. mW
W anted F:per!eiiced teamster and truck
driver would like lob a teamster or truck dri
ver In or around ll ood Klver Apply at Ola
cler office. mlJ
here i1!
recoid r
VcjRel, 1
out of
. 1 re n
ning, I
DgA a,
It. V.
until thi
. .'ii'
IVI .1 V
Address Orchard man caieOlacier. mil
rk after ache
Id res U. car
Hardie big triplex Spray
er, hillside truck, 300-gallon
tank. Two years old, in ex
cellent condition through
out; a good bargain. Phone
5499 after 6 P. M.
, can ls used dnti-
hard Iract
;o K I. I.
in if
Wanted-To buy yo
; y market price at a
, card Phone tTn.
I .
Wanted To buy. at
j tat. II t icon I'll-
W. J. A. Bat
Lumber C. have
from the Maonie
on DuiWirjf oi.r
tional bank on Oa
.-ni l. r l.
i tH elsewhi
Wanted -To lny yonr nw
ml ru. ch or new g
K. A. 1 ranr Co
Kor your name and address
I will tell you just how to be
rid of that dangerous,
distrt sing, disfiguring
No pain, no drugs, no ' opera
tion." no stop in work or play .
i I tiSt Irvini: Mn i t
Your Ranch is Your
Perhaps you never thought of it in just that way, but ranching is
a great manufacturing business and your ranch is a factory in the true
meaning of the word.
The factory manager overhauls his plant ever so often to make
sure that it will run properly and produce the most goods at the least
cost. In just the same way, the rancher checks up his buildings and
equipment, makes those little repairs which save big repairs later on,
and builds whatever buildings he needs to help produce more crops
with less labor and expense.
Lumber prices are back to normal. No longer need you postpone
building on account of high prices of lumber. Now is a good time
to build that new apple house you have been wanting for several
years and to make other improvements. Begin now and get them
done before Summer work commences.
Here in our business we are trying to do our part in bringing
conditions back where they should be. Our years of business exper
ience, our building plans and ideas, and our friendly, sincere counsel
and assistance are at your service for the asking, with no obligation,
of course. See us for flume lumber.
Succeeding Bridal Veil Lumbering Co.
niIAtr nn. -
rnUHL lOI sAMr. PLAC.h
Hood River Fuel Co.