0 HOOD RIVER GLACIER, TIITRRDAY, APRTL 28, 1921 AH I HI k I). MOH. Publisher. Subscription, 82.(10 I'er Year. ADVl.RTisiNi; RATES. Display advertising, per inch, transient rate i-.-ntis it rat 1 1 nif :inil .it) cent for same adv again; contract rate, first time 20 cents mid K cent for same adv. again. Local readini! nollces. 5 cents nor line. Classified AdH - 'Jfi cents lor one Insertion, 5 Hiiph or less; 10 cents for each additional lnser tlon of same ad. When subscribers desire a change in address this office should lie notified proinit ly, and a week before If possible. Always give old ad dress as well as the new. Also, It xd hlver subscribers should notify this office at onc when chaiiKUii: I hen address from one rural route to another, or from city delivery to country delivery, or vUh-verss. If you do not get your paper promptly, notify us by mall or telephone and the matter will tie investigated ANENT THE TRUNK KOAD Hood River is trainr to sound the sentiment of electors soon on our tiro- nosed participation in construction of the trunk road up through the valley. While this proposed trunk route will connect the Columbia River Highway and the Loop Highway, thus forming a Jink in one of America's moat scenic drives, at the same time for all prac tical purposes here in Hood River val ley it will be distinctly a market road. We want to consider it so when we think of expending our money on it. After we get our money spent, Jhow ever, we will all grow inordinately proud, we believe, of the fact that it is also a part of the scenic loop. Rut for the time being, at least, Hood River must concentrate on the trunk road as a market venture. We must look at it from the point of econ omies, and from the way we view it, we cannot afford not to join the State Highway Commission and furnish a half of the approximate $600,000 that will be required to grade the route, construct bridges and gravel and rock the road. The very nature of things here in the valley points emphatically to our need for just such a road. If we turn down the State Highway Commission's offer, the time certainly is not ho far distant when we must dig up the entire sum and build the road ourselves, unadied. Now we have an offer of half the funds to construct a trunk road that will lift, when it is finished, from our shoulders the burden of extravagant maintenance of old roads of wasteful grades. We haven't the slightest hesitation in saying that Hood River is going in on the deal, and she is going in whole heartedly. Right now sentiment in Hood River is generally favorable to the county's participation in the Loop road. Some citizens think they are opposed but in the final analysis they will see how they cannot afford to stand tin favor able. Yet there is a division of opinion on fitness of the present survey. A large proportion of the taxpayers of the county are sincere in their belief that rather radical modifications should be made. There is merit in their con tention that as much of the old county highway should be used as is possible in order to avoid cost of securing rights of way and, too, to serve direct ly as many of the pioneer orchards as the road can. A conference between the Highway Commission and county court, with citizens presenting their meritorious contention, we think, will iron out these difficulties of difference of opinion of the location of the route. Rut we must remember that the lo cation of the road in the final analysis, is an engineering problem. If the State Highway Commission and their engineers show us how their conten lions lor location are right, economic and efficient from the standpoint of engineering, we must accept the truth from them gracefully. It has not been so very long ago when a lot of Hood River folk were not exactly satisfied because the Columbia River Highway did not pursue the general route of the old East Side grade out as far as the gravel pit and then ramble off Mosicr- ward over the high hills. The gorge side graiie today is built. Who ol us would change it? was an all around ,'man. At Stanford University he was a leader in athlet ics. -Undergraduates still talk of his prowess in Rugby, as then played by Stanford and the University of Cali fornia. He was a student of the first ranks and was known as a young man of unusual ideals and honor. Withal he was exceedingly modest. We would suggest that prospective Oregon law yers make some study of Kenneth Fen ton's life. They will profit by it. We have read recent voluminous treatises from various editorial experts on ways and means of keeping boys and girls from going wrong. The other day in a little editorial squib of a few Iineswe noted that some 24,000,- 000 school children of America receive no religious training in the school The few lines caused us to recall a recent lecture here of Judge Wilson before the Sunday Evening club. He expressed regret at the modern day's ack of reverence- i;mong the young. Colliers's Weekly recently cartoonized the same sentiment. Uncle Sam was seen motoring madly down a highway. It was apparent that he was lost. The spirit of Lincoln hovered over an ad jacent field. Uncle Sar.i sought direc tions. "Go back a pace," said Lin coln's spirit, "take the road to the right, by the little white church and the little red schoolhouse, and then keep straight ahead." The irreverence of so many young boyi and girls may have something to do with their alarm ingly increasing delinquencies. SHIPPERS SEEK PORTLAND HEARING A. E. Woolpert today on receipt of word from the Interstate Commerce Commission that Henry J. Forbes had been appointed a special assistant of the commission and delegated to hold meetings at Iis Angeles, San Francis co and Uenver on the respective dates, May 6 and 10. initiated a petition from local shippers to secure a Fort land hearing. The meetings announced have been called in order that the In terstate Commerce Commission may secure first hand information from Pa cific Coast fruit and vegetable shippers on the effect existing high freight rates have on their industry. The legisla tures of Colorado and California peti tioned the commission for such hear ings. in case they cannot get a Portland hearing, local fruit shippers will prob ably send a delegation to San Fran cisco. HOME BREW BRINGS A FINE OF $25 HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN Have you examined your roses for aphids? This recent weather has been ideal for propagation of these pests, which multiply beyond computation. It would be well to make an examina tion. If you find aphids apply Black Leaf 40. It will quickly do the work, and Hood River will be in a position to show berry harvest visitors a fine dis play of roses. Keep a watch on your garden, too, for aphids sometimes get the start of you there and soon suck all vitality out of your peas and othe plants. T. K. Herkner, West Side resident, was fined $25 Monday by Justice of the Peace Onthank for making home brew ed beer. Officers discovered Mr. Herk ner's tieer by chance Saturday while searching a home near Idlewilde ceme tery for candy and oranges stolen from the Hood River Produce Exchange. Following the arrest of Hurrv and James Cook, aged 22 and 23. who waived examination and were held for the grand jury on the burglary charge, Sheriff Johnson and City Marshall Hart returned to the beer cache. Mr. Herkner pleaded guitly. The Cook boys are accused of steal ing 25 boxes of candy. They carried their loot, according to allegations, in bags to the West Side place. The youths have been taken to The Dalles to await grand jury action. BOWLING NEWS In Sunday's Oregionan, DeWitt Har ry, special writer, tells interestingly the story of Oregon's springtime orch ard blossoms. He declares that Ore gon's pastoral acres bid fair to eclipse Japan and her wonderful cherry bios soniB. Mr. narry, in passing, pays some fine tributes to the energy of Hood River orchardists and their per feet fruit. The blooming Britishers mav be bull- headed, funny and all that, but they do make use of the old bean. What.' What? The world was a little bit frightened over the recent strike flare up and the apparent trend toward sovi etism. Rut hardheaded Anglo Saxons do not go crazy quite bo easily as they do in Russia. Rill Russia. Haywood has skipped out 'to Let him stay. Another radical more or less will not be noticed there. and it is a good riddance for this country. THE SPEAKING CONTEST We understand that the public school speaking contest as given at the high school auditorium last Thursday even ing, will be made a permanent annual event. The decision of educational in terests should have the endorsement of all serious minded folk of t' e commun ity. During the the past few years youths of the and have looked too slightly on sui h attainments as can only be reached by participation in public speaking contests. Indeed, bms who have worked seriously on such venture have been held in mild disdair by fellow students. The same trend is observed in universiti and colleges. Debating societies have bot a limited memlthip. Public speaking has al most become a lost att. Wc would suggest, however, that the contests be so modified that competi tions between boys and girls will be elimn.ited. Tht r merit is displayed in an entirely different manner and ahould bt judged separately in fa-mess Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fenton, it memory of their or. K-r -rteth Loess r erton. presented the Uni versity of Jregon Law school with a law library that Mr. Fenton has been many years in collecting. It is a s?ift that Oregon citizens appreciate. The elder Mr. Fenton has filled a place of pvaaiinence in Oregon jurisprudence for many years, having lren MM M the state's rrwat notable f. r . v His son, who met with tragic death several years ago, sustaining fatal injuries when be fell from a alee ping porch, gave promise of parading the road that haw been trod by the distin guished father. His untimely end was ot only to his family bet to a of friends in all parts of the Pacific Coast "Kenny" Fenton, aa he was familiarly known t bis All is set for the apple blossoms. Vinegar Rate Threatened The Commercial Club has forwarded an appeal to the Interstate Commerce Commission, asking that the rate granted on vinegar shipments, oriirin- itmg on the Pacific (bast, to the Omaha gateway and effective Mav 1. e retained. Local vinetrar manufac turers have been advised that apple by-products interests of the middle west are endeavoring to persuade the commission to rescind the new rate Mini io maintain me oia rate now u effect. The pie In mated middle which mum i enable u . . . . oki raie, according to local ap products men, practically elim them from particpation In the W( IK m market. The new rate also carried a raise in the mini arload capacity, it is said, will much of the local vinegar iirixl net to be sold in the middle west. Tax lmost Half Paid Sheriff Johnson reports that to date in excess of 1220,000 of the year ta.ves havi I.e. n j aid. This is less bv approximately $.r.i;,IKM than the half of the taxes due April f. Mr. Johnson bowever, renrt8 that taxes are stil being paid at a gratifying rate. De -pile the period of deflation and the generally poor apple market of the iast season, local folk have paid their iae.- a- .r. n. ; i Hs in any former year, and Hood River countv. officials II among the forefront of Oregon colli tiea that have not jiermit ted taxes t. I.. , me delinuuent. Wtnatchee to CeltbrateiBlooms Vttnatchee and Spokane valley will oM B banal Day celebrations thia Ptin(. A large delegation of Sxkani usiness nen will visit Wenatehee for In Spokane valley the ill le held May 7 to 14 arlvecue will lie the and arrangments are for o.OOO guest the f,!; celt-brat K An old fashu principal attr are BtMph te from the city. CM Thanks h. of P. Th t n . r. m1 Club has adopted rcarlut..-. . f t Kb ks to the members the KeJghta of Pytaiaa, who donat tne use i.i ineir hall last t nua; for th highway meeting. gal IV ljanes Hue Soon Th i City Ma citizens appear t this the 9 tl and 2. The first annual Blossom Week Howling tournament schedule for May 2 S on the Blue Diamond alleys has greatly .enthused .local bowlers, both men and women. Already a dozen men's teams and from four to six women s teams seem assured, and doubles and singles will be in propor tion. I he mixed doubles, an unusual bowl ing feature for tournaments is possible only in a town like Hood River where the fair sex are numerically prominent on the alleys. Some eighteen couples are looked for in this event. Portland teams are being invited in the men's events, and a goodly repre sentation fromthe Rose City is looked for, including the St. Nicholas cafe teria, Multnomah A. A. C, Carabana Cigars, Foster-K leiser, and Ki warns. The tournament will be run on a modified handicap basis, which means that all local bowlers will receive in handicap about half the difference between their ratings and the scratch figure. Ihe alley management has prepared and posted the fourth handi cap list and all local bowlers may find their ratings and handicaps thereon. Bowlers are allowed to form their own five man, and five woman, teams and pick their own doubles and mixed doubles partners. Entries should he made at the Blue Diamond allevs bv niicinigni Saturday, nut may he accept BQ up to 0 p. m. Monday, according to the discretion of the tournament man agement. The entry fees will be mod erate, especially in the women'i events. Portland teams will allow thi tournament management to set their handicap rating, and it is believed that this difficult task will be accomplished io tne satisiaction of all the bowlers. Allowance will lie made for the fact hat a moderate bowler can more eas ly increase his score than his more kilful brother near the scratch mark tYIMa will be distributed on the uindicap basis, but the nine chamnion ship titles will be awarded only on ac tual scores. The (year's championshi titles, open onlv to Hood River bowl an, Will tic for the live man team, men s doubles, men singles, men all events: for women's fives, double singles, and. all events, and for mixed doubles. The all events winners, man and woman, will be proclaimed local champions for the year. In a red-hot game last Wednesday the Red Diamonds won out in the last game of a five game match against the House & Kruse Colts. The Colts led for four games, but the older men out staved them. Scores -1:221 -HOti. Thursday the White Diamonds, the local champion women's team, went down to an unexpected defeat before the "Rhinestones," nicknamed the "Crind-Stones. " The match was close throughout, some very tine woman's bowling being shown. Incidentally the winners hung up a new Hood River record for women's single game. 17. and for three games. I7;t;t. haatino tne oiu mark ny more than 200 inns. neores were, White Diamonds. ( hi i s .!.!; Mellon. XI5; Jackson. 2W: Morli- mer, 350; Smith. Rhinestones House. HI ; DeWitt, 376; Kingdon, saej i ampneii, .iiL'; Wittenberg. NO me same teams tangle in a return match tonight, and the White Dia monds promise themselves revenge. Nhioii winners for the week were Mrs. Carnes, 171; Miss Jackson. 161: Mrs. Hunter, lew: Mrs. Larsen. lttt: Mrs. Duvall. lot'.; Mrs. DeWitt. 204. A. A. tin-en won the week's high single game, 211, while Alva Sherrell's 264 is high for the month, and his 26K is still high for the $50 suit offered by Meyer & Smith for the highest single foul line game bv midnight . Auril SO. About a doien of the local Ihivs fig ure to beat Alva out. but the time is getting short and it mav be that his 268 made in January will be good, though some of the boys with sporting blood declare it will not. GO M 0 w 0 X h a z HI 3 a We will give One Pair of Edmund's Foot-Fitters Free to the First Person Who Solves This Problem During the showing of our Tom, Dick and Harry Shoes in our window last week, an automobile drove up to our store with a license tag bearing six numerals; another car drove up bearing six numerals, this number was twice the amount of the number of the first car; another car came with a license tag of six numerals, this amount was three times the amount of the first license tag; another car came along with a license tag of six numerals, the amount of this license was four times the amount of the first car; then along came the fifth car bearing a tag of six nnmerals which was five times the amount of the license of the first car. The sixth car came along bearing a license of six numerals, this was six times the amount of the first car license. The seventh car drove up with a license consisting of six numerals, the amount of this car was exactly seven times the amount of the first car license. On this car, how ever, not one of the six numbers in the license appear on any of the other six cars. The first cars num ber was over 120,000. How to Win a Pair of Shoes Give us the numbers of the license tags on these seven cars. Bring your answer to our store, written plainly on white paper, sealed in an envelope with your name and address on same. The first correct answer received will be rewarded with a pair of Foot-Fitters Free. You may select Tom, Dick or Harry, whichever style pleases you best. Contest Closes May 15th, 1921 Retailers of Everything To Wear Ufie PARIS FAIR Hood River's Largest and Best Store NEMO, GOSSARD AND AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Card of Thanks We wish to express our heartfelt ap preciation and thanks for the kind as sistance and sympathy extended by neighbors and friends during the ill and death of our beloved husband and father; and also for the music and beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Louis W. ring, Mr. and Mrs. John i'log, Olga flog, Edna Plog, Harry Plog, Louis I'log. For your name and address I will tell you just how to be rid of that dangerous, distressing, disfiguring GOITRE No pain, no drugs, no "opera tion," no stop in work or play. DR. M. E. STRATTON Apt. 20ti (IMS) Irving Street PORTLAND, OBI. FOR SALE Attractive Farms and City Property on Easy Terms Insurance of All Kinds R. E. SCOTT AGENT Order Rubber Stamps for your Strawberry Boxes and have them ready GLACIER OFFICE FOR SALE For Sale-A -'io , Cypher Inriibaior. f all MM 7. h-'h For Ml Ford irm-k In Al ronilltlon Kon sfHMMl traiiHinisM in. liictiiry hullt cab and rack Mi'iiniucifr ana . ii rnul lirak-n. Kun on I M mlleg. A liarcaln for some one. Ptuma "Hell D7. a2Slf For Sle VoniiL' uliri. Miller. K. V. I, I, llox HO. I'hont fK. T , late rc tax, according t is now due, and e May I or riak the to pay a fine for the animal. Hood triv ially for male dog lea. In addition to t. - licence fees of Pa) W Do Lkbk Fee Hood River doc I roalen j May 1. t ity he due $5 for femalea-wili rtaaae iay licenxea at W. t. Hart, t ity MafVhal for mt Ml. H .n,, l.d and 41 h cor let, Mr. Krei of i of tr day night. Tl written the lot tion in raiding tier to the fr ail '.f each month at I make a persoi iaM Mr. Km ma Jone. lit- I participation o EUaabet I fc ir-r, O. mlTtf ' paign. N A St. Mark's Holds Annual Dinner SL Mark's Episcopal church cele brated St. Mark's Day with morning sorviics at the church and an annual dinner at the lxtus Grille last Friday evening, ("has. N. Clarke, chairman of the Vestry fommittee. presided at the dinner. Those who (rave talks were: R. B. Bennett, Rev. C G Hoisholt. J. W. t 'rites. Mrs. S. t Ait ken, D. E. Rand Miss Alice Tomnkm Mm i i Miss To dancing. Km Sulei heai i'hnii I'HS MaSWSil tour inK. run HO) nilleH, BOSS Ignition. Zenith i iirmireior. i xiiuiit.-. 2 new tlreH. iiuitoine ler.ail tools, i i 1 1 . nfwly euameled. inoto rebuilt and In One condition. 811 Pine 8t i an 2im for apiMilntniPDt. mli Kor Sale Ked Mi xican beaux, mi cent pe pound. Alao young-pig. S8 each. K. C. KI WW, SMSBSf, Ore. 2SU rorNale ! I .! (Jem need polatoea, nice clean Mock II m) wr Hack at ranch. O. M USW tit. Ml. HOOa, Oregon. in In For Sale-1 xpan hay holt I im llix . m ainl yrx om, nice looki-r- Set of nreecliliiK liar ". ", iin. outfit for r.l cli or wll irmlf lor cattle i mI or a Kord car. Good sail. lie norsc or xingi,- driver for t- Percy T Nhelley. Phone .CM. ru.i For Sale or Trade I choice lot Will trade for a dwrlllnt and pay ttifference In cash, or a kmi car. IVte I lu ley, phone IT.M in.i ror Kale Tne Btaaasl Hargatn yet' Over one and one half acres near the center of the cm) mr imtiiinn .r acre. Term eay ni) ioa w.ontnank. in!.. For sale 01 1 1 le t,.r real eaute V Maxwell inn afoul iiii, 1,. .r Dumhle mft Is-A f'-vearold mare. Will work aln It'e or double fall at old .1 Ilavlilaon nlace laani. lau snerman Ave aJMf For Ills Two ni s ami loiter or r mower and rake. Phone ill. rill tradi aaitf ' - s nils ' u-imhI wal and :ic litatoc Mr sale. IVleaaSI HO and II AS Hood Kiver. Ore. l-eraavk norew l-arker' K. F. I l-'s or Hale Clar Phoaa tlS. Jot Mai no t Strawberry plant pr. Parktiale. 2S Orepon Chamber Seeks Cooperation J. w. Chamber memlarr lne.1. n n State sjMmsji b M..n ter h N pea write bnro. "1 to'ir ea and i kind All In aercs IL price clorer. loean rat no rock. II 1 1 la la Will ft H PI X H z I I H c 2 D tn po X J 0 70 r 0 M m to z 0 2 h or Hale An Oliver No. 9 tyewriter, new, $!(; Oliver No. ft In ko1 condition, tJO. K. A. MSaS, phone Udell 1st, It. K. I). 1 astf For Male Ala barmln u (lurlev transit fun be Been at the olllce ot (ieo. R. Wilbur. Hlllf For Sale or leane on lontf wine 1 Hotel .pis, I r .... 1 1 l.u:i,lu,. will, limrh term The t'nder. ...11111. 1 niiu louieciionery aim lolnteeo s,,,,ii fallal unasrwood., Washington and see own er Mrs. Mary V. Olson. mft For Sale-Al a Uanrain a modern reside two bha-ks from center of business district, ri rooms, Including four large bedrooms, large double anting nami. kllclien pantry, large closet, bathrtaim and enclosed oicb K j n 1 1 ped Willi furnace and has convenient Call W. J. Raker. ni'itt For Male- l ure bred White U-ghorn'egg H. 11. U-ouard, Till Ninth st. ml7tf ror Sale or Trade for real estate Hudson Super-Six. Latest mod, 1 Only run :)() mile all ion pavement. Car ha Ijou in "extra Cord tire, all giaid aa new, lxaika, run and I x a a 1 1 as new. Sec II. M. Hick i,,mk Urllle. mi-.f For Hale -HO acre land 4U miles from Clfy oflliHid Kiver, par' boUwn land with free water, balauce gia. I paal SN land not bonded for water. IJ00 cord- I 1 atui oak wood stum- i'ge, county road 1 1,1 u land, lair building. Price f37.f) per acre J, R. Phillips, Phone SSM - jll'ittf For Sale - Trojan blasting powder, caps and fuse; a safe powder to handle; no thaw ing or or headache. Phone MOH, Aviilon Farm. Hherinan J. F'rank. n25tf For Sale The Lading varieties or apple, ear, peach, chen and plum trees, one and twosjraar-ola; tusss grown uu whole root. V, A Maasce. nlnf For Sale Concrete well. curbing. Will aSM contract for digging wells. Ueo. W. Friday, awu tel. MM. For Sale Kreah nil Ik goal Why keep a cow when a goat will kuddIv vour funniv wlih enengh and better milk at lean thannne leutli the cost? F. II . Sherman, Cascade Ucks, tire. mintr Want ToSell-l'roducini: orchard also .-i ted tlem potatoes and bee hive To Buy One l.aUMb bltaky horse, shtiuiiiur taunt Troin reek station on the Mt H.aai Uv. Add re. owner A. R Nickels, Dee, ore Phone Park dale IK. a2 Kor Sale-11, ton Maxwell truck Sir ftiaii Perms. Highway Auto Co. Tel. txn. mm For Sale Bay old chick. Sinale Comb Rhode siann miis. mire nreo oatk c, ored inn nested stock. Have laid belter than 7TI ,..r cent all winter. We also bare bmodv bens for mother Waloi: harm Sherman . I Frank hone .SSM. ni ltl For Hale-Stephens Salient six. The Car of Beauty I am ottering thia car al a greatly reduced price. Win. Weber tii.'i'l For sale Hood dry lfi-lnch fir wad deliver ed anywhere at reduced price. Saltman Bro. Phone 4711. m Forsaleor Kent-Six roofti house ou Colum bia Blreet. lniulreofll II Powell. Tel. W&SaT For Sale- ft-room bimxe with bath, lot 75xl:l feet, electric liahtand water. Reasonable and on term. K .M. Ho man l,-i. .. ,;if For sale jii acres all level brush land, some limber, :i s mile south or Parkdiile on east lde or toad at Kellcy mill. Write or Inquire if H. K. J. Sn verkropp, phone 17s;. nlMtf FOR RENT For Rent Furnished nanus. H. It. Kmmel, ;il Columbia. Inqoln Mr. 2Stf For Kent-Two furnlhet la-d naitii. tien tlemeu iirelerred. Tel. Z. 1. ?7 Cascade Ave. .sir For Ken! Kurnlahed rooms, f.10 Oak St. aJl For Sale-lialchlng. Thoroughhred R I Rd egg tor II .Ml per selling Phone a.'s l-or Sa:e Ifvoii a.e , . ,,, 1 t r:., ,,,r vour winter's ws)d ior May and June deliv ery at attractive prl'-e. call U. P. Morden yiKDsapg. aittr For Sale-Jeraev Heifer, rresh inia fan drag saw and drum and i.s.ia j w ra.. dell. Tel. la. ., 1 odell. Tel. I. "or Sale- A 12-ox. fly. new and never stretch ed. Win sell for leaa than Hoi original price Kly Ul x W Phone .MJV a-'ltf For Sale A 01. . r rubtH?r-tired For Sale tJood lola for amle In heclty, prices right, a . W ntnank l or sale tngt t rr.-Vi per cnnl on t'bone ail part of k A Co. allll rth of Barrett clual Route I. your winter w.sxl now Mtlhodtai Ijine. bonae K. C tin,. Noel. ml2 For Sai I arris cn.11. -e Hiavl River frmi nd one mile rrom depot. Tenna reasonable. 1. rtuaniis, ,-aw mwi Asn ri.. ror;, anil ml age Land farm 24 miles from 1 Waah. and near Trout 1 ake. tbe real 1 rallied H fund to te. Mr a-!r sale- a lainch Oliver plow. . K K l. i. B. L Cum a ttn Sale A Hi Ira ram ger. Passu hi I. HuckabayA Bar mix For sale -lS7l. J. U. V t family mlaatl cow Plmne ,a21tl Ma! White Salmon be beat dairy and Mock ranch In Finn . llmate. good action! and ra inveinents. Two extra larae eles-tr 'r bar, water under pressure piped tt Pen-room house witb ears-trie light sure water. This la rant only a fine t snwk farm but la a health resort ax cated In the famous Trout 1 ake regt of Ml. Adam The ranch torn tbe rave and haeklsbsfTjr patches Forest KexsrrTe readily wewsstsj Jni the pkace to raise fail blood al.ark or .-ondtict a dair- Improve, meats coat SBVast. Whole place tor sale by owner at SXUkU. H. Stanley t oflin. akima. Wash. . a For Sale Seed Oat of a hlgn uro.tu. ing va riety. Price reav-.nable Phone Udell 11. a7tl For Kent Furnished rOOSB with sleeping I-irch May 1st. tienlleman pjeferred. Phone "w. ( asi For Knt-K(sma with or without board Mrs. He,! Howe, phone iTs-'t. fiI3 Cascade Ave. a2!tf For Kent-Nice sleeping rooms, tel. J0I4. a2ltf For Rent 2 Inrnlxned nsmix (none or Ihe best location In H.hmI Riven modern con veniences Call oak st. or tel. i'4ll 121f WANTED Wanted Hicvcle. Must iw. in mi .iiam. and reasonable. cH or brina w h l to mS 510 Cascade Ave. Wanted to Rent-A modern house in city Writ 10 Ma kari. Box :s. R. r l. 4, H.id feU River, or. . For Sale- S. , n head a fresh soon. Can tar seen Middle Valley Ranch P For Sale fi acre W M M ttftil building site. 1, 1, 1 trees. 11 year old. ison, care of tl lacier. For hoiiM Hit. IlSO mile out Bean. ' .'. r. xi ani.le X BJ, 111 101 f A I II, " modern H.d River isble terms. Address BSJ Wanted -Housekeeper, middle aged must be unencumbered. g. .k and neat ard clean housekeeper. IF Smith. Phone aaW. R F Ii 2. Phone "d Uilcher. R For Hale-A 1I7 s dition fur IMO or I pertonai property. for Bate Select cedar price on rough and d ' o Udell n. For Sale- Team of ba pound, harness and Hi; Studetiaker back flft, rul set of light ha mesa SIS SSS3. r. nee pU. .un.ber. Wn n,. Padd.sk 1. s -xp. a2 ed orchard mar, a al Kiver rancb: have F li. Hood River M ddle horse for few " m24tt isn. thorongblv ex k, pruning and bar ndiing Wk. Per man. Reply to Box II partrralars. nu ra fted and reference. miotf I Wanted and nig.. Cash, or new goods 1 a A. Franr Co T ax yonr ned tut ntture. stovea in exrhan FIU Ks. nth For Sal grore wit Mr .k. !, kherman. For Sa . MISCELLANEOUS sMeSaTtee. a Krwa.unra. 1 isk Orora. PI SM7. Uve .tck rer. Hairy Kor Sale-Set of heavy work, t IMSJSBaV Kxchanre 1 ana sold on cmn. 1 SOM preredeiM to transfer that ,T...,i, iisim agamat lb --.ertnanan. Fashion UTn"- i none I Ml. n.gf Ninth st. separator dAkf