The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 21, 1921, Image 10

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Hazel Rebekah Lodge of Odell en
tertained members of Laarel Rebekah
and ldewilde Lodge , O. 0. F. of
Hood River and members of the Re
bekah and Odd Fellows lodges of Park
dale right royally last Wednesday
evening in Grange hall at Odell. First
there was a most interesting program,
consisting of music, readings and an
amateur play. Dancing followed and
then a supper both substantial and de
licious. The number served is esti
mated at 2.r0 or more. This was pre
pared and served bv a comparatively
small number of local Rebekahs and
they are to be congratulated upon the
success which resulted from their ef
forts. Thursday evening was the regular
meeting or waeu u range which was as
usual an enthusiastic gathering. New
members, business and social session
and refreshments.
The high school gave a farewell
party for Harvey Voee Monday even
ing. Harvev goei lirst to WiMamina
for a short visit with his grandmother
and other relatives. Within a short
time he will go via boat to Vancouver,
B. C. then to Sayward, B. C, where
ho will look after property interests for
his father. V. M. Vote, principal of
Odell High School until school closes
1,..., Xfl - .1 HI T? .
mien w, ami mr. vose and son, Clar
ence, will go to Sayward.
As a result of an accident one week
earlier, F. P. Friday passed away Fri
day afternoon at the Cottage hospital
in Hood River. Funeral services were
held Sunday afternoon from the Con
gregational church in Hood River. Mr.
Fridav is survived I,, h;u .
daughter, Mrs. Jvan Wililams, of Port
land, and a son, Paul, who is a student
m Odell High School. To those who
mourn we extend heartfelt sympathy.
L. A. E. Clark expects to leave
Odell one dav this week nBathnmut f,.-
a month or more visit in Kansas and
Oklahoma. He will spend most of this
time visiting at the home of his wife's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I). Wells
of Lawrence, Kansas. He will visit
other relatives and friends at that
pomi aim prooaoiy friends at Burling
ton, Kansas and his brother whose
home is in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
Saturday Odell residents att Tided
funeral services for two mothers of lo
cal residents; one, Mrs. Reynolds
mother of Mrs. G Pit. T I'l'uthur k
other, Mrs. W. H. Furrow, mother of
H. L. Furrow and Ray Furrow.
Mrs. Anna Dorward, of Odell, and
Pearl Perkins, of Parkdalc were quiet
ly married and have gone to Parkdale.
where they are at home. Best wishes
and congratulations are theirs.
Clarence Packer, a well known bach
elor of Willow Flat, came home Mon
day accompanied by his bride, who
was formerly Miss Bessie Stevens, of
II, . .. I Dl .!- 1- .
" iwver. rrienos are oiiering con
gratulations and good wishes.
The Ladies Aid Society met at the
home of Mrs. A. H. Weinheimer
Wednesday afternoon.
The Boy Scouts led the Epworth
League service last Sundav evening in
a manner creditable to themselves and
reflecting credit upon their Scout
master, ttev. uleiser.
Sunday school 10 a. m. next Sunday.
Last Surday, 134 present. Morning
service 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "A
Workirg Faith for Humanitv." Ep
worth League 0.45 p. m. Subject,
beir Control- How to Get It and Its
Reward." Leader, Mrs. Allison Fletch
er. 7.130 p. m. Evening Service.
Many thousand strawberry plants
have been shipped to outside "nursery
men by local growers within the past
month. Many more thousands have
been sold to local men who plan to in
clude strawberries in their list of prod
ucts. In a game of baaehnll riiu
mar school vs. Barrett Friday, trie lo
cal team was victorious.
Mr. and Mrs. F. I). Wieden. of Port
wm Ui aaiuruay. mr. Wieden
reiurnea io rortland Sunday and Mrs
Wieden will visit at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haskins
until Friday. '
where she will undergo special
mem ai an open sflr sanitarium.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of The Dalles,
and Mrs. Allen, e Jennings Lodge,
came from The Dalles Sundav to visit
at the home of their son and brother,
Wayne Allen and family.
We are glad to hear that Mrs. Cor-
Win. who has hr-en verv ill iu imnrnu.
ing slowly.
Mrs. H. M. Grant was a visitor at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Aitken
Wednesday aftern oon.
Clayton Wentz, son of C. C. Wentz,
is on the sick list.
MrS. Kimtmll Sir nnlnrl innH
friends Thursday at luncheon in honor
of Miss Kimball, who will spend the
summer here.
Barrett is soon to lose two of its old
est.'residents in the moving of Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. Sherrieb to Hood River,
where they will make their future
Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
few days during the past
in Portland.
Isbel spent a
week visiting
The next regular meeting of Varc
Grange at Rockford hall will be a so
cial meeting. A good program and
games for both young and old.
H. E Wylie has been quite ill with
the mumps.
Dr. Ralph Bosworth and wife and
small daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Sny
der, of Corvallis. I riant few hmira
Sunday with Dr. Bosworth's uncle, R.
B. Archibald, on Portland Way.
Mrs. J. A. Carr and Mies Melba
Thompson were shopping in Portland
h ridav.
Miss Margaret and Geo. Nichol were
week end visitors in Portland.
Shelly Boyce has been hauling ma
terial for two new bungalows to be
built by H. E. Wylie and Mr. Wylie, Sr.
M re.
Ladies Aid Society has shmmH
Geo. Axtelle to i ,-i t
the music at the morning services at
the church. She will conduct a boys
choir. Mrs. Henney has offered to
help in drilling them during the rest of
the school year.
Mrs. E. L. House arrived last week
from the east to spend the summer.
Miss Gertrude Coughlin and a friend,
of Portland, have been visiting Mrs'
John Mohr.
Mrs Victor Olliver and daughter.
urj Louise, or Alhany, are guests of
Mrs. Harold Blackmail.
ft,rfl- Frank Dethman, who has been
at her former home near Albany for a
week reports a good deal of recent
frost damage to fruit in that section.
M. Martin Dragseth entertained a
tew friends last Saturday evening in
honor of her niece. Miss Anita Eilers
of Portland.
Kenneth Malloy has been quite ill
with toaaiHtie.
Miss Bertha Norton, of Hood River
has been visiting Miss Myrtle Jarvis.
MM. A. F. Bickford is entertaining
her sister, Mrs. Reynolds, and Miss
Florence Reynolds, of Seattle.
Mrs. Anson Allen, of Astoiia is vis
ittiug her mother. Mrs Will!. .... I
Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Ardon Kunicorn
and daughter, Alma, spent Tuesday at
me rete l.enz home.
W. T. Smith had a runaway last
Monday morning that resulted in no
uumages 10 man, norse, or huggy.
Mrs. Flora Rainboldt. of Hood Riv
er, siient the past week with her
mend, Mrs. Ceeile Croshow.
Mrs. J. H. Sheldrake and children,
Johnnie, Tommy and Leonard spent
Saturday at the Everson home.
Wm. E. Barr has removed to Mount
Marius Patreau damaged his Oakland
car seriously Sunday, when he ran into
a slump py the side of the road.
Dick Odell brought a load of cattle
up from Bloucher Station Sunday to
pasture nece for the summer.
W. H. Edlek and family were up
Sunday from Hood River and spent the
day at the home of C. W. Clark.
Miss Norma Gardner celebrated her
oikiiui ay .Sunday. A number ol
relatives were present for the aeem.
I sion.
Clarence Knapp and Mr. (Joss were
noou Kiver visitors Saturday.
Miss Knoll and Miss Smith spent the
week end at Hood River.
Mrs Frank Hanel, George Hanel.
Mrs. t. B. Hess and daughter,' Naoma.
went to The Dalles Sunday to visit at
the Fred Hopper home.
The Parent-Teacher Anno,.iuf ;i, k.U
their last evening meeting until fall
Friday. Mr. Benthin showed slides of
New York city and Philadelphia, gave
two drnmatic leadings and sang two
solos. The elected officers for the en
suing year are: Mrs. A. C. Jordan
mwm. , rars. e. . .naw, vice pres.
Miss Hilda McKinley, sec., and Mrs.
. 1. Wyatt, treas. The Parent
loacher Association will take charge
of raising our quota for the Chinese
and Armenian relief.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ringer and Mr
and Mrs. Joe Dimmick were Hood
River visitors Saturday.
The regular church services were
held Sunday morning.
The Middle Vull.-v Uamdmrn I
members were welenm !( ,.t
Mount Howl Sunday school Sundav
Mrs. Lambert, who was visit imr hr
fetor, Mrs. Marsh, returned to her
nome in Tort land Monday.
M- Haynes and daughter were in
White Salmon Monday transacting
George Johnson transacted business
m The Dalles Tuesday.
M. Malloney, of Stevenson, came ui
Sunday to work In the Climax.
i went to Stevenson
sold his car to the Un
were in Hood River on
the week were Mrs
Red Johns,
Thursday. Me
derwood J itney
Those who
business durini
Frank Laraen. Mrs. niaivU A riuniun
Mrs. Schweitzer, Mrs. Porter, George
Wa (her, Reuben uarnstrum, Herman
Walther. T. T. Babbitt, Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnson and family, Clareinc
joolie, Mr. Man-h, Mr. Bueche, Mr.
Hugo Johnson went to Home Valley
Hi Kapf) want to Stevenson Monday
Mrs. H. H. Nielsen was pleasantly
surprised last Mondnv
upon returning home from a neighbor's
she found the house well filled with
friends who came to help her celebrate
her birthday. The evening was spent
in playing fiOOgand dancing was enjoyed
bv the vounirer rwxuiU. Th k
" o- i 1 ' - iijc iiuurn
nassed pleasantly for all, when at a
ate nour refreshments were served
and with renewed good wishes to Mrs'
Nielsen the party dispersed.
('inKer was attending to business
in Ihe Dalles Thursday.
During the absence of Mr. and Mrs
Diefendorf from their home Tuesday
afternoon of last week a sneak thief
entered the house by cutting the screen
door and liftino- th lot,.h ..t t... r .
. r. ..... n ai Lin iioilt
door. A sum of money, all in -currency,
amounting to over $100 was
taken. No clue was found bv which to
trace the party doing the stealing.
Notice was given to thr. in, r i.
stores to watch out for bills of $50 de
nomination, as two such were among
imvv iwuvjr laKeii.
The Ladies Aid Society was enter
tained at the home ot Mrs. Fannie
Nielsen Wednesday afternoon.
The countrv seems tn ha trot t i tut 1 1 , . 1 1
stocked with light fingered gentry
whose chief pastime is to appropriate
unto themselves property belonging to
other people. Last Friday afternoon
Mrs. Earl Scott, who resides on the
MoCargar ranch, found upon returning
to the house from Ihn ,,.V....A
strange man in the act of entering 'the
dwelling. He explained that he was
just going to ask for a drink of water
and the road to The Dalles. Some
time after he had gone it was found
mat tne nouse nad been ransacked. A
watch and chain were missing.
1',. Jacobsen, of Portland, is up on
bis Mosier farm this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Cole, of Port
land, spent Sunday in Mosier.
, Despite the threatening clouds Sun
day, many Mosier people enioved Inn.r
rides over the Highway, "and picnic
A pleasant evening was spent at the
L O. O. F. hall Saturday evening by
the members of the Rebekah Lodge
After the ren-nl
r twubinv ui I'umijcsa
all were requested to remain a while
longer. Presently the cheerful sound
of dishes was heard and soon there ap
peared the Noble Grand, Mrs. Math
ews, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Al
lington, V. G., and Mr. Mathews
bearing trays of cups of fragrant coffee
and delicous douirhnnts
ing an enjoyable social hour and thank
ing the .thoughtful ladies for the de
lightful surprise it,.- inrflu 0a
Messrs. Stone and Tavlor, who were
in Mosier during the days of the rock
crusher, passed through Sunday en
route to Ontario. Oregon. whpri Mr
Stone has a contract on the Ontario to
Weiser road. Work is already under
way and will last for several months.
J. N. Mosier will Irrfn Mr ;..
Ontario this week aud assist him with
tne work.
Mosier valley was visited bv a gen
erous rain storm the first'of the week
WHICH did a vast amount of good. It
is mought that no damage has resulted
iran tne irosis up to date.
U.. .. 1 .-
" '"'ping mat trie weather man
will take a vacation along about Thurs
day cvciunir una sent am u ub.,
so that the total eclinse of th m,..
may rie viewed.
(Jood news from Guv l)nu..ii ut h
St. Vincent hospital in Portland tells
mat DO is out of the cast, and imurov-
mg dahy. It wdl be two months nr
more oerore tie can hope to sit up,
which is much sooner than uf ro
thought possible. We are glad to learn
oi tne success, andjimprovement.
A. D. Moe and son, Roger, paid a
short visit to Mosier Monday after
noon. H. M. Scearee left Monday for a
business trip of several weeks.
G. P. Morden motored over from
i loon iu ver lueeday.
J. P. Carroll is now enjoying a brand
new Ford auto.
It is reported that Frank Wilson will
be able to return home from The
Dalles hospital the last of this week,
as he has improved rapidly from the
recent operation.
J Elder and B.W. Veatch were pass
engers on the bus for Hood River Mon
day afternoon.
The students of the Mosier school
wish to express their appreciation for
the $20 given them for their athletic
tund from the proceeds of the picture
snow, 1 tie Cast of the Mohicans" last
rriuay evening at I m manual church.
G. L. Davenport was up from Port
land Sunday.
E. M. Strauss is remodeling the old
school building into a modern apart
ment house, one apartment being just
completed, and the others well under
way. The location is ideal for plenty
of good fresh air and sunlight.
George anil Fred Evans left Monday
for a trio to Oregon City, where it is
understood to be ideal for salmon fish
ing near the falls in the Willamette!
Send your lAiindrv to the Hood River
Laundry and be satisfied. E. R. Com
stock, Atrent, located at Veatch A Race
Pool Hall. ,;;!, f
By Roberta C. Lane '21
Last Fridav nivht the minils nt Park
Street school gave a pageant, "The
Victory of the Gardens." Each of the
330 pupils of the school had some part
in the exercises. The music was under
the direction of Mrs. C. H. Henney
and the program was in charge of Miss
Bessie M. Goyette. A committee of
teachers and pupils had decorated the
stage and auditorium in fir boughs and
fruit blossoms, which gave a very
beautiful setting for the fairy land of
tne pageant. 1 he auditorium w
crowded beyond capacity and nearly
j.oo were tne proceeds tor the benefit
or tne school.
Fridav nioht Ann! 29 Mrs Honnc.r
n - - f , "vnuvy
wm present, tne noys ana girls glee
clubs in an operetta entitled, "The Isle
ot Chance. " Judging from the popu
lar demand for these pupil musicals
the house will soon be sold out. Tick
ets may be had from members of the
glee clubs or from Glarkara rimor aioro
and seats may be reserved at the lat
ter place without extra charge.
Hood River high school baseball
team went to White Salmon and
crossed bats with the high school team
there last Fridav. winninc hv n urvire
M ft n mi -. , , ...
oi wnite .-.aimon will play a re
turn game here next Friday, tomor
row, at 2.X0 n'( l,,cl .Inninr hi'rrh lr.o
- - v. . ivoir
Friday's game to Barrett, but they ex-
fieci to win rrorn mosier, tomorrow, at
that place.
The school board has had the tennis
court uouuieu in size anu enclosed with
a twelve foot netting. Back stops
naye aiso Deen erected on the grounds
aujoining tne manual training depart
ment, thus making three courts. The
players have put the grounds in shape
at student body expense and the stu
dent body has erected signs stating
that the courts are open only to high
Hcnooi stuaents. a tournament has
been arranged under the direction of
Earl N. Fleischman, athletic coach.
Pram the winners of these class events
the all-school teams will be selected.
Principal Conkle, of the high school.
announces that this year's graduating
eiass will oe composed or 4 momhori
20 boys and 21 girls. This is rather an
even and unusual division.
Those Stunning New Silk Dresses, direct from
New York (Fashion's Center) is here.
rnday and Saturday, April 22 and
t, mary miles M inter in "The Little
uown, her latest release. One of
the sweetest and most appealing pic
tures ever made by this wonderful lit
tle actress. Don't let tl le l i iilow miue
this show. Also Andy Gump in car
toons and a Universal News.
Sunday, one day only, April 24, Mav
Allison in "The Marriage of Wm.
Ashe." the atnrv nf un irr,n.ilu;.,
" j m.. ini,uiillYC
daughter of the English nobility who
tires of the convent's staid life and
thirsts for freedom
- -jr idu
a snub foiiard comedy.
Monday and Tuesday, April 25 and
, rue nig metro huperspecial,
'Hearts Are Trumps, " from the cele
brated play by Cecil Raleigh. Full of
big dramatic moments and good clean
comedy. Also thaf king of "knuts, "
Buster Keaton, in his latest laughing
hurricane, "The Scarecrow." Keaton
is making better two reel comedies
with every rerease. This is a positive
knockout. Also Topics of the Day.
Usual prices.
Wednesday and Thnrsdav Ar:l on
and 28. Norma Tnlmuriir cu.x
. 'S' .J1IC
Uives and L es. Also a Mack Sennett
comeuy, iioirt Weaken," with Ford
Sterling, Charlie Murray and all xtHr
Attention Ferial patrons:
Klllir of the Ctrnnu" ,u .1,,.,, , ..,
tne Liberty every Thursday and Fri-
llaV. Illrsi :ilf with (I...
Mr i j -1 . ' .
veooesuav am mtiriulav ihna
Fridav with Ihe reattur VwiAmt,
.... j L 1 ......j
aioruay snow.
Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ.
1 55 1
are embodied in these
Garments which are
Beautifully Trimmed.
mm v
Mi H
A iWf A
Oriental Silk
with an overdrape of
different shade
Crepe de Chine
goes to make up these
Beautiful Dresses.
Enables us to sell you these Wonderful Dresses
can only see them to appreciate their value.
if nSBie
m mmkJMmi inon-iMue institution
We carry
Those Tie
Back Wool
Blouses are
$3.49 & $3.98
I i ! I
Tax Payments Average Well
Averages of tax payments in Hood
River county, despite thesubstantial in
erease of the levies and the poor apple
market of the past season, are as rood
as on past years, according to Sheriff
lormsun. v Mr Joh.n k..
detinite fiL'ures at present, he says
Hood River county will probably show
less delinquencies than other parts of
the state.
Card of Thanks
our di
wish to thank our many kind
Is and neighbors for the beautiful
and kindness and sympathy
i us in our sorrow for the loss of
ar beta ad mother.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Davidson,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. l'rather,
In these days of business depression and disaster
it is well to know that the firm with whom one does
business is financially strong as well as morally reliable.
When you sell apples to us you know they are sold and
will be paid for. When you consign to us you know
you will get an honest return from the actual market.
We welcome a full investigation and refer you to
the Produce Reporter, the local banks, the Irving National
Bank of New York, or the London County & Westmin
ster Bank, Ltd., of London.
In the
Kiver Di
Ore iron.
I Court for the II
Hood Kiver County,
Kiver, is running
Tort la
rt Freeman, v ho h
id with diphtheria,
Ifl. Freeman is stil
. liickford ami fi,
Salmon yesterday t
it been ill in
h mueh bet
with him.
lyreil. of Stevenson was vis
e of the week end.
iel hardt, a member of the facta-
Fra k I in school, Vancouver,
m the Hussey home for
irrom the Km
o L
Gov. Ix)uis F. Hart and members of
the newly created highway committee
w ill make a complete tour" of hiki
rt v
and si
I, .-i
V.ks Lulu Kakestm
end at the home of M
Stuut. Mis? Kakt-str
a resident of Helm
teaching in the W hite
George Callaway
Lou, are both under
iney are having a ieige
Holbrooke has been ill but
start school aain Monday.
Mi. and Mrs. L. W
miss i.u iia.lav.ay went ovei
highway Thursday, upending a
hours in Portland. They icturnec
same day.
Mr. and Mr. C. M. Hur
the Week end tn Portland at
of Mrs. Hurlourt's arent
Mr. Knann.
Mrs. Ina Ingram left Saturday t
spend a few das in Portland wbert
rhe will visit friends and relatives.
The Current Events Club will meel
Thursday, April 21, at the home ..I
Mrs. Will Farrell.
F. C Stout wa? suddenly taken sick
at Frnnkton f-ch., I Friday We art
glad to know be is better again.
Mrs. P Pemberton. we are sorry
to tear, is still under the doctor's care.
Misa Inei Sparka, whote health is
Dot of the beat, has left for Portland
-irday nil
r. . eptll
-a led v
I fresh
1 i i i.
the Fnderwood school
was a unique all air.
t.m was beautifully
vrtaj (lowers and Oregon
h added to its attractive
diversion of the evening
Bard playing. The Hen
rtm .i.hestra furnished
MB for the occasion. Ice
rake were served as re
Our out of town guests
heir appreciation of the
merits furnished and the
elect -
G K.
ffic Violators
hurt sjnt
the home
. Mr. and
I dared
is now
Mr. Murr
aaon em iolator of traffic
't hw county have been de
"tTicer Murray, who
reakmg in a new Harley
iii.'ti in rj i le of police model.
v ha.- . ; r. In nd.-d a nun.t. r
' Tk r".ol"r,s'" 'or techincal violations.
I he dav - of warnings, however, officers
say, are over, aud the following were
aaeeased $5 fines : W. B. McGuire.
oouhie parking: Russell Kvavle, no
tail light and only one head light.
''uc'u-'v' ,v"ig motor running
while absent from car ; and Rav W'erth
ley, parking on Highway near Mitchells
Point tunnel. Mr Werlhlev rrar
to the arr
Portland nt
of this state next month Th
to leave Olvmtna Mv I Hri.
the Pacific Highway to Van
then head east over the Nort
Officers of the Woman's CM)
coming year were elected as f.
President, Mrs. C. N. Clark (r.
ed) : first vice-president, Mrs.
eiier ; second vice president, S
M. Peck ; secretary, Mrs. L F
j re-elected ; corresponding se
Mrs. K. L. Heaman re-eleet1
urer, Mrs. K. (. I.vons- nra
er, Mrs. C. N. Clark re-electe.l.
The annual spring clean-up of the
auto park will take place Saturday
April .'W. The . vi. ..n.ri,
. - kt iii me
oman s I lull has made lirrHmrnni.tnlu
' ri ;i-
t, doing business as Flli-
and Co., Plaintiff, Vs. L. H.
, I'efei.dant,
H. I'-eaudrie. ()aklnd rati.
iornia, Defendant :
In the name of the Stair- ofllr.
gon, you are I ereby required to aptiear
"- ci un complaint iiuu against
you in the aU.e entitled action on or
oeiore tne last day of six consecutive
weeks in. in the date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and if you fail
" ner. i,,r want thereof, the
piHintin will take judgment against
.,11 I t r - . ... -
" " . .. e oi mi. 4ii with ti tier
iiotiT i., a a a
m. ioiere-i irolll May ,(1, l'JL'0. Until
paio, logeUM r with costs and disburse
m. hi action, and for a decree
1 : ' ' i g C. II. Hryan,
garni-tiee. i, n lea.-e certain personal
tta. hed in this action, and
issuance of a writ of execution
for a substantial meal i
noon, by the Woman's Cll
j been done the last two yes
boys, girls and grown ups
participate in the work. Th
is to make a real May Day p
combining business and fun.
j report at the grounds at 9 a.
! boys and men armed with
i clean up the grounds, ami th
and girls with "tools" to clean
rest house. The tourist seasor
ist-s to oen early this year
want to be prepared to welc.
served at
i h s n h I
I to all
who will
t", r nV
I and ord
erty at
i ou
tion i
Hon. t
r mi f
.f this
niade, granted and
day of Aprl 192
BJ served liy pubjica
nmons ard order of at'
nrtue of an order of the
pthank. Justice of the
istrict of Hojd Kiver.
nty, Oregon, duly
duted on the 19th
-1. for service of this
er of attachment uion
M thereof, and in ac
ith. and order pre
t;me for publication
nx consecutive weeks
tt lacier, a newsia
rculation published in
ity, Oregon, and the
By Hood Kiver Abatrad In Co.l kXJmjlml Ba?Ui
J. H. Heilbronner and
Hankinp I'oiriuinv '..t
I . I l J .-J nr . . .
ibi nun. vesi to itoori ivu. . .... .
easement for party wall adjoining lot 1
in blk G of 1st Add. West.
Jena II. Jenneaen unrl t m r
Miller and Laura I. Millor An
, ...... , . w . -a hi
Pine Grove.
V. K. Abraham and n , fc bv-.
r.. rnav and wife. 2 arrta nf
. - w aiauinr
Anna M. Hart and hushand in
at this season is of course
very desirable: it makes the
home cheerful and your holi
day visitors feel fine. Burn
our coal and you will get such
a fire. It may le hitter cold
without, hut will always lie
comfortable within.
Taft Transfer Co.
Asbury M. E. Church
A p'e
Je-se Pu
Minister. (Jal-riel Svke.
Sunday Bdwol at id . n
PiihlieWomhipst 11a.m.
Kpwortb league at i :i
Prater Servav Wediicsd;
of t
v fu
I will
it ..f.
rther notified
be the date
of this sum-
n. Attorney for Plain
Oregon. aU
r. (tstenher.' anrf if I.... i .
oik 4 of Haucoma Addition.
Charles r. Hatchelder to S C
Hamblin. lot 14. hlk 9 in 1
Park Add.
J. W. Bailev tn H M :,... i.
. ... rt ....... -....iiwiii, lut 1
in blk 2 of Highland Addition.
r.sieua a. f'u en and hnshnnH
K. Pul ten. S M-rea on M,.t.c u i
- - , v i man.
liuy T . lulwards and wife to A. S.
Neir and wife, lot 10. blk 4 in River
view Park Addition.
A. S. Keir and wife to Edgar J
Franz ard wife, lot 2. blk 3. Kiver r ew
i am ,v: : t-,-- .
Louis A. Henderson and wife to
.tin , nt-i aou wne, lots ; ajkl 31 in
blk 23 in Hood River Proper.
Ralph Root and wife to John R
Plog. 33J acres in Pine Grove.
Nkkelsen Gets 1. COO Chicks
All films lelt ith ns up to 4 o'clock
B m. are out the Inllomnit dav at 4 p m
In at four out at fonr. gtocoBa-Donner-berg
Co. jy22tf
C. D. Nickelsen has just received
1000 baby chicks from the Oregon Ag
ricultural College, of the "Oregons"
breed, being a cross between the Bar
red Plymouth Rocks and White Leg
horns. Prof. James Drvden, who is
considered one of the most proficient
fowl breeders in the United States, has
spent many years in breeding this vari
ety from his trapnested stock at the
college. The "Oregons" are heavier
than the Leghorns and lav iust as well.
The extra weight being a reat advan
tage as a table fowl. The "Oregon"
have taken manv nmminma in - '
contests throughout the Northwest and '
csern competitive contests. The
several breeders of this type of fow I
are under contract with the college to
cooperate in breeding to a standard
type and when this has been aeeom-
Dlished. the liree.Herc B ill ka n 1 I
- ... nn .j iifT
certificates by the college as accredited
breeders, and will l e ncrmittsri .n
their stock for general purposes.
The Baptist Church
Sunday Services
and Ml p. m. Itil
Mr A. H. IVnnett
pie's Hour, H.45
Thursdays. L'.:i0 n
third Tliursdav in
munion service,
niontb. U m. A
these services.
Pine Stn-et, near U'th
I. Herliert Hav.ien, Pastor,
e, 1107 Pine Street. Phaama, 7a
Prenebing, 11 a. m.
S. hool, 10 a. m.,
Supt. Teajaja Peo
m. Ladies' Aid,
m. Mission Circle,
month, torn-
Jl welcon
in the
to all
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Corner 15th and C s
Sabbath school Saturda
Preaching service 11.15 a.
meeting. Wednesday 7.45
are welcome.
Minister F. F. Oster. R
Columbia St. Phone 3473.
Rublr Starn,,, at f.l,,i
m. 1
u m.