0 HOOD RIVER (I LACIER, TI1FRSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921 8junit Stttrr (Blanrr APIHIK I). MOB. Publisher. Subscription, i:2.00 IVr Year. TIIF TRIM HOAD Hood River folk for the most part, while they are receptive, are withhold ing a definite commitment of their at titude on the proposed trunk highway up through the valley, connecting the Columbia River Highway and the I,oop Highway at the bounds of the national forest. Citizens and taxpayers of the county are awaiting the presentation of final and definite statements of facta as to the proposition before mak inar their decision. In face of existing taxation we wonder how we are going to be able to meet the state's proposals as tentatively outlined. Then, view ing the matter from another angle we wonder just how we can ufTord not to join with the state on a 50-50 basis in constructing a trunk road that we need and that ultimately, if we lose the present opportunity, we must build alone. While juat now we haven't a solution to offer, and we do not think anybody else has brought one forward, we feel confident in predicting that a solution is going to be found and that Hood River county is going to join the state in the; project of the valley trunk line. We want to issue a warning how ever, against the injection of any ani mus at the proposed mass meeting. At present expressions of citizens indicate various degrees of feeling both for and against the trunk road. Let every man attend the proposed mass meeting and frankly voice his opinions and his endorsements and objections. Out of all this frank discussion we are going to draw suggestions for plans of solu tion. provided, however, we do not permit the interjeckin of animosities and factionalism. We are brought face to face with one of the most sen ous issues the county has ever faced Let's meet it squarely and solve it in a friendly community spirit. The national government is now hearing of the Pacific coast's desires to end the Japanese question here by the elimination of immigration. Ore gon and Idaho have withheld state legislation, aimed at Japanese land holding, with.the expectation that the national government will effectively adjust the matter. State laws, how ever, are sure to follow, if the federal bodies pass up the matter. The modern power tractor retains some of the attributes of the mule, whose flying heels were sometimes dangerous. Th lunges and flops of tractors leave a list of casualties. Frequently the press recounts such an injury, and here in Hood River last week a prominent orchardist was badly injured in such an accident. This is Humane Week. Do your part in conveying the message to your fellow man and IOC tiring his coopera tion on actions of kindness to dumb brutes. We are glad that the schcol children are being taught to be kind to animals. We have seen boys who con sidered it manly to abuse dumb brutes. Woe unto any young monster today if a Boy Scout sees such action. STAR MEMBERS GREET THEIR GRAND MATRON A record large attendance of mem bers of the Eastern Star was present Tuesday night to greet Mrs. Ida Um haeh, Grand Matron, and other grand Hicers aud'visitors. Over20O crowded Masonicfhall. The visiting delegation were tendered a dinner at The I'heas ant just before the official session. In addition to Mrs. Umbach, whose home is at Lakeview, visitors were: Leslie S. I'arker. of Portland, Crand Patron ; Miss Nellie McKinley, of Portland, Grand Secretary ; Mrs. Lillian Young, of Portland, Grand Chaplain; Mrs. Dona Gradon, of Portland, Grand War der; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dillon, Mrs. Heck, of Portland ; and Mrs. W. A. Johnson and Mrs. Ida Doan, of The Dalles. Greetings were extended the visitors in an address by Mrs. H. D. W. Pineo, Matron of the local chapter; responses were made by the visiting grand officers. BOWLING NEWS MHBHHMMBHMHBHBH"""" lll,BBia"BBB"""!!,ffB t A pitiful proceeding occurred in Portland last week, when Lucile Ross, aged 15, filed suit for divorce against Homer L. Ross, also aged 15. The children had be n married 30 days. The case, it leetna, calls for the ad ministration of a sound thrashing, not only for the children but for the parents. TIM SPEAKING CONTESTS The contests that have been waged throughout the county the past several weeks, preparatory to the final partic ipations of embrvonic orators at the High School next Thursday evening are to be commended. We hope that citizens take sufficient interest in the atfair of next Thursday to be present and thus so encourage the school authorities and others who have ar ranged the speaking contests to make them an annual event. A serious effort on the part of the school children to appear in oration or declamation before fellow students and the public cannot be other than beneficial. We are glad to note that .the Commercial Club has actively endorsed the speaking contest, and the winners of the meet will be honor guests at a Commercial Club meeting on the Monday following. If it could authoritatively be an nounced that taxes would be materially reduced, we believe it would go far toward stimulating building. High taxes -seven per cent of the assessed valuation this year, are preventing new homes from rising here. Men with capital will not take the chance of building new homes, to be held for lease or sale, in the face of Buch tax ation. Others prefer to rent, finding it more economical, instead of building new homes. We can rest assured that the taxes of next year will IBOW a decline, for we will not have to face the heavy special school tax levied this year. Hut all city officials and all citizens Fhould cooperate in an effort to keep taxes as low as possible. A tax of seven per cent makes too bur densome the ownership of property. This is the season when a neighbor's hen or a neighbor's growing boy may bring grief and discouragement to city gardeners. A city ordinance, we be lieve, regulates and t ircumscribes the activities of hens, but the ordinance is silent on the mischievous depredations of aggressive young Americans. Said young American's father and mother hHe sole jurisdiction over his anno ing activities among the newly planted flower and vegetables. The parents, howeir, if they can put across to the youngster by suggestion, moral suasion or otherwise that nothing is more sac red t the gardener than his seed bed or g routing plants, a host of gar deners will arise and call then: Mm mL Be prepared to aid Hood River coun ty's committee in quickly raising the Chinese relief quota. The canvassing committee will get busy next Monday. Do not forget to cast your Associa tion vote before next Saturday night. MILK MEETING TO BE HELD MONDAY The proposed signboards at en'h fide of town on the highway, carrying matter descriptive of valley Manic poi its and bow to reach them, will be of in .'Ctimable value. Thousands of foU mit'Tcd through the town last year without ever .earning that the r.Hiderri lb a; i was just over the niil. And an SwJajfl and holidays over half of the FVtll for a spin, on reach n-g the business diauict of the city, turned around and ii Hood River may soon adopt an ordi nance controlling sale of milk. At the instigation of the Woman's Club and Business Men's Association the city council has taken cognizance if thi matter, and Mayor soooea has ar ranged for a meeting next Monday evening at the commercial i mn. Dairy and rood I orninisHiont-r llawley and Secretary F. Merrill, of the Ore gon Dairy Council, will be present for addresses. HANS LAGE SHOWS RECORD BIG EGG Hans Lage exhibited a hen egg to day that smashed all previous records. He challenges anv tellow poultrymen of Oregon or other states to eclipse his egg, which measured 7J inches the small way and inches around the nd. Mr. Lage dropped the prize specimen en route and cracked it. It weighed better than five ounces. 'Hood River hem are intelligent. said Mr. Lage. "They read of those big eggs being laid elsewhere and about the tree-nesting pullet of Mayor Crowe, of White Salmon. They were letcrmined to maintain the reputation of the Apple Valley. My hen has lone it." Mrs. MacRac Returns Here Mrs. Marion MacRae, who has been in California engaged in publicity work for the California Hankers' Associa tion, has returned to Oregon and will engage in a membership campaign lor the Oregon Automobile Association. Mrs. MacRae, who is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker at their Little Hoy Ranch, states that the automobile association has been reorganized. It has decided to drop social feature and will devote its attention to a service for motorists. The clubhouse on the Sandy river will be taken over as baadoaaiteta. Plans contemplate a statewide membership and subsidiary organizations scattered throughout the counties. .Alfred 1 etu, ot I'ortland, is bead of the reorganized association. Late I'ine Grove ItMM Rev. Horace Kaye, of Fossil, will exchange pulpits with his brother, liev. -Lmies Kaye Sunday. he Grange meeting Saturday night wai liiuhlv successiui. features ot the gathering were readings by Miss gnei ( overt, of Portland, and an ad- dreea by J. II. Fredricy. Miss Covert a here was the guest of Mrs. i has. t.anoe. Missi s Goldie Wells and Zoe Scobee were entertained at White Salmon last Friday evening. They attended the ft hue Sal HMM high school operetta while away. Portland visitors the past week in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cozad, Mr. and Mr- Joe Vannier and Mrs. Bert Lewis. Motor Tourists Visit Park Tre Hood River automobile park al r ad idencea signs of motoring sea si n. miring the past week the mini mum number of camping parties has three. On several nights as high as six automobiles, loaded with long distance tourists, have canqied at the ;-.,ri . i '.it- of the parties, from south ern Oregon, was bound for Canadian points. Sunday 28 picnic parties visit- rtioiof lata oat I ad the park, using oven? for making cotter The impr cn.ents. A registry aUo be established. a a v. With ive signboard near the y will If lured to plcaa ugh the on hards. and cooking lunches. citr plana an additional lot of book will l . ig ou: kr. r limits The I railed taeen ire 1V21 end we may ha ge and pleasure of joini or. The Dal -s, in celebrating tion of a fully paved Columbia Highway from Aatoria to the of our sister city to the east, tate Highway Commisaion an d Ian week that ida would be for paving of the Highway ba- The Dalles and Mosier. At any tre pairg w ill be completed be ', iod Liver and Mositr, and i pert many rot away. Benson May Operate Orchard : son, who arrived m I oitland of the week from routhern California, where he had spent the " r, aid he waa undetermined as 1" what he would do this summer. "I Bay go to Hood River and run an B pic orchard," he said. Mr. Kenaon, who motored north, stated tl Ht Oregon excela California in nginal construction of roads. Califon h. however, he declares, main tarns her highways better. Schools to Obeene Human Week Humane Weak will I observed in school of the city. Mrs. Alma L iiowe, member of the directorate of the local Humane Society, will Tisit the school an 1 talk to the children, urging that they be kind to dumb brutes thtmsclvea and inculcate in their fellows a similar feeling. I!y winning from a squad of eighteen teams in the first night's rolling of the Northwest International Howling tour nament, the local House and Kruse team, composed of men selected from the Mercantile Howling League, won tirst prize in the Novice section of the tournament, and put Hood River' name on the roll of honor In bowling circles. The boys made T.Yl, SMM, 770: for a total of 2Aii, winning by 22 pins Francis Miller had high single game 203, and Kdgar Franz high average 174. The Idt-al woman's championship has changed hands so fast lately that weeKiy newspaper cannot Keep pac wiin it. me latest winner is Mrs George Mellon, original champion, who put up a score of 199 without handicap last Friday night, beating Mrs. Mor timer's score of 197. Hy the time this is printed some one of the ladies may have hung up that long waited 200. A new bowling club has been formed with the horrific name of "Husband Beaters," and is composed of all women who have at one time or several defeated their respective husbands in open howling competition, without handicap. At present ten women are members, but Heveral others are con lenders and will undoubtedly enter soon. The following women are now members : Mesdames Mortimer, Smith Chikls, House, Peters, Games, Mellon Kingdon, Ravlin, McCullagh. Five of the women got together last Saturday and administered a drubbing to their husbands, by means of a small handicap. It is understood that the husbands are now insisting on their male perogatives and demand a return match minus handicap. Scores follow Mrs. Mortimer. 96, 9H. 102; Mrs. Smith. 189) 412, 142; Mrs. Childs, 108, 117, 115: Mrs. Peters, 124, 99, 111 Mrs. DeWitt, 95, 98, 106; Handicap 125. 125. 125; t-itals, 087. 679, 701. Mortimer, 144. 143, 158; Smith, 126 98, 109 : Childs, 109, 117,1124; Peters, 176, 160, 143; Holbrooke, 108, 147, 133; totals, 663, 690, 667. Fourteen women took part in the roll-ufF for membership on the Hood River White Diamonds, the woman's team to represent the town. The fol lowing seven were high and will be members till June 1 when another roll off will be held; Mrs. Smith, 666 Mrs. Childs, 663; Mrs. Mortimer, 638 Mrs. Mellon, 64; Miss Jackson, 632 Mrs. Peters, 622; Mrs. Campbell, 607. Spoon winners for the week were Mrs, House, 172; Mrs. Campbell, 213 Mrs. DeWitt, 183; Mrs. K. A. Franz, 161 ; Mrs. DeWitt, 161. George Poe and Stanley Siutz split the weekly prize with a score of 25 each, while Cecil Latferty, otherwise known as "Brick. because of Ins green hair, rolled into first place thus tar lor the monthly mineralite ball with the excellent score of 257. Alva Sherrell is still high for the prize $50 suit to be given by Meyer & .Smith for the highest single score rolled under foul line conditions up to midnight, April 30, but a large number of the boys are planning to get after his figure and if they stay with it long enough may yet put Alva back to over alls. Hotel Oregon to Be Improved The Hotel Oregon, operated under lease for the past four years by F. W. Chindlund, will be taken over Saturday by the owner, EL t, Davidson. The hostelry will be managed by Mr. Dav idson's sister, Miss May Davidson. The dining room and Kitchen of the hotel will be closed for a short time for a thorough overhauling. All de partments of the hotel, it is stated, will be improved. Karl Weber, who has had experience in Portland hostel lies, will be associated with the new management of the Oregon. Fair Hoard Wants Location Hood River County Fair Association is desirous of establishing a permanent fair grounds either by purchase or lease with the option of purchase. Owners of approximately four acres of land suitable for the above within reasonable distance of Hood River who are desirous of selling or leasing same are requested to write or phone. P. L. Manser, Seey-Treaa., County Fair Aaa'n, Hood River. a21 FOR SALE Kur Suit- Cheap-lulu liodge Touring far Klllolt-Overland Co 1'hon. .1. ail tor Sale -A (Mel I 1M. Fur Male Hon huggy Hn'l harm riitilxT-llrril Mingy. I'hnne ifJl . anywhere, alsog-s.d I llli St. Tel lsi-M. :i-'l pan 11, . edy , H l.-.si Kill. W Ontuallk . Co. allll Kor Sal. H-v.-ral A 1 SMS, not milking no ml heat hut. oli, awhil rich. 7 each, r . F. Mall. Plum. ..: or : ,s: ail HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN U saf Q Of 0 lu U 0 X m h N4 J 2 Li W D a FOOTWEAR FOR THE SPECIALS LADIES Here is one of the Biggest Values we have been able to offer you in a long, long time. High grade Dress Oxfords, Slippers and Pumps Queen Quality and other high grade makes in Kid, Patent, Gun Metal and Calf, in colors Black, Tan and Dark Brown. Up-to-the-minute in Style New, Snappy Footwear, that you will be pleased with in every way. Strictly dress footwear that cannot be bought at the factory for what we are selling them for. We are selling them as follows : $5.00 Values $2.50 $6.00 Values $3.00 $6.50 Values $3.25 $7.00 Values $3.50 $8.00 Values $4.00 $10.00 Values $5.00 $11 00 Values $5.50 $12.00 Values $6.00 Drummers' Samples for Men A big shipment just received in Shoes for every purpose. Work, Knock -About and Dress Wear. Of course there are not all sizes in these, but 6, 6ft 7, 7, and a few 8, is about as they will run. We can sure give you some BIG SHOE VALUES IN THIS LOT if we have your size. Come in and see. Nothing like saving when you have a chance like this. We'll be pleased to show you. Retailers of Everything To Wear me PARIS FAIR Hood River's Largest and Best Store NEMO, GOSSARD AND AMERICAN LADY CORSETS For Kale A few fresh cows giving Irom 2 to ii fat. a (lair Also have 2X acres of pasture mill would taken 1-w cowh or heifers to pas tuie and would like to fat a saddle pony for IiIh keep. Would give good care. Also for sale- one team and harness, weight H'JIIO lbs . B and HI yearn old, i'"'' and sound. Would like to till v 11 re w pa: v. - irom .i to : inn s oin. i nil or phone t77t. Kggci iiiunl, lloute I. liox ItH. ai!l For Sale Ttinroiiglilired K 1 Ued eggs for liatclilng. Sl.oopi i -itlng. Phone, TOR. a2S For Hale or Trade I Ford pluyer piano. Easy terms. car and 1 Phone 5T07. new a21 I PAY DIRT For Hale Team ol 'horses. and II venrsolr Weight about 2600. In wnihd condition. VI 11. Hie In i i'hoiie liixl Udell at noon or after oclock. a2l For Sale If vuii are prepared torontract for vour winter s wiiini inr May mid .nine iienv- ery at attractive prices, call U. P. Morden. riu ne aim Fo' Sale Bulck i lining far in good contll- Hon. I arson I . M ilker. est end ot AvaluD Way. mllU SEE Kor Hale Jersey Heifer, fresh this fall. Oaa Irag saw and drum and lonls. J. W. l uster, ndell. Tel. . aa For Bale- tela of a hluii nroiliK ing va riety, l'rice reasonable. Phone Udell ,i :l. 7I I For Hale-Antoramp Trailer and complete, ca in ping on tilt I n Hist class condil ion anil a ipiirgaln, U. K Palmer, 1701 .Sherman Avenue, II 1 Itlver. a n l or Hale Team of bay horses, weight 2900 1 rounds, hariiessand llursl Hpra er i.'Ji, Hess siuilebaker hack f!5, rubber tired bugg 116, of light harness $15. U. t', Paddock, 'lei. ISOB, . a2 "Burning Daylight" For Hale Flemish Giant rnhblis. Ilurrett Koad, Koute I. L, U. Kruse, all Kor Hale M Kent '-, acres pine and oak rove with small building". '.. miles out ou in k -ode In ive a nd lielin.nil po.id hey to liotie may be had at the (ilaeiei olll e. r. H rth -Miian, Cascade Uicks, Ore. a7tf For Sale -PHI) Ford antoiuohi ie in good run nlng condition. Phone mt Parkdale. a'l For Hale-One Kaullleaa slump puller in good com! II inn. also one '.' muni ha old ler-- y heller Photic iI7. Aliredt ox. ait For Hale-Four horses, one team liVl, other learn 1 1(H) each, about 7 or s yrs. old. Kenaon ible nrlce. H. Krwiiiiiura. Dak drove. Phone nil. a-s KorHaleor Kent Slx-riaitn house on Colum bia (Street. Inquire of II II. POWSlI, Tl. B61 7 For Hale Kverbcartug strawberry p u 1- aiid pure tired Khode Island lied eggs fo: set ting eggs. Also Oregon selling egg-. I I.. Johnson. Tel. 2W2. m I Kor Hale I'-rnotn house with hath, lot 7.MIKI feel, electric llghtsand waler. Keasonabli-Hin! m terms. I-.. M. Ilolman. Tel. 27S-J Kor Hale Jim gallon Kean (Sprayer, t-lsirse ngine.iaiii pumps. In il ne condition j-d nly live sprays. Phone or write TokeP e i ir. hards. I'uderwoud, Wash. Ill Kor Hale-Clark Seedling strawberry plants from 1-year old plants, either In the rouili or trimmed. J, K. Thoiiinsoii, Phone Parkdsle Hi. alt Kor Hale -hu acres Joining the town ol Hiiteis Oregon. Kour blocks (roin the center if the town with pillule and high school aero the stn-et. Ootid opportunity for dairy aa t litre is none In the town. Price t7S per acre with rm in one half If di aired. For lull paitlculat- pi ititre of W .1. Davids ljlii 1 11 11. HI., II. hk! KnerorF U Hhaw, Hlslera, Ote. a 21 , i For Hale -Hay old chirks. Single Comh ghode Island Kids, pun' bred, dirk rolored (rap nested stock. Have iald belter than t s r t hi all inter We also have bnaalv mother-. A valor. Farm Sherman .1 rt i 1 k phone SHa, a ill! For Hale Set of heavy hsiti - -iiitile tor farm work. J. Hog-era. hii 1 Ninth St. iiilll Foi gala I i adlllac Truck. I horse., single harness n1 buggy. Forsaleor rent J acre on Columbia Highway. I1, miles west llissl Klver. I. C. I uderwood.- mn , A For Hale -A 117 H ndebaker Four li Al con dnion tor SNMi Or will trade for Uglier car or pcr.oiiH: property. J. P. Wend! ig Phone A SCREEN ADAPTATION OF LONDON'S OF THE NORTHLAND JACK MASTER NOVEL with an all star cast, including MITCHELL LEWIS A story of the frozen North, where strong men toil for gold, and might dictates the laws ! All of London's power and punch developed to their maximum. DAYS ONLY m IK Kor Sale Two freed eowa. Tel. Ml. inHllf Kor H.U- IVlect radar fence prices on rough and drcM-d limit .. Ollell 17. 11. t W mans in 2411 Z5?e Liberty Mon. and Tues., April I8th19th Wed. and Thurs., Norma Talmadge in 'The Isle of Conquest" 73 H ri So CD fl 2 H C 2 D n Sc n 0 r 0 NX s z D Pi Z He.wrested their close-held, golden treasure from the ice-covered YUKON HILLS. Then in his pride and strength he invaded the money market of Wall Street. WHAT BEFELL "DAYLIGHT," red-blooded, two-fisted sour dough, in the web of the SPIDER? ii. dee Land farm l. Wash and In l l '.'I mile, from r mat I sk- r"or Hale- 8even hea l of milk roam, coming freh aoon Can be seen at Lewi. Ktiowd. s. Middle Valley Kaneh. Phone Ode 1 1 M. MM Kor Male - acre. West side I mile, out Hcan. unit building .tie, Inehea water. M0 apple tree. U rear. old. KVUI 00. Andrea. Hoi K, miutr For stale tsid dry Is inrh fir wood deliver, ed anywhere at reduced rr- Maltzman Broa. PonelTll. jim H..k. r M.s Pi n D . rk MdtlUf . d. a. .u I For Male-roar-room Ivouae and large pantry. MM plastered, a large wood noose. Three t. .Idewalk and sewer connections Id. Price PI... lie I n,t re-bred Wh t Ninth at. w-' -1 new. mini for Hale order taken air day old chirk. White Wyandotte and Harred Pu mouth Rork Mr. K. J Nirtjolwm Phone few. tf For Sale For ta ie timber. I .fr..d a I n. r. j so - Trojan bias! Ing powder, rap. and - powder to handle; no thawing or tea. Phone 540a, Avalon Farm. Prank naif ?larren level nnih land, some mile aouth of Parkdale on eaal aide Kelley-. mill. Write or inquire of verkropp. phone t7'. njstf FOR RENT Wanted-Pasture for saddle horae for few weeka. Phone Parkdale 301. in. it I Wanted to Kent Small house, close In ML Tel al Wanted-A man led man. thoroughly ex perienced In orchard work, pruning and har vesting and capable ol handling stock. Per manent position for right man. Reply la Box ;l care of Olacler giving full particulars, num ber In family, wages expected and reference. nilOlf rre. land 4' pari For Sale Small .Newiown., 30c r.. I ... alttf I. S..1 api nine, from ( try land with free t. oaiaare good part a re land not is.nded rater. !2BD cords Or ahd oak worst .turn . onnn road thru land fair bai.dtng. ' K lit . Phone jnJUT Hale - The lot s. I'. II at I'm er Mrs Mi Foi -a - gallon' inatlurley transit t an Oeo B WUber. .1111 Washington and see own bhi ro"- Fre-n milk rear oid. ., s. , ltn varletiea of apple, id Blum treea. one anal on whole root a. r. nil -t't-.tor'ng or. K XH-keta. Iee, i herrver taiwn. Alar a. C. T Hoheiu. Tel 44 , ion lift. i way Anto i ore. li. ne Par a ,. t w. Tec In aaai Will atan daftias wr'M Uaa W. Frtata. a rat i r - r Ol mab White Lecborna fn and a Hani tew nanabe rk at Beaoty I am SPM. The mr For Kent Fornt.hed room with sleeping porch May 1st t,:a n, ,., pefrrred Phone SK ' 3 For Ren Furnished b..! keeping room.. H B Leonard Ninth Hlreel. all For Rent One rnrm.hed room Inooe of in. heat locations in llesal River nuslm cm venteneea. all :i Oak at . or tel. 144.1 d.'tf WANTED Wanted to K.nt-!Hed;um . r1 l,on in good modi lain If place antta win bnv Apply at u lacier .a- write to Ida Karl. K T. I Box US. aU ' Wanted Position by experienced orrhardlst and larmer- aa working manager, witn large grown family; address A. B. C" . (i lacier m3tf Wanted-To buy yonrnae.1 tui nllure. atovei and rug, rash or new goods In exchange. K. A. Ft ;.ii7 Co. s.t'if MISCELLANEOUS tilacier Office new. district Saturday, a it. Finder please leave at alt I . "jjwny .hia ear M a greaaiy j JJJ s - t In trood rondlttoi "w a aarmr wno wi.nea to ki unity to work dnnawi i Ik- . i- , (lvlnc tall name and telepboi Mns- 04 Hd traw suit caae. coniainlnc ring apparel, between depot and Dr. Finder pkaae return to Dr. Inm rard a.'l k Fxchange Dairy row. and ighl and sold on commlfwlon. 1 n.nditloo precedent to lranfer that i; be fully tested amln.t di It. Veterinarian. Fashion er, Oregon, phone lJnl, I . ,s- notf separator a f c