o HOOD KIVER GLACIER THURSDAY. MARCH 31 1921 - -r . 9SBMii STONE EXPLAINS I Hggwgijjig f if NEW DISC BOWL of the . Wri STATES C7?4A SEPARATOR "Best ever seen for skimming clean." Has boon perfected and so simplified in oonslruelion that t is the easiest to care for and is unsurpassed m skimming quakbeg. Howl spindle is detached LUscsure exactly alike, unnumbered and therefore f . . intercnangeable. A patented transfer device lor easy handling ami washing of the duca and two simple tools for opening :1ml closing the bowl arc labor savers. The cream regulating de vice is easily adjusted for any desired density of cream. You are invited to a free dem onstration oft licsuperior points found inthcNew United States Disc Bowl Separator. Come and See KELLY BROS. CO., Inc. HOOD RIVER, ORE. 209 A taction al view of the perfected Disc Bowl. 1 We offer QUALITY, SERVICE and GOOD WILL Our meats and groceries are of the best Phone your orders to SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY HOLMAN & SAMUEL Phone 1811 I I BRUSH BURNERS to care for your primings. Can now supply a limited number of these. Do not wait too late to have your old sprayer equipped with a CUSIIMAN GAS ENGINE. Get power enough to operate your pump efficiently and break up your liquid in a tine spray. NOW is the time to have your FARM IMPLEMENTS repaired. Don't wait till the last moment. HOWELL BROTHERS Fourth and Columbia Streets STONE EXPLAINS NEW YORK COMPANY A. W. Stone last week issued a circ ular statement to affiliated growers in explanation of the Consolidated Fruit Co., a New York City sales concern. In his letter of explanation Mr. Stone states that the Consolidated Fruit Co. bean business in August, 1920, as a copartnership with C. W. McCullairh and L). L. Woodruff, the latter the New York sales manager of the Asso ciation, as eo-membere. "This copartnership was organized and handled the fruit of the Associa tion for a short time without the knowledge or consent of the general manager or board of directors of the Association," said Mr. Stone. When information of the concern was received here, the board dis patched Mr. Stone to New York for an investigation, according to the letter. He was to make a full investigation, the board being unanimous in the opin ion that the business could not be maintained as outlined. "It having been concluded that it ws inconsistent with our policy to have our salaried salesmen handling our fruit through an organization in which they were financially interested, it became necessary to devise some other outlet," states the letter. Mr. Stone, following his investiga tion, organized the Consolidated Fruit Co., Inc., and took over the copartner ship, a step necessary, he declared, for piotecting the prices of Hood River's apple tonnage. The business, he says, continued without a break, the only change being that profits of the con cern accrued to the Association. Mr. Stone on reorganization of the New York concern placed E. W. Birge. j president of the Association, on the board and made him vice president. He states this was done without the knowledge or consent of Mr. Birge or any otner member ot the directorate. The foregoing explanation answers criticism that has been directed at Mr. Hirge on the erroneous presumption that he was connected with the origin al copartnership Mr. Stone has asked the growers of the Association by their votes at the annual meeting of the organization, to be held here Saturday, to determine whether the directorate of the Associa tion shall dicsontinue the New York company or maintain it permanently as a sales machine. ANCIENT VARIETY OF PEAR IS PLANTED CLEAN ALLEYS Bowl and Be Healthy CLEAN GAME 410 OAK STREET Phone 1282 TUES. 7:45 Busness Men's League. THURS. 7:45 Women's League WED. 7:45 Mercantile League. IRI. 7:45 Valley League Open 10:30 a. m. 12 p. m. Closed Sundays. LADIES WELCOME AT ANY TIME. Health ! 6 : TOURNAMENT ALLEYS : 6 E. E. IIOI SE C. J KRl'SE , Fun! Cordon G. Brown Saturday trans planted to orchards two varieties of pears, which he will test here. One of the pearH, the Surprise, is well known in the middle west, where it has suc cessfully resisted cold weather. The variety also resists fire blight. Pyrus Usuriensis is the name of (he other variety with which Mr. Brown is conducting experiments. This near was propagated several centuries ago by the Manchu dynasty in northern China. It is not onlv hliirht resistant but. Ac cording to Mr. Brown, can stand the lowest known temperature. The im ported variety of pear can be grown successfully on many soils, and will stand droughts. In instances, says Mr. Hrown, roots of the Chinese pear, after having been kept in water for six mnnths, have shown a good growth after planting. Both varieties of pears will stand top working, and after a trunk and body growth is attained va rieties of fruit adapted to the local climate may be grafted on. CREAMERY RECEIVES HIGH COMPLIMENTS Deputy Leech, of the State Dairy and Food Commission's office, here last week, complimented the Hood River Creamery on its sanitary condition and because of the up to date equipment ! found. Mr. Leech also tested the but ter, declaring it of an extra high I grade. The creamery has made a substantial i gain in business over last year. The March ouptut of butter will reach 12, 00(1, while that of the same month a year ago reached only 8,000 pounds. HAVE A FINE LOT OF DELICIOUS APPLE TREES One year old. They are good for replanting. Have All other leading varieties. Also PEARS, PEACHES, PRUNES AND GRAPES. Phone Odell 146. F. A. MASSEE "You Save Money" says the Good Judge And get more genuine chew ing satisfaction, when you use this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. And a small chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of the ordinary kind ever did. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put ufi in ttro styles W-B CUT is a lone fine-cat tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobaccw Road Signs Ordered The committee of the Business Men's Association, consisting of E. E. Brett, Earl Franz and H. (J. Ball, appointed by the county court, has ordered 360 metal signs for use on Hood River highways. The signs will be reared before the spring traffic begins. At first wooden, enameled signs were con sidered but it was found that metal ones could be secured as cheaply. The posts for the new signs were purchased from the Emry Lumber & Fuel Co. Notice of The Annual Meeting of The Members and Stockholders of Apple Growers Association Not ice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the members and stockholders of the Apple Growers As sociation will be held at the Pythian hall, (formerly Heilbronnner hall), in the city of Hood River, Oregon, on Saturday, April 2nd, 1921, at ten I o'clock a. m., for the purpose of elect ing a board of eleven directors for th.. ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before said meeting. Apple Growers Association, By A. J. Graff, Secretarv. Approved : m.U E. W. Birge, President. Elsie May Praett Funeral services for Elsie May, aged 2 years and nine months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L C. Pruett, were held Wednedy of last week at the Ander son undertaking parlors. The child was stricken suddenly' March 22 with convulsions and died Boon a'terward. Physician were unable definitely to diagnose her fatal illness. Rev. D. M. Caroenter. officiated. Intprmpnt fnl. lowed at Idlewilde cemetery. The ba bv was the only child of Mr. and Mrs I'ruett. Thr roriinionia Month March is a typical pneumonia month and usually gives a hitch rate of mor-1 tality for the disease. After a long and hard winter, the system loses mu h of its resistance and people grow care-1 j less. When every cold, no matter how flight, is gien prompt and intelligent attention, there is much less danger of pneumonia. It should be borne in mind i that pneumonia is a germ disease and j breeds in the throat. Chamlterlain'a Cough Remedy is an expectorant and deans .out the germ ladened mucus and not only cures a cold but prevents its resulting in pneumonia. It is pleasant to take Children take it willingly. M lAgHmfutfthtOctan fe jrl ydkgME fd Coast Highway from NHpBat&MtfRfc R EjiEBajM " Torrty Pints i WDBJafidfSI flM HPVbJHEHSHH ntar Sat Ditgo, WSBtt 8 fj 'JfcTHHES California wJi' Hj V- ifrsm 5P8Bhtoft- a aqSlaBvlBPV!EBHK7lBW J THE TORREY PINES are found only within a very limited area near San Diego and Del Mar.California.and on Santa Rosa Island. They are unusual because of their pecu liar cones, their very large needles and their picturesque growth. The motorist traveling the Coast Highway between San Diego and Los Angeles passes through this interesting spot which the city of San Diego has protected by an extensive municipal park. Good roads abound in South ern California, and at conve nient locations may be found service stations and garages where you can get Red Crown Gasoline the uniform gaso line with a continuous chain of boiling points. Look for the Red Crown sign on service stations and ga rages. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 9fo Gasolim of Quality Have YOU tried washing out your Motor and filling it with WAVERLY the 100 pure Pennsylvania Parafine v Base Oil Try it and then note how much easier she starts, how much better she pulls the hills, how quietly she idles and what a pick up she has. MT. HOOD MOTOR CO. ACREAGE TRACTS One acre or more either just inside the corporation or just outside, out of Lots 6 and 9 of Adam's Paradise Acreage. Single acres, $425 to $650. Three acres $1400 to $1600. Good soil; surpassing view. Country life with city advantages. Hood River Abstract and Investment Co. J. W. CMTIS. President. F. L FRENCH Tel. 2471 K. W. SINCLAIR, Secretary. M. P. GIBBON Tel. 2731 FRENCH & GIBBON Plumbing and Heating ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 3924 908 Twelfth Street G. L. DAVKNPORT Grower and shipper Apples. Pota toes, Onions. Seed Potatoes true variety "The Best that's Grown" in i TRADE ARK All kinds of Produce solicited. 147 Front St. POR I LAND. ORE Let me handle your FREIGHT Local and I p; Distance Hauling. Heavy loads a specialty. C. A. HART Tel. 3554 We carry a complete line of GARDEN TOOLS as well as Builders' Hardware, Carpenters' Tools Ranges, Etc. We have recently added to our stock a line of PAINTS and FRUIT JARS. Prices and quality always right. BLOWERS' HARDWARE CO. OUT ON C0UNRY ROADS you need good batteries, the kind that will stand up under hard, steady usage and ive the best of ser vice under all conditions. Tin's demand is met by our Willard Storage Batteries which are solidly madeand designed to meet the needs of all cars, both light and heavy. MOORE FXECTRIC COMPANY QUALITY QUANTITY Ask for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS Remember We have the largest stock of lumber in Hood River County to select from. You will save money by letting us quote on your require ments. Yours for prompt service. .V. W OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE. OBBGON Bologna, white, bologna right, bologna round and brown, United here is high class cheer in meats, the best in town; Tenderloin well worth your coin, and porterhouse the same. Chickens, lamb, pork chops and ham, and different kinds of game, Here is the place to feed your face, but you must cook it first, Everything, from fall till spring, from fish to "wiia'-worsl. Ribs to ipan spare ribs for fair! Liver, hearts tod cheese, Sausage, too, and bacon true in HERE we aim to please. The Hood River Market A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 MEATS OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES You can have meat on your table daily from our mar ket without "busting the bank" to pay the bills. Try us and see if our price and our quality of goods is not what you have been longing for. All meat is government in spected. T. H. BROWN Phone mi. THE HEIGHTS. 1