HOOD EUVEfl GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1021 A FOOLISH ACT It would be the height of foolishness for a man to throw away a good pair of shoes because a hole was worn in the sole. The economy of halfsoling automobile tires is just as great, as wise motorists have learned. Our halfsoles add 5000 miles to the life of a tire. Vulcanizing of all kinds done by competent and experienced men. Work guaranteed. THE HEIGHTS TIRE SHOP Morse & Sparks Tel 3151 lilt, fifl WAnM7r A - IJ. w J . n ... a am, II. it ii Bormitiwt r?u,itM'urfrfrrftiirniiri ,.' ttZtttM fMirnfy 6'f ' " iWiWUlfiaWMaS?" IbiJri'fiyt nriti rniiniiftti " in I'siirn, ' j-flfAryrr rtrA uirrJiwiiTft TV j'Yl jT'Ta Oreg'old Butter A product at the very top of the Hood, River Standard HOOD RIVER CREAMERY The only Grocery on the south side of Oak Street For Service Phone 3102 ZEZ JlZL "TZ m .!bJ ,fc.J Hr- "GROCERIES OF QUALITY" Deliveries at 9:30 a. m. and L:30 p. m. NT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 Tit It effeet Wednesday, October 2'hh, 191'). V . HOOD RIVER CLAIMS BASKET BALL HONOR Although denied participation in the state tournament at Salem, the Hood River high school basketball team claims interscholastic honors for this section. The claim is made that the local team showed a clean slate of vic tories in the Oregon Association except for a tie game with The Dalles on the latter's floor. This gam was lost by one point in an extended period. Hepptwr, with a record almost identi cal with that of Hood Kiver, was given the privilege of participating at Salem by Coach Mathews. Members of the Heppner team had but one association defeat against them. Heppner is more than 100 miles to the east and was not on Hood River's schedule. Conse quently, it is declared, the schedules did not overlap and no adequate means of comparison of the two teams was afforded, (loach Kleisciiman, of the local team says : "Hood River has an additional claim in the lad that it scored a clean cut victory over i'endleton while that team was on a tour early in the season im mediately after a series of four games with Raker, each team winning two of MM game.-. It is generally conceded from Raker's showing in the tourna ment that the Raker county team would have won the pennant but for disqualification. This fact raises the standing of the Hood River team con siderably. On the other hand Heppner was eliminated by Marchlield in the tournament preliminaries by an over whelming score. This is no discredit Lo Heppner but merely shows the in justice done by arbitrarily placing tioou Kiver anu Heppner in the same listrict and the arbitrary chocie of the latter team without an opportunity lor an adequate comparison. "The Hood River team does not con test the championship, for we are sat istiud that both Franklin and Uaktr played a more consistent game through out the season than our own team, but we feel that a gross injustice has been done by eliminating us iron the tourn ament on the above grounds. "It teems that it the state tourna- tnen is to be continued in the future, as an ollicial competition for the state championship, a redivision of the east Brn pail of the state is necessary, in older that the team which represents a district is geogiaphically in a posi lion lo play the leading teams in that district. Heavy Frost Kills Sugar Maples Frosl damage of the winter of 1919 0 was by no means confined entirely to northwestern fruit districts, aB a letter just received by A. J. Grow, Pine Grove orchardist, from northern Vermont relatives will attest. Mr. (Jrow has an uncle who operates a sugar orchard in the northern Vermont region. He has just written that the harvest for this season, due to frott lavages, sustained during cold waves ol 1919-20, will be unprofitable. Many sugar maples three teet in diameter, the letter states, have been killed. t he lemperaure reached a record low point. On one night, it is stated, the thermometers registered 00 degrees below zero, and for two weeks the maximum temperature was 40 degrees below zero. II W. BORING, a well to do Kansas farmer, says he has gained twenty pounds and is in better general health than he has been in years, since taking Taclac. J ( sominoi mi NuKTiiHorxn flu I Mutir Daily ". v. 4 IX) 4 Q3 No. 3 j No. I Motor Daily J 1 . A. M. j A. II. 10 45 8.00 I 10 48 1 8.05 10.67 1 8.1ft Stations Lv. flood River .. . I'nweidale . . . Switchback .. .Van Hon Mobr. . Odd I. . Summit Bloachar . tiolatoia Winans ., . .'. Trout Cre.'k ,. Wood worth Ar. Patkdalt Ar. No. J 8.00 i.K 2.50 L'.IO 2.S5 1 M 2 HI 1.10 1.06 L'.no 11.15 11.05 11 00 A. M. No. 4 A. H. 0. 25 B 22 1. 'li 0.02 ft I 69 B v 8.42 8.37 8 ;;i 8 :tti 6.96 8.15 8 10 A. M. No. 6 No. 8 Motor tatard'j on I y P. M. 6.45 41 ti :f4 22 I Is ti.13 t.Of i 02 6.57 I .t 5 50 5.45 I. if 1.11 P. M. Motor Daily p. M. 2.15 2.11 2.01 1.52 1.48 1.41 !.:i6 i n 1.27 L.S4 1.20 1.15 1 (5 1.00 P. M. Found a ( un lor Inriigrslion "I use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets lur indigestion and tind they suit rny case better than any dys pepsia remedy 1 have ever tried and 1 nave used many different medicines. I am nearly fifty one yeais of age and have suffered a gieat dual lioni indi gestion. 1 can cat almost anything 1 want to, now, writes George W. Lm- ory, Kock Mills, Ala. Ihese tablets contain no pepsin .but strengthen the stomach and enable it to diuest the food naturally. Ipper Valley Winners Announced Successful Btudents of the Utmer Valley schools participating in a de famatory contest, the trials being preliminary to a general contest to be tielu heie later, were announced as fol lows: H. Jameson. Mount Hood, first: ii.rnice Fiscus, Dee, second; and Iva Curtis, I'arkdale, third. Oscar Mag iiusnon, Marion W yatt and Harold Mc Isaae won respective lirst, second and third places in an oratorical contest. Frances Ooggett and Helen Aubert were contestants in the oratorical test Judge of the contest were : Anthonv H. Fuwer, A. M. Cannon and K. N. Fleischman. The Upper Valley or chestra rendered a concert. Notice of Change in Corporate Name Notice is hereby given that Slocom & Cantield Company has filed supple mental articles of incorporation with the Corporation Commissioner of the Staff, of Oregon, pursuant to vote of the Slock holders of said couinanv. changing the name of said company to Biocoaa m Ponnwbf Co., by which the company will hereafter Dated this 16th day of IM1 , Geo. 1 m21 "Since Tanlac has overcome my troubles I have gained twenty pounds in weight and am in better general health than for years past," was the straight-forward statement made a few days ago by H. W. Roring, a prominent and well-to-do farmer living at Overland 1'ark, Kans. "During the two years I suffered I tried everything I knew of to get relief, but nothing seemed to reach my case until I tried TanltC My appetite was poor and my digestion was so bad I could hardly retain my food. Nothing seemed to agree with me; in fact, 1 was almost a confirmed dyspeptic. My whole system seemed to be out of shape. I would have pains across the small of my back so bad at times 1 could hardly move around. "My nerves were all unstrung and I would become upset at the least little thinir. 1 seldom slept well at nijibt and fiinally, became so weak and run down that I lost weight rapidly. 1 was also troubled a great deal with catarrh and of mornings had to spend a half hour or more clearing up tnv head. "This is just the condition I was in when 1 began taking Tanlac and it ce'. -tainly has been a blessing to me. It just feemed to be made esnecially for my case. I improved from the first. My digestion now is perfect ard re gardless of what I eat 1 never suffer any bad after-affects. "The pains across mv back have en tirely disappeared. The catarrh has left me. too, and my head is nerfectlv clear. I am no longer nervous and ret well at night. I have retrained my lost weight and am feeling better and stronger than 1 have in years. I am going to keep Tanlac in mvJiouse so it will be handv at all times. Tanlac is sold in Hood River bv the Kreuse Drug Co.-Adv. LEGION FESTIVAL DELAYED TO APRIL A social meeting of tha Hood River American Legion Post, sehadnlad fur list Monday e.veiunc has been Mat. pencil. The ex-service men and their friends had planned to journey to the Upper Valley by automobiles.' Recent rains have rendered road conditions ex tremely bad, and the party will be held at some time during April, pro vided the weather becomes better. A Legio'i bulletin announces: Department headquarters have ex tended the time limit for renewals and for new members to April 1. There is till MM half of the month left for the Hood River 1'ost to bring its member ship up to the top notch. Every mem ber is requested to get behind this movement and bring in a new member. We need all we can get. With the bonus bill coming up to the people at a POCill election very soon, we are go ing to need all the support we can get to put that bonus over. And unless we haVS the full support of all ex-service men in Hood Kiver valley, we will not be able to do it. So get behind the National Comman der and the Department of Oregon and we will put our end over as the Hood River roat should. At this time our local 1'ost is considered as one of the strongest in the state, but unless we Ml out and hustle we will not be able to hold that place. It is going to take work, and all kind of work, by every one, and this membership part mukt Ue put over big. be known. February, Slocom, Secretary. T. Owi i, tad .. i ng to limited space u M i. i t rs .,11 trunks snd I. .-avv haitgatce will tie on the Hesmtrainp, either in a.l line of or following .hm up rs. Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDKRSON. Sole Proprietor Licensed iimbalmer end Funeral Director 415 OAK STREET ptJuNI Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Cyrus C. Sparks, Deceased. Notice is hereby iriven. that the un- dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Cyrus C. Sparks, deceased. b the Countv Court of Hood River County, Oregon, and having qualified as such, further notice is hereby given to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said estate, to present them to me at the i Boa of Ernest C. Smith in the Hall Ruilding, in the City of Hood River said County ami State, verified and proven us required by law, within six months ot the date of the publication of this notice. The date of the first publication of this notice is February 24th. ML R. W. Sparks, Administrator of the Estate of Cv. rus C. Sparks. f24m24 Notice to Creditors In the Counts Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the matter of the Estate of I Tomlinson, Deceased. Nutice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed drmm .. Apple-Packing Taught The Canadian foi ernme ,-it, which has expended large sums i n ih'n touch ing of livestock breeding, mill raising and fruit growing, far added another feature to its campaign of agricultural education by establishing an apple M,kl '' ' ' and Forks. It. C. (.overnment instructors have been a? Mtiged to the unique institution, which is expected to effect a saving of thous ands of dollars annually by eliminating wate duo to improper packing. Experts have pointed out that while some of the farrx us types of apples grown in the province are hardy enough to withs t;.ml rr. Iphh wickinc. others are fieqaentlv riarnnired while being exporter", to England and other countries. Ptonerr Printer Visits Here J. M. Baldwin, of the Walla Walla. Hash.. Hit let force at present, paid a visit at the Glacier office last week. Mr. Baldwin is a pioneer northwestern Thirt two years ago. when J. H. Cradli baiii'h t .iblisLmi the rmoer Mr. Baldwin visit ,1 the shop and assisted in fatting out some of the firit editions of toe fruit section's earliest newspaper. Hood River wai scarcely a village those day," j,va Mr. Baldwin. "Not a one of tho oldliine landmarks lemains." Upon Pa.'.. U HmhI The American I(:ion Post and men; Nt of the ttiiltin ' Auviliarv nartic Uncle Sam Says:- Waterglass is the best egg preserver in existence. Not only that but you can save money by buying eggs now because they are mighty cheap. Why not buy eggs now while the buying is good and let Waterglass do the rest by keeping them in perfect condition until you are ready to use them. We have a stock of excellent grade of Waterglass on hand and will fill orders at these prices if you bring your own container. Pints 25c Quarts 40c Half gallon 75c Gallon $1.10 CZJOCZ3 Yours to Serve A, S. KEIR Reliable Druggist C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery icznorzDl TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT LENORE GREGORY TEACHER OF VIOLIN European Training and Kxperience Call Saturdays at Oregon Hotel, or addreM Miss Gregory, 808 Hancock St., Portland, Oregon. H. S. BRAAKMAN Painting, Tinting and Papering Tel. 1294 W.,l.Baker&Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands YOUR CAR is no stronger than its weakest Tire A cold night, an important engagement ami a flat tire. The worst possible condition ! You fumble with cold tools, your fingers grow numb, and well, you're mad clear thru. Why not let us go over your tires and pat them in first-class shape ? We can add several hundred miles to the life of old casings if taken in time. Have this done before you are caught out on the road, several miles from a vulcanizing shop. If your tires are too far gone to be repaired buy a Kelly-Springfield Tire the best precaution you can take against tire trouble. THE TIRE SHOP 214 Oak Street AIRE B. B. POWELL Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work . 310 Cascadf Avenue HOOD KIM K, OREGON RUN DOWN 9 Have you ever thought of the work the Telephone eliminates during apple harvet Oregon-Washington Telephone Co. UKO T. KTKANAH AN Tel. s;i6 r. M HLAVBNB Tel. .HUi No.4 One Month's Treatment. Stranahan & Slaven General Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor . Office, Smith l'l"rk. Room t. Tel. :!' 14 HOOD KIVKH. OkK. Try our Nux and Iron Tablets $1.00 for Telephone Q Qar The Glacief pharrnaCy A . J . DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER. OREGON. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY Sl'RIJEON 1 prepared lo it ny work In Ihe vter.. n line He can be found bj ealltns or rn line o the Knhion mhle. Every One in the Box Will be found a real joy smoke. You'll find all our cigars uniform in quality and exceptional in smooth, soothinjr smoking quali ties. Try one or a box. We truarantee you will find in each of our cigars the perfection of smok ing enjoyment. THE ELECTRIC KITCHEN H. S. GEORGE. Prop. tratrix son, IK' the Stal Ca If. asid et-t sent the hox I i u:.t for H.od jns having claims againrt S. E. BARTMES6' FUNERAL DIM AND LlCFi'Sb BMK Licensed with Oregon's first ciVs of Embalmcrs. pne i; lu-e at the omce ol A. J. Derby, tint I National Bank Ruilding lluod kiver, Oreeon. LUla Tomlinson. Dated and firtt published this 24th lay of February. ML f24m24 1 i mum in party at the L .for the aaaaaiai j The bie esLaret ibols of .St. A J couples were p I ii ehara. te'tx j snteat the U- M.nper - Gatlla, last Thun Bi dtcorat irk 'a day. t. and . one of ana uancir.K e, charteri d tn sym Abou t 40 the event the plea- reeently held J. R. V ATKINS CO. Represented by GEO. WILDE. 131213th Street, Hood Rirer, Ore. Telephone K23 K T. tO REMAN s ' H. M. ki at H LL M 1 1 DING CAFE PACIFIC POWER & LIuHT CO. Always at Your Service MOVING TO PORTLAND ? You will avoid a lot of the inconvenience of moving by employing one of the BIG GREEN TRUCKS of the WARREN TRUCK LINE With two trucks a day each way we are able to handle your needs promptly. Phone Gladden 4242 HOOD RIVEPv, OREGON uilirut Wanted - Tel. i.-X a. .jiiamtiil. M.4S21 First at 1 Dk. l'.l.ln