o HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1921 It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I BRIEF LOCAL MENTION I-I 1 H-l-I-H-I -1 i I M III -HH-H-t liig reductions in Bakers' Flour, jl' 25 per enck. Highland Milling Co. t2l Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Nichol motored to Portland Saturday. Apple Jlaulinj? Wanted Tel. .114:2. Jaaaa Poddy. o7tf ' Mrs. Calandra was a week end vis itor in Portland. For electrical troubles and itoram IwtlerieB, see Dakin. 111-10 3d Bt. m8ti Mrs. C. D. Haven was a visitor in Portland Saturday. Big reduction in Bakers' Flour, 12.26 per sack. Highland Milling Co. fi't Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Woolpert Monday, February 7, a son. liig reduction in Bakers' Flour. $2.28 per sack. Highland Milling Co. 121 Mrs. K. N. Young was in Portland last week to hear grand opera. Films, Cameras, Photo Supplies. Slocom, Canflald Co. ms-tf C. T. Rawson was down from the Upper Valley on business last week. Electrical repairing at Dakin Electric Works. m8tf Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Benton visited in Portland the latter part of last week. J. K. WatkiiiB Products, sold by Geo Wilde, ISIS 13th Street. Tel. l!)2:i. jl3tl K. T. Folts was a business visitor in Portland the tiret of the week. Porn- To Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hay ward on Friday, February 11, a son. Hig reduction in Bakers' Floor, 2 25 per sack. Highland Milling Co. l.'l C. G. Gulliford, small fruits nursery m;tn of Woodburn. was here last week calling on growers. Ten months' guarantee on storage battery repairs. Dakin Electric Works, Third and Oak Sts. tf Slutz Bros, have sold a Haves spray-; er to Col. W. S. Dowd, of the I) poor Valley. Wanted Household goods between Hood River and Portland by the Warren Truck Line. Phone 22M4 m3 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Filz were here from Mt. Hood last week attending to business. I am starting a new milk route. Those wishing prompt daily Hervice call E. J. Copper, phone 0941. m3 Deputy Fire Marshal Stokes was here from Salem on official business the first of the week. Insist on genuine Ford parts when having your car repaired. Dickson Marsh Motor Co. n2"tf Alex B. Brooke, who has been spend ing the winter in Tacoma, has returned to his Summit ranches. Insist on genuine Ford parts when having your car repaired. Dickson Marsh Motor Co. n2"(f H. W. Hamlin, of Underwood, was a business visitor in the city the latter part of last week. G. L, Davenport will handle ship ments of apples and produce. 147 Front street, Portland, Ore. mlMf Miss Frances Elizabeth Baker was in Portland over the week end visiting friends. The Woman's Union will meet at Riverside church parlors Friday after noon at 2. .'10. All women members of the church or congregation are cor dially invited to attend. We are prepared to saw vour wood at My time. Call 1711. Andrews .V DUtnerlin, (17, f R. J. V, i- , moa A a .L . IT. 1 t 1. "V uwii irom me 1 btSSri th fi"toftt on ' , Hil'est cash price paid for your used furniture, stoveeand ....... i'-ii i..ni.,; it E, A. Frant Co, " g-Mj . W. A. Lock man. who has been spend ing the winter in Oakland, Calif., has , returned to the valley. j For guaranteed storage battery and Other electrical repairs, go to Dakin Blectrica Works. 111-115 n.jrd St. tf Mrs I hi I'arrott. of l'arkdale, was called to hilverton Mondav because of ,the death of her sister, Mrs. C. R. Mc- Uaoe. Mrs R. R. Imbler, of Dallas, and Mrs. s. Smith, of Portland, have been Wend Week visit"' relatives Dr. N. Plyler, Chiroprtctie and Elec tric treatments. R ,a 23-24-25 Heil- bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood River. J. Ij. Johnson, lather of Sheriff Johnson, has been ill fr the past sev eral weeks. He remains confined to his home. Insist on genuine Ford parts when Having y,JUr t.ar repaired. Dickson Marsh Motor Co. 25tf H . tl me women s St. dav D. All villa fr rf Mark's chun-h uili kiH .,11 . 1 1 -1 an 011 (meeting tomorrow with Mrs. R I uouiu. 1 have taken the agency for the Spir ts la Corset. Call at Buelow Tailor Shop. Mrs. Karl Buelow, Hood River, Or. tf E. R. Moller, who has been here looking after ranch interests, left Sat urday lor Portland to join his family there spending the winter. Eyes scientifically examined by H. L. Hashrouck, Optometrist. He.ilhronner I f8-tl i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shank spent the ; first of the week visiting Portland rel I tives and friends. All films lett with us up to 4 o'clock p m. are oui the follow inn lay at 4 p.m. In at four out at four Slocom & Can tield Co. jy22tf Mrs. Ruth Yeoman, formerly of this city, is seriously ill in a Portland hos pital, suffering from an intestinal operation. A masquerade ball at Odell Grange ball, Friday, February 25. Oood 5-piece orchestra will furnish the music. Prises Will be awarded for best costumes. f24 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil llolman, now located at South Bend, Wash., were here over the week end visiting rela tive and friend. Kodak finishing Slocom & Canfield Co. One up-to-date dark room, an up-to-date expert finisher, a real 24 hour service - thats us. jy22tf The Parent-Teacher Association will meet at the high school tonight when Dr. Jenkins will deliver a talk on the care of the children's teeth. "The aristocrats of all the flower world." One dozen choice gladioli bulbs $1 postpaid. F. M. Edwards, R. F. D. 2, Hood River. flutf A masquerade ball at Odell Grange hall Friday, February 25. Good five piece orchestra will furnish the music. Prizes will be awarded for best cos tumes. Miss May Davidson was in Portland Tuesday to greet Mrs. Eena Lake For rest, president of the national federa tion of business and professional wom en's clubs. To Grangers and friends holding invitations, remember the masquerade dance and oyster supper at Roekford hall, Wednesday. March 2. Mrs. Mary E. Fawcett, O. A. C. dean of women, while here over the week end, was guest of Mrs. Chas. H. Castner. A masquerade ball at Odell Grange hall Friday, February 25. Good five piece orchestra will furnish the music. frizes will be awarded lor best cos tumes. Floyd Sather, of Port Townsend and A. Maiden, of Parkland, Wash., were last here week visiting G. A. Molden and C. O. Huelat. Searches of records and reliable ab stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com pany, A. . Ontbank, .Manager, 305 Oak" Street. Phone 1521. jyliO-tf Mrs. G. H. Lynn spent the week end in Portland. On her return she was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. R. B. Byerlee, who remained until Tues day. Hood River poultry raisers should not fi irget the meeting called for Friday af ternoon, February 25 when Prof. Brew ster will deliver an address on feeding. The lecture will be belli at the Commer cial Club. f24 At a special election last night the local chapter of Eastern Star elected Mrs. H. D. W. Pi MO as matron, suc ceeding Mrs. W. B. Heath. The latter has resigned, having removed to Port land. T. D. Waldie has been appointed Hood River public dance police officer. His salary is paid by a $2.50 fee col lected per month from those securing dance permits from Recorder Howe. Clifford McKenzie and L. Miiller ap peared before the city council Monday night and asked for a permit to erect.a retaining wall in front of their prop erty at the corner of East Second and State streets. Hood River poultry raisers should not forget the meeting called for Friday af ternoon, February 25 when Prof. Brew ster will deliver an address on feeding. The lecture will be held at the Commer cial Club.- f24 Ralph C. Brown, representing a Portland electrical contracting con cern, arrived nere naturuay to take charge of the wiring on the Columbia Gorge hotel. Miss 11a Nichols was elected to Phi Theta Kappa, national honorary com merce fraternity. Only four girls were elected and one faculty member as honorary member. Miss Nirhols is a student at the University of Oregon. H. S. Braakman is selling paint at $3 per gallon in colors; white $3.25. Get your lakabible for carpet cleaning, or send and have us do the work. Located in quarters in Smith lldg.. rear of Clarke's drug store, Third aad Oak. Phone 1884. IQtf A. II Rogers, former local resident, who now lives in Astoria, was here last week calling on friends. Mrs. Rogers, he says, will come here soon for a visit with her sister, Mrs. May Roberts. Miss Grace A. King, who has been here with her aunt, Mrs. Leroy Childs, attending the high school, has returned to Portland. She will be with her mother, Mrs. Grace King, and attend St. Helens Hail. Although indications are that the earlier varieties of fruits will bear light the coming season, O. B. Nye reports a record yield of 108 packed UTZ & DRESS DUNN SHOES 3 7 -ml - -el I -2v DO YOU NEED SHOES Now Is The Time To Buy EVERY PAIR REDUCED far below wholesale prices. Our reputation for good shoes is solid as Gibraltar. We have earned it by our steadfast adherance to a policy of QUALITY FIRST. You can depend on our footwear. FRANK A. CRAM Work Shoes that stand the hardest knocks. HIGH CUT OR REGULAR Our Shoes are all leather and every pair is reduced. boxes from three King trees last fall. Mr. Nye's returns show an average net price of $1.51 per box for the fall variety of apples. More than 200 were present Tuesday evening at the Washington Birthday dancing party given by the American Legin Post. Lotus Grille was char tered for the occasion. Funds raised by the successful party will be devoted partly for a social to be given soon for the Women's Auxiliary and partly for a Legion building fund. E. A. Norton is recovering at a Was co hospital from an operation on his leg, injured year before last in a motor truck accident. The bone was removed at the knee and Mr. Norton, it is re ported, will soon be out of the hospit al. It is expected that he will be able at an early date to make use of an artificial limb. Mrs. Norton, who was at Wasco with her husband, is herself recovering from painful illness. General expressions of regret have been heard among local folk when they learned of the leaving of W. K. Green, Western Ui ion manager here the past several years. Mr. Green left last night for Bellingham, Wash., where he will take charge of the telegraph com pany's office. It is a material advance ment for Mr. Green, but still his friends hate to see him leave Hood River. SCHOOL NEWS By Roberta C. Lane '21 Monday the power at both the junior and senior high buildings was off as a result of Sundays' storm, so the class rooms could not be heated. No ses sions were held at either place. The Coe and I'urk street schools were in session all day, receiving their power from a different source than that had ing the two buildings on the Heights. The next basketball game will he with the Legion team Friday night at 8 o'clock. This is the last game so far scheduled. As provided by state law, all schools held programs Tuesday morning in honor of Washington's birthday. At both junior and senior high schools the programs were under the auspices of the student bodies. The programs at all buildings were of a patriotic nature in which many pupils participated in a very commendable manner. In spite of the weather conditions the attend ance was good, many visitors being registered at the different schools. In addition to school singing the boys and girls' glee clubs and the faculty quartet gave special music at the high school. The next meeting of the Parent Teacher Association is announced for Thursday night, March 3, in the high school auditorium at 7.30. The boys of the junior high will put on some gymnastics and maneuvers under the direction of their principal, C. C. New house. Junior high choruses will fur nish music under the leadership of Mrs. C. H. Henney. The topic for discussion is, "The Social Life of the School Child." Principal Conkle will present the school's point of view. Mrs. F. A. Cram will speak from the standpoint of the parent. Open dis cussion will follow these two leads. All parents and those interested in the schools are urged to be present. The program was prepared by the execu tive committee, consisting of E. O Blanchar, pres. ; Mrs. S. G. Campbell, vice pres. ; Miss Vera Olin, sec. ; Mrs. J. E. Slade, treas., and isupt. Cannon. HEIGHTS STORE TO CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Infants' Soft Soles 38c Sizes 0 and I, mostly 0 Infants' Soft Soles 49c Sizes 1, 2 and 3 Girls' School Shoes $1.95 Girls' all leather, kid and patent, leather hutton shoes and gun metal, cloth top, lace shoes, all with low heels and good weight leather soles, Sizes Sh toll, $3.50 Shoes, $1-95 Misses' School Shoes $2.95 Patent leather, hutton and gun metat button, wide tOfl shoes and gun metal, high top lace, English last, sizes 11 to 2, --$4. 50 shots, $2.95 ISBBBBBMiilHaiiiSBHiiBBBBIiBBMHiBBBlMiBBBBBBBBHiBBBBBMMiBBBMMai Men's Dress Shoes $4.95 Men's goodyear welt, black calf, English last dress shoes leather soles and heels, all sizes, an excellent school shoe forthehirh school boys. It has been a long time since you have seen as good a shoe for $4.95 Men's Work Shoes $3.95 Broken lines that sold for $6.00. black and brown calf. Shoes For The Whole Family Here For Less Than The New Low Price Levels on our We and and shelves. more they cost us Our inventory shows plainly that we have too many shoes invoiced at the new, low prices, regardless ot how much the selling prices have blen marked accordingly, while a number of odd lots broken sizes we are putting out at prices way below the low price levels. You Can Buy The Best Makes of Shoes Here Now For a great deal less moneyBroken lines still less pome in early and take your pick while you can get your size in the kind you like best. They are all good some are better. Ladies' Dress Shoes and Low Shoes $6.95 One big lot of Ladies' high grade dress and street shoes. Red Cross and Selby makes that used to sell at $12.50 the pair, brown, grey and field mouse kid, cloth tops, either Louis or Mili tary heels, plain or tip toes and the new short vamp effect as well as thv dressy longer vamp, also black kid, all leather, with either heel and brown calf, low and medium heel service and school shoes, black kid Oxfords and Patent kid pumps, all at $6.95 Ladies' Service Shoes and Low Shoes $4.95 One lot of Ladies' dress, comfort and street shoes in black kid with military or low heels, wide or medium toes, black kid cloth top com fort dress shoes, medium toe aud heel, hand turned soles, Patent kid, Louis heel, plain toe dress Oxfords; black kid, military heel Oxfords for dress or street wear; also black kid, low heel, plain toe. Colonial pumps, dressy and comfort able, Martha Washington comfort and house shoes and Oxfords, the best looking and the best wear ing comfort shoes on the market, hand turned soles, low heels, plain or tip toes, reg ular or seamless, all at $4.95 Children's Shoes 98c All leather black kid but ton shoes for children, sizes 2 to 5. You can buy them here now for 98 Sizes 5 to 8 for $1.49 this run of sizes have wedge heels and patent leather tips. Boys' School Shoes $2.95 Boys' heavy soled black Chrome leather school and service shoes, wide toe, solid heels, sizes 13 to 2; our new low price is $2.95 Sizes 3 to 5i, $3.45 Boys' Dress Shoes $3.95 One big lot of the best makes of boys' shoes, patent and gun metal button, and gun metal calf blucher and lace in both English and wide toe, that sold $5.00 to $6.50, sizes 1J to 6, reduced to $3.95 Men's Dress Shoes $7.45 Cordovan calf, English last Goodyear welt dress shoes and medium toe Cordovan calf blucher. Also genuine black kangaroo skin blu chers in medium round and wide toes; the most comfort able as well as the Most dur able dress shoes. Herman 's Army shoes in brown calf skin, Goodyear welt gusset tongue; these shoes cannot be beat for comfort and ser vice, all at $7.45 NATIONAL SILK WEEK Feb. 28 to March 5 Watch Our Windows. All Our SILK PRODUCTS at Special Prices Next Week Next Monday the Sanitary Market and Grocery will observe the close of the first year in pnainess. The firm has made jrood progress and is striving to establish a market worthy of the name it represents. K. M. Holman and K. C Samuel, proprietors, extend their best wishes to their many friends and patrons who have aided them in establishing their business. The men are desirous of receiving anv BUC6a- tions for the betterment of the place, in order that the store may be made a store as desired by the the people. A new ice machine has recently been installed. It is running day and night and will keep the meat in prime con dition. A cordial invitation is ex tended to every one to visit the store, inspect the machine and to partake al so of refreshments which will be served all day. Mr. Cannon Explains Parties The following communication from City School Superintendent Cannon is self explantory : To All Parents of High School Pupils : All High School social affairs are held in the auditorium of the high school building under the direct super vision of the high school principal and members of the faculty according tho regulations therefor provided. All affairs held elsewhere are not hiirh cchool parties, are not sanctioned by the high school faculty, and are not attended by members of the faculty. Such were the so-called recention to the Pendleton team Saturday niifht. February 12, and the impromptu dance this last Monday afternoon held over a down town garage. The high school was not in session un Monday because there was no heat. Having no control over these outside parties, the high school faculty cannot and does not assume any responsibility for them. I his statement is made in order tfiHt parents mav be informed concerning the policy of the high school and its social affairs. A. M. Cannon. Superintendent. Legion Committees Appointed The executive committee of the American Legion Post has named com mittees for the year as follows: Ath letics, Kdgar Franz, chairman ; benev olence, Dr. J. W. Sifton, chairman; entertainment. .). Vernon Home, Kay l.ee and C. A. West ram ; headquarters, Dr. J. W. Sifton, Hayes Hickford and Stewart Kimball; membership, Fred Hell, Kent Shoemaker, William Coch ran, Chas. (iunn, Furl Dunbar, Joseph Horn and Harold Hlackman ; memorial, Dr. V. R. Abraham, Dr. H. D. W. Pineo and Emmett Forsythe; publicity, W. Van Gladden. The Post has ordered Legion bronze markers for the graves of the six ex- service men now buried in the county. Mosier Highway to he Paved Soon News received here yesterday by County Clerk Shoemaker from the State Highway Commission, announc ing that the commission will open bids for paving of the Columbia River Highway between here and Mosier Tuesday, March B, caused an elation among local citizens. The new six mile grade of the Highway, completed last spring, is said to be one of the grandest of the entire boulevard. While the Highway naving is under way the city will have a 110O toot stretch of Cascade avenue, the city extension of the Highway, paved. Father and Son Dinner Success The parlors of Riverside Community church were civwdid Tuesday night when fathers aud sons met at a ban quet, the fathers as hosts. Sons ranged in age from eight to 60. Leslie Butler responded to a toast, How It Feels to be a Great Grandfather." Other speakers were County School Superintendent Gibson, W. H. Hoddy and Truman Butler. Boy Scouts par ticipated in the program with drills, and Scoutmaster Newhouse gave a talk. The High School Faculty Quar tet rendered aor.gs. A. G. Lewis was toastmaster. Asbury M E. Church Next Sunday, February 27, the ser mon at Asliury M. r.. church at II a. m. will be preached by Rev. Oscar Huddleson, a returned missionary. At 7.30 p. m. a special musical gram under the direction of Mrs borrow. pro . Ox- Immanuel Lutheran Church Ninth and State streets Services in German at 10 45. Sunday school at 9.45. P. H litendorf. Pastor. Christian Church Bible School, 9.45 a. m.; Service. II a m. and X p. m. Endeavor, ii.-! p. i to all. Preach i ne Christian Cordial elcnni- Grocery Specials Wedding Breakfast White Syrup 5 lb. Tins, Special 50c 10 lb. Tins, Special $1.00 This syrup contains more sujfar than most white syrups. Genuine Eastern Buckwheat Elour 9 lb. sacks 85c 4V2 lb. sacks 45c This is the last we will have this season. Tea Garden Brand Logenberry, Strawberry and Raspberry Preserves 1 lb. Jars, Special 35c These prices for one at week only The Star Grocery " (iood Things to Eat " PERIGO & SON Hot and Cold Lunches Salads Sandwiches Ice Cream Candies Hot Drinks Soda Fountain THE PHEASANT SECOND AND OAK STREETS PEAR TREES HOME GROWN and PRICED RIGHT Why not patronize home in dustry, and write HOOD RIVER NURSERY Phone Parkdale 66 PARKOALE. OR. THE FASHION STABLE'S Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 Leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. Leaes Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Every Saturda Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. R. V. rO EM AN Sucwr in H M. Hi knai HALL BULDING CAFF E. L. SCOBcE, D. D o. MKMICf MTtUMM Offio- H' ur 8 . m I" ) p. Offic Tel. 3161 KewdeiK Tel. Mil