The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 17, 1921, Image 2

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AKTHt k D. MOE. Publlaher.
SuiWrlptlon, 82.00 Per Year.
Senator McNary'e telegram has un
doubtedly had a detei rent effect down
at Salem with regard to the Japanese
bill. His request that Oregon keep
hands off, in order that the Harding
administration may be allowed to
handle the Japanese situation without
embarrassment, would, we believe, be
heeded by every one, if the citizens of
Oregon directly effected by an increase
in Japanese felt an assurance that the
administration would take up the mat
ter and pursue it to a satisfactory con
tusion. Ultimately the national gov
ernment must act, but as California
has learned, the federal government is
slow to act. Federal action is stimu
lated by these sectional irritations.
Jt appears that President-elect Hard
ing has really sensed the Japanese
question. In a pre-election address to
a delegation of Californians last fall
he expressed the opinion that tht
racial difference between the two
peoples wa: such that friction would
become more and more emphasized as
larger groups of them came in direct
contac t with each other as residents of
a single country. Senator Harding ex
pressed the whole Japanese problem
when he pointed out this impossibility
of assimilation into American life of
racially different aliens.
A great many Oregonians want the
anti-alien land law adopted at once
without reservations. Why can the
legislature not compromise by adopting
it with the provision that it be referred
to the people. Then, if the national
administration finds it impossible to
act on the measure with dispatch. Ore
gon can proceed to put the law into
effect by a popular vote. With anti
alien land laws already in effect in
California, Washington and other com
monwealths, we cannot see how the
adoption of such a law in Oregon is
going to add materially to any embar
rassment the national administration
will feel from such legislation.
Every citizen is invited to attend the
Commercial Club meeting next Mon
day night. Be there and aid in launch
ing movements for the good of all
Hood River county. The club is a
county organization.
It will be very gratifying to Oregon
citizens if Senator Chamberlain re
ceives appointment to the shipping
board- He is well fitted for the posi
The city fathers are
modern pied piper to
virile colony of rats
Columbia lowlandH.
looking for a
eliminate the
down on the
It is good to fee! that winter
last much longer.
or two.
be planting garden in a week
The prune has long been the butt of
too many ridiculous jokes about the
boarding house. When one has wished
to express contempt for a fellow being
he has referred to him as a prune.
Now consider the peach. The swain
haB complimented her of whom he was
enamored by calling her a peach. Arid
the peach has gained new lustre in the
eyes of the public. The prune has
been maligned. It is a fruit of honest
value. The prune supplies such miner
als as iron, lime and phosphorus, in
which many of our foods are deficient.
And if you believe the prune lacks
taste, just try some of the Mistland
recipes. Many prune dishes are de
lec table.
The Hood River Volunteer Fire De
partment pent a part of Sunday re
ceiving instructions in the use or a
new $13,000 motor driven fire engine
lust purchased by the city. On the
night before, the firemen elected offi
cers for the ensuing year as follows
R. E. Johnson, president: Hubbard
Taylor, vice president; T. 1). Waldie,
secretary ; Ceo. Mellon, treasurer ;
J. F. Volstorff, chief; and R. B. Per
igo, assistant chief. The meeting was
the first to be held in the fire depart
ment's headquarters in the new city
Elliott E. Brett and Earl Franz, who
have been apixjinted by the county
court to cooperate with Roadmaster
W. L. Nichols in placing a standard
ized set of road signs at valley high
way intersections, have made a survey
of roads the past week, and data on
which to base the purchase of material
will soon be avaiible. The court, at
the instance of the Htiod River Busi
ness Men's Association and automobile
dealers, appropriated $500 to be used
in signing highways.
Rolling easily ip view of their big
lead of 253 pins in the doubles contest
with Goodwin and Konz of the Multno
mah A. A. C. , House and Kruse won
the match by a total of 190 pins, mak
ing 4493 against 4303. They increased
their lead to 310 pins till the twelfth
game, when the local men relaxed and
allowed their opponents to regain a
few. Scores for the final half of the
doubles rolled on the M. A. A. C.
alleys Sunday afternoon follow :
House 170 179 176 197 205 171 1098
Kruse 166 203 165 172 187 152 1045
Totals 336 382 341 369 392 323 2143
Konz 163 186 146 185 183 246 1109
Goodwin 191 158 181 166 202 199 1097
Totals 354 344 327 351 385 445 2206
Boys' Suits Special
Mothers, here is an opportunity for you to secure the
boys an all-wool Oregon wool, too Boys' two-piece Suit
something really worth while, at a price that a very short
time ago would have been low priced for a part cotton.
Good colors, latest styles, all sizes. You'll sure miss a
golden opportunity to secure a boys all wool suit at a bargain
if you don't see these.
Grand totals and
entire match follow
1st half 2nd half total ave
House 1092 1098 2190 183
Kruse 1258 1045 2033 192
Totals 2350 2143 4493 188
Konz 1082 1109 2191 183
Goodwin 1016 1097 2112 176
Totals 2097 2206 4303 180
In the five man event Multnomah in
creased U big lead of 276 to a t;tal
of 490. The local boys were simply
outclassed by a team considered now
the strongest in Portland. Scores
made at Portland were: Hood River,
2531 ; M A. A. C., 2745.
In the Portland City League the
local Blue Diamond team dropped two
out of three to the Board of Trade
team by heart-breaking close margins.
Kruse, House and DeWitt led for Hood
River with 566, 552, 537 respectively.
It was the poorest total rolled by the
local boys for a month.
On the local alleys Mrs. Mellon and
Mr. Sherrell broke the mixed doubles
handicap record to date with a score
of 1232, Mrs. Mellon making the total
of 452 pins, a new alley record for
women, and also setting a new single
game record of 177 for women.
In the men's handicap rag-time,
Snow and Lewis are leading with the
figure of 1459. This contest closed
I uesday night and this score was un
doubtedly the winner.
Men's Suits Special
We are selling a lot of Men's Suits for this time of the
year. Shrewd buyers realize that prices today are lower
than they are liable to be a month from today. Better select
yours now and have the laugh on the other fellow. Come in
and see the big values we are offering in All-Wool Guaran
teed Suits, like
Shoe Specials
If you need anything in Shoes for Men, take a look at
the big values we have on our bargain table. Shoes suitable
for any purpose in values from $7.00 to $10.00, r A
Your choice while they last only )U. D)
New Spring: Coats for Ladies
We have just received a dandy lot of New Spring Coats
that will please you we are sure. Come in and see them.
Sassy Jane House Dresses
There is nothing to equal them in this line. Let us show
them to you the first time you're in. They're made up right
the snappiest styles going. You'll like them we know.
Jack Tar Togs
The largest assortment of these fine Togs you could wish
for, for Children, Misses and Ladies. Our prices are the
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Make.
The Store That Gives
You The Biggest
Values Always
The Store That Gives
You The Biggest
Values Always
Farms of Hood River county have
made material increase of 878 from
744 in the past 10 years. Land under
cultivation has increased 37.7 per cent
The report of agricultural activities in
the county, shows a value decrease
in the past 10 years. The decline
however, has been beneficial. In 1910
the orchard boom was on here and
prices were inflated. Today orchard
land prices, good bearing tracts selling
for $1,000 per acre, are on a stable
basis. The government report shows
that bearing trees in the past 10 years
have increased from 195,592 to 676,361
ii was not so very long ago that an
egg-smudged upper lip on a business
man on the way to work was a mark
of affluence. Only skilled laborers and
real capitalists could afford thissrn
Lol of lots of money. Now, with the
pullets apparently willing to work dili
gently in restoring normal conditions,
most any oi us can wear egg on our
Ftthers and sons too often drift
away from each other. A frank un
erstanding that should exist and bind
them closer is missing. The "Father
and Son" dinner, as proposed by Kiv
ersiue cnurcn lor next 1 uesday even
ing is ar event that should be made
the most of by both fathers and sons.
The closer unity that the occasion sug
gests will be beneficial to both.
Californians are always twitting us
of Oregon about our rain. Of course,
we have lots of precipitation here in
the Beaver .tate. But it doesn't all
try to fall at once. Down in Ixis An
geles more rain than fit I If in the dryer
sections of Oregon in a year fell in a
single day the first of the week.
I'or once Congress is going to cut
something out i t the Congressional
Record. General Daws' cussing
shocked the national legislators. Pro
miscuous and persistent swearing is an
unbecoming habit of many Americans,
but in this instance it recommends
itself to us.
Bootleggers are now being given jail
sentences. Sentences to a rockpile or
road work might be even more effect
ive toward eliminating this class of
lawbreaker, whose number is lecoming
entirely too rumerous of late.
It is quite likely that Represents
tives Egbert and Roberta are going to
learn that their "noes" on the Japan
ese bill were not representative of
their Hood River county constituents.
Eat a few prunes.
'The biggest thing initiated by the
Oregon Retail Dealers' Association in
session last week at Marshheld, says
(. Huelat, local director of the or
ganization, who haB just returned from
the junket to the southwestern part of
the state, was the campaign to mtro
duce prune bread. 1'retty soon this
delicious bread will be available to
every housekeeper."
Mr. iiuelat says that a feeling of
optimism over the business conditions
of the state prevail among the retail
ers who think that the bottom has
been reached and that atTairs are again
on me up-grade, lie says the cooper
ation between the economics depart
ment of the University of Oregon and
the retailer association will result in
great benefits. Mr. Huelat says that
some excellent talks on salesmanshii
were given, but it was emphasized that
the retail salesman, he Bays, must
leiiriS how to sell his own town to him
self before he can be truly successful.
"One of the big talks of the ses
sion," says Mr. Huelat, "was given
by President MeGarvey, of the Wash
ington State Retailers' Association,
who pointed out that the organizations
were doing many things of benefit to
the statesas a whole. Our own organ
ization here has been active along such
lines, probably as much so as any in
the Northwest. The annual session
next year will be held at Roseburg.
The hospitality of the folk of Marsh
tield will never be forgotten by us."
Another high-powered, large capac
ity sprayer the Hardie Big Four
will make its bow to the Hood River
orchardist on Saturday of this week
when a demonstration will be given by
Bennett Brothers at their place of
business on Cascade, avenue.
'I In new ii,.,. lime has a four cylinder
pumi) and tour-cylinder engine of the
automobile type. It has a capacity
ranging from 20 to 25 gallons a minute
and is said to be the lightest big
sprayer on I In- market, its weight
being only 2450 pounds.
One fcaiur.- of the machine, aside
from its liht weight, which is attract
ing favorable comment is its compact
ness, the pump and engine being set
side by side, permitting the equipment
to be nmantad on an all steel, under-
slung truck similar to the Hillside
truck heretofore manufactured by the
Hardie company.
A lo -h-irsepower Universal engine,
with Bosch magneto ignition, is used.
fhe pump has four cyinders. three
inches n. (. iineter. The pressure is
mainan.i i! tween 300 and 400 itounds.
as ilcgirt.l. Iiy means ot the iiamie
Peerless regulator. By means of this
levice ti t r ssure in the airchambcr
is untainad w hen the discharge lines
are cut oi! anil the pressure on the
pump itself is released, thus keeping
constant pressure ready for the
operator, out allowing the engine to
run practical I v idle, thus effecting a
considerable saving in gasoline.
Japanese Present School Problem
In somt ( f the schools of the rural
'iistnets the increase of Japanese pu
pils, according to reports of teachers.
has preaen -d a rolifem. The teachers I
find their . mef difficulties from the
nese arising from the fact that
enter classes with children usu
far younger than thcim-eK i s. j
lers find that much time is con
i n g ;ting the Japanese started.
I problem of educating the Japan
scally, it is stated, is much re
I, since most of the Japanese
id the youngsters back to
soon as they reach school
A. K. Hall, factory representative
of the Hayes Sprayer Co., has been
here the past week from Galva, III.,
demonstrating the machine at the gar
age of Slutz Bros. He states that he
finds growers expressing a keen inter
est in the Hayes because of its econ
omy and elliciency.
"A grower," says' Mr. Hall, "gets
more for his investment out of a Hayes
Sprayer than any other maku on the
market. It is a high class product
throughout, and we are the only com
pany that guarantees a constant 300
pound pressure. The Hayes is equipped
with the rairbanks, .-type engine and
a Bosch magneto. A guaranty from
our factory and the Fairbanks people
goes with every sprayer. The Hayes
is by no means a new rig, although it
has not been sold recently in Hood
River. In 1913 F. H. Kingdon bought
a Hayes. He told us the other day
that his total expense during all this
time was $1.60. That speaks pretty
well, don t you think.'
1 tie Mayes spray rig is simple in
design. It is so simple that it is al
most foolproof. We believe that grow
ers are going to give it a closer scrut
iny as they learn of its simplicity, effi
ciency and economy."
Motorist Ignores Tag
Vernon Murray has written to the
chief of police of Salerh, asking him to
locate I" red W. Durhin. Mr. Murray
last week found an automobile parked
here carrying a 1920 license tag that
had been issued to Mr. Durbin. He
left the car tagged, asking the driver
to report and explain why he was still
twing an old license plate. The tag,
however, was ignored.
Mr. Murrry has received a communi
cation from the Salem authorities, who
on questioning Mr. Burdick found that
he had sold the car here to a Mr. Hush.
The "latter had transferred to W. W.
Kakin. Mr. Murray has asked Mr.
Dakin to visit court and give an ex
planation. II. F. Davidson, the box apple man,
returned from Europe on the steamship
I. upland, which docked Monday.
Mr. Davidson went across late in De
cember. In speaking of the situation
over there, he said :
"Conditions are, of course, worse in
Knglanil than they are here and they
talk more about hard times than we
Jo. The labor situation is bad. 1 tried
to come home an optimist on the out
look for American fruits in Europe but
I can't say that 1 am very much of an
enthusiast. Our apple shipments over
there have been extremely heavy and
they are still going. There is fully a
full month's supply already in Eng
land, which represents an accumula
tion from week to week and with heavy
shipments of Iresh supplies going over,
the outlook of course is pnr. A great
deal of the fruit that has accumulated
over there is fast rotting away. If
our t-hippcrs would give the market a
chance to clean up, no doubt, we could
do better."--New York dispatch to the
Determined to break up bootlegging
and the illicit manufacture of liquor in
this county, Justice of the Peace On
thank, cooperating with District At
torney Baker says that all violators of
the prohibition laws who face him will
be given jail terms. Judge Onthank
initiated his campaign last week by
jailing Mrs. H. A. Mediums, moiner
of two daughters of school age and
several married children, for 30 days.
A fine of $100 was also assessed against
Mrs. McGinnis. I'ert Hopkins, who
was caught in a raid on the McGinnis
home, was given 90 days in jail and a
hundred dollar fine.
On Monday Justice Onthank placed
Mrs. McGinnins on parole in consider
ation of the family removing from the
county. She paid her fine. A war
rant last week was issued for Mrs.
Geo. McGinnis, but she had fled to
parts unknown before the officers could
apprehend her.
For Sale or KxcliaiiKe-Wlilte Leghorn or
Harred Cockerela. I'lioiic VAt. CM
For Hale Will have baby chicks for wile,
O. A. 0. While Leghorn strain. For April and
May hatches (jet ordera in early us amount
will be limited. Phone SW7-1272. llTtf
For Hale A (food milch cow.
J. C. Hayward, Paris Fair.
inquire of
For Bale SJjH Paths talking machine and
t-ib worth of records tor JKO. Machine and rec
ords like new, very little used. BOI gIS, Hood
River, ore, fn
The wedding of Vernon Neeley and
Miss Minerva Thrall, the latter of The
Dalles, occurred here Sunday after
noon at St. Mark's Episcopal church.
Rev. C. G. Hoisholt officiated.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Hood River.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Andrew O. Anderson, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
tratrix with the will annexed, of the
estate of Andrew O. Anderson, de
ceased, by the '-County Court of Hood
Kiver County, Oregon, and having
qualified as such, further notice is
hereby given to the creditors of and
all per- having claims against said
estate, to present them to me at the
office of Ernest C. Smith in the Hall
Building, in the City of Hood River,
said County and State, verified as re
quired by law, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this
notice. The date of the first publica
tion of this notice is February 17th,
Mabel H. Frarjeis,
Administratrix with will annexed,
of the Estate of Andrew O. Anderson.
For Hale- Orders taken for day old chicks.
White Wyandotte and llaried Plymouth
Rock. Mr-. K. J. Nicholson PhODSMM. If
For Male -sale;
all size
Some dandy line Duroc pins for
I, all ages. Lava lied Orchard Co.,
For Hale -Good mountain hack cheap- Call
Fashion Stables, 12U1. nffitf
for Sale
bargain. H
An electric
S. (Jalligau,
lighting system at a
tel. 47. d9tl
For Hale 90 acres land V. miles from Clfy
of Hood Kiver, part bottom land with free
water, balance good pasture land not bonded
tor water. 1200 cords fir ahd oak wood alum
pits, conoty road thru land, talr buildings.
Price SJ7.M per acre. .1. K. Phillips. Phone
SUM jn2ltf
Wanted Married man by year with experi
ence, to handle 411 acre apple and petr orch
ard In first class condition. Write Ilex B c o
Glacier, stating experience and giving refer.
Hires. 1 lot f
Wanted -Small power spray rig suitable for
one horse. W. J. McKee ltt, 2, Hood Uiver. tf
Wanted -Situation as housemaid. Address
Vlra .lenison, Hood Kiver, and give tele
phone number. f2l
Wanted To buy your used tin niture, stoves
and rugs. Cash or new goods In exchange.
US, A. Franz Co. s2ltf
For Sale-A team, single top buggy and
an old wagon. J. K. Crowby, Phone Udell 108.
For Hale- Between 2,(KX) and 3,0110 loganberry
plants. Also some Waterhouse cherry cut.
lings. I) K. Wolgamott, llrownsvllle, Or. 117
For Bale 12ft acres 2 miles from White Salm
on, main road. 29 acres bearing orchard,
terms. U. F. llelliwell, White Salmon.
Wash. mr24
For Sale Mix laying Khode llsand Ued
hens and a pen-bred extra fine rooster. H. F.
Ill J the, Tele. MM. f!7
For Sale- White Leghorn pullets uud nens.
Wnj. Fen wick. Tel. KM. fl7
For Hale Three head of all-round ranch
horses. Weight from P.U0 10 l.'WO pounds.
Phone Odell 10S. notf
For Sale or Trade Seven cockerels from
Hansen's prize winning females crossed Willi
O, A. C. best males. Also one Bronze turkey
torn for sale. Weight about H pounds. Mav
idale Poultry Yard, Mosier, Or. mrli
For Ha k Team of 10-year old mares, weight
auuui ,ii v, ami narciie power sprayer, ISO gal
lon capacity with :i h. p. engine, lele. ftM5:i af
ter C p. m. f24
For Sale -Concrete well-curbing
Don tract for digging wells. (jeo.
tel. 6416.
Will also
W. Friday,
dint i
For Sale - JO acres all level brush land, some
llmbc, I H mile south of Parkdale on east stile
ofroad at Kelley's mill, Write or Inquire of
H. F. J. Sieverkropp, phone 47sii. nlHtf
Belli 1 .
:i-room (Ornllned apartment.
Furnished rooms.
Call MS State
For Bent
For Item - One furnished room Inoueof the
best locations In Hood Biver; modern con
veniences. Call 821 Oak St., or tel. 24 i:i. d2(f
Wanted Girl for general housework in fmni
ly of three.l'hone MK or call at 81 1 Oak St . R7I f
For Salt single Comb Khode Island Ked
eggv ( in r I, i N are actually being tra piiesti'd.
hen-lore y, u get eggs from hens that have
laid all won, i and are still on the Job. Aver
age lay t,n ei-emlM-r anil Jamiioy ii7'-4 per
cent. Emm, ?.'"() for lft. Avalon Farm, slier
man .1 . Fran. Phone ft4i N. flTtf
For Sale -ettllig rgti for Fehrury and
March delivery o. A. C Strain Wlilfe Leghorn
order now t.,1 prompt delivery. Phones .VUT
d 11,11
FM Sale Five Work horses; each weighs
anoui imu 10 1.4UII pounds, will sell eheap.
May be seen on Oreen Point road '-'A mile
from Oak Grove Store. S. Kawamura. Tele
phone 5 7. o
For Sale Two Mandy Lee itirubator, 24uegg
capacity each. May be seen at 71ft Cascade
U, r, .Morden, Tel. SUB. IHtf
For Sale 120
Tele. 4644.
Ford Truck. Chas
For Sale 10-aere ranch on West Side, three
miles out, all cleared, H acres In young orch
ard Just bearing, an acre of strawberries, all
kinds of cane berries, ft-room house, goo 1 iiiil
niilldlngs. Also wish to sell with place orch
ard equipment, cow, horse, harness, hack,
chickens. Would Include household goods.
Address Owner, care of (Jlacler. 117
Fur Bale Cows and heifers, Jerseys, young
Miiri, imee uow minting. lei. 4IH. ri7
For Hle-l(X),(XI0 Clark Seedling strawberry
plants for spring delivery. ,W. J. McKee. near
struck 's corner, K.F.I). 2. )27tf
For Hale-Kubber tired buggy and young
horse, gisd for driving mid riding. Columbia
i irafonola with :1ft records. Will trade for small
sprayer. Sol. Walue, Odell 156 evenings. J27tf
I'or Sale Alfalfa hay. Tuni A Lum Lumbei
Co. Tel 4121. fi7
For Hale 1M20 Cletrac, used only about 40
days, price f 1 ,200.00. New International tan
dem disc harrow flOO.Oh. H. K. Davenport,
Congress Hotel, Portland. J27tf
For Hale Clark Seedling strawberry plants.
puir mraiii. no mixiure. i uinueri raspnerry
plants, tiouo per 1,000. Iganbefry tips, 150 HO
per I.UIII. All f o b. H(S)d River. W. K.Uihsoii
Son, Phone Odell W. jaitf
Wanted-To get In touch witli dunce violin
ist, comet ist or saxaphonlst. must be able to
read dance music al sight. Not under obliga
tion to play Saturday nlglils with any-other
orchestra. Address P.O. Box 1,15, The Dalles
Ore. f24
Wanted A light one-horse hack,
Fleenor, K. K. U. 3, Box IM,
J H,
f 17
Wanted to Buy-ft or ID acres. What have
you. State full particulars. Address Box 1S6,
Hood Biver. C. D. Nickelsen. I 21
Wanted Work as conk in restaurant, or
will do work bv hour. Also can do nursing.
Address Box M7. 117
Wanted An experienced man tor strawber
ry and ain le place. Keply Box US, White
Salmon, Wash. 121
marjled man who has tat
nerlence. lele. Ns82
Taken up at my place on Indian Creek near
tbS lilt, on the A. K. King place, a tine Khode
Island Ked rooster. Owner may have rooster
by proving properly, uud imying cost of keep
ing chicken and adv. J.W. Ileaty. , f24
To F.xeliange-Modern seven room house
and half acre ground, well located In Port land
to exchange for Improved or unimproved acre
age near Hood Kiver. Address with particu
lars 7(;i0 - ;(U Ave. Portland, Ore. 117
Lost A black snd white setter dog one year
old. Any Information leading to his recov
ery will be greatly appreciated. F). T. Hull,
Tele. Odell 4'J. f27
Live Slock Kxchange Dairy cows and
horses hiiiiglit Hiid sold on commission. I
make it a condition precedent to'transfer I liat
animal must be hilly tested against disease.
M. K. Welch, Veterinarian, Fashion Stables,
Hood Kiver, Oregon. Phone 1201, Residence
Phone DOM. fmtf
Fstray Notice A black horse, weight about
1300 pounds, right front Axil wire cut, wearing
small brass bell, wan taken up hi my place
January 27 Owner may have same by pay
ing rust il keep anil adv. A. B Cooper, Phone
Mft4. rtti
Notice to Hond Kiver Fruit (4-uwers: We
have some nurs- ry siock left for sale cheap.
A II fli sl class trees and up to grade, 100 4 to 6
ft. d'AnJou pears- mm 1 to 4 It. Bose; 2,1(111 H to g
ft, Italian Prone; 8,000 Loganberry tips. This
is surplus stock alter tilling orders. -11 11s
know whu! you need sad ITS will make you
prices right. F. A . Wey gandt ft Sons, L'inby,
Oiegon. 11124
I am ready lo contract
tractor. L. P. Odergard,
lob on ranch or orchard BlSM bv
some practical ex-
work with Ford nod
Vient , 1 lie. mlO
For Service Pure bred Holstein Ball, Peter
J. Ormsby stock. Fee S3.U0. llerno.n I'regge.
For Trade for Calves A
and incubator. Tel. 5672.
For Sale in trade for drag saw Young Jer
sey cow. Ju-i Iresh, and calf. O. M. DcWill,
Mount 11 mchiu
ForSslr ihreesetsof heavy harness, eaie
of Tucket a Peyton's (larage. 124
For Salt l inn horses, weight 12S10 to lftiW
pounds. S, 1 iiihsonat Fashion Stables. f7
For Sale-St Kluaa of Pure bred Khode 11
and Beil sags; also cockerels, iftn each.
Paws MB. flTtf
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Services will be held in Church
Building, 9th anil Eugene, Sunday, 11 :00
a. m. NubjcH-t: Muni.
Sunday HmoI at 11a. m.
Wednesday service, 8 p. m.
The reading room is open daily (rom S
to 6 p. in , in the t'hurcli.
For Kale A Iresh four gallon cow; heifer
call one week eld. Must sell as I baveu'l
teed call al Mm. 11. T. Vouu'm, odell Near
est phone lo.' inch;!
For Sale Due American cieem separaior,
suitable for imall dairy; also one K) gallon si.
Feed Cooker, all In perfect condition. W. It.
UltMon. Phone odell W tl7tf
For Hale- icres In upper valley. Wlllac
accept high grade piano, aunt truck, or trac
tor, as pat i pay ment. Tel. . VMS. m3
For Sale tJtHtd dry lc Inch fir wood deliver.
11I in town or ou Kast Hide at reduced price. Bros. Phone 4711. JjjjtJ
For Salt Two Fonts, one Inuring and one
With delivery bed. J. K. Plug, Telephone ftft
For Sale One gitod, heavy work team. See
Harlsiiorne at H K. Oarage. Tel 4411. JStf
For s( several fancy llne-bred White Wy
andotte 1 'sister , prlre strain, SftOO each. Al
SS some I a t inir-i laying hens. One foi bret ding ii.oiat 1. Mrs A Dickinson, riioiit ri:(
For ShIi Team of well-malrh'd bay lioraes
weight atmt -'-' pounds S02 '.tlh. St. .1 hog
era. flrtf
For Sale V rn iminoth, honze Turkey Tom
Alaa Dur.M- ler- y bred aow. Wlillan Fen
wick, Phone V I. fl7
For Sale-in acres land, good six nann
house, barn, etc.. mar tow 11 Splendid chick
en ranch, some Iru it, reasonable price. Also
some giaid cull apples lor conking and gtsal
Demmlc ram lot pumping water. II. P. Allen
Kfd 4, phone M2'J. Jtiif
For Hale The leading varieties of apple,
iear, peach, cherry and plum trees, one- and
two-year-old; trees grown on whole roots. K.
A. Massee. nlltf
For Sale Ten Bcrea bearing orchard, line
strawlierry laud, mile ami half from bull
ground Belmont road. Price H.ftUi Further
particulars address t. H. Sherman, Cascade
Ixtcks, Ore. o-JHlf
Very lowest price 011 rough and dressed
lumber, f. o. b. steamer or csrs. Babbitt &
Smith, Stevenson, Wu. n4tf
For Sale Trojun blasting powder, caps and
fuse; a safe powder to handle; no thawing or
or headaches. Phone MM, Avalon Farm.
Sherman J. Frank. n25tf
Lutheran ( 'hnrch for sale, located on !vtd
son hill, size 23X4I ft., height Inside 14', It,
rodi foundation. Impure at ItM Columbia at.
have on display in our show room a
Our salesman will be very glad to tell you all
about ?.
It is not something new, but one that has been
on the market for the past twenty-five years and
has proven to be one of the best In fact it is
adding ''Friends" to its list every year.
Call at our store. Look it over. Ask for a
. t
1 1
The New
Bean Super Giant Sprayer
Is Here
Th 1
ese Km
St Nark's Episcopal Church
Cor. Utl ant) Eugene
iv MMSj every unHav at JM5
ng Prayer avaty Sun-lay at 7 :30.
Public corlial
Week day L
Litany at 4
ervices : Mondaya.
p. m. ; Tuesdays, Holy
Thieves Get Mr.
E. G Milk-r last
county suthorities
tity of groceries
the May street roa.
city. Mr. Miller
ing from hi old hoi
diPtnct Several t
Miller's Groceries
week reported to
the loss of a quan
from Lhia home on
1 just west of the
engaged in mov
ne in the Mt. Hood
ruck loads of houe-
Communion at hour announced.
hold li.p iture hau already been trans
fer; e.i Preparatory to the arrival of i
the family, Mr. Miller risited the city
and supplied hia larder full. When I
the family reached the new home and
started preparations for the first meai.
During the week that this Sprayer has been on our Salesroom floor it has been given
the O. K. by dozens of prominent Orchardists as the best fitted machine for Hood
River Valley conditions. It has power, balance, capacity. See it yourself.
Kev. G. G. Hoihnlt, Rector.
the theft was discovered.