0 HOOD RIVER GLACIEB. THURSDAY, JANUARY L8, 1921 POST AND CORPS INSTALL OFFICERS Canby Corps", Woman's Relief Corp, on Saturday installed officer! fat the ensuing year as follows: Mn. I ('. Mever. nresident: Mrs K C Willi 1- F. O. B. Hood River TRACTORS Now $890.35 Buck P'ltri F. O. B. Hood River (Demonstration any time by appointment) Farm Tractor Manufacturers will be unable to supply the demand for tractors the coming year. While there will be thousands of Fordson Tractors made, still there will be some farm owners who will want Fordsons and will delay their orders so long that it will be impossible to supply them. Make sure of getting jour Fordson. Order it NOW. Start it to work for you right away. . Pulls Two 14inch Plows Operates on Cheap Kerosene Runs Your Belt Machines The Fordson will pull two 14inch bottoms in the stiff est soils and still have enough reserve left over for the peak loads. The Fordson operates successfully, economically, on cheap kerosene. No raw fuel going through the exhaustnone passing down through the piston rings into the crankcase. DICKSON-MARSH CO. Tel. 1111 Turn Over a New Leaf! Begin the New Year Right Select the design for your new home while lumber prices are at rock bot tom. The limited supply of lumber and the demand for new homes will soon increase building costs. Make All Arrangements Now Build as soon as the weather will permit. L. C. Baldwin and J. W. Swope will j move to their new homes, now being completed, in the next two weeks. : Mr. Baldwin's home is at the corner of ; Columbia and Tenth. Mr. Swope's home is at the corner of State and I Tenth streets. A. F. Davenport, proprietor of the Hood River Market, is making exten sive improvement by the installation of a refrigeration machine and a new cold room. The meat plant wai for merly refrigerated by ice purchased from local manufacturers. Bridal Veil Lumbering Co. NFLSON EMRY, Manager. Phone 218!. Fourth and Cascade. berg. senior vice; Mrs. Reuben Krasier. i junior vice; Mrs. Jennie Whitcomb, chaplain; Mrs. K. 11. Button. I tary ; Mrs. K. C. Mrs. A. W. lsbell Mrs. Kldon Bradh ent; Mrs. H. M. Cummins musician Mrs. Q, W. Peffer. Mrs. W. An drews, Mrs. C. C. Cuddeford and Mrs Arthur Howell, color beareri; Mrs L. N. Blowers. Bttard Mr V S I). Witt, assistant guard ; Mrs. E. I,. Sco bee. conductress; and Mrs. A. S. K ll assistant conductress. Mis. L. M, Bantiey, past president of the- d ment of Oregon, was installing offj Officer! of Canby Pott, Qrand of the Republic, installed ofllci the ensuing year as follows: Jamei Gorton, commander; James R. Cash, senior vice; Joseph brazier. Sr., junior vice; Dr. J. Williams, surgeon ; John A.. Wilson, quartermaster; J. W. Rig by, chaplain; S. Copple, officer of the day ; N. W. Hardman, guard ; and S. F. Blvthe. adjutant. Mr. Blvthe. oast commander of the department of Ore gon, was installing officer. The in stallation followed a sumntuotis dinner served by the members of the Corns. tomorrow the officers and nuniL ri will go to The Dalles and nut on the initiatory work for the corps theie. BRILLIANT VENUS ATTRACTS ATTENTION Calls You To a World of Infinite Beauty and Charm America's Winter Playground a the Hi' ' 7STEH The planet Venus, now star, created a Wideip here Saturday night. S atmospheric condition, pro the great, star to appear fa usual. Residents of the I noted the brlliiance and a usual dimensions of thi called friends earlv in Refore long telephone line ming and residents of all : taking a look at and CO the star. Venus is the second pll sun, and next to the sun i most brilliant object in I Venus is probably lull or morning star, known as 1 ancients, who called the when it shone in the eveni The brilliancy of the tr acted the attention of here. Venus's brillian Portland folk. Acc rdli Daniels, of Hill Military planet is now near te Etc; tion of its orbit and at a places "Jt between the ei sun. Although Venus Bppr er the earth than at preset osity now is very marked. w.iy m G( RETURN THE OTHER J. H. FREDRICY, WM.Mc MURRAY. There'll Be "The Devil To Pay" A Big Pathe Super-Special ALSO AT THE THEATRES THE LIBERTY Friday and Saturday, Januan 1 15, ENie Ferguson in "Lady 1 Daughter." Also Pathe Review International News. Sunday, one day only, Jai Dai Viola Dana in "The Chorus (in I marce." Also Stub Pollard Cc and Paramount Magazine. Monday and Tuesday, .lanua and 18. big special double bil athe Superpecial, "The Hev ay." Also Harold .lod in " Kidd's Kids" and a Tonics of the No Raise in Prices. Wednesday and Thursday, Jai 1! and 20, Wallace Raid in "Al Audacious," and a Sennett con "His Last False Step." Friday and Saturday, January 2 12. Bryant Washburn in "A House. " Also International New; athe Review. Vera Kolstad at the Liberty org r ol ) wiser words were ever spoken than those of the Father of our Country when he said : "In time 26 prepare for war." inged to fit conditions the advice may len rigflc nere in tioou iviver today, at tilt siacK montiis ol winter are on, B$ra of automobile! should prepare .i-s for the touring season that is not ay. Do not wait until the rush of pring. Bring your car down now, us look it over.' You will be assured .t work when the mechanic is not wer is a i ol your .-.iio co. Phone 4381. Harold Lloyd THE GEM i N Captain Kiads Kids" A 2 Reel Comedy J an i! a 'While Topics of The Day Big Double Bill Vet a Kolstad on the Liberty Organ 2 - DAYS ONLY - 2 Mon.-Tu2k Jan. 17 & 18 NO RAISE IN PRICES Great Reduction Sale of Tailored Clothes We are offering the best all pure woolens on the market at reductions of 25 to 50, on our entire sample outfit of the Famous Detmer Woolen Company Stock These clothes are made to your individual measure, tailored in any style you may wish. We guarantee your clothes will fit and satisfy you or your money back Prices range from $40.00 Oregon Hotel Building MEYER & SMITH TAILORS Phone 1124 Thursday and Frida; 5, Edith Roberts in Also Marie Walranin in Net," the serial Miiirerm Saturday and Sundu' and 16, Harry Morey in a Soul. A so Elein P ner Oland in "The Th serial of thrills and susii Thursday and Friday and 21. a Universal all Two Kinds of Love", ai 'amp in "The Dragon's . Bail ara Vatlgl ur at I) H. B. LngUi Vnb Bert H. I!. Langillc. formerly c ity MCOrd- er and now associate professor in t h epartment of Mechanical Ki it the University of Califoi nia. laid Id friends a visit Saturday. Prof. I.angille, who sevedMn the raw during the war. was returning to Berkeley from Kemerton. where ha arwtaW nraa. tice cruise. He remains a licuti lai I on the naval reserve li.-t. A i practice cruise carried him to San Die go from San Francisco, and from the re e journeyed as erginet-r otli er ab iai ) the destroyer Welles to l'r merton, M'. I.ungille is a meml.;-r of a known pioneer family. li me of the early bottl i stei dl in the Mt. Hood district. In his i aval uni form Pn f. Langille present a Striking appearance. He had some fun iiui day in observing his old Mil dl trj it e to identify him as he made si.r : ; : . cull at offices and stores. Prof, giile while here was the facet ot and Mrs. I). E. Kand. Ranchers Want Koad hpm The county court was never so sieged as at the session of la-i mmr orchard is ts of different sections bp, ing for improvement to roals, whi: is declare), have been t by recent rainfall-. In ranchers have made the crit i the annual funds expended on high improvement is waated, in that merely temporary. Thy r v.-. condition of unsurfaccd vajl ways haa again led to agitation f road bond issue large enough to 'tract a system of permantr.tly i faced roads. Many Will Attend u;o All local srarages will he repreaen this week at the Cortland show. Moat of the dealers will present today to attend the state c veMinnof the Autorm.tiv. aociation. Many citizens w i I show. Dealers who w.ll at lei sessions are: K K Brwtt, Mark Cr eron Geo. C. Cladde:-, Kirl i K Franc. E. J. Marsh. R. A. I'i k- A. Elliott. J. F. Volftorff. Fr Morse. H. w Y eld. J. L Stewart, i thur Eastmaff, Hal Ne'bit, E , K. B. SluU and E. L . Late. fill ZT I ' 1 " '' v v Pi"liri ' I J I I J niisB Running Water The Greatest of City Conveniences oystero Ilu nroT! OU have a steady of it cool and Bat Th e cost is but cn(3 a day. to yourself the lience of running ry pliin.ning, less for the women then come in and leJp you make it HEIGHTS GARAGE I t ,r flayes Sprayers 1 1 ., wilk th fa I '., ,:" ":L fa" If trous 1 yu , Ln (Tines, 1 by the Fairbanks-sf-. M quaiil (. ouiprelMttt- ill TsBBaaaawBasasBsasBBaaBassssa"1 " tJv l'Sts huc iilMVeii their k si S LU 1 Z B R05. Tet -ii T;j. I paci7 c f.jwer 1 Hick's Eats 'n Sweets ft LI HT CO. Atwan oirHnice I Meal. Candy, Ice Cream Z and Fcuntarn Service