a H(( HIV Kit m.AClKK. TilfMiHIM V. JAM AKY , 1921 111 111! OltCIIAKI) IN FINANCIAL TROUBLES "More Food" demanded the city consumer. Farmers re sponded with the biggest crops they had grown for years. Then what happened? Poor trans portation facilities, high freight rates, concerted consumer effort to lower prices on farm prod ucts. How can farmers sell at a fair profit? GENTLEMAN for next week carries a great story showing how farmers are shouldering marketing prob lems that really belong to the city consumer and are solving them where he has failed. Careful farming methods had resulted in bumper crops in New Jersey. New York City needed the food; but New York City offered little cooperation toward getting it. How the State Bureau of Markets step ped in, securing adequate trans portation and developing a unique system of direct market ing, is the theme of this most suggestive and helpful article. In marketing, as in every other farm problem, THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN presents the up-to-date, useful fact stuff it will pay you to read. And the 52 big weekly issues that reach you during a year cost but $1.00 and they're a bargain. You'd better order today through me! Wm. G. Parmelee Ii.R. No. L Box 49 Phone 4757 Hood River An nuthr.rized subscription representative of The Country Gentleman The Ladies Home Journal The Saturday Evening Pot 52 iuuei-Jl.OO 12 ismn-52 00 52 uiue.-J2.50 DRESSMAKING PLAIN AND FANCY DRESSMAKING AND LADIES' TAILORING by competent dressmakers and tailors MEYER & SMITH Oregon Hotel Bldg. TAILORS Telephone 1124 CLEAN ALLEYS Bowl and Be Healthy CLEAN GAME 410 OAK STREET Phone 1282 TUES. 7:45 Busness Men's League. THIJRS. 7:45 Women's League WED. 7:45 Mercantile League. FRI. 7:45 Valley League Open 10:30 a. m. 12 p. in. Closed Sundays. LADIES WELCOME AT ANY TIME. Health ! 6 : TOURNAMENT ALLEYS : 6 K. K. HOUSE C. J KRUSK Fun! 1921 Resolved That 1st We will sell only the best quality foods. 2nd We will keep market, meal and men clean. 3rd We will put SEBVB in service. 4th We will correct every mistake if possible. 5th We will appreciate your patronage and good wilt 6th We will, with your Cooperation uive Hood Riveras tfood a market as any in the state. 7th We thank you for your jreneroiis support the past year. 8th We wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year, itth We cordially invite you to the MT. HOOD MEAT CO. Where QUALITY comes first. Phone 4141. 4th and Oak Streets. Try It Out Yourself " says l!ie Good Judge And you will find how much BOOTS satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco .3 you than you ever got from a big chew of the ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh v nearly as often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will teli you that. Put up in two styles W-B CLT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco 'I he hufur Orchard Co., owning 4100 h res, uf which HcriH mr planted in h-year old tree, Haid to he the lion el MB OirbftNl In the world, was f'ciicrd into an involuntary rffcivernhni Turn. lay ftamOOfl of last wt-ck at Tho Dallei by Circuit Jodf Frd W. WU son by Mtitlofl of creditor. The. bi orchard tract lies 12 miles aouth of The Daltal in Waco county. The land lian In ail valued Ht $600,000 for wheat tcrdwinif purposes. Including meat warehouses and other luuipment, the value has hten increased, it is said, to more than $1,000,000. A. C. Churchill, man agai of the company, was ap pointed temporary receiver. On Janu ary 24, a hearing will be held, and creditors given an opportunity to sug gest a permanent receiver. Attorneys said the action was taken to prevent creditors from forcing the company into bankruptcy. Poor con ditions "of the market is said to be di rectly responsible for the present trouble. One of the debts mentioned in the complaint was a mortgage for $h0,00ti held by the Northwest Fruit Exchange. The complaint avers that receipts from this year's crop, which was expected to amount to fOO.OOO boxes, were insufficient to meet this obligation. Among other items of indebtedness mentioned were: A short term note for $4,637 to a hard ware concern of The Dalles; amort gage trust due to the Portland Trust Co. to secure bonded indebtedness for $150,000; a second mortgage of the Northwestern Hank, of Portland, for $25,000; a lien on all real and personal property in a trust deed mortgage for $115,000 held by K. H. French, banker of The Dalles, and Emory Olmstead, Portland banker. A- number of small er claims have cropped up, and it is said that the company is delinquent in taxes. The big orchard is in a dry section, and Jts success without water has al ways been a mooted question among Hood River orchardists. The orchard has not been cultivated since last sum mer, and unless this cultivation is done it is predicted that, the 1921 fruit crop Will be a failure. Jt is also charged that the trees are suffering for lack of pruning. Resolutions of Condolence Hood River, Or., Dec. 24, 1920. To the officers and members of Hazel Rehekah Lodges No. 156, 1. O. O. F. : We. your committee, beg leave to submit the following resolutions on the death of Sister Anna Crosby: Whereas, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe in infinite wisdom has called from her work on earth our beloved Sister Anna Crosby, be it Resolved, that Hazel Rebekah Dodge No. 156, 1. O. O. P., while bowing sub missively to Divine decree, does de plore the loss of a valued member, therefore be it Resolved, that we, tho members of Hazel Rebekah Lodge, to extend to the Husband ami children who have been deprived of the love and affection of a faithful, loving wife and mother, Resolved, that by her death the com munity loses a good neighbor, friend und citizen, and be it Resolved, that as a mark of respect, the charter of Hazel Rebekah Lodge be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days, and finally, be it Re.-olved, that these resolutions be sent to the bereaved relatives, a copy he placed upon the records of Hazel Rebekah Lodge No. 156. 1. 0. O. F. and a copy he sent to the National Re bekah for publication. Committee : Sister Pauline Howard, Sister Mae. Fhrck, Sister Roxie Martz. Hunsaker Early S. S. Superintendent On reading of the death of J. Hun saker, at liverett. Wash., Ceo. T. Pra ttler recalls how Mr. Hunsaker, a pio neer whose place was on the Washing ton shore of the Columbia where the station of Hood is now located, used to row across the river every Sunday to attend Sunday school at Frankton. "Mr. Hunsaker, who later removed! to White Salmon, where he owned a store, later fold to L. N. Blowers, was superintendent of our Sunday school. Another Washington man, who with his family rowed down the river regu larly for Sunday school wa A. H. Jewett. These pieaetri th jught iioUimg of these long jaunts for Sunday school, yet today, when the automobile' ch-1 convey passengers rapidly, folk hesi tate to go a few miles for religious worship. Mr. Hunsaker was 76 years old. City Will Condemn City Attorney Smith has started con demnation .proceedings against lots ad joining the lot on which is located the old reservoir now used as a reserve supply when irrigatioi ists exhaust water in the summer months. Cess pools maintained on the lots have alaimed citv author itiei. who feared thai the old reservoir might be con taminated. The lots, when acquired will be added to Chautauqua park, an oak-embov.ered plot surrounding the old reservoir. Shrine Club E iction Near The Hood River Shrine Club orgar :z l over a year ago, will hold its an nual election next Thursday evening, January 20. lnt-tal'ation will also be held. Lunch will be served. The meeting is scheduled for MasonL- t all. TTIirifJIIIRW' rnSL titfi'ityHr-tottt ' fiMira'rJr t.A tfrrrtj-rJ4iulitHy $n CrsttmiWiuI'lii fcuf imVnr f ! Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un ., : igr t .1 I.,.- ! i to. ai.xnnted exec ute r nf the estate of Martha Parker, de- I ceased, by the County Court of Hood River County. All persons having claims against said estates hould pre sent them properly verified within six months from date of this notice at my residence near Hood River, Oregon. Dated and first published thi- 23rd day of December, 1920. Frederick W. Barker, Executor. o23j2l Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un der igned has been appointed bv the County Court of Hood River County. ' Oreeon, as executrix of the last will I aad estate of Mrs. Mary Van net, de- All persons having claims against aid estate are noti ed to present the j Fame, properly verified, to me at the oSW of E. H. Bartwjc, at 7 A 8 Smith Building It od River, Oregon, u th.n Fix months from the date and firt i-ublirjttivn hcrjf, or be forever tutrred of ny right or claim against D--d and first pc'.lifhed this 23rd day of Decemter. 1SSD. Elizabeth Nkhtl .in, Extn.trix of the I.ast Will and Estate of Mary Vannet. Deceased. fcr Estate, liver, Oregon. flSJM .,.',, Sr,,, J.u ..,, frjffy - a. NASH HUDSON Pnser Cars ESSEX Nash and Mack Trucks Goodyear Tires Waverly Oils and Greases Storage, Repairs and Accessories cnorzzD MT. HOOD MOTOR CO. We have taken the agency for MASURY PAINTS, VARNISHES, ETC. When you think of brighten ing up the House, or giving the Auto or Wagon a new coat of Paint, remember to call on Blowers Hardware Company Thoroughly Overhauled Second-Hand Machinery For Sale We offer the following: One 4 h. p. Nova Gas Engine. One 2 h. p. Nova Gas Engine. One small Bean Spraying Outfit, complete. One large Bean Spraying Outfit, complete. HOWELL BROS. WOODWORKING AND BLACKSMiTHING Tel. 2551 Fourth and Columbia Orchard Supplies Arsenate of Lead Bluestone Paper Apple Boxes Implements HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. SHIPPERS OF HOOD RIVER FRUITS QUALITY QUANTITY Ask for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS Fill Your Market Basket With tfood things to eat from our store and you will fjet the hest in food stuffs at the lowest prices consistent with quality and first class service. I'ave your order here and we will fill it to your complete satisfaction. N. H. MacMILLAN On The Heights S6e MUELLER Pipeless Furnace IS GUARANTEED to heat your enlire house with an eco nomical saving of fuel. It is Built Bkttkr, and fuel gases are entirely eliminated. It ventilates the home and moistens the air your family hfUlthf It is health insurance. Call at our shop and M HJ explain CAo MUELLER in detail. B. B. POWELL 310 Cascade Tel. 2552 Auto Repairing is a Craft by itself. It requires lUU and a considerable equip ment to practice it. As to our equipment a visit will disclose its completeness. As to our skill, we refer with pride to the many car owners who have employed o ir services. HOLMAN . MOONEY Good Groceries Gouiteous Service Reasonable Prices "THESE are the principles on which we base our business. Every day of every week we offer you the best quality at the lowest consistent price and the force of our store is always ready to serve you courteously. THH ARNOLD GROCERY CO. Hood River Motor Car Co. R- c." glanville Repairing Storage Gas and Oil att..rnky at U GENERAL SKKVICE STATION R"010 1 S!n' Bk BuiWing Fourth and Sutc Street Hood River, Oregon