The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 30, 1920, Image 10

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This has been a record quarter in
volume of mail cancelled at Odell post-
office, with an increaae of 30 per cent
nver that of anv preceding quarter
A bahy boy was a Christmas present
j - i'm..., Uuln nf Pnrk-
lor ivir. ttou miBi i.y
Hnm to Mr. and Mrs. Almont Fer at. the Slorksneat in Hood
River, Monday, December 27,
A family reunion was held Christmas
Hov sit Hum Acres, thenomeoi ivir
and Mrs. E. H. Moss. With the ex
ception of one son, Archie, all the
rliiliiren were home, as follows: Miss
Olive, of Portland ; Lloyd and Hemic
nf n A. C. Florence, of Hood Rivi
and the H. A. Sylvester family,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Shelley and
children were here from The Dalles
urn! merit Christmas dav at the home
of Mrs. Khellev's narents, Mr. and
Mrs. L D. tioyed.
Elmer Ejrcrert and Floyd McCoy
snent Christmas dav at the home o
Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Eutrert. They re
turned to Portland Sunday afternoon
Fred Walter, of The Dalles, is spend
ing the holidays here. He expects to
enter O. A. C. at the beginning of the
new year for a course in tractors and
farm mechanics.
The annaul bannuet and party was
given by the alumni of Odell high
srhool last Tuesday evening in the
Grange hall.
Mrs. 15. M. Yeates reports that she
is recovering rapidly from a severe
attack of rheumatism. She is at Ha
Lake, Ore., for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hosfner, of De
troit. Mich., are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Weber. Mrs
Hosfner is a cousin of Mrs. Weber,
Mrs. S. W. Koeller is spending a few
days in Portland.
Rev. W. S. Gleiser spent a part of
the week in Portland.
The entire Christmas program at the
Methodist church Friday evening was
pronounced exceptionally tine. the
following members of committees and
directors deserve especial mention
Committee. Kev. Gleiser, Mrs. Koel
ler, and Mrs. G. A. Weber. Training
for pageant, Mrs. W. O. Mills. Music
Mrs. E. O. Dutro. Treat, Horace Gil
kerson and Andrew Weinheimer. Dec
orations. Mr. and Mrs. Algie Wein
heimer, Horace Gilkerson, Orrie Cam?
eron, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Weber and
John C. Duckwall. Illustrated song
and lighting effects, G. A. Weber.
The Sunday evening service was
verv greatly appreciated. Van Uyck s
story of "The Other Wise Man," by
Rev. W. S. Gleiser. illustrated by
G. A. Weber with 25 lantern slides,
proved very interesting.
The men of the Methodist church
will serve a supper Friday evening in
the church. Serving will begin at 7
o'clock. Everybody invited. Price,
50 cents per plate. Committee in
charge, J. H. Heteher, Andrew Wein
heimer, Henry Rodamar, J. E. Fergu
son, J. C. Duckwall. H. C. Johnson
and Thurlo Tompkins. Head waiter,
G. A. Weber. A social hour will fol
low the supper and watch night ser
vice held.
Mr. ftnd Mrs. M. Hawthorne are
enjoying a ten days' visit in Oregon
City and Portland. Mrs. Hawthorne's
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
Shanks, of Oregon City, are spending
then vacation caring for the Haw
thorne home and tasks during their
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Fletcher and
sons motored to Portland Monday for
a few dys' stay.
Irvin Heft is recovering from an
attack of inflammatory rheumatism.
Regular services Sunday : Sunday
school, 1(1 a. m., morning service, 11
a. ni. Epworth league, subject, "The
Kingdom Come, I in My Heart."
lender, John O. Duckwall. Service
following. About once each month an
illustrated lecture will form h part of
the service. A feature we are sure
will be appreciated.
After an illni'SB extending over sev
eral years, Mrs. J. R. Crosby passed
away Friday evening at the family
home. Services were held Sunday af
ternoon at the Little White Church,
Kev. Troy Shelley officiating. Friends
who have known her long remember
the many kind acts, the unfailing good
nature, the housewifely traits, that
made the home a real home. All these
On y do not forget, and thus realize
how great has been the loss her illness
and passing away caused. Sinerest
sympathy is extended to the husband
and daughters, the aged mother, and
to the sister and brothers.
The Mothers' Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. E. O. Dutro Thursday,
January 8, at 2 p. m.
Miss Hazel Mloch, of Astoria, spent
Christmas with her cousin, Mrs F. L.
The January social grange will be
held Saturday evening, when the old
time dances wli I be participated in by
the eple of the district. Come and
dance the oldtime dances and have h
good time. The grand march start.'
promptly at 9 o'clock. Music by Itad'i
orchestra, admission H cents.
The following were in Portland over
tha holiday period : Mr. unit Mrs.
James E. Clara and families of Prw)
Tooley, J. E. Malloy, J. D. McCully
and Geo. A. Wuest.
The w-dding of Miss Eva White
cotton and Wallace Gibaon, of Tacoma,
was solemnized on Christmas day at
t!.e home of tt i bride's parent, Mr.
and Mrs. N. h. White turn. Kev.
ted. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson
Hit If home at Tacoma.
en Itroai who is leaching in
imtte Valley, spent th
holidays ith her tiw'her.
Mil k.
Mrs. Walter Wells weie in
last week to meet Mrs.
rents, Mr. am) Mrs. Go -itario,
away this wet-k,
o lives at Foaail.
T.. A. S. : Mrs. Ed Wells. L : J. D
McCullv. Chap. : Harold lilackman
See. ! Mrs. A. I. Mason. Treas. ; and
F. H. Blackmail, reelected Trdstee
Mrs. M. Draeseth has left for Wil
sonville to snend a month with he
Mr. anil Mrs. A. F. Pickford took
Christmas dinner wilh Mr. and Mr
G. L. Aggers, of White Salmon.
Mr. and Mrs. HarrjvSteele snent the
holidays in Portland visiting with
Ralph Sherrieb and wife left Christ
mas morning for Portland where they
will spend several days visiting rela
Uvea and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forry, of Hood
River, snent (.hristrnas day with her
narents. In the evening they all were
interested in a family Christmas tree
at :the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Forry, Sr.. in Barrett district.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corwin and
children were guests Christmas day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cummins
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Allen enter
tained guests from the Dalles Christ
mas day.
We were glad to hear that Georgt
O'Kumura was able to be brought
home from the Cottage hospital Christ
mas morning, making a glad day for
his parents. .,. . . .
Mrs. M. P. lambent, following her
usual custom, entertained Christmas
day at a sumptuous dinner a large
company who are always glad to
her quests. The following are thost
whoatteuded: Mrs. Arnold, Mr. ant
Mrs. Flovd Arnold and son. Mr. and
Mrs. Clvde Arnold and son. Mr. and
Mrs. Will Isenberg. Walter, Ruth
Arnold and Willma Isenberg, all
Hood River: Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Isenberg. Miles and Margaret, of I ort
land; Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Isenberg
and .lean Isenberg. Mr. and Mrs
Elmer Isenberg. Lois and June Isen
berg, of Belmont: Mr. and Mrs. Jarne
Woodcock. Irene Woodcock, (it MBUDin
Miss Hess Isenberg. of Portland: Mr
AshofT. of Merniott. Oregon ; Mr. and
Mrs. O arence Lurries. ofWyeth; Mr
and Mrs. M. H. Noble, Mrs. Male
Chubb. Pearl and Irene Chubb, Mr
and Mrs. W. G. Somerville. of Pel
mont. All the delicacies of the season
was prepared by Mrs. Isenberg and the
tables and bottle handsomely decorated
with Christmas greens. Her children
grandchildren ana great, grantieniiumn
and friends always look forward to the
coming together on e nrisirnas uay ae
the Isenberg home. May we an tie
snared to meet there again, is the wish
of one who was there. r -.j
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church enter
tained Christmas day Mr. and Mrs
Dan Church, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
antzen and two children, of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller, How
ard. Marjorie, Hoyd and P.yron Miller
of Frankton.
The members of the Current Event
lub will entertain their husbands New
Year's evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Farrell.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Aitken. Captain
'harles Schetkv. and Mrs. Hilton Iur-
vey were guests ot Mr. and ivirs.
rites, ot Hood Kiver, t. hristrnas uay.
Mr. Ilurlburt. of Portland, spent the
holiday! with his son, C. M. Ilurlburt,
and family. Miss ('and Ilurlburt re
turned to Portland with him and will
visit for a week with her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp.
Mrs. Elmer Isenberg und daughters,
I,oifl arid June, left Sunday for Hills
hero to spend a week at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill, on
New Year's dav. There will be a fam
ily reuion when all the family will 1
at home together or the lirst tune in
several years.
The Christmas program was at
tended bv manv people although it
was a stormy evening.
Miss Graff was visiting at the schoo
house last we!ek.
Earl and Merl Brooks left for Pott
land last week to spend the vacation.
George Stranahan has moved to town
for the winter.
Arthur (.tinning and his wife are
Boning up to visit 1L A. Cunning.
Mildred Hewitt fell from the run
ning board of a car and fractured tin
socket bone in her shoulder. She is at
the ( 'ottage hospital.
Albert Smith is moving to the
Frankton district.
School closed December 21 for vaca
tion and will start January 3.
K : offici
will make
Miss He
the Will
t .iriMmas
Mrs. F. L.
Mr. arid
Wells' parenU, M
land of Ontario, C'i
Kev. James Kay
vtsiting a broth r v
hite Salmon.
Rev. R. B
will fill the
Misa Ida
the Christ rr
Mrs. P. B.
Ralph Lsr.
(aide and Barbara, were up Chrii
to participate in the family ieuni
the I'. B. Lara way home.
Henry I -age. of San Francise
rived here in time to par:
family reunion at the home of
M. A. Seebee. Mr. I .age haa
y. of Eugene, spent
ation with her sister,
way. Mr. and Mr, daughters, Ade
a. were up Christ ma
eunion at
e in
ar.ser.t irom ut vatley about sever
Man. Ben H. Lage and children and
Mrs. Scohee and children arcorr;ai ied
their brother to Bingen for a riait
with a sister there. Mr. Henderson.
Miss Marguerite F
t Grass Valley, is he
Pine Grove Oram
elected for the eri..
Howard : ihuewaaer
O.; J. G. Jama.
A. 8. ; Mrs. J
the holi
rerv hae lr
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hale,
I'hristmas morning, a son.
('has Kitchel and family entertained
the following at Christmas dinner
Roy Fiscus and family, C. E. Kitchel
and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kitchel
and Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt.
Mrs. S. L. Keezel spent Christmas
with her daughter ut Corvallis.
Miss Clov Smith is spending the hol-
days at her home in Portland.
Miss Louise Knoll is siiending Christ
n- vacation at her home in Hood
Miss Gladys Aubert is home for two
i' vacation frm school near An
vi - l;i mi he Aubert is In. n:e for a
we 'k's vacation -frtm her school at
let. I enr is suffering from an
attack of lumbago.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnette spent Christ
mas at White Salmon.
M ! Gladys Aubert snent Thursday
i i Vie school at Fir and attend
, g tne i ; ristmas program.
Paul Barr fcpent Christmas at Hood
Rival with relatives.
Mr. Green and son, Clyde, were up
fn in H"il River last Monday putting
up the new roller curtains at the
Rev. Benthin will hold service at
the church Sunday evening.
J. B. Doggett is home from Portland
to spend the hoidlays.
W. J. Fill returned from Hoon River
Sunday evening where thev have been
spending Christmas
l!rl and Ruth Rlagg visited their
brother, F. L. Blagg. Monday.
first Sunday school in the
nas program was well ai
ded and was a great success, thanks
Misa Iuddv.
Mr. QL L. Worden spent Christmas
in Hood River.
The iearle of the community have
organised a literary society. The first
i: ill I beki Januarv 7.
Me are having a well dug at oar
Robt. Walstram doing the
house was well attended in spite of the
bad weather. Every one reported as
having a good time.
Leo Reed has been helping Wm.
Hanna get out logs.
Roy Montgomery has been working
on the boiler at the sawmill.
m Hood Kiver
Frank Larsen,
Mrs. Schwitzer
By Marguerite Cole
Those who where in Hood
Tuesday were Mrs.
Mrs. Lewis Larsen,
and Alex Younger
Mr. Arnspiger is going to The Dalles
Tuesday where he will be employed
for the rest of the year.
Gunnar Johnson, of Klickitat county,
came to Hood tor the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson and
Ondrie AuHplund returned Wednes
day night with his father to spend
Christmas vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. fred Alfred came
down from Yakima to spend ('hristrnas
vacation with their mother and father
Mr. and Mrs. A. Younger
Hugo Johnson came down from
Klickitat county to spend Christmas
vacation with Mr. and Mrs. George
Gunnar Johnson was in Portland
have some dental work done. He
went Tuesday.
J. R. Hunter and Reuben Quitrn
strom went to Hood River 1 uesday
H. Katiti and small son, Carl, were
business callers in Portland.
Mr. and. Mrs. C. W. Gibbs went to
Wallace, Idaho, to spend Christmas
vacation with her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. P. 1. Packard went to
ortland to spend the Christmas holi
days with relatives Monday.
II. rvapp went to Home Valley on
business Friday
The Underwood school closed Thurs
lay with a program. Mrs. Marv Klo-
butcher, one of the teachers, will
spend the holidays at her home in
William Meniece left Thursday for
his home in Vancouver where he will
spend the holidays. It is rumored that
he will not come buck alone.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Younger, and Mr
and Mrs. Kred Alfred and families
were business callers in Hood River
A mawiuerude ball whs given at the
fyler & Larsen hall. Saturday night
and many people attended
I'he Climax school will be closed for
month. Miss Puchanaii will go to
her home in Richmond.
Herman Fredrich transacted busi
ness in Portland Thursday.
MB Ui Knterprlse)
The Camas Praiaic and Vicinity Pio
neer Association will hold its annual
ial meeting at Glenwood in the
school auditorium on Saturday night.
At the annual election of officers for
Hie Mountain lirook Commercial club
the following officers were chosen for
the duties of 1921 : R. C. Newtjy, pres
ident ; A. V. ( ard, vice president ; Dr.
S. Johnson, secretary; and S. M.
Miller, treasurer.
Fifteen houses are to be built at
Laurel for the housing of employes at
the Laurel Box Lumber Co., according
to Messrs. O. J. Harrison and 1. E
Hull, of that company, who were in
town this week. They announce that
they have already a million feet of fine
lumber in the yards ready for the
spring work. The mill and box factory
are to be doubled in capacity, the mill
utput to he about 50,000 feet per day,
while the Pox output will he h.iiKJ per
Messrs. Harrison and HUH came up
from Portland to look after the ship
ment of a carload of boxes which had
been in storage near the depot. Con
tract for ten of the fifteen houses has
already been let.
It's casu to wash
my hair -now"
"Wllelroot Liquid Shampoo Is
easy and pleasant to use and it
it. m ii t make my hair brittle the
way ordinary soap does.
"My scalp feels better and my E
halt has stopped coming out." E
It J Q Ul D I
SoU and Guaranteed by
We Wish You
A Happy New Year
sai a
Always at Yeur Service
Tel. c;.'l First at'l lik. Bl.lg
Paint and Wallpaper
Contracts Taken, lrg or Small
Phone 12iM
Hick's Eats 'n Sweets
Meals, Candy, Ice Cream
and Fountain Service
L..f-. ! i
Clark. I The box aortal given at the schuai
Kej'res.-nted bv
1312 13th Stree, tloo.1 River, Ore.
Telephone 19V
(By Leroy Cbilds)
In view of the fact that many Hood
Kiver orchardists have shown a keen
desire to obtain further information
relative to raspberry and small fruit
euture in general, a meeting has been
arranged to discuss the various phases
of the problem as related to Hood
Kiver conditions. J. H. Stahl, hoiti
culturist of the Puyallup Experiment
Station, will be present. Mr. Stabl
has been closely associated with the
development of the berry industry in
the Puyallup section for a number of
years and is in at position to speak with
authority on the subject. Prof. W. S.
Brown, chief of the division of horti
culture of the Oregon Agricultural
College, will discuss the history of the
berry industry in Oregon and offer
suggestions in handling, and market
ing as well as production. Prof.
Brown has been closely linked with
the development of this industry in
Hood Kiver fruit growers shoulel
give this subject serious thought.
Many orchardists are in a nuandry to
know what to do as a result of last
year's freeze. Berry culture seems to
offer a very definite means of financing
the reconstruction of injured orchards
as well as a source of revenue on
tracts that have not been In orchards.
.Hood Kiver, to a large extent, built
its reputation and financial succesB
upon one industry -the apple. Our
geographic location and present sub
divisions are such that general agricul
tural diversfication is imposs ble, yet
diversification is the crying need of the
valley toelay. I his will be true in the
future. Year In and year out a single
commodity is dangerous in a section as !
large as Hood Kiver. We are primar
ily a fruit trowing community; we
have developed our marketing, har
vesting and cultural practices these
are understood to a degree not attained
in most sections and it would be folly
to trv other forms of general diversity.
Our development depends upon expan
sion and enlargement of our fruit
industry. A diversification of fruits is
needeer which will involve the returns
in money during most of the season
and which will equalize and improve
cur present labor and harvesting prob
lems. This community betterment is
within reach and may be realized by
concerted community effort along lines
of planting. Miscellaneous, or limited
plantings will not accomplish the
desired results.
Small fruit culture, as well as the !
planting of pears and cherries offers a j
distinct means of improving our !
present conditions. All growers should
attend these discussions even though
they are not primarily interested in j
increasing their planting along these
lines, Mr. Brown and myself, of
the local station, will briefly discuss
some of the phases of this subject that
have come to our attention.
The meetings are to l.e held on the
fit h and 6th of January. On the 5th I
Mr. Stahl and Mr. Brown will be.
taken over the valley and made famil
iar with the different soil types and
locations of the district. Growers in- i
terested should join the party at the
Pine Grove sttire at 9 Of lock. From
there a hurried trip will be made over
the valley. On the tith the discussions
will take place at the Commercial Club
rooms and every one is invited to
attend. This meeting will begin at 10
a. m. sharp.
to display when you return P
ment to
We wish at this time to thank the good people of Hood River and vicinity for their increased
patronage during the year just closing, and wish that the New Year will be a happy and pros
perous year for all.
I have taken the agency for the Spir
it Corset. Call at Buelow Tailor Shop.
Mrs. Karl Iiuelov , Hood Kiver, Or. tf
I . jj " ,i'',u'i 4" "j Promptly
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our appreciation
and thanks to our neighbors and friends
for their aid and sympathy during cur
recent bereavement at the time of the
death of our loved one.
J. K. Crosby and family.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Services will be held in Church
Building, 9th and Bnganc, Sunday, 11 :00
a. m. Subject: God.
Sin, lav School at 11 a. m.
Wednesday pervice, 8 p. m.
The reading room is open daily from 3
to 5 p. in., in the Church.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Ninth and State streets
Services New Year's Day at 10:30 in
English. Sunday morning worship in
(ierman at 10.30. Sunday School at
P. Hilgcndorf, Paator
WRITE your New Year's
resolutions on your gro
cery order slip and then
send it to this food store.
Resolve that you're going
to eat the best of foods.
That's exactly the same
as wishing yourself a
Happy New Year.
"Yours for Service."
Susy's Saint Mawes Lad, n 149723
St. Mawes Tosca Rosaire, 341311
Susy's St. Mawes, 136677
1 I
Poppy's St. Mawes, 115434
II K. of M. daughters
it I'ro'-cn Son
172fi:l lbs.
I lam
Si. Mawe's Susy
13647 lbs. Milk
7!7 lbs Batter Pal
Rosaire Olga Lad, 87492
37 K. of M . daaghtata,
0 Proven Sons
Tosca's Fair Daughter,
llutter Fat
This Bull now heads the B. B. Jersey herd of Watt & Acree at Valhalla Farm, Tuck
ers Bridge, Hood River.
Here is a direct descendant of old St. Mawes and Rosaire Olga Ladd, the two Ore
gon bulls that have proven themselves among the greatest producers of producers.
Here is a grandson of old Susy, and a great grandson of old Poppy, the two daught
ers of St. Mawes, that have made Ed. Carey's St. Mawes herd famous as one of the great
est butter producing Jersey families in the world.
Here is your opportunity for better breeding.
Telephone 5882.
Great Reduction Sale of Tailored Clothes
We are offering the best all pure woolens on the market at reductions of
50, on our entire sample outfit of the
Famous Detmer Woolen Company Stock
These clothes are made to your individual measure, tailored in any style you
may wish. We guarantee your clothes will fit and satisfy you or your money back.
Prices range from $40.00
Oregon Hotel Building
Phone 1124