The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 23, 1920, Image 9

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M'l 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 H- M"I"H1'M"M-W'
H. L. Hasbrouck, Optometrist,
For Sale Alfalfa hay. Tel, 4121. d30
Klcctrical repairing at Dakin Elfcctric
Works. m8tl
Forbes dots Minting, sign work and
calcksining. Tel. 8014, n9tl
XmaH Sale on Hals at Monneri. All
Hats reduced one-half, d23
For electrical troublei and storage
batteriei, see Dakin. 111-15 :il fit, mstf
F. A. Massec left last week for Port
land on a business visit.
W. W. Hsrdinger waa up from Fort
land last week on business.
Henry Steinhauser was here from
I'arkdale last week on business.
Miss Alyuna Candee was down Mon
day from the Upper Valley shopping.
Eugene C, Euwer was here from the
Upper Valley Monday.
H. M. Sidney has left for Portland
on business.
Leslie Butler was a business visitor
in Portland the first of the week.
Geo. I. B loco 01 was in Portland Mon
day on business.
K. W. Kelly will spend Christmas
at Oregon City with his mother.
Berkeley H. Snow will spend Christ
mas In Portland with his parents.
Highest cash price paid for your used
furn.ture, stoves and ruga, Call McClain
at E. A. Franz Co. sL'Oli
I have taken the agency for the Spir
alis Goraet. Call at Buelow Tailor Shop,
Mrs. Karl Elusion , Hood River, Or, tf
Insist oil genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tl
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your ear repaired. Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n2r)tf
(i. L. Davenport will handle ship
ments of apples and product). 147
Front street, Portland, Ore. mltf
Thurston Larawav, of the Oregon
Medical School, Portland, has arrivetl
home for the holidays.
Isaac Heal, Upper Valley potato
grower, was in the city Saturday on
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown were down
Monday from their Upper Valley ranch
home on a shopping tour.
Col. W. S. Dowd and family were
here Monday from the Upper Valley on
a shopping tour.
E. E. Newell, who says he expects to
return here in the spring, is now en
gagetl at Yakima in irrigation work.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Haitwig cele
brated their twefth wedding anniver
sary on Sunday, December 12.
j. n. Maziett ana n.. c Jimith were
recently at Goldendale on professional
Mr. and Mr. C. S. Hunter have left
for Bend, where they wlil spend the
If you have an automobiles that need
repaii intr see C. C. Finery at the Cas
cade Garage, Tel. M524. apr22tf
For Butter Labels printed in accord
ance with Dairy and Pood haws, call at
this office,
Dr. N. Plyler, Chiropractic and Elec
tric treatments. Rooms 23-24-26 lleil
bronner bldg., tele. 1833, Hood River.
Insist on genuine Ford parts when
having your car repaired, Dickson
Marsh Motor Co. n25tl
Mr. and Mrs. S. Copple have left for
Portland to spend the holidays with
families of their daunhters.
Dr. Underhill has left for Redmond,
where she will spend the holidays with
J. H. Thompkins left Monday for
Canton, III., where he will spend the
holidays with relatives and friends.
T. C. Queen, Dufur publisher and as
pirant to the position as register of The
Dalles land olliee, was here last week.
Dr. J. H. McVay was the recipient
of many messages of good wishes Mon
day in celebration of his birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred I'log, of Portland,
will spend Christmas here with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holman. of II
waco, have been here the past week
visiting friends and relat ves.
A. S. Kolstad and Walter Wells
motored to Portland yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mis. W. J. Filz were down
the first of the week from their Mt.
Hood ranch en a shopping tour.
H. 1). Emery has arrived to spend
the holidays with his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. 1). P. Emery.
Errtdl Holland, of Portland, is hete
to spend the holidays with his sister,
Mrs. A. S. Kolstad, and family.
ittland, C
F.n route home from P
Struck, of I, yle, was here
nu on friends
Miss Olga Plog has arrived home
from the Oregon Normal school at
Monmouth for the Christmas holidays.
The Electric Kitchen is all decked
out for the holidays. The popular
place is resplendent in Christmas hells
and Varl -colored streamers.
A. W. Stone, after an absence of
several weeks in the East in the inter
est of the Apple Growers Association,
has returned.
Thomas Scott and Ross Collie, stu
dents of the University of Washing
ton, are expected home the latter part
of the week to spend the holidays.
The drugstores will he open tonight,
as well as tomorrow nighrj?untii a later
hour than usual for the convenience of
Christmas shoppers.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rathbone'have
left for Tacoma and British Columbia
points to spentl the holidays with rela
tives ami friends. Almon Lauterbach, of Yakima, Wn.
Accompanied by his mother and sis- HruJ Miss Edmonds, of the Portland
ter, Vernon Home will snend the holi- office of the O.-W. R. & N. Co., are
days visiting Corvallis relatives and ! expected here to spend Christmas with
friends j Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Mays. Mr.
Clifford Pineo, of Vancouver, B. C, Ibach i:' " lrotn ot M
will arrive the latter part of the week I Kelly Bros, expect to begin the new
to spend the holidays with his uncle year with their hardware store great I v
The dining room of the Mount Hood
hotel has been handsomely decorated
for the holidays with Christmas greens
antl vari-colored streamers. Chef Chas.
Gumm will serve a 'special Christmas
dinner Saturday.
Let beautiful (lowers carry your
Christmas greetings. Tire Heights
Greenhouse, George Haslinger, prop.,
can furnish you with cut flowers or
blossoming potted plants. A stock of
flowers will be on sale at the Franz
Hardware store.
Mrs. M. Strausse and daughter, Miss
Florence, and Mrs. Sarah Langille and:
sons, H. 1). antl W. A. Langille, will
spend Christmas here with Mr. and
Mrs. R. N. Young and fa.nily and Mr.
antl Mrs. I). E. Rand.
Mrs. Gabriel Sykes has returned
from Laconjbe, Alta., where she has I
heen visiting her daughter, Mrs. I . A. I
Brennesholtz, and family. A little
tiaughter was recently born to Mr. and j
Mrs. Brennesholtz.
and aunt, Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. E. Pineo.
Miss S. Baker, student of St. Hel
en's Hall, Portland, was here last week
the guest of her friend. Miss Elizabeth
Kelly, an alumna of the school.
Mrs. Warren Miller, who is recover
ing from a recent operation, was able
to leave the Cottage hospital and re
turn home Mttnday.
Mr. G. G. Wicksor, of Berkeley, Cal.,
is expected here to spend the holidays
with the family of her daughter, Mrs.
Walter Woolpert.
Miss Dorothy Wissiuger will leave
tomorrow for Milwaukie to spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Wissinger.
Geo. R. Castner left Monday for
Penticton. B. C where he will snend
the holidays with his son, John B. Cast
ner, antl family.
Miss Harriett Vinton, student at the
University of Washington, will arrive
tomorrow to spend the holidays with
her uncle, John Baker, and family.
Searches of records and reliable ab
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, H06
Oak" Street. Phone 1521. jyUO-tf
0. L.
p in.
In at
, befi
. Crai
ire planum
on doors
re they are
on, 5766,
films lelt with
are oui the folio
four out at four
g on
all g
IIS 11
w ink'
building, get
t4 p.m.
A Can
jy22tf at the
held Co.
Miss Helen Knight, senior
University of California, has
here to spend the Christmas vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. .1.
Fran. Store will deliver Christmas
packages Fritlay afternoon or even- !
ing. Tell us at what hour you want tie- j
livery made antl we will try to be there I
on the dot. B. A. Franz Co. d23
The following Upper Valley residents
were here Monday engaged in Christ
mas shopping: Geo. M. Wishart, Joe
and Floyd Hess, John Cosgritf and
Jesse Davidson.
Dr. and Mrs. H. D. W. Pineo have
returned from Portland. While Dr.
Pineo was engaged in a clinic there
Mrs. Pineo visited Mrs. Earl J. Bro
naugh. A convenient way to hurry freight
through Portland to points beyond is to
make delivery to the proper freight de
pot or dock via The Warren Truck Line.
Phone (iladdcn 4242. d23
Mrs. M. P. Isenherg will htdd a
Christmas celebration at her home
Saturday, Annually all of the children
and grandchildren meet with her for a
Christmas dinner.
Dr. V. R. Abraham has tendered his
resignation as county health officer to
the county court, effective January 1.
Dr. Abraham states that he hasn't time
to devote to the office.
H. S. Braakman has leaded the room
of the Smith building occupied by the
city water office and Recorder Howe
for the past several years. Mr. Hraak-
man will move to the new quarters on
January 28.
Mrs. W. F. Hart is recoverin.g at the
Cottage Hospital from an operation for
acute appendicitis. Physicians think she
will he sufficiently recovered to partic
ipate in the family Christmas celebra-1
tton at home Saturday.
Leecil Allen has received wortl that
the children of his brother. Courtney,
of Bentl, are ill with scarlet fever.
Mrs. W. I). Allien, their grandmother,
iswith Mrs. Allen helping care for the
improved. Painters and carpenters
' have been busy recently going over the
exterior and interior of the building.
Commodious new show windows have
been arranged.
Mr. antl Mrs. Robert Anderson, of
Henry county, Indiana, have arrived to
spend the holidays with Mr. Ander
son's brother, C. C. Anderson, and
family. They plan on making Hod
River their home.
Let beautiful flowers carry your
Christmas greetings. The Heights
Greenhouse, Geo. Haslinger, pi op.,
can furnish you with cut flowers or
blossoming potted plants. A stock of
flowers will be on sale at the Franz
Hardware store.
John Baker, district attorney-elect,
has received a letter from Attorney
General Brown, who has called a meet
ing of the state's prosecuting attorneys
in Portland January 14 to consider
methods of solving the increased crim
nal tendences that seem to be sweeping
the country.
The rich man saw Lazarus afar off
and crietl for a drop of water to cool
his parching tongue. If that were to
day he would say, "Take me to the
Electric Kitchen antl give me some of
that good cool root beer, Hood River
soda pop or R. porter."
Accompanied by his wife and son, E.
E. Brett motored to Portland Satur
day. He attended a meeting of state
automobile dealers. Mrs. Brett and
son will remain in Portland until after
the holidays. Mr. Brett joining them
for the family Christmas celebration.
V. D. Lill, who left here to take
charge of a branch of the commission
firm at Bentl, but who has I een in Port
land for the past several months, has
returned here to resume association
with the Hood River Produce Ex
change. Dr. C. H. Jenkins Saturday found
his garage broken open anil his car
stripped of attachments. Electric
wiring hatl heen cut It was apparent
that the thieves hati intended stealing
the car, but were prevented by a pat
anted wheel lock.
I w ill move Jsnusry 2H to the old city
recorder's office. Smith building, ami
I am now Conducting a removal sale
j and Will give a 10 per cent discount on
all wal'-paper, oils, paint, turpentines.
brushes and other stock. H, B, braak
man, Fourth, between Cascade ami Oak.
Phone 12!J. dSO
I will move by January 28 to the
former City Hall and Water Olliee, in
the Smith Building, consequently I am
now conducting a removal sale ami will
give B 10 per cent discount on all wall
paper, oils, paints, turpentines, brushes
and other stock. II. S. liraaknian, 4th,
between Cascade and Oak. jli
Mr. antl Mrs. C. C. Paddock have
left for Indianapolis, Intl., where they
will spend Christmas with relatives
and friends. Later they will go to St.
Petersburg, Fla., to spentl the remain
der of the winter. The return journey
will be made by way of California.
Mr. Paddock is a veteran conductor of
the Pennsylvania lines. He was in
charge of the fust passenger train that
crossed the noted Fads bridge 'at St.
Louis, Mo.
On Sunday evening at 7.80 o'clock a
Christmas cantata. The Prophet of
Nazareth," by ("has. H. Gabriel, will
be rendered by Asbury M. E. church,
assisted bv Mrs. Reavis Gilbert. Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Cooper .and others.
Mr. Sykes will tell the story by Henry
Van Dyke. "The Other Wine Man."
The cantata will be under the direction
of Mr. ami Mrs. S. G. Oxborrow.
! For Your Convenience !
Permit us at this time to thank the people of Hood River
for their liberal patronage during the year jurfl closing and
to wish you one and all
!U J$lerry Christmas and appy prosperous Jew J9ear
Very sincerely, FRANK A. CRAM
The Glacier makes a fine Christmas
present. Fifty-two times a year il car
ries news of Hood River valley to those
wht) may be away. M. R. Noble called
Monday and instructed thai the Glacier
be sent as a Christmas present to his
(laughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Stokoe, of
Skidding on a turn, the automobile
of G. Sturr, of Portland, went over a
sham turn on the Highway near Wveth
recently. While the car was badly
wrecked Mr. Siurr's injuries were lim
ited to broken ribs. He was taken to a
Portland hospital, where, it is reported,
he is resting well.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Kennedy have
left for Portland to spentl the holiday
season vvith their son, Dr. vV. S. Ken
nedy, Past Grand Exalted Ruler of Or
egon Elks, ami family. Lab r Rev. and
Mrs. Kennedy will leave ft r Salem for
a visit. They expect to remain there
for a portion of. the legislative session.
Wednesday afternoon of last week
about 80 friends of Miss Clara Bart in
gathered at her home on June street
and surprised her with a bridal shower.
She received many beautiful present!
including a silver set. Refreshments
were served and a pleasant afternoon
A family reunion will be li Id Christ
mas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Carson. Except for J e ( arson,
who is with the Oregon Lumber Co. at
Baker, all the children will participate
in the event. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carson
and Miss Florence Carson, nil of Port
land, will be here for the yuletide re
union. William Wilkinson returned Sunday
from a visit with his brother, James
Wilkinson, of Oregon City. While
away Mr. Wilkinson attended a birth
day celebration staged for his brotlicr
by women of the ( ongregational church.
Mr. Wilkinson has long been a deacon
of the church. He was presented with
a silver pencil.
The following large list of O. A. C.
students has arrived to spentl the holi
days with home folks: Mis-t Edna
Flog, Frances Mue. Frances Castner.
Dorothy Cram. Florence Cooper, Doro
thy Rand and HerhertMende, Mark E,
Moe, Charles Johnson, Floyd Mason,
Roger Black man, Curtis Gould and
Teddy Hackett.
"Wife, Gladys and I are on the
wing." wrote L. E. Clark from Port
land last week while en route to Cali
fornia. He was asking that the Gla
cier be forwarded to ths south. "We
are going down," he continued, "to
drink at the fountain of delight. Il
will take about three months to till
The home of Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel
Svkes will be the scene of a family
ChristniHS reunion, 'l in y are expect
ing their son, Dr. Morris Sykes, of
Seattle, and wife, and Herbert Svkes.
of Walla Walla, , ere for the holidays
Miss Alice Sykes, a daughter, who is a
student Ht the Willamette University,
has already arrived home for the holidays.
X-mas vS ingestions
.('() up
,Ir X-m
by sending
e are
showing ;i large assortment of
beautiful cards.
Surely will simplify your X-mas shopping.
Books for every member of the family.
Especially strong in Books for
Boys, Girls and Little Folks
Always an acceptable
tics all size
gi ft the best quali-
tints and shadt
Make your selection early.
These musi be seen to he appreciated.
Our New Lost Lake and Mt. Hood.
An ideal gift for Eastern friends.
You can save money by buying here.
Have your X-mas work done here before the rush.
Store Open Thursday and Friday Evenings, December 23 and 24
i last Hour SuggestionsH
As You Have But Two More Shopping Days Until Christmas
and as there are always some on our list that we have overlookpd in our
earlier shopping, we want lo help you to make the last hours' shopping easy,
so we are getting the most desirable and practical Gift Goods together,
so they can be easily and quickly picked out
lax 5c.
LADIES' .?:!. 5U to $4.00 KID
bo n
HOSE. 49
45 to
95c $4.95
$1.95 t $4.95
MEN S i BOYS' PAJAMAS 1.38 3.54
Handkerchiefs by the box or singly, are always acceptable and practical.
Men s Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, Box of 3, $1.49 i Ladies' Fine Handkerchsiefs, Boxof 1.98c to $1 98
Crepe de Chine
Molden-Huclat-Sather Co.
The House of Personal Service
$4.98 to $10.45
The following U. of W. students are
expected home thin week for the
Christmas vacation: Mbaes Cather-
ilie Carter am) Betty Slmle and Yale
McCarty, George I'.mgg Malcolm tut
(mi mid Forre-t Carter. Misses Thelnsa
,ir. I Alice McUuaid. of Honolulu, will
lya with Miss
had paaaed
iath of Mr.
applied his.
to prevent
arrive lo spend the holid
Berj I I larke.
'I'. A. Culbertaon, Upper Valley oreh
anlisi. returned home last week follow
ing his li")lh successful surjjical opera
tion. The latest mhmission to the
knife was for removal of his veiiforin
appendix. Mr. Culhertson has an
nounced to friends that it was his sil
ver celebration on the operating table.
In measagea of congratulations, how
ever, friends are omitting reference to
happy returns of the day.
Leland, small SOU of Mrs. I.ela Bast
man, sustained painful hruises la-t
v.ii k when ftruck by an automobile
driven by Steve Kby, rural mail car
rier. Playing with other children the
vounis'er started a?ross State street
immediately after a truck
and ran directly in the
Bby'a car. The latter
brakes, hut was unable
Striking the youngster.
The following Unverisity of Oregon
ttode t-t are home for the holidays:
Miaaee lis, Nichols, Lenore Crass, Helen
and Alberta Carson, Katherine M. Ma
ker, VVra Huuhes, Katherine I. Haker
and Carl Vonder Ahe, Wilbur Hoyt,
Carl BpfNng, Carl Houston and Viril
Cameron. Frank Vonder Ahe, eonval
eeeing from an attack of diphtheria,
arrives home recently from U. off).
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foils will alto be
here from K'ltfene to ape d the holi
days with relatives. Mr. holts is now
a member of the school of commerce
fa ulty.
Koal Arch Meets
OHiccrs of the Royal Auh Masons
have been elected lor the ensuing year
an follows: W'm. Irwin, H. I'.: A. F.
How, s, K. ; O. U. Nye, S. J K. (.
lilanchar, Trea. ; ('. C. Anderson,
tlec. . ilenn B. Marsh. C. of II. ; C N.
Clarke. I'. S. ; N. H. MacMillan. U. A.
C; Themes Hi-ht-r, M. of M V.; F.
H. LSlatrit, Matter of 2nd V. ; Wm.
Post, M. of 1st V. ; V. J. Haker, Sen.
Maonic Lodge Klecls
At the annual meeting Wednesday
night of last week officers of the Ma
I tonic lodge were named for the ensu-
i ' e '..' a. f'ii, w - A. F. II -.
W. U. ; K. W . Sinclair. S W. J C U
I nderon. J. W. : Harold liershner,
: Truman Hutler, Treat ; A. J.
1 1 rbv. Trustee.
Installation jointly with the Chapter
I of Koyal Arch Masons will be held
! St, John's night, December 27.
Shelley M. Hudson, former resident
of Mosfer, and Miss Clara Barton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Harton.
were mat 1 1 d Thursday, Dr. K. II.
Hsyden, pastor of the First Baptist
church, officiating, Mr. and Mrs. Hud
son left Immediately for Portland,
wliero they will make their home. The
bridegroom is a brother of Mrs. Geo.
F.mrv, of this city.
Miss Harton was one of Hood Rivers
most charming young ladies, having
grown to womanhood here. Her many
friends regret that she is leaving Hood
Itiver. Mr. Hudson is a graduate of
the Benson Polytechnic school in Port
land and at present holds a responsible
position with the J. J. ROBS Mill Fur
nishing Co.
( arison-Difiin
Rev. Qabr
Albeit Carls,
rancher, and
were married
mcdialth f.
they will resi
aline Olive
IV They I
. John
ft im
w her.
Silver Wedding to Be Celebrated
Dr. and Mrs. K I,. 8 CO bee will cele
brate their 2,rth weddir anniversary
at their home Christmas day with
party for friends. They will kee
open house from 8 to 11 p. m. Satur
day evening. They were married al
Mountainhurg, Ark. Mrs. Scobee'h
msiden name was iva Rosette.
Following the wedding they left
for Chicago where Cr. Scopes took
dental course at Northwestern Uni
versity. Later lie practiced for threi
years at Duluth, Wis. Coming to Ore
gon Dr. BcoheS was located for a yea
in Rortlaid. I!,- easaa here with hi.
family in 1909. lor six years he wa
a member f the city council. He wa
recently sleeted 'u B s- cond term a;
Dr. and Mrs. Scobca have four chil
dren : Howard, Russell. Herliert art
Will 01
at th
I nderwood Dance Saturday
I. i.ts of the Underwood sectior
r i , mate ;n a n asipierade danc,
Tyler Larson hall Christmas
A numUr of local folk art
ig to Bttm i ti e event.
Keys, local violinist, who is one
prompter- of the ma.quearade,
chnson and Geo Tyrell will call
Was, Mr. Keys states that ar
Bt will he made to stimulate ed
lal features by having parici
cme to the ball in historical
Christmas gn ir.g
he world. You ca
ritrht here Um
Wh the r.loom,
the firk'.-t sport
Lumber Drop Reported
The Br
mhering Co. has
er drop of from
price of lumber,
summer now ag
t per cent. The
is said, la Mm, .
ling activities.
We Wish You
A Merry
gve You forgotten any of
these Seasonable f
"i kx d Things To Eat"
We have them all
Let us serve you
Cliquot Cu b Gingf.r Ai f.
Fancy Box Candies
At Attractive Low Prices
The Star Grocery
" Good Things to Eat "
Freight Moves Over Highway
MiJ wi iter transportation of freight
jver the Highway continues heavv.
Daily motor truck of rVr lard haker-
es are supplying bread and pastries to
local grocer. Several li-s of motor
truck transpurtatt n companion are op-
rating. Tues.lav a full tfilSf load of
;ur-erv sto.-k wa brought here over
the Highway. The nursery stock,
onsisting of pear trees chief! v, wa
htped by the Villa nun-eriea.
Card or Thjnb
We wish to extend sincere thanks to
our friends and neighbors for the aid
and expressions of sympathy during;
ur recent bereavement at the t me of
the death of cur husband, father and
orother. Especially do we wish to
thank those who sent floral tribute".
Mrs. J H Day and Family,
L. L. Day.