The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 09, 1920, Image 3

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    If You Wast To Save Money-Read This!
Then come to us and buy yourself a new SCRIPPS BOOTH CAR the Great Car Value for the Money. Then
while you are here take a look at the other new cars we have in stock THE DIXIE FLYER THE PAN
AMERICAN they are all real cars. Then when you get through looking at the cars, take a look at our
COMMERCE TRUCKS, there is none better in their class for the money. We do not ask you to just take
our word for it we can show the goods in this little Truck.
Then for Real Bargains
LooR Our Used Stuff Over
1 Pierce Arrow, cord tires $ 800.00
1 Pierce Arrow Sedan, like new 2000.00
1 Hudson, 7 Passenger 1000.00
1 Studebaker, 7 Passenger 400.00
1 Case 4, 5 Passenger : 500.00
1 Studebaker, 7 Passenger, ' 1917 ... 1100.00
1 Bush Car, 5 Passenger, 1919 1000.00
1 Buick D 45, 1917 950.00
2 490 Chevrolet's, 191G, each 300.00
1 490 Chevrolet, 1918 500.00
1 490 Chevrolet, 1918 600.00
1 Briscoe 24 1050.00
1 Briscoe 24, 1917 GOO. 00
1 Briscoe 24, 1919 850.00
1 Chevrolet Bug 750.00
2 Federal Trucks, 1 ton, each 800.00
1 Graham Bro's. 2 ton Truck 1500.00
1 Packard, Limousine body 800.00
1 VA ton Commerce Truck 1000.00
1 Overland 300.00
1 Chalmers 300.00
UPaige 300.00
1 Chalmers 350.00
1 1'ton Commerce Truck with job
five months' work at $4.50 per
hour, good tires 2400.00
Don't Fail To See Us
We will trade for anything in the merchandise line,
also we will trade for cattle, hogs, chickens, town lots
and farm land, and we also have some of this kind of
stuff to trade, so come and see us.
$49,000.00 STOCK OF CARS
to select from, and if we cannot suit you, we will take you
to some of our friends in the same business that we are
and you will get what you want before you are through
with it, if you will only come to see.
Do not forget you can trade us anything at any price. All you have to do is to make us think we are
getting the best of it and we will trade for anything.
We are also wrecking some old cars and we will be able to let you have some parts for your old car at about
50 per cent of new stuff, so do not go to sleep without coming and seeing us. You will find us at the Old Manual
Training Building, at Twelfth and Pine Streets, in the town of Hood River the best town between Portland
Oregon, and Boise, Idaho. ,
That the legislators-elect are inter
ested in legislation for prohibiting
land ownership in the state by Japan
ese is evidenced lv letters he has re
ceived from them, according to K. EL
"I have received letters from lhr,'e
newly elected legislators," says Mr.
Scgtt, "and each of them announces
that he is ready to introduce a hill
aimed at alien land ownership. They
have all asked me for copies of the re
cently initiated California anti-Japan-ese
law. Two of my correspondents
were from the Willamette valley and
the third from central Oregon.
1 i'
No sir-ee, bob!
, -. III
' No premiums with
Camels all quajityj
'AMELS quality plus Camels ex
pert blend of choice Turkish and
choice Domestic tobaccos pass out the
most wonderful cigarette smoke you
ever drew into your mouth!
And, the way to prove that
statement is to compare Camels
puff-by-puff with any cigarette in
the world!
Camels have a mild mellowness that
is as new to you as it is delightful.
Yet, that desirable "body" is all there!
They are always refreshing they'
neve.- tire your taste.
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor!
Your say-so about Camels will be:
My, but that's a great cigarette'
Cwi an motd m y wh in ctenttficatig 9fof
fr of 30 cjjmrwttrt tor 30 orrrfi or trn pmck
atfe 300 uir;,,i , m flmmmmm ptpmr corrrwd
tmrton Wm mtrorffy ncnmmmdtht rsrton or r ftg
' or cAn ttppr or mhrnn row trarrL
Wuutoo-S&lem, N. C
Iiy Roberta Lane
The teachers and the hoys and gills
of Hood kiver schools raised 169.88, in
cash, which thev tent as a Thanksgiv
ing present to the Boys' and (ibis' Aid
Society at Portland, A letter of appre
ciation was received frim J. Teuschcr,
Jr., superintendent of the Society.
During the past three weekn Mrs
Glendora lilakely, the countv health
nurse, and Miss Frances Elizabeth Ba
ker have made a physical examination
of 115 girls of the high ichooL
This is national school week and ex
hihits are being prepared in all of the
grade schoolrooms in pieparation for
visits by parents Friday, it is desired
that every narent in the city having
children in the schools w ill visit on this
Countv Supt. Gibson and City Sunt
Cannon, J.W. ("rites, Leslie Hutler ami
Mrs. (,. 11. ( astner were among the
visitors to the regional conference of
educators held by I'. I'. Claxton. United
States Commissioner,, of Kduration, in
l'i rlland Satuiday.
At a leular assembly Monday morn
ing the student body adopted a new
constitution. The faculty quartet made
its first appearance, much to the de
light of the student body.
Miss Iiertha Pavi?, a representative
from the home economics department
of O. A. C, inspected the department
of the high schi ol Monday. She
strongly commended the supervisor.
Miss Grace Smith, on the efficient work
beiigdotie. Miss Davis regretted that
more high school glrl.s were not en
rolled in the boats e conomics depart
ment and MBMSaed the hope' that next
year a practice house w ill be available
for work and that at leasl one credit in
home economics will be required from
all girls for graduation.
The men of the high school facultj
and the school Uard were hosts at a
dinner Tuesday evening to the high
school football Fipiad. Mr. Conkle
acleil as toastmaster and talks were
made bv Arthur Klorer, I'aul Reed,
Kay Slavens, John Moore and members
of the faculty and board.
Night school was started Tuesday
evening. Twelve pupils are enrolled,
some in typewriting, shorthand and
bookkeeping. There was not sufficient
demot d to organize any other depart
ments. Under Coach Fleischman the boys
are perparing for an inter-class bas
ket ball tournament next week. The
best players from the class teams will
corr.p se the squad from which the sec
ond team will be selected.
Miss Baker is arranging a series of
basket ball games among the high
school girls. A great deal or enthusi
asm is present and good games are as
Friday, Iecemler 1", Marv Miles
Minter in "Sweet Lavender.1' Also
International News.
Saturdav. December 11. Roliert War
wick in "The City of Masks." Also
I'athe Review.
Sunday, December 12, Wanda Haw
ley, irfthe delightful farce, "Her Be
loved Villian." Also Paramount Mag
azine and Snub Bollard comedy.
Monday and Tuesday, December IU
and 11, Thomas Meighan, delightful
leading man of "The Miracle Man,"
"Male and Female," and "The l'rince
("hap," in one of his own starring ve
hicles, "Civilian Clothes," the story of
a girl who married a uniform and what
she found when the uniform was
changed for civies. Also Topics of the
Day. Adults SO cents, children ISO cents.
Wednesday and Thursday, December
15 and 16, Arna tj. Nilson and Conrad
Naegel in Kobt. VV. Chambers' wonder
story, "The Fighting Chance. " Also
one of those Chester comedies, with
Snooky, the humanlike monkey, "The
Iverail Hero. ' '
Continuous show every Saturday,
Sunday and holiday.
Vera Kolltad at the Liberty orgHn.
Thursday and Friday, December 9
ad 1(1, Cairnel Meyers in "The Gilded
i Dream," al.-o episode three of "The
Dragon's Net."
Saturday only, December 11, I'auline
Fredericks in "One Week of Life,"
also Holmes Travelog.
Sunday and Monday. December 12
and IS, Corrioe Griffith in "Deadline
at Eleven," also the great moving uic
ture serial. "The Tbiid Lye."
Tuesday acd Wednesday, December
14 anil lo, Marguerite Clark in "All of
a Sudden Peggy," and I'atne News.
Barbara Vaughan at the piano.
Cfjiis-tmns Cfjeer
for ail tfje gear
A solid year of Christmas Cheer! Smiling faces
and happy hearts ! No time for Worrying and cross
ing brldgei !
Who dues not long for a way to make th;iL true ?
Well, there is such a way and many are finding it.
Give Christmas presents that art- useful and will he
appreciated the year 'round. They'll recall to mind
daily the happy occasion when I hey were given Mid
received. Thus will the Spirit of Christmas he kept
People who put thought into their giving are saying
"Merry Christmas" electrically, thi-; year especially.
Such presents invariahly impress with their lasting
elegance and good taste, yet they are not expensive.
And their great service commands the instant appre
ciation of the user.
There's something electrical for all on your list,
something they'll be the happier for having and using.
Come and see.
"Always at your service."
Phone 4251
! Nat'l Hank Hidg. -W&flUWTCM