HOOD HIVKU GLACIER, TflDBgDAf, DECEMBER 2, 1020 Do Your Christmas Shopping Now and Save Time and Money OVR BIG LOWER PRICES SALE MAKES IT EASY Hundreds of satisfied customers can tell you of the many money-saving opportunities we are giving to Hood River. The careful buyer realizes the two fold advantages in being able to SAVE MONEY ON COLD-WEATHER NECESSITIES, JUST WHEN COLD WEATHER IS BEGINNING, and on PRACTICAL, USEFUL and BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS when our stock of QUALITY MERCHANDISE is complete. Our Entire Stock is On Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices Now : No Restriction : We are Bound to LowerPrices We cannot begin to tell you all the good things we have to offer, so we only ask you to come and see for yourself - you will know then that we are not trying to mislead you, or to make extravagant claims; we back up our goods as well as our statements, and we are very positive we can save you real money, on the best class of merchandise, as that is the only kind we build our business on. Bring in Your List of Every-Day Needs, as well as Your Christmas List, and we will Help You in your Selections : Help You Save Money : and what we recommend We Guarantee to your satifaction Ask about the Big Daily Specials : : We give S& H Green Trading Stamps, which mean a Double Saving to You Ladies' to $4.00 Kid Gloves Ladies' to $3.50 Silk Hose Ladies' to $8 Silk Petticoats $2.48 We have a big stock of excellent makes in all sizes and good colors. Gloves are most Acceptable gifts and you know have been hard to get 27-in. Heavy Outing Flannel, 19c Litfht and dark colors and white 27-in. Best Dress Gingham, 28c Plaids, Stripes, and plains Japanese Embroidered Lunch Sets Most acceptable and practical gifts, $5.65 Japanese Printed Lunch Cloths Fast colors, assorted sizes. $2,98 up tax 5c All sizes in Cordova brown, as well as black and white; pure thread silk hose, with silk lisle top reinforced heels and toes. Misses' Warm Outing Gowns, 98c 6 to 14 years good colon and patterns Girls' Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, 89c 8 to 1(5 years, open front, drop seat. Men's Wool Jersey House Coats, Green and Brown Heather, The Perfect Gift $7.45 Men's Wool Knit Sweater Coats, Red, gray, and Navy, all sizes $4.95 $4.98 Solid colors and changeable taffeta Bilk pet ticoats; these are certainly practical, and you will say they are reasonably priced. Ladies' Georgette and Crepe de Chin.eWaists $4 .89 Dark colors as well as light Ladies' embroidered Jersey Blouses, $3.84 New colors and combinations. lOOyd. Spools O. N. T. Thread 60 and 80 white, 40-50-60 in Black 5 Boys' & Girls' Heavy BI. Rib Hose The kind you've bee n paying GOc for, 25 Ladies' to $3 Heather Hose Ladies' to $1.00 Lisle Hose 63c Rich Heather Mixed Wool Hose. $1.98 Ladies' Worsted Heather Hose 98c Attractive green and blue effects. Ladies' Dress Shoes and Oxfords, $.745 These have been selling to $12.50 Men's and Young Men's Dress Shoes, $7.45 Brown and black calf ' selling- to $12.50 Ladies' Fine Pure Wool Slipons Beautiful Colors, Attractive Style.s $4.98 Ladies' Angora Knit Cape Shawls $4.98 to $10.85 The Popular Good Looking Wrap. Silk lisle hose in black, white, Cordova, brown, and in all sizes; very dressy and exceedingly serviceable. Extra Heavy Duckling Flccce,34c The 50c. grade, for robes and kimonos. 27-in. Amoskeai Apron Ginghams, 19c The good colors in the staple checks. Men's Heavy Mixed Cotton Socks Blue & Brown Mixed, the 25c sellers, 15c Men's Heavy Wool Mixed Socks Dark Gray, Warm and Durable. 24c Friday, December 3d, Palm Olive Soap 2c a bar With a Purchase of $2 or more; limit 5 bars MOLDEN-HUELAT-SATHER CO. i( ior i The House of Personal Service i Saturday, December 4th, Best Bib Overalls, $LOO a pair With a Purchase of $5 or more; limit 5 pair lilKDS DEFEND MEN FROM STARVATION Chan. Crawford Gorst, the hird man. who will lecture at the hi'h school Friday, December lit. will touch on the economic value of birds and the poetry and beauty of hird life. "Only the insect sating hirds," says Mr. Curst, "stand between humanity and starva tion. Science has done much, but it can never organize to defend man as the birds defend men against these infects." lie shows bird paintings and sings bird Htn Hy a method which is all his own he bo successfully sings the noriRs of birds that birds have come to him when he sounded the call, liis lecture is unique not alone to the bird lover and music lover, but to the farm er, the business man and the children. This is the second number of the winter lyceum course and the Woman's club is expecting a big audience a the schools are endorsing this lecture and urging the students of all grades to attend. vin Cobb please write, duce News. Chi cag Pro a t( ited the -H"l-d'"l"I"l"ri"I"l-I""l--l-H-r-r-H"H- Clipped Here and There i-l"I-l-ll-l-l-H-r-I"I-I"I"l-l-l-I"I"l-ri"l"l"f When Miss Ada Oakes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, ('. Oakes. of Washing ton, H, ('.. became the bride of Wel ter 1'itie, of Salisbury, N. '., recently, it proved to be an unusual marriage. The pair decided to have a "wooden wedding." Everybody that t"ok leading part in the ceremony bad a msm like a tree. For instance: The groom. Walter Pine; the brine. Miss Ada Oakes ; the best man, Robert L. Hirch; the brides maid, Anna Fee I au ral; tea preacher, Rev. Oscar T. Wood. The ceremony w- performed at v Mh injrUjn, N. ('., ai d to make the ' 'wood en flavor" complete the couple went to Hickory, N. c, to spend weal with the bridegroom's aunt. Mrs. F. W. Shingle. In due time, we snpOOOS, there will be children and it is saf. to predict that they will be chips off the i aM block. Astoria liudgct. When Kkel f Hated fr edged tl ere, but m save tended s; er the seems to Nort bweatan de One Sunday afternoon two tourists, man ami his wife, were passing through a small town in Illinois, com menting the while on the prosperous look of the place. When right in front of one of the homelike residence! a tire on their automobile blew out. The day was hot, tbe traveler were tired and dusty. But changing a tire is no easy task at any time, anil on a hot. Sunday afternoon in the residential section or a strange town me JOD was a tragedy for two touseied and grimy travelers havingja fair degree of pi ide. Operations had not boon carried far before the owner of the homelike place sauntered out, inquired of the travelers where they were going and invited the lady tourist to come up on the porch with his wife, whore then- was an easy chair, cool shade and an abun dance of ice water. After the tire was changed tl ists were invited to wash up rest and refresh themselves. Fan you imagine a more appi courtesy? This man, the ownei homelike place in the little town, was the leading merchant and his attention to the Strangers was nothing more nor less than hia'everyday business policy. lie told the tourists all about the little town and the prosperous tanning community that surrounded it. and up on which it depended for support. He said he Knew all the members of every farmer family within his trade dist rict, that he had visited c erv he made it a practice to do itient Inten ale. Il' started in business :'" years ao with a capital of $foo. Today he a n comfortable circumstances ami doing B jarger business than at nny time dur ing his experience. Merchants like this man make the horn.' town the neat valuable a.-et in every community. A good home town enhances the VaitM of ever acre of land in the vicinity ; it makes ever farm a more desirable place to live. The home town Is the best investment a farming community can have and it only requires the good will and cooperation of the li. men and the farmer to make it nay big dividends, socially ami financially, to every family in the commmiily, t'oth toun and country. The Furrow. AT THE THEATRES ' and fro THE LIBERTY Friday, December 3, Justine Johns tone, the Broadway sensation, in "Blackbirds." Also an International News. Saturday, December 4, Harry Houdi ni, the greatest living escape artist, and Internationally known vaudeville star, in B thundering thriller, "Terror Island." More thrills than any serial and action galore. Also Pathe Review. Sunday only, December 5, Rex Beach presents a si reen version of his lam. ;iis story, " The Crimson Gardenia." Also Snub Pollard one reel comedy and Paramount Magazine. Monday and Tuesdav. December t and 7, the magnetic Itort I .y tell will ho shown in faul Armstrong greatest crook Story, "Alias Jimmy Valen tine." Also Harold Floyd in "Mump ing Into Broadway," B tWO reel com edy, and Topics of the Day. The Liberty is personally presenting this big de luxe program and it will bo shown at usual prices. Wodneaday and Thursday, December B and '., Maurice Tournior presents a I reen version of one of Stevenson's greatest st s, "The White Circle," a ureal picture featuring Wesley Harry, the si ecu's greatest kid actor. Also Al St. John in a two reel comedy, "Ship Ahoy." Friday, December 10, Mary Miles winter In 'Sweet Lavender, also In ternational News. N. I!. Plsaoa take note of our pro grama as the Liberty is giving now a complete change of program every Fri day, Saturday and Sunday. The pro gram changed completely on each day mentioned above. The big special at tractions are shown every Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday and Thurs day either special attractions or one of the best known stars in pictures to gether with a two reel comedy. Vera Kolstad at r ! OtfEB HALF OF YOl'H RED cnoss membership collar WORKS AT HOMt WORKS IN V YOUR TOWN i ! 50c IS F0Rv NAT 0NA USES AND MANAGEMENT COST AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS AND THE 14 .jVl8ON8 IS LESS THAN 4 PER CENT OF THE TOTAL EXPENDITURES! t and 10, Carmel Meyers in "The Gil Dream" and episode bjree of " Dragon's Net," the .super serial . showing at the (Jem. Ilarb ara Vaughan at the piano. FLINT BRADFORD BURIED YFSTERDAl lie d The as Liberty organ, THE GEM ex i af- POMONA GRANGE HERE NEXT WEEK Note The Gem Theatre now completely equipped LaXS Monograph proje great Improvement anil be screen. lamproom i with a De 'tor and a Noted on the Tl hall of I'ark grange, which will entertain ization. filled with tl bni River Coantj Pi n be entertained Wedneo the the and Friday. December rv Carev in "West : West icture. Many scenes actu- ndi underground in the mines, trat as i wo oi the Dragon a The elder Mr. the girl w ho know s no fear. Sunday and Monday. December I and one of the top- The Yak lel.ru won er" ford and the t'tie of hv eating ! St Mar s Catholic Church i . 'r - ere in service dhl rot get to se Thursday end Friday. LVetr.ber 1,1,1 Bradford, aged 4 and one of t remaining rroti .iersmen of this section, died Monday t ight at the Cot tage hoapitel, following an operation. Uremic poisoning was the immediate cause of death. The deceased, it is Mid, was the last of t ne name in direct descent from G ..vernor Bradford f Hi a England 0 denial fame. He wascne son of Putn: ,m Bradford.known throughout the Nc rthweat in pioneer " '"Iiee, The fathi ,t was operating a the aaea Jes portage when tin kad ..he place and perje- mas::acr a over firt venrfl ap.i H ndford and :,-,.. built the porta fC railroad on the north '' ' ' O mmbia ar :ind tbe Caa , ' 1,1 M ' nng the Mortage road tbe h M portion of the S360.00O rk city, losing it on the ech' - Tfee family reveries . - time, an'i ihe last sci '' i'mI colonial family died in Mr. Bradford was also a dr -' f Gen. Israel Cut nam, note i Revolutionary dava. ad ford made hi first visit lo ret when about t ur years il ti e home of Nathaniel C '1 first sttler. The s then the only habitation he Dalles and the Willarat Ik lived in the Wilier to j vt mie saimoo more in of the poverty. picturefque personality, amusing con versation and generosity with large strings of trout, which he was a past master in catching, made him a favor ite in many quarters. Interment occurred at three o'clock yesterday at Idlewilde cemetery. Ten months' guarantee on storage battery repair-. Dakin Electric Works, Third and Oak Sts. t( Growers' Club Meeting Soon The bi-monthly meeting of the Grow ers' Welfare Association, as recently organized by West Side on hard ists, will be held at the Oak Grove school Friday. December 10. It is announced that matters of unusual interest to members of the Apple Growers Asso ciation will be discussed and members of this organization are urged to be present. First Church of Christ, Scientist Services will lie held in Church BaUding, 9th and Eugene, Sunday, 11 :00 a. 111. Subject: Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism ami Hyp notism, Denounced. Sunday School at 11 a. m. Wednesday service, 8 p. in. The reading room is open daily from 8 to S p. m., in tbe Church. Which Side Do You Choose? Alters of ei a- eryone called him. as st w loely known . nr ac Uay Uood River. His Renting a Home Renting at $50 per Month 11 Years and 11 Months ',0 To'c' J I i; V'IL -. f I a 7, i r it h 7 RESULT $7,150 worth of useless rent receipts. Owning a Home Payments on a Home at $50 per Month for 11 Years and 11 Months. TABLE OF PAYMENTS Applied on Applied on Balance Interest Home Unpaid 1 Year $300.00 $300.00 $4,700.00 2 Years 282.00 318.00 4.382.00 3 Years' 262.90 3377lO 4,044.90 4 Years 242.70 357.30 i 3,687.60 ") Years 221.25 378.75 3,308.85 6 Years 198.55 401.45 1 2.907.40 7 Years 174.45 425.55 2,481.85 8 Years 14890 451.10 2,030?75 9 Years 121.85 478.15 1.552.60 10 Years 93.15 506.85 1,045.75 1 1 Year 62. 75 537.25 508.50 ii ik n m 305Q 50&50 000.00 Totals $2.139.00 $5.00000 RESULT A SSjM Home of Your Own. Make the Choice That Will Lead to a Comfortable H ome of Your Own Ask for suggestions. Inspect I wonderful book of 500 modern home designs. See the artistic hand colored photographs. I c the assistance of a modern home building service. Bridal Veil Lumbering Co.