HOOD RIVER GLACIER, TflDBgDA V, NOVEM BEB 25, 1020 r CAR SALE FOR THE WEEK -3 1 Dodge 1 Buick 1 Oakland 1 Ford 1 Ford 1 Ford 1 Maxwell 1 Saxton New Was Price $800 $650 $400 $350 $800 $700 $350 $225 $300 $200 $275 $200 $350 $200 $375 $325 Heights Garage HOOD RIVER, ORE. Telephone 3151 WHEN TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Suppose you have ordered a shipment of goodf from Portland. The train is late or they have missed connec tion. But you need those goods now. You lose money, when they do not arrive on schedule. THF SOLUTION: Order the Shipment brought here by The Warren Truck Lines Arriving here at 3 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Deliveries to your door. Furniture Moving a Specialty CONSIDER THE CONVENIENCE E. C. WARREN, Prop. Local Depot: Fashion Livery Co. Portland Office: 87 N. 2nd St. Tel. Automatic &-169L (IT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 Taking ntftCt Veunt.l.ix , October 2nh Wl. sis . SOCTnBOCHO NoKTHBOCND We. I m.i 1TTT, S 2 I 4 No. 6 N, x Motor Meier ! KnDti . Motor Daily , lEndffj Sion. r. m. a. m. . m. ! r. m. I a. m. j r. m. j p. m. 4. On 10.45 K.OO ....L. leei Biver Ar IM 1.11 4 03 10. 4 8.05 I Powerdale 2.57 i 9.22 2.11 j 6.41 4.12 10.57 8.15 1 Switchback 2.80 , 9.16 ; 2.04 I fi.JU 4.JW 11.10 -' Van Horn. . 2.4fl 1 M B.2I 4.29 11 18 i S. 30 Molir - .4 1 4.35 11.18 ' 8.40 Odell , 2.3" 8.53 1.43 .13 4 40 11.23 8.45 Summit 2.: !.; 0 4.43 11.26 8.50 Blomlier i l.2tl M2 1.32 6.01 4 47 11.30 . HobteLa , 2.10 I C 1.27 5.57 4 50 11.33 905 W inane Z.06 .M .1.24 5.S4 4.57 11.38 9.20 Dee r. tM - U M I.M 5 02 11.43 9.28 Trout Creek ... ... . 11 15 i 8 25 1.15 ! 5.12 11.53 j 9.35 Woorlwnrth 11.05 j 8.11 1.05 5.35 8.17 "12.00 1 10.00 j It. tmUm U..... 11.00 8 10 j 1.00 8.91 r. m. I i a. ii. I l a. a. i . r. o. r. n. ENGLISH MARKETS OFFER NEW HOPES was placed at pence per box, mum was 2? at $8.60 tliia pri here $2.81 per cents per box to KELLY- REPUBLIC SPRINWIKLI) AND PNEUMATIC nnonRirH AND SOLID , TIRES l,KKS JUST PLAIN FOUR-SQUARE BUSINESS HONESTY AND KNOWLEDGE At Your Service AT THE TIRE SHOP GAS VULCANIZING OILS WD ACCESSORIES REPAIRS l ' i Latest reports from England, accord ing to Dan Wuille & Co., indicate that I he export apple market is picking up. The trade is being somewhat relieved of the hit of poor harrel fruit and as the quality of the apples offered is be coming better the trend is toward bet ter prices. "When the price control was 're stored November 15," says Walter Wonlpert, "the maximum for apples l. shillings and six hereas the old maxi lOd. With exchange ;e will net us back box. It now costs 90 ship apples to New York city. The trans-Atlantic freight adds another 70 cents and incidentals of insurance and dock handling charges will reach another 20 cents. We hope to get the maximum price on our ex ports. " To date Mr. Woolpert says his con cern has shipped about 250 carloads of fruit, about 05 per cent of the tonnage that will be handled during the season from Hood River. New berg, Sheridan and White Salmon, l.yle and Under wood. He says that already about 125 carloads have been shipped to England. The exporters recently signed a con tract with the Holland-America line for refrigerated space for 15,000 boxes of apples to go to England from Port land by the S.S. Moerdyk through the Panama canal. The contract called for a guaranty oftemperature from 38 to 155. ()ri"withdrawal of this irunranty the shippers declined the space, and it is not likely that any local apples will he shiPDad abroad by boat this year. "The boat rate would have given us an advantage of about 15 cents per box over the rail anil trans-Atlantic freights." savs Mr. Woolpert, "but we cannot risk a possible loss from under refrigeration or perhapstoo much cold and frozen lruit. Apple shippers will decline the move ment of apples by boat from western ports until they secure a guarantee of better refrigeration accommodations. Shipping Concerns, however, are tak ing an interest in the fruit tonnage and already representatives of some of the larger Atlantic shipping con cerns have been here and at other northwestern apple growing points on tours of investigation. A representa tive of the Cunurd company w'as re cently here. A general feeling is prevalent that the high freight now applying to apples on rail lines will lowered within a few years when real competition of boat lines becomes ap parent. (luija Hoard is Vindicated Edward Herman, of Husum, declared last week that the ouija board had been vindicated. In September Mr. Herman declined an olfer of $2.10 per Pox tor a lU.UUU-DOX apple crop in which he was interested. He asked ouija about it and the board stated that ho would be sorry ; that he would sell his crop in November for .$1.97. He has just sold a block of his fruit for $2 per box. 1 felt that ouija was beaten, says Mr. Herman, "and then 1 remembered that the war tax of three cents per box, charged on the freight bill, will come out of me. Ouija was right. You can't beat it. 1 am now going to consult the board and see if I can get some information as to when freight rates on apples are going to decline Alfalfa (iruwers Solicit Orders Eastern Oregon alfalfa growers find Hood Kivcr orchardiltf eager pur chasers of hay, according to visitors from the hay country here recently. While numerous local growers are sell ing apples U) the interior ranchers, the latter are coining here Soliciting hay orders. "We have already made a number of hav sales here,'' laid Kobert . Horn ing, Hermiston rancher here last week, ' and we expect to ship a considerable quantity to local growers. A number of us of the Hermiston district have DOO lad our product and we expect to ail about 2,000 tOM of alfalfa direct to consumers. " "ASTONISHING" SAYS RORERTS After Ten Years of Milb rhiir He Ik Again Well, Strong PralSSt Tan I. ic "To feel well and strong after suf fering constantly for ten years is a happv experience, and I am indebted to Tanlac for the astonishing change in my condition. " said J. ('. Roberts, of Milwaukie, Oregon, in a recent inter view. "During all these years my appetite was fioor and my stomach was so badly disordered that there were very few things I dared eat. and what I did eat seemed to do me harm instead of good. 1 finally got to where I actually dread ed to eat anything, for after meals I was miserable for hours. 1 bloated up with gas and hurt so 1 couldn't stand my belt around my waist. These pains annoyed me especially at night, and I woke up in the morning feeling so bad 1 COUld hardly straighten up. I could seldom ever get a good night's rest on account of my kidneys and of ten had fueh sharp pains in my back 1 could hardly stand them. "No one seemed to understand my case, and 1 took so much medicine it looked like I would buy out the drug store, but nothing gave me more than temporary relief. I was just about at j the end of my row when I started tak- j ing Tanlac, but by the time I had j taken two bottles I felt a wonderful improvement.. 1 have now taken six bottles and my stomach and kidneys are in line condition arm 1 reel oetier than in years. All that trouble from gas, pains in the back ami stomacn, wakefulness and weakness have left me completely. 1 am so grateful to Tanlac for the restoration of my health that J can hardly think of words strong enough to express mv feelings. Tanlac is sold in Hood River by the Kresse Drug (o.--Adv. - 9 .Oil IJCalJ i New York City alone from kid : rouble last year. Don't allow ouroelf to become a victim by git cthig pairs and aches. Guard ;uiiiSt this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL i. ii bis tj rev ( .-.-h. i Tho world's standard remedy for kidney, tlvar. bladder and Drlc acid troubles. H lland'l national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three hi: en. Guai .iiiteed. Lock for tne nitmo C'."!.i Medal on eve. r iwJC and axecrl r - tr..(ation W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL KSTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Wheat Crop is Light While Hood River county produced more BOON than 9,000 bushels of wheat in 1918 and a heavy output was thresh ed last year, the wheat crop of this seaMin amounted to only a few hundred bushels. While a fair acreage was put to wheat here the past year, the crops were cut lor hay. "While we purchased 7,000 bushels Of local wheat one war year, says I. H. Aplin, "our purchases for Rt20 did not exceed on bushels. We purchased about 2f0 bushels of wheat from Trout Lake ranchers." FOR SALE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE The LIBERTY FURNITURE STORE Spokane lruit Meet inn Near A number of local fruit shippers, orchardists and n present n lives of con .1 ins engaged in manufacturing apple grading machines are preparing to at tend the li'tb annual meeting of the Washington Horticultural Association, which will convene at Spokane DSOSfS her 11 for a six day session. Simul taneously the Washington grade and pack conference and Northwestern po tato conference will lie held. Washing ton beekee pers u ill kalso hold a meet ing. lircad Truck Wrecked rridav fine i ! sipiadron of motor trucks engaged in bringing bread from Port land dailv was wrecked at daybreak on I be H I '.;iv near Mitchells Point tun- lay. The wreck was caused tiding 00 a t-harp curve. The t down an embankment about ad ansa badly smashed, but the Blown clear, was not injured, wnside was strewn with sev- loaves of bread and I fi cm s The canyons id eral hundred other pastries. General MotorTrucking Wood For Sale JESSE PUDDY Telephone S14J HQS May St. DRS. ABRAHAM AND SIFTON PHYSICIANS and SUKtiKONS Rooms. K, 19. in Hrosius Building lies, Phones : ir. Abraham 415'.'. Dr. Bifton :itil3. Ollice (151, DR. E. O. DUTRO PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Oflce: Hall Bldg., Phono U71 Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. Residence ! I fdeli. Rhone, Odell 353 Hours: I to 11 a. m. DR. N. PLYLER CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic and Blectria Treatments. Rooms 23, 24 sod 25 HeUbroaoer Ride. Phone is : i,j River, Ore. E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones l fffice 121 1 Res, 1811 Oflice iu Khot ltuildin H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN H, NT) SURGEON. i'allf ii t ,-. i m town or country Tl!i"li. (m . . ion nm. i2i miWM Hiiildln D0VT BLAME THE CHILD for lack of r an. It 's fault in kidneys and Read this ic run dc L. L. MURPHY. D. D. M General Dentistry Koi.mp 11-15 Brosiua Bldg. DR. W. H. THOMPSON Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: ELIOT BIT LI) I NO 'tli. phone tm Residence 2221 C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. PKNTIST Telephone: Orl'uV 10S1; rwidenc 3331 Office over Butler Bank Dr. Carolyn underhill DENTIST Smith Building Telephone 2$2l H. D. W. PINEO, D.D.S. I 'INI 1ST y i lor i;t iloixo i p: . MOD KIVER Do You Know? That we do developing, printing and enlarging? Excellent work and good service at low prices. Let us make Kodaking a pleasure for you, rather than a disappointment. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF Cameras and Films Yours for Service A. S. KEIR, Reliable Druggist "Agent for the New Edison Phonograph" C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery czjoezd TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT LENORE GREGORY TBACHER OK VIOLIN European Training and Kxperienee Call Saturdays at Oregon Hotel, or iiililreHs Miss Gregory, 808 Hancock St., Portland, Oregon. H. S. BRAAKMAN Painting, Tinting and Papering Tel. 1294 SLUTZ BROS. CarageS Machine Shop We arc experts on all makes of Automobile! and Sprayers. Phone 3173 WM. WEBER STILL BELLS HARNESS & SADDLES Al.Si ) AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES ANI MILLER TIRES COlII TIRES IN FORD SIZES TBI SANITARY WAY HOFFMAN STEAM PRESSFR All Uonm Killed J. C. MEYER Hood RiM-r's Tailor anil Pressor Hotel Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1121 Hick's Eats 'n Sweets Meals, Candy, Ice Cream and Fountain Service UKO. K. XTKAN AHAN Tel. STIC r. m. si.av kss Oc, at all dealer. IVn't sim- Stranahan & Slaven General Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor OHice, .mith Block, K.ui 2. Tel. 14 IHH)l RIVER, ORB. B. B. POWELL Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work 31 C'.asvadc Axenue HOOO Rl t R. ori COM A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOO RIVER. 0RE60N. OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DEE, OREGON FOR qUICK DELIVERY Tree Props Dimension and Finished Lumber Retail and Wholesale just received a new lot of Country Club Toilet Preparations Come In Acjet us show them to you Chas. N. Clarke YOUR Druggiet I II FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (THAT'S OUR BUSINESS) Motor Trucking: and Hauling of all kinds. Try some of our GASCO BRIQUETS They are good for furnace, fireplace or range. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 Bakers' Flour $2.85 Highland Milling Co. M. E. WELCH, 'in hih:iart IOTNNBM l I PHONE 175 1 Steam, t Motor. Oaiit' to limi li a:i in- ! on the ate ork In the TOMnev utd hjr calling at h UHIIM.