BOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1020 LOST LAKE ROAD SHUT FOR WINTER W-BCL f . ... .... T If J v -? fituty,,,rM,, ,,, ryf,u n Vsy. ,ritttstggetL ,t ttrtr, ),,,, ,.i ' MtiiVfrSmAIH&jtm t i,iititiu in i tti; , ,, ,,,rr trAtr af, ,., irrrrt 6V... i4.v. Hood River Abstract and Investment Co. J. W. CRITES, Pres. K. VV. SINCLAIR, Sec. ACCURATE ABSTRACTS INSURANCE -ALL KINDS LOANS REAL ESTATE Phone 1361 M.J. B. COFFEE 1110 12th St. Why yes; so we have. A fine line of Staple Groceries on hand. A man to labor needs the best. Our motto is: "The Best Is None Too Good For You." In looking over our stock of Groceries, please don't forget to try our BUTTER KRUST BREAD, spread with LIBBY'S APPLE BUTTER. Lots of other nice things get our prices. J. A. CARR & CO. Free Delivery THE HEIGHTS Our Store is Headquarters for Orchardists Preparing for the Harvest Call or telephone us your requirements. When you are in town drop in. We invite out of town harvest help to visit our store and get acquainted. THE ARNOLD GROCERY CO. Is Always At Your Service H. S. GEORGE 66c Electric Kitchen " The Place to Eat" CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES BILLIARDS AND POOL Tel. 1191 Hood River, Oregon LARGE APPLES Are the selling Apples Banannas. Jonathans, filled, orchard run an more than small Extra We want 4000 boxi n Portland. We want Kings, Win cookers. Large cookers will sell of JONATHANS. SHERIDANBECKLEY CO., 211 Washington Street. PORTLAND, ORR. Rrfpreneo : 1 1 ihern i:t Bftvinm Iank. You ran get Free Marking Bos Hteneil at tliip lfic "There's More Real Satisfaction" says the Good Judge In a little of the Real To bacco Chew, than you ever got out of the ordinary kind. The good rich taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often that's why it costs you less to chew this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. , Put uf in two styles a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Stmiley ('. Walters, ranger in charge j of national forest, here trom Mount Hood Saturday, states that the portion I of the Lost Lake highway within the bounds of the national foiest has been I closad for the winter. A erew of rangers spent Friday on the new grade, mukirg winter ditches to drain the new highway. A log barricade was placed near the forest boundary. Only The about a mile of the new road remains 'to be constructed next spring. Fred W. Donnerberg and Julius Abraham, his brother-in-law, from Al bany weie the last to motor over the new road this year. Journeying to Lost Lake Armistice Day, the men re port the new grade in line condition. U. of 0.-0. A. C. (Kime Friday "It will be a hummer!" This is what the varsity "()", the greater O. A. C. and the vigilance committees eav about ,home coming week, Friday to Sunday. The Aggie U. of O. foot ball game is expected to draw a capacity crowd. Tickets are going like hot cakes. Letters with attractive oranire and black envelopes have been sent to all the alumni in an effort to get all the old students back to see the Oregon game. Reunions have been planned in various fraternity houses, and ban quets, "feeds" and other festivities arranged. T- e bonfire, built by the freshmen, will feature the entrance of the old King Jazz, according to the committee. This bonfire is an event of every rook's life. The bonfire last year was 25 feet square and lighted up the heavens so that it could be 6een on the University of Oregon campus. The rally Friday night will be started by the monster fire and stunts and talks will be featured. The annual NASH rook-soph bag rush is scehduled tor 10 o'clock Saturday morning. The rush will be inspired by the seniors, as is always the custom. The big O. A. C. -Oregon game will occupy the afternoon. The varsity "O" men, alumni and active, will ban quet at (1 o'clock Saturday. The board of regents will be in attendance and it is hoped that the governor will stay over for the festivities. Wallace Kad derly, former Aggie track mentor, is in charge of the banquet. The crowning event of the week end will be the varsity "O" dance Satur day evening. Both the men's and women's gymnasium will be used. Open house will be observed at U o clock Sunday afternoon. Highway No Place for Horses Gilbert Edgington, who has operated a pack train carrving hunting and fish ing parties into the Wahtum Lake and Indian Mountain districts the past summer and fall, declares it a danger ous undertaking to move up and down the Highway with pack animals. "Many automobilists, " says Mr. Kdgington, "apparently do not under stand the deliberate movement of hor-es. I have had two animals struck and knocked down and have hail some extremely close calls with others. It takes time for a horse to turn aside and move to the edge of the road. Many motorists, however, seem to ex pect the horse to move with lightning MT. peed. 1 do not think anyone has wil j fully run into my horses, but they sim- ply haven't given the time to allow the horses to get out of the way. They have been in too big a hurry. I had similar trouble last year." Fair Hoard Makes Request P. L. Manser treasurer of the county fair hoard, asks all who may have bilu j against the organization to forward t h t-in at once. He also urges all who I received premium awards at the recent I fair and have not received their checks to apprize the board of it. He states j that addresses of a number of winners are unknown. While figures are not now available, Mr. ftfanier states that the fair was profitable this year, and that the board will have net proceeds of several hun dred dullars. Pythian Head Visits Here Pythian hall was crowded bv mem bers of Waucoma Lodge and visiting Knights of Pytrrias from neighboring towns to greet W.J. H. Clark, brand Chai Oregon, here on an ofli v, . . :k. Mr. Clark was by other grand lodge oflic s of members of the I). Portland. Mr. Clark out )ain for new members. o . o. lined where K. if it exi.eeled the order will reach the 1,000,000 mark in America. Following the formal business ses sion the local Knights were hosts at a luncheon. Two Injured in Auto Accidents Frank NVwell. 6. ell, Upt er Valley 1 to the Cottfige bu ferine from a or broken ribi and ii ceived wht.i a upn on him. He was threshing outfit in chine tank, which n of Timothy New .incher.was brought sital last week suf jken collar bone, term! injuries re y tank overturned liauling water for a the spraying ma tiprcd on him as it was neiiig ura v. u reported as resting ) an incline. He is , suptained painful 1 1 to truck of Harry over catching him Munemato turned under boxe3 of apt Highway f, ikes Radiator Covers A new feature for garages has Keen inaugurate!) by the Highway Auto Co., which has cquipjied a top repair and manufacturing department. Herbert Field states that the new department will feature the manufacture of radi ator covers.for the present. Many lo cal men drive their cars throughout the winter months, and the radiator covers have proven a j oj 'jlar line. Fines For Intoxication Doubled Justice of the Peace Onthank hes made a rule for application on local Mt. charges of intoxication. He begins with the minimum fine and as a mar successively apfars on the charge of overindulgence in moonshine the fine is iou! ltd. Judge Or.thank is trying out his plan on Frank Pendergast. The latur has just appeared and paid his j ) make Hrii BH here is none lx rnie in and look Bo?s light. Window Broken ijrht le(wten Earl McKlrov and y-ning n atttr.d- The Kind urlinft Uywater through window in the Glacier latter sustained a badly agreed to pay for repltc ng I' ESSEX Running Water Greatest of City Conveniences A Dayton Electric-Driven Water System will auto matically provide water under pressure at all fix tures in your home the same as city water supply. It does away with all the and you have a steady stream of it cool and sparkling. The cost is but a few cents a day. Picture to yourself the convenience of running water, the comfort of sanitary plumbing, less work for the women folks then come in and let us help you make it a reality. drudgery of pumping and carrying water just a simple turn of the faucet HEIGHTS GARAGE J. F. VOLSTORFF, I rop, HUDSON Passenger Lars Nash and Mack Trucks Goodyear Tires Waverly Oils and Greases Storage, Repairs and Accessories CZHOEZD HOOD MOTOR CO. 0 Orchard Supplies Arsenate of Lead Bluestone Paper Apple Boxes Implements HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. SIIIITKRS OF HOOD RIVER FRUITS Quality not always price should de termine the value of your goods. We have the price as well as quality WITHIN REACH OF ALL. Preferred Stock Groceries, Fresh Meats HOLMAN & SAMUEL Phone 1811 Deliveries at 9 a. m. and 2M p. m. I I Hood Meat Co. Sin its-iors to W. J III e state nether r not. of a KaiK.t Hood River Wants Phone 4141 WE ARE READY FOR THE HARVEST WITH a COMPLETE STOCK OF Picking Bags at $2.00 Each Orchard Ladders 40c per Foot 5yd Pearson's Box Nails $6.50 per Reg Dick Smith and Parker Nail Strippers Blowers Hardware Company Turkeys! Turkeys! OUR MARKET IS HEADQUARTERS FOR THANKSG I VI NO POU I TRY Let us have your order at once for your turkey or chicken for Thanksgiving Dinner. All the other meats and market supplies that you may need. Let Us Help You With The Big Dinner The Hood River Market A. F. DAVENPORT, Prop. Phone 4311 Order Now and Be Sure We are manufacturing Warehouse Trucks and Apple Box Nailing Presses. In order that we may make enough for the require ments of the Valley, it is necessary that we have your orders soon. HOWELL BROS. WOODWORKING AND BLACKSMITHING Tel. 2551 Fourth and Columbia QUALITY QUANTITY Ask for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS WINTER SCHEDULE NORTHWEST TRANSPORTATION CO. OPERATING J. N. TEAL Portland and The Dalles tiJ!L er for Portland Wednesday MEALS ABOARD MaaJ'Hl to rliuict m ulxtut DK II. Hood River Motor Car Co. R. c. glan ville Repairing Storage Gas and 01 ITtDMttT AT L a w GENERAL H K KM SI AT ION K - " Nsiional Hank Bad ling o Fourth and State Street Hood River, Oregon I