HOOD HI Kit GLaCIEjR Till KSDaY, OCTOBER 28, 1920 feuflii Sntrr (Slartrr ARTMl W 1). HOE, PlMMw. Siihseriptinr?. 82.00 ler Year. THAT MOD RIVER WAV The announcement of the proposed plans of some of our leaders of thought here to break away from the apron strings of the old parties next Tuesday and vote for the Prohibition party in the way of a protest, thus inaugurat ing "The Hood River Way, " is rather more entertaining than alarming. They are going to vote for the Prohibition car.d'date, it is stated, Wcause he and he alone undoubtedly stands for one of the great progressive issues of the na ti:n. Do they mean prohibition itself We were under the impression that the 18th amendment settled that. Somebody ought to send William Jennings Bryan a copy of the News ed itorial of last we k. It might bring his heart back frc-m the grave. ANTHONY EUWER AND BRIDE COMING The 'Tri-Cs", an organization of young women of Kiverside church, will present Anthony H. Kuwer and his bride, Miss Kuby Page Ferguson, here soon. Mr. Kuwer will read poems, verses and limericks Tuesday evening, November Iti. Mrs. Kuwer will give dramatic interpretations. She will laave soon for New Zealand on a chau- ! taiuiua tour. - Euwer-Ferguson For Hale 7-room residence at I'h.uic M 14, nines. J011 May xt. I but! 1 for Halo -One Kraile upright piano;' used very mile. Jel. oHlf ! por Mule few While l-.Kli..:n pnlleh., now I laying; doom Cll. it. A. Prettier, m More Milk ..ml For Sale Hoe Hiid bMkaj J eholee Smiii.Ihn stock; riL-hl lnues. Several Hood kiver MOpk eiime With Iheir a litem nod tonight In the ln-i Iho weeks. Hard up all day suniiay. w k. Kipiey. Master, or , mrm taut - Bp Hostel i reek. o'is For s.. Call iKM. Household furniture and range. oTtf Two bills, at least, appear on the ballot for next Tuesday's election that should be overwhelmingly defeated One, the so called anti-vaccination bill, is in reality opposed to every health measure on Oregon's statute books. The other proioees to limit the inter est rate on Oregon monev borrowed to four and five per cent. The first will turn loose in Oregon all the germs of communicable diseases and constituted authority will be forced to stand aside while foolish or vicious people spread them. The second will drive from the state every dollar of investment funds Can you conceive of motives for an en deavor to foist on the state such irre sponsible legislation? Hehold, if these laws are placed upon the statute books of the state, an Oregon pestilence-rid den and stricken with poverty. We trust too much in the intelligence of Oregon citizens to believe that either bill will pass. Hut, verily, the price of freedom from the minority will of the discontented, careless and vicious in Oregon, where popular legislative ma chinery is so idealistic, is eternal vigilance. It takes no more than a percursory reading of the measures on the ballot of Tuesday's election to see that some of them are vicious and that others display a culpable irresponsibility on the part of initiators. You may argue to yourself that you are unacquainted with some measure and will therefore not vote on it. This action may permit a minority of the vicious or irrespons ible electorate to burden you with a law you will come toj abhor. Your safest course, when in doubt, will he to vote NO. The wedding of Anthony H. Kuwer and Miss Kuby Page Ferguson occurred yesterday at the Church of ur Father, Portland, tl i pastor, Kev. W. G. Eliot, officiating. A number of local folk were present. Mr. Bower It well known to all Hood River people His bride is an enter tainer of national reputation. In fact, she is one of the foremost in her es pecial art and for some months has been on a tour under the direction of Ellison-White bureau and even now is planning a tour of New Zealand, but that is to be about Christmas time. She is a graduate of the University of Iowa and of the Eb erson school of or atory. For three years she was in structor of rramat'c art in the Woman's College of Alabama at Montgomery. Those who have heard her in "The Fair of Green Stockings," "The Melt ing Pot" or "Mr. Antonio" will under stand just why and how this young woman has made so marked a success She possesses a wonderfully sweet voice and an understanding of humanity that she depicts cleverly. It was this that first claimed the attention of the poet Mr. Kuwer not only writes, but sketches delightfully and is one of the celebrities of which the Northwest likes to boast. Ouring the war he was in the army and he is now prepar ing a book in which he will use some of his army life as material. His most recent poem was "The Builders of Highways," read at the highway cele bration at Hood River last month in her western gems are lound in a book of the Oregon country, "The Wood in the Apple," "The Ghosts of Multnomah, the Soul of the Aver age Man," and "On Some Tomorrow." "I am willing to bet anything that Irivn .S Cobb and his party of nirnrods didn't have near as much fun as we did," says Commodore Dean, who has just returned with a party of five com panions from a motor hunting trip in central and southeastern Oregon. Other hunters were : E. L. Foust, 11. O. Kresse, Harry Hrawn (Goldendale, Wn.), William Stewart and P. W. Feck. The party first visited the Me- tolius river district for fishing before proceeding to Warner lake and thence to the "P" ranch in Harney county. While local hunters secured extraord inary bags at Warner lake last season, it was reported too drv this year for shooting. The men traveled all told more than 1,000 miles. I. ii I derail I liureli for sale, located n I lavid win hill, sie Zi'jXHli ft., height limlde It., rock foundation. luiilreat IJl'J Columbia t. o7tf Por Halo - Alfal'a hay. second culling clean and free from orchard. PtMMM noon or after 6 p. in., o. L. ( raton, tel. 57.VS. KlOtf For - ile lauihle work harness, MSj Nuna roakar Mad?, Old style. I.hvm lied Orchard CO., i'arkdale, (Jr. I'hone odell SS. Jn'.TIf For Hate Qntgnard grader. A. Jlukari. aSlf Heights JStf For .Sale- Hecond hand auto parts. Oarage, phone StU. For Hate U acres. 12 bearing Hpples and pearl Modern ; room house HOnOiM eatsr, Qrsek through place. Joining Barret) .chooi. Price 1700 per acre. Route C box IS, 1 1 I hone Ml. al2tf For I ile- One S yr old horse, weight aiiout loOOpoands; alaoone su io. Mitchell wagon. Mee HartKhurne al Hoou Kiver Oarage. xXill Por Hale - Cheap; UOsJBD feel, In block H, In Pleasant V lew add it ion to Hood Ki ver.Oregon, '"i Mrs I. Klliotl, Wabash ave K. Man i lego. I ..: u2S Koi Bale Pore bred Poland GblM nigs, niter. ibie lo registration p; I; Mol ler, Tel. !:. hiitf lor Sad sOiicres hmdi'.j in I lea from Clfy ofllia)d Kiver, pari bottom land with free water, balance good pasture land not bonded for water. 1J0U cords fir add oak wood slum- psae, county road tnru land, fair buiidingH Price SJMO per acre. j. u. Phillips. Pboai i joMtf Por Sale Plight-, seek s-old Iluroc pigs, Ijiva Bed Orchard Co. Odsltgt. mtu For Hale - Tent 14x20, floored and walled with good lumber. Also, rttudehaker Hlx louring cur in good condition. N. W, basd better, 1010 Sherman Arm. Box s.t. iisu Boys' Suits and Overcoats We wish to call your special attention to our line of Boys' Suits, Overcoats anil Mackinaws. We have the largest assortment in the City and our price are always the lowest. Our line of Boys' Suits include the newest patterns ;ind latest styles in goods of service. You'll he pleased with them in every way. Bring the boys in and see how nicely we can supply their needs and at a most reasonable price. Let us show you. 2nd Floor. Oregon City Auto Robes Now is when you will most enjoy one of these All Wool Auto Robes. The colors are most desirable and attractive and we are offering some extra big values in some of these that are slightly damaged. Most of these defective places have been mended so that they are scarcely noticeable and do not hurt the appearance or wear at all. Look at these and make your selection now while the stock is most com plete. Special-Children's & Misses' Cotton Hose Good weight, all sizes. A wonderful value for 1 p the money, the pair only IDC SPECIAL Bp Ladies' quality i.'il vtt'iit iln p stitch silk, but the delects i i our reguiai choice to close t hem out heather mixtun are very slight. price of $1.25. pair Hose. A sec These were a v 98c We made a special buy on this lot ant you a good heavy worsted hose for winter the pair, all sizes are able to oiler wear, at Woven Hose for Boys and Girls l offt 50c Ladies' Hose, 35c 35c Ladies' Lisle Hose, 69c 69c Colon, white and black Samples and are exceptions bur choice to clean them up only. These are Drummers' values at 45c a pair, the pair Samples that were bought, at a special sale. TlTesr Diarked at 69c, 75c and 85c. Your choice to clean them up, the pair HOOD RIVER OREGON me PARIS FAIR HOOD RIVER OREGON For Hiilc-Duroe pig and SlMStS. wardh, BXf. I . M. Id. aStlf Kor Hale I- IH W. I-ive..,mM.nu(.r Kord car. nx irood PfcOOt HAS, J , fl Kleenor. icuf Kor Sale I 'olumhiH M Kange with water coll, phone 22.A SIS. 9111 itWtf Kor Sale or Trade-NcllHon Tmctor lxl. linoKt new. A .1 hottoin nlow fine new gfbotdlak. B. D.Stnitn. Pbone M7S. mrif Kor Sale hue and a half acn n. three In o. arunr oiclmrd, uaelen Miol.six ro.nn house. 4ood hai n. koo;I ,. in waMi-housc; at a Imr ijaln. J. C. Hokjis, r.f.d. 4. ollif Wanted Woman to do plain riHikine dur inif apple Inn vesi, i o i adults. No wr.shlnK. and all modern eoiis nieiu'eH. Address txix MM If osier, Or. shiil Wanted Htraw, rlover hay and alfalfa, a oout tons of each, i'hone MII7. tfjtf Wanted To huy yonrnsed lui n Iture, stovei and rugs, fjaai! or new gisidn In eichaiige. K. A. Kranz Co. kDiiI Kor Kent - One large furnished front alcove room, one or hem loanttona In Hood Hiver. Modern conveniences. Call (tl Oak slreei, or lei. UO. sin WANTED hi Wanted - MO cedar prists. Call B1M, Wauled Mi u and wineii lo soil ui.nies Puliir diehard Co., lhifui, Ore. o Want d To lease for a term of years, good ire lard place of !l acres or onward: would lake 30 acres In full hearmgand In gixal shape. Kxperienced man whh grown sons to axsist in work; Valiey relerencet. Addrexx Aleianrter Walsh, boa II Hood Hiver, Or. ul Wanted .Man or woman lo cook for ranch help during octoher and Novemher: good ages A. Piters, route 1 llixel Kiver, Ore. hone 4672. Mtf Wanted To place saddle horse for winter lor lis Keep with i.ihi ,le party. I'hone Odell :ll. ,a Wanted- I'lalu sewing - chlhiren's dresses suits and eou's a specialty, Mrs. W. Humner Mm I Hi. 101(1 .Sherman Ave. o7tf . . Houe W anted - Will pay gixid figure for rent of five, (o seven ro im house for term of lo years. Reply to X QUMtdf sHtf MISCELLANEOUS Dressmaking - nodalinf done All pailerns drafted; also re Phone Odell 48. oJ8 Lost -Sunday, Oct. XI, hetween Mosierxnd Thrt I'll . s. lady s mink fur neckpiece; 5 reward for return to L,. l). Knittie, Portland hotel, Portland, Ore. o Usl Between R K Cnaon' ranch and Odell, a 22 calibre IIW6 model Winchester rifle In a black leather case; reward ottered. Phone Odell 104. o2 Pound a Preato tank can have same by pay I n property. Phone tl4 Owner lor ad and proving We have frequently noted at recent election that boards are slow in mak ing preparations for receivinK ballot in the morning. The law provides that the polls shall be open promptly at 8 o'clock, and it is rare that some voter 18 not present to cast his ballot at this hour. Consider the working man, who may have to return for his vote in case the polls are not ojxen on time. The city and county have done their duty in employing a traffic officer. In fractions of rules on the part of motor ists are growing fewer. Have parents done their part and impressed or. their children the danger of running 'and playing in streets? We still see young sters using the streets as playgrounds. It is not a mere privilege but the duty of every elector to vote, but com pulsory voting is not the remedy. Is the Salt river ferryman all ready? Lutherans ("elelirate Dedication Last Sunday the Lutherans of Bond Kiver and vicinity dedicated their new ly purchased church. An artistic ar ray of flowers added td the sttr... t. It ness of the church. The services were well attended. The pastor dedicated the church to the servi.-e of the I-ord. Kev. J. Kimbach. of Portland, deliv ered an interesting and appropriate sermon. Kev. J. Uilganoorf also preached an imprtsaive and gripping sermon. To meet successfully pnrvaJIiag con dition? the f 1! WKg'.njtr of kt :rc nave been adopted : First and third Sundays of each month, German ; 8ec ord arid fourth Sunday and also a hi a there is a rifth Sunday Knglish ser- V'.-l . The pastor extends a hearty invita tion to all voure people of the church to gather "Friday iveningfin the base ment of the church for the purpoae of organizing a Young People s letv A Sunday school will be organised ' next Sundav morninir'at B 90 Notice of School Election to Increase Tax More Than Six Per Cent Over That of the Previ ous Year Notice is hereby given to thelegal voters of School District No. 3, of Hixjd Kiver t'our.ty. State of Oreg m, that an election will be held in .-aid District at Park Street school, Hood Kiver, Oregon, on the Mth day of No vember, 1920, at 3 o'clock in the after noon, to vote on the u.uestion of in creasing the amount of the tax levy in said District for the year 1981, bv more than six per cent of the amount of such levy for the year immediately preceding. It is necessary to rahse this addition al amount bv special lew for the fol lowing reasons : All necessary expenses of school ad ministration are higher this year than they were last year. It has been nec essary to pay .teachers higher salaries in order to get good ones. Kegistra tion has increased about twenty per cent, making more teachers necessary Dated this 21st da J Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: M. H. Nickelsen. District ( k i . day of October, l9Bo! W. ("rites. Announcement for District Attorney I have always regarded a public office public trust, if the good people Hood River county will, by their as a of K voU-s Nov. mher 2nd, elect office of District Attorney, deavor to their kindne.- of ing Ejection Return.- Through an arran a R. Greene, West, n and the Commercial Ch Returns will ered in the cl With the '.lined !etvet me to the I will en- low my appreciation of by giving my time and to the business of that of 1 till times give the pul e preference over my tice. 1 believe in law en I equal justice , my oath bd my platform. Thank advance for any favors si ... I t etf to remain, Truly yours, I'aid adv. John Maker. FOR SALE Ovation, small orchard ie berry Ian 1, house ol rn; within four miles ol ..Sill 1 fr. !. - and small has. m- i t two cam. All In good i-veo roomn, sp-epm id DEMONSTRATION DEPENDABLE COFFEE A competent demonstrator will serve Dependable Coffee in the following stores on dates shown: Consolidated Merc. Co., Nov. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. A. F. Bickford, Pine Grove Store,' Nov. 8, 9, 10. R. J. Mclsaacs, Nov. 11, 12, 13. In appreciation of the many users of DEPENDABLE COFFEE in five pound tins, and to new purchasers, the roasters will present you with Half-Pound Dependable Tea FREE with each Five Pound Tin of Coffee Doling this Demonstration. You are cordially invited to come in and drink a cup of Good Coffee. For Sale II Ton White Truck A Bargain SLUTZ BROS. The Exquisite GARDA TOILETRIES The Watkins Man 1315 13th Street Hood River Oregon Tel. 1923 BOWL and be healthy Installation of the BLUE DIAMOND ALLEYS has begun and they will be ready just as soon as they can be made ready RIGHT. In the Basement of the HIGHWAY AUTO GARAGE 416 OAK STREET F.OR SALE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE The LIBERTY FURNITURE STORE We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery Grocery of Quality E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone SV)2 nt ltrtt-1: wonnJ r Mtr 1 NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE is HEREBY ;l'EN to the togal votera ot School Pitrirt No. 3 of 11000 Kiver .mnlv. t:iw ..i r.-n..n. UkU a m II' U MhKllMi ol Haul Patriot will he beid at l'irk S'rcct Bchool OB tb Mth .lay of November, 1920, at tlireo i' dock in the alteraOOB, to TOtO OS the propoiitibn ol levying iK-eial district tax. The total amount of money needed hv the district during the fiscal year be ginning oa J Me 80th, Uttli and ending oa Jone 30, 1.22, is estimated in the fol lowing badge! and includes the amount!- t" le received from the county school fund, state schiH'l fund, special district t:ix. and ail other moneys ot the district. BUDGET Bra vrin KxrKMUTiKKs L Teachers' salaries ftP.OOO 2. Knrniture ; 1,800 Apparatus and supplies, such as map?, chalk. erncr, sto-es, curtains, etc. 2,000 . Btpein ol idkoolbOMta, oolbaBillngi or ftnooi l.ooo ". Improving grounds 1,000 Janitor's wages 3,800 7. Janitor s MappUM 500 Fuel 2,600 Light 1,000 Water 410 Clerk s salary 420 Postage and stationery 200 ro for il ) n"", M, Weaklitut itlr m. o llanuous . and Intergei Ihoreoa, issued and 434 ol the School Laws 12,080 M.OOO 2.00M !'. Total s n '. ' s . their mu nigbi. T aa a iloek Now Uiat seem to h their r ,j lard I wo werk. j r . MM w c far k We hav hunting. irmlrer Mttod amount of money to lie expended for all pur I ii r in ir the year Etimatei RfcEirrs boal fund during tl.. '.year tO.OQO Ol fund during the coming Mhool year 1,300 nds of the county treasurer, hrtwaglag to the district 3,500 unt to le rrcrivnl Irom all et1 r - ;',vs during the i vear 6,300 .h lag re aiwai ing sit get .. aixs. M i Angus McDonald, who has i pending a vacation banting with Rob-wrT' ert Leesorc in remote sections of the i tmmT Upper Valley, sent kt wotW last r-. j , that be had Lagged a Large black bear. Mr. Leapore is one of the best go ideal to bunting grounds in toe community, j I reeived tw,7H the tax to be vote! 20,3.4) t2 m talamv. amount to lie ra Hated this 2tt da tteet M. H. BKUKL BMite of U tolier. 1M20. f :.i. . W. CRITi v nan l'-rd ol Ihrectori. BEFORE YOU BUY Come in and look at our new SCRIPPS BOOTH Notice the motor light under hood, handy tool kit in left front door, side curtains that open with doors, carried in case in rear of front seat, together with all the latest improvements in the tour ing car line. Selling for $1.765 With a guarantee of price to May 1921, meaning if there is any re duction in price the purchaser gets the henefit. E. U. CATE & CO. Telephone 3922 1