ff mt HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY FOHKK :8 1920 VOL. XXXI! So. 22 I Si Save am Invest Tliere has boon no timo in recont .years when a dollar would buy so little in the way of necessities, comforts, and especially luxuries, and so much in the way of investments. There was never a timo when i( paid better to invest. 0 Our Bond Department is at your service. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK y;. ' VT:u.a:....Ji- i I I HOOD RIVER, OREGON j in 5 i i PHI 1 - , 1 8 J :! I I JL i New VICTOR Records j Whispering. The Japanese Sandman. j AvaJon Just Like a Gypsy. I Host Ever Medley. THE BEST DANCE RECORDS By Paul Whitemnn and his Ambassador Orchestra. COME IN AND HEAR THE OCTOBER RECORDS Kresse Drug Co The ftl&xaJUL Store LJ BORDEAUX PASTE Freshly Prepared. Will Save You Time and Trouble. Milestone Lime Arsenate of Lead Come to any ol fleer's desk and tell him just what yon would like to have the Butler Banking Com pany do for you. If you want to open an account, establish a line of credit, discuss plans which need banking sup port, or bring to bear a disinter ested judgment on your plans for developmenl of your opportuni ties, we will try to satisfy yon. "FRIEND" SPRAYERS It Will Pay to Order Early. Hood River Spray Company Phone 2421 If its for Spraying - we can furnish it BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Monitor Federal Reserve System E aMrx-a r " Gestae Remember Last Winter? When Coal was parcelled out by the City Officials in 50 lb. Lots ? Prospects for next Winter are not any brighter. Stock up now while Coal is available and before new freight rates drive up price. Hood River Fuel Co. Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade C h i r t s 0 20 Reduced ho story is short. Etfery band stylo shirt in th house, every size, with no reservations. You Ml find mostly "Arrow" hand quality shirts in every detail, that are worth and have been selling for $2.50 to $5.00. $2.50 grade $2.00 3.00 trrade 2.40 3.50 grade . !.80 4.00 grade 3.20 (Sec he window) J. G. VOGT Rubber Footwear for Men &L Women We can fit you out so your feet will be dry OPES EVENINGS 1 WHY swelter in the heat, and shiver in the cold, when you can combine the activity and thrift of the open car with true homelike comfort in the Oakland Sensible Six Sedan? Nowhere does an automobile inv est ment pay higher returns than in this moderately priced and efficient car. We are exhibiting the Oakland now at our salesroom, jtrj PINE GROVE STORE A. F. BICKFORD. Prop. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Cm Mm, Mmmdiir UM. Ftmr Dr WbWW.WI HEIGHTS GARAGE PARTY INTEREST NOT MANIFEST HARDING IS CHOICE OF MAJORITY Hills Attracting Studious Voters - County 1 Interest tenters in Race For Judge off. Never has a presidential election ap proached in Hood River county with as little display of party interest. The weather and status of the apple har t I runscend politic;:! leaning. When two orchsrdieta meet or one of them comes in Contact with a business man the conversation is about exhausted when the two flrit mentioned subject have in', in commented on. But with all this apparent apathy, a deep inter est m political aitairs is underlying here. A total of 8,242 electors have r. r i tered. Of this number almost 2,600 indicate an affiliation with the Republican party. The little comment that is made by the bus) the Apple Valley points to heaviest Republican votes ants were killed. Then Mrs. Ki noting that shots might reach best dren. who were (Maying on the happened on the scene and Mr. K followed. The complaining wi however, testified that Mr. Jei left the premises as so m as . l!ut he claimed at Die iri of his party continued to ho. his property on the opposite side i railroad track. Mr. Jennings, 1 was stated. offered Mr. Kobi , birds killed on bis truck farm, the latter declined the gift, Mr. ninga started to reeovvr a few had been shot and left on the gi i citing that it was illegal to ie: dead bits in the field. Mrs. K ; however, it wai stated by witn threatened the iiunter with a rii - he left the bird. After witneses had been hear ; Geo. R. Wilbur, the defendant's ney, and Judge Dei by had argument:', Mr. hoherg vsithd ust as Justus r to give his deci i his withdraw.! release of a det r by Earl Fj .tier was not QUI ns ho did not know f?fli Li . Apple h. i of the fast for a presidential nominee. Harding will curry the county, overwhelmingly. Except for an address to a ci unty fair crowd in mid-September, Hood River lias held no political meeting this year. Rut for s meeting last night, when Walter L. Toose eddn saed voters at a Republican rally, the elec tion would come and go without a sin gle rally. The Democrat! planned a meeting the first of last week. Kor some reason it never materialized. No speakers appeared, A Republican rally was planned for Saturday night. It seemed for a time that this would ap pro act) an old ttme rally. Local stunt ders were billed. W. R. Winans had prepared B Bong which wa to have been sung by Frank I.. Davidson, At the pit Venth hour a t legram was re ceived announcing that the speaker, F.x-Representative Dennett, formerly in congress for a New York city dis trict, had sudden I v been called back east. While the Republican national ticket and Representative Sinnott will draw their party electors the latter des tined, according to indications, to re ceive many Democratic votes as well, the comment of even the most regular of Republicans indicates that Senator Chamberlain here. The ke county has he the race vill rei ei a a heavy vote l ie :.t aCliV! en displayed (or the county judgeship, rhe regolai Republican nominee, who also received the Democratic nomination st the May primaries, is H. L. Hasbrouck. J. (). Hannum is seeking the office, mining on an Independent ticket. Mr. Han num, apparently, has a heavy backing and a county wide campaign is being made In his behalf. Mr. Hannum, who has been a mem ber of the board of commissioners fot seven years, was a candidate to succeed himself on the Republican ticket at the May primaries, I! iwever, he was de flated then by (loo. Sheppar.l. As the election draws ne ar friends of Mr. Has brouck are beginning to interest them' selves in ids behalf. No other eonli St exists in the county (di' tioe. For the district Judge Derby and John Raker oppose each other for district attorney. The onlv other con test appears between J. R. Nickel- i. and .J. II. Hazlett, who are seeking the stale senator- hip. if a scries of meetings w as e Grove Friday night. BgislatiVe candidates had to -peak, the only one l Mr. Ni, kolscn who spoke in the divid'd legislative session. I,. B. Gibson talked against the anti-vac- cination bid. The Hm held at While all Dresert v RECORD NUMBER AF TER CHINAS MONDAY K li nate' place hunters out at day- breal Monday for Chine pheasants 1 1 BOO, Pheasante were thick and almost as tame as chickCIM in many quarters. Many hunters bsuel the day's limit if five b(rdl and it is believed that as many as 2,000 birds were killed, Scores of Portland nirorods joined Hood River sportsmen. Many of tin visitors motored up Sunday and Spent e ' imped clo-e to quarter ug birds. For th.- Br er sunrise shot.? resoura rt of the valley like the musketry. The dav was t he ..f few n f a liril hunt- I ant .ill. sunshine Mil ideal for jag. Members of the (lame Association, w ho j, pied the pheasant hunters, will pie e a portion of their kill in" cold ge for the annual banquet of tin organisation to be hel l Friday evening, The boldness of visiting sportsmen, wi, i it ie declared, trespassed on door- yardl to 'h Ol pheasants, has aroU-ed p su from ranch ere. While the Ittrgw percentage of the orchard its nfofeea t.ut little love for the China b M of his alleged attack., on corn patches and gardens, the eitv hunter is LAW TARES FUN OUT OF HUNTING Di?rovei statute, enacts . See in rubsequent hunting complaint w as preparii first he mad gent on the warden's st claimed ti e the office, ( i statute invoked was in OXIStei Anally the modification was w and the state accepted it, Mr. paying all fees It developed after the trial Koberg rested under a misi sion as to Mr. Fran, being He has never been a deputy g don. KENTUCKY GRI STUDIES Frank T. Street, mem acre orchard at Henderson, rived Tuesday to make a stu Northwestern method of na pies. He has been visiting W He will remain here for -m in actual harvest work. Mr. Street says that his CO for several years been pil cl in boxes. Their method of however, he thinks, is inferior .1 m the Northwest. He the e DRAWING FIRE 'I i" ''ST COMMISSION rowers Assccialion Assails Meas rc as Providing for One Man Directorship lor a s tate market at! onj, ly assailed o Apple Growers Association, and is .i anization, ne of the first anizations of the state al I bed pei manently, has 800 n embers, the measure, it is te I, vt W. b Ktronglv defeated in ounty. E. W. Birge, president of ema i me that the measure is f the not dangerous to tie votid rids bill should be read and con H carefully by every voter, and I e that, every farmer and fruit ;r will readily understand wherein ingor lies. First of all. this 'po- plum,' an appointive office, is a ran proposition. The commission its of a market commissioner or o , and the secretary whom he ;! . The market director or con- er becomes supreme dictator as we shall conduct our business. itive i'.st iuti ins and other r inherent right ntrol over their an coramisDion. i.ibly the direc- ci nonission will know 111110 of conditions of growing, I ol age or .-iik' of our prod- tl to. red nd hav. a oni quite p .ials ot ure data on c ipple always e east, " says OUt hire 1 In Water st bostes of tiic interview ofl stnt ion and se The box premium in tfc On my way in Chicago. barrels end ties, the quality of (he fro on a )ar. m I ling tor exact I, .none' about "W high evi r ih t; e iiarri. more t bs t he pi rfei w esterh I oxed apples K i P. . n B weather e n Ht ioi face. " 11 W7 If il' IS COMING fa 1, i the star rse, Was n - -er, Tli wid tfi n Th gfve veraber Symphonj and one o ceum cou not ad con meet the ral her than tr Aith a m;isi cal from a repre phonies and namb m will I anre's com m Ferry, popula peais with the Anyone wit about til kl is I to talephoi e women: Mrs. K. o Dutro, Mrs Goo R. Wtloi.r or W. A. A. Murphy. APPLE Sllil REACH :Ji)0 CAiiS The Non i' wh it this bill tr I of i rivafa My expei is Ail ,i fair sally roovi ments ie note I. fruit has gone With SI gpTOWara are I mab s of 60 is are fan I crop will run BoaaSi it is sai h ive the Unite i States st it w th offices in Se 1st J and Spokane, which is satisfactory service. Why e taxpayer with this $50,000 i? We are beini? cornmis d at h Let ' stop now and rfown, We t ake the same lis mallei that has been cx iy the Tillamook (bounty from the Tillamook cooper .rn follows : i meeting of the direetoft took 1 ' itty Creamery a re lul i n was a lopted i m go pn teeord as the Market Jommissifin iiill 0 i the November ballot. a I nil would put market lla nook cheese in the ilitlcal appointee, over i here wi 1 1 ii i ve no hi batre their own h it this ought mean, ter b 1 1 i pent over 17 years li ' fai mers in bail ting up an id :. rept nation tor Tilla- I bill waul I undo lot of and we would have no mora irur oa ,; sff lira than the man ., n e thai Tillamook far 1 doing every- ii to this hill? rat ive mai keting, . i pro.! :. 1 b,' 1 i eople s i . 1 1 we do not believe in n I In any manner, form or the p i i bill provided nubrnis-ion, it would ia I, but tln bill provides for 1 i i case wo did not submit n. v thst (he p ' iple, of Oregon in this bid, and if the far e, an effott siio dd be made a gj lature t eni cl ;i bill, Ing all partus inters tad. n u u i oi Iginatsd this bill, i toy s a a l ( of good men, ; iheir case, i altogether . 1 1 m'.i ode I as a work a N in-Pei t lean League. re trying to do doing Stato con- ll'ort. I iring all these years h it marketing a product . ' ung bill a philan- i m it is a col l-bl o led . sry serifk'. ni n e t han drawing up lie to vol H.R.G.P.A. BANQUET IS APPROACH! The of th up in. promui Snd set of hy ifttl cooperative ousand eonterns lore you emil.i sful ones on the cesfiil orgaoi;.- fou win go ' im i. I think n ol, is nroh- iful cooperative hcS steed t tie lining smoothly, igether against hey do not want Moses o hill provides, ard of nu Moses it. Anv market what in control . 1 c ntrol. - p diency. ia products o! rativelv qui t. G! urs express the measure. ny good riif to N.'te .TED OF POLICE nlmg to the testimony. Four peat- 'picked. 2 I to I art as mgi