0 MOOD RIVER GLACIER. THPH8DAI, OCTOBER 21. 1020 Kill That Cold With CASCARA Colds, Coughs rOM AIIIMIMF FOR 1 - AND La Grippe Neglected Colds arc Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT - ft -l ,fr" y ... ii i i i i is i taNtyM Haw HNj mm yl&AWw s,ioi,ii ' wn ,'' 'Ay'" ''"' urnfirrr, 2?'. , ,w iwimi Mj, B.COFFEE lll0,2"'s, Why yes; so we have. A fine line of Staple Groceries on hand. A man to labor needs the best. Our motto is: "The Best Is None Too Good For You." In looking over our stock of Groceries, please don't forget to try our BUTTER KRUST BREAD, spread with LIBBY'S APPLE BUTTER. Lots of other nice things get our prices. J. A. CARR & CO. Free Delivery THE HEIGHTS Our Store is Headquarters for Orchardists Preparing for the Harvest Call or telephone us your requirements. When you are in town drop in. We invite out of town harvest help to visit our store and get acquainted. THE ARNOLD GROCERY CO. Is Always At Your Service H. S. GEORGE cTe Electric Kitchen " The Place to Eat" CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES BILLIARDS AND POOL Tel. 1191 Hood River, Oregon LARGE APPLES Are the selling Apples in Portland. We want Kings, Winter Banannas. Jonathans, Association's packs, also faced and filled, orchard run and cookers. Large cookers will sell tor more' than small Extra Fancy. We want 4000 boxes of JONATHANS. SH ERI DANBECKLEY CO., 211 Washington Street, PORTLAND, ORE. Reference : Hibernia Bavins yon ran eel Free Marking I ll.mk. Stencil at thia onto "You may be Sure" says the Good Judge That you are getting full value for your money when you use this class of tobacco. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often nor do you need so big a chew as you did with the ordi nary kind. Any man who has used the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put uj in two styla W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco WINANS PLANS LOST LAKE H0MES1TES W. K. Winans, owner of a tract of timber land around Lost Lake, states that he has ooiMniaaioMd K. E. New ell to begin this fall, if weather per mits, to, plat into a townsite 25 acres on the shores of the lake. The lots. Mr Winuns KtHtes. will be 70x70 and will be sold rvasonaiilv to local folk for summer homesites. The United States fruiru KPrvirp is la vine out larger plots of the rational forest, which will be allotted to citizens lor summer homer. Mr. Winans. who returned last week with his son, Audjbon, fiom a motor trip into the Lake region, says recent rains have brought the water to the highest stage ever seen in the district. Frosts have prevail d on the higher al titude, and he declares the region a riot of autumn colon. He motored to the end of the Lost Lake highway be ing cut hy Uw forestry service. "The road is in fine bhape," he says, "and we only had to walk a mile and a ouarter. 1 predict that Lost Lake will lie one of Oregon's mo-t popular play grounds when the lake highway is fin ished." Olin Loses Appeal News has been received here that Chas. Olin, Cascade Locks Finn, who appealed a case against I'errv Kintz miller and the Oregon Fish and (iame Commission from tie Portland federal court to the court of appeals at San Francisco, lost in the hitrher court. Olin, who last spring was denied citi zenship papers when it was shown that he was a subscriber to a notorious As toria radical newpaper, Rued Kintz miller and the fish commission when the commission denied him a license and granted Kintzmiller a permit to fish over portions of the river he had formerly ueil. The denial of the com mission "was based on the Oregon law prohibiting aliens from commercial fishing privileges. BOWLING NEWS With twoalleys ready local bowlers, who plan the organization of teams in all parts of the valley and a number in the city, will be very active by No vember 1. One alley, in the basement of the Monroe building, is already the scene of interesting games. E. F. House and C. J. Kruse expect to have their new alley, being installed In the big basement of the Highway Auto Company's garage, ready before No vember 1. Howling enthusiasm has led to the award of a membership to the Portland City Howling League and a team from here has already bowled once in Portland. The team consisted of DeWttt, House, Kru?e, Tonrey and Sherrill. It was Sherrill's first ap pearance in a match. When jrou want your clothes pressed and cleaned by the most sanitary method with a Hoffman steam pester, telephone J. C. Meyer, No. 1121, and he will send for them. 22 tf REPUBLICANS FOR STAN FIELD HARDING NEEDS REPUBLICAN SENATE ()RK(;0N NEEDS A PROTECTIVE TARIFF - R. N. STANFIKLD As is generally known, the present Republican majority in the United States senate is just one vote. Repub lican control of that body is, therefore in ieooardv. It is the realization of this Tact which is causing Oregon ' Republicans to unite in support of the ! candidacy of the Republican nominee for United States senator, Kobert N. Stantield. With a difference of only one in the present senate. Republican votera have awakened to the fact that if they vote for George E. Chamber lain they may by that very act be turning the control of the senate over to the Uemtwrats. On the other hand, by electing Robert N. Stantield it is possible that his single vote may give the Republicans control of the senate, and thus put that body solidly back of Harding. Oregon producers are fearful of the effect that the el ction of Cox and a Democratic senate would have upon them. It is quite evident that under Democratic rule rival products of for eign origin would offer a serious men ace to many Oregon products. If the American standard of living is to be maintained, Oregon farmers, livesUrk men, fruit growers, luml ermen and wool growers must receive a price for their products which will enable them to make a reasonable profit over and above the cost of production. Tney will be unable to obtain such rea-on-ai.le profit, or any profit at all, unless a Republican administration is elected to levy protective tariff djties just high enough to save our producer from the ruinous competition threat i r t-,l by Canadian w beat and lumber, New Zi aland butter, Australian wool, Argentine corn and beef, Eumrean beet sugar, South American meat and hides and Manehurian beans and peas. To hamper a Republican president with a Democratic senate flies in the face of a w !1 accepted principle that , governmental mansgei centered, so thj.t the I recti y place the.repom fir tailure. I ne n Rerajtlics.is is should be people can cor ibility for suc feeling among therefore, be hat Harding, if le support of a Republican senate and that, therefore, Oregon should elect the Republican senatorial nominee, Robert N. Stan field, fo help back up Harding. Stanfield for Senator Republican I Club. 1'aid adv. Put Sunshine in Your Home with ST ilk or VTT!' Pt lf- MSB WSBBBBBBBBBBBSm rBHD I I X M H liSBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. 'flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 1 1 p'sssssssssVyBF PAINTS. VARNISHES. ENAMELS. Etc. Dingy rooms dampen many a housewife s interest in the home. Keeping the woodwork, walls, floors and furniture looking bright and new helps to make her home life well worth while. A few dollars spent for FULLER Prod ucts will work wonders. It will put "rays of sunshine" into the home. W.P.Fuller&Co. Il49-l$3t t Sorthttrtl Branch Houttt SjAf r Look Up of rortland. StatHe. FULLER DUr Hram.,. V 1 V ft We carry a complete stock of above paint BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING COMPANY 4th and Cascade Hood River, Ore. Phone 2181 NASH HUDSON , Passenger Cars ESSEX WE ARE READY FOR THE HARVEST WITH A UOMt'LKTH STOCK OF Picking Bags at $2.00 Each Orchard Ladders 40c per Foot 5d Pearson's Box Nails $6.50 per Reg Dick Smith and Parker Nail Strippers Blowers Hardware Company Nash and Mack Trucks Goodyear Tires Waverly Oils and Greases Storage, Repairs and Accessories MT. HOOD MOTOR CO. Orchard Supplies Arsenate" of Lead Bluestone Paper Apple Boxes Implements WE PAY PORTLAND PRICE FOR 1 HIDES 1 H. GROSS I Tel. 1213 I HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. SHIPPERS OF HOOD RIVER FRUITS Order Now and Be Sure We are manufacturing Warehouse Trucks and Apple Box Nailing Presses. In order that we may make enough for the require ments of the Valley, it is necessary that we have your orders soon. Oljal it V"-'not aways P"ce should de- termine the value of your goods. We have the price as well as quality WITHIN REACH OF ALL. I Preferred Stock Groceries, Fresh Meats HOLMAN & SAMUEL Phone 1811 Deliveries tt t su m. and 2:i p. m. HOWELL BROS. WOODWORKING AND BLACKSM1THING Tel. 2551 Fourth and Columbia BOAT TIME TABLE The Northwestern Transportation Co. . STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland Tues., Thurs.,andSat. at 7a. m Arrives at Hood River about 5 p. m. Leaves Hood River Wed., Fri , and Sun. 8:45 a. m. Phone 3514 L. S. MILLER, Agent. Mt. Hood Meat Co. Sum ssors to V. J FII.Z . Newly arranged throughout. No expense has leen spared to make this market sanitary awl modern in every respect There is none letter in the Stale. Will le jrlad to have you come in and look it over whether you buy or not The Kind of a Market Hood River Wants QUALITY QUANTITY Ask for BUTTER-NUT Delivered Daily to Your Grocers IS OUR SUCCESS Hood River Motor Car Co. I R. c. glanvillb Phone 4141 Repairing Storage Gas and Oil GENERAL SERVICE STATION Fourth and State Streets ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 1 National Bank BuiUlinf Hood River, Oregou I