ITOOn RIVER liLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBEK It. 1020 wer Prices Are Stupendous Reductions Made Believing that the sooner this country is put on a lower price schedule and conditions become more staple, the better it will be for all concerned ; and in order to hasten and bring about this much desired result, we have not only made cur rent reductions to date, but have gone further and even anticipated future reductions and marked our Merchandise at practically PRE-WAR PRICES It is not necessary for you to wait longer for the long expected reductions, to get the articles of which you are much in need. Reduced Prices Are HERE NOW! Compare these prices with prices you are now paying and be convinced. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Silk Waists, $2.98 All Silk Blouses, including Georg ette, Crepe de Chine, Pongee and Jap Silk in Various styles and colors. Dresses A beautiful assortment of these Dresses, the very latest in style, exquisite quali ties of Satin Charmeuse, Serge, Trico tinc, Jersey and Messaline, only $19.75 Other important reductions have been made throughout the line. OUR COATS, SUITS AND SKIRTS have also been reduced, all at a time when you need them most. We advise you to make your selection early, while the stock is complete. Dry Goods OUTING FLANNEL Good heavy quality Outing, 27 in. wide, light and dark patterns, very desir able for Gowns, Pajamas and sleeping garments of all kinds, reduced to 29c Yard Percales Good quality Percale, 27 in. wide, light and dark patterns, the yard, 21c Fast color Cambric, 36 in. wide, per yd. GINGHAMS Fancy Dress Ginghams, that you have been paying 50c a yard for, we are now selling for, the yard. 35c Men's Clothing Men and Young Men : You will be pleased to note that Suits, which for merly sold from $40 to $60, we are now selling at $24.75 to $44.75 Men's Dress Hats $3.50 Men's Blue and Gray Cham- d?4 bray Work Shirts V 1 Men's Flannel Shirts, gray 4 QQ and khaki Men's Blue Bib Overalls $2.19 Knit Wrist Canvas Gloves lOc Rockford Work Sox, 2 pair 39c Men's Medium Weight Ribbed tff QQ Union Suit lWO Boys' Cordurov Pants $2.19 Shoes Ladies' Gun Metal Blucher Shoe Ladies' Heavy Outdoor Shoe $3.69 $4.89 Ladies' Gunmetal English Walker Shoe $3.98 Ladies' Brown Calf English Walker Shoe $4.98 Ladies' Brown Calf Lace Military Heel Shoe $6.90 Ladies' Black Kid Military Heel Shoe $8.50 Misses' Brown Calf English Walker Shoe $4.98 Misses' Brown Calf English Shoe Men's Gunmetal Blucher Shoe $7.90 $6.50 Men's Heavy Brown Calf Work Shoe $3.98 Boys' Good Solid School Shoe, Brown Calf $3.69 You are not too busy to save money? Do it NOW! Make your purchases while our stocks are complete. White Laundry Soap 5c Bar Uye House of Lower Prices Apple Picking Bags S1.98