The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 14, 1920, Image 1

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No. 20
Since the Days of the
The goldsmiths of olden times, with whom bunking-
had its beginning, undertook only to safeguard
money and valuables entrusted to their care.
Banks have increased their activities since that
time until they have become an indispensable factor
in the finance and commerce of all Civilized nations.
The modern business man who makes full use of
his bank looks upon it as an institution dealing in
business intelligence as well as money and credit
We invite business men to make use of all our
facilities for service.
iimimiTmni.i.ii.-iiiiii liu j urn mini uirrnmi immiurmmmmTrnri
Eversharp Pencils and
Waterman's Fountain Pens
b-"--' sssm
September Records
Kresse Drug Co.
The fioxcdUL Store
Acheson called his wife, auk jug her
to meet the two at Uowena. On ferry
ing across from Lyle the two men
! started to walk toward Mosier over the
old road, as oars were not using the
newly cut grade because of the sharp
rock surface. They were overtaken by
n I mi m bonnw automobile and given a lift. At
imniui riVUHN) lEOnre HAIll i Mosier Mr. Acheson stopped to inquire I
it anyone had seen hie wife pass
through. No one had seen her. Ex
pecting to meet her en route he and
Mr. Burton rlciided to ride on toward
ilood River.
On reaching Hood River thev went
About 200,000 Boxes Have Been Picked
and Delivered Growers Call
for More Help
Does each yenr lincl you wish
ing and hoping for better things in
the iuture and rerettln lack of
accomplishment in the past?
There Is one sure way of filling
your horn of plenty to the brim
with all the &ood things of life. It
entails no sacrifice now. It mere
ly means the forming of a ood
Save! That good old formula
for success is as true now as when
it helped build the fortunes of our
pioneer railroad builders, manu
facturers and promoters. Apply
ing it on a small scale in your own
way will bring you results in proportion.
Butler Banking Co,
Hood River, Oregon
Oldest Bank in Ifood River Valley
i ihtiK' jitrTTTTi- rim 1 1 trm t ri cut 1 1 ii r 1 1 Tirrr: n rrrr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HIM I III Ir
jjjjjjjlluuui.lLMUiiLi : I i i i i ill i i i i ii i it ii i i ii ii y i i n minium
Freshly Prepared.
Will Save You Time and Trouble.
Milestone Lime Arsenate of Lead
Remember Last Winter?
When Coal was parcelled out by the City
Officials in 50 lb. Lots ?
Prospects for next Winter are
not any brighter.
Stock up now while Coal is
available and before new freight
rates drive up price.
Hood River Fuel Co.
Phone 2181
Fourth and Cascade
We are now handling
Fresh Meat for the
Fall Trade.
Sanitary and Refrigerated
Meats supplied by
Mt. Hood Meat Co.
It Will Pay to Order Early.
Hood River Spray Company
Phone 2421
If its for Spraying we can furnish it
$10.00 to $15.00
Less than they were sold for a year ago
Every Garment is of our usual high standard
quality and newest models.
$35.00 to $50.00
THE roomy and well
equipped body of
the Oakland Sensible Six
Sedan rides on a frame
of tough steel six and
one-half inches deep.
Similar solidity extends
throughout the entire
car. It has the power
and strength for every
driving condition. In
spect it, now, at our
Ofn Cm itm. It dan $.1305, fmr Omm Sriam IMS. Cp IMS
f O t MtMr. ifihia. AMmml )m Ww, Wkmi lmtpmm. US
lEoigrltLts G-arag-e
I In the face of unseasonable precipi
tation, making it necessary for crews
of pickers to work between showers for
the past two weeks, apule growers
have made fair progress in harvesting
their crop. A canvass of the vallev
shows that more than one third of the
apples have been picked and are under
cover. It is estimated that more than
i!0 per cent of the crop has already
been packed. The Association has al
ready received 100,000 boxes of packed
apples, ana approximately the same
number have been received by other
shipping concerns. AIout 175 carloads
have been shipped from here by all
As harvest progresses growers con
tinue to place the total yield of the
season at 1,200,000 boxes. 60 per cent
of last season. The crop will be almost
60 per cent Newtowns, which is con
sidered a fortunate condition, as ship
pers expect the heaviest demand for
boxed apples to materialize about the
Christmas holidays, when the heavy
yield of eastern districts is off the mar
kets. At present, shippers sy, the
apple market was never dulller for this
season of the year.
Grower! continue to call for more
help. As a result of publicity given
through the Oregonian more than 100
additional apple pickers arrived Tues
day. Most of them came over the
Highway by automobile. Many grow
ers are picking their apples as fast as
possiblle, stacking them away in orch
ard boxes in parking houses. The work
Of packing the fruit out will be con
tinued later. This custom, it is said,
will enable harvest hands who desire it
to prolong a protitahle season, working
in packing houses as soon as the pick
ing is over.
Toward the latter part of last week
growers in some districts were annoyed
by activities of labor agitators of the
I. W. W. order. Men, well dressed,
apparently foreigners, by their exhor
tations at packing sheds and orchards,
for nine hours' pay for an eight hour
day, caused several growers to lose
most of their pickers. The agitators
seem to have grown les., however, and
the hope is expressed that the harvest
will advance without any labor trou
bles. The class of help that has been
coming the past several days is of a
high type of citizensip, it is dec-lured.
immediately to Mr. Acheson "s home
expecting to find that some car trouble
had prevented Mrs. Acheson from
starting. She was gone. Still Mr.
Acheson was not worried, expecting to
see his wife arrive after failing to meet
him. Hut after he and Mr. Harton had
eaten Mr. Acheson grew alarmed. He
called Leslie Hutler. C. H. Vaughan
and Rev. Hoddv joined the party which
returned to Mosier and searched -ill
roads but the new Highway. That was
searched until a plank obstruction was
reached. It was seen that no car had
gone over the planks. After midnight
Mr. Harton and Mr. Acheson caught an
automohile and rode to Rowena, the
others of the party returning here.
They walked back over the new road
toward Mosier. They found Mrs. Ach
eson about 5.30 o'clock about a half
mile east of Mayerdale. She had taken
a detour around the plank obstruction
and thus the searchers lost her trail.
tin tne return to Mco.l Kiv.-r the re
united family met five automobile load
of searchers.
Commercial dob Sends Out Urgtat tetter
To All Members (o Attend the
Portland Conference
Hopes of apple growers and shippers,
who had anticipations of a possible
modification of freight rates on applet
after the recent conference with rail
way executives at Yakima, were
da hed Friday when J. Curtis Robin
son, traffic manager of the Northwest
ern Fruit Kxchange, wired that he had
reeived word from It. H. Countis, repre
senting the railroads that no requests
for lower freight would be considered.
At the Yakima meeting the rail oflici
als agreed to present the request for
lower apple freight rates at a confer
ence between Pacfiic const rail lines
and eastern rail officials at Chicago
last week. The presentation was in
effective, according to Mr. Countis'
Shippers contend the increased
freight rate is a heavy blow at the ap
ple industry. It is declared that the
failure to heed the, requests for a lower
rate will eventually mean a loss of
much tonnage by the rail lines, as
many orchards will be neglected and
allowed to die out when growers fail to
see the return of a profit.
The Woman's club is again offering a
splendid winter's lyceum course coni
Kised of four numbers. The first to be
presented is the Little Svrnphonv, No-
yember 12. This remarkable company
was organized by Thurlow I.ieurance,
the noted composer, tt is is an all
string combination and a company of
artists. Miss Margaret I'erry. iiopular
American soprano, appears with the
Symphony as a soloist.
I he second number, December 10,
has leen chosen with special thought to
the school children, at the same time
one intensely interesting to the adults.
( harles Crawford worst, the bird man,
naturalist, painter, lecturer and whis
tler. The man who imitates more than
400 birds. He also shows beautiful
pastel paintings which he has made, to
illustrate his lecture.
The third number, March 22. it Her
bert leon Cope, king of Lyceum hu
morists. The man who has made more
than a million soldiers laugh. One
needi his message of cheer, his resist
less medley of fun, common sense,
-! beauty and magnetic pathos. No
man has bo demonstrated before the
most discerning audience in the world,
the soldier boys, the possession of ev
ery attribute which makes for plat
form greatness.
And last of all. May fth. cornea The
Merry Rondollers, termed high speed
pep program. It is a musical mara
thon from the time the curtain lifts.
It it lyceum ' livliest and yet one of
the finest and cleanest entertainments
on the platform. A most fitting close
to a splendid, well balanced program.
A little nonsenae now and then
always relished by the best of men.
Such was the motto adopted by
new iioou Kiver organization that whs
horn Friday night. "The Society for
the Preservation and Fneouragctiun
of the Science and Practice of Iticofl
gruous Veracity" is the name of the
new club. The idea originated recent
ly when J. H. Fredricy returned from
h fishing trip and reptroed having
sighted a lizaro sporting a blue head
red tioov and white tail. A Pell was
purchased by a number of public spir
ited citizens, lo it was attached
gold buckle with the inscription
Champion, 1920. Mr. Fredricy
however, did not hold the belt long
John Maker, following an evening
motor triii over the Columbia High
way, toll a story of a near colliaoa
with a H-foot cougar on a sharp curve
The citizens who purchased the bel
deemed Mr. Raker a more collosa
prevaricator, and one morning a deb
cation called at his office, where with
due formalities the symbol was trans
The meeting held Friday night was
called tiy letters mailed to citizens an
nouncing a convention of civic import
ance. The assembly hall of the clul
room was fairly crowded. Hut few
were in on the secret. Judge ,1 . ville
was announcd by Mr. Fredricy, chair
man and first wearer of the champion
ship belt, as historian of the society
Mr. Clanville graphically described the
feats Hnd stories of the ex-champions
Mr. Raker then made the address o:
presentation Of the belt to C. W. Mc
(luliagh, who, it was declared, ha
earned the possession of the belt by his
story of a recent hold up. wherein two
men with a rille had halted his automo
bile, tiring when he failed to stop. Mr.
McCullagh, according to the story,
stopped his car and chased the hnld-ui
man through the city, finally losing
him when the bandit crawled beneath
a freight train and disappea ed
junge grass of the Columbia lowlands
1 he. purpose ol the meeting was a
secret to Mr. McCullagh until tht
championship belt was mentioned. He
accepted the symbol graciously and de
clared that a future possessor of the
belt would have toirove himself by
real story.
Mr. Fredricy, Mr. Raker and Mr.
McCullagh were made regents of the
new organization. I hey will pass on
the claims of future applicants for the
champion-hip belt. Mr. Fredricy
inuwluetorv address r riday night was
a ram of eloquence. He was like unto
a new automobile. He climbed to
heights with a suavity something to be
compared to the smooth running of a
new and powerful motor. He dipped
down gentle slopes and skimmed over
the level places. Only once ilid he
skid, when he glided by the obstruction
of an unfamiliar word
Mr. Fredricy 's ad fress, appropos of
this and that and the other, was in part
as follows :
Spring with its verdant freshness has
come and gone. The summer's sun has
turned the fields of waving green to
amber and the golden grams have been
garnered. The blooms on the trees
have turned to lucious fruits, the wild
flowers have gone to sleep and the
song birds are winging their way to
the southland, but nature's painter is
still on the scene, for the hills are
ablaze with color, red, green and goM.
Soon the wintry winds will be upon us
and the golden leaves will glide silent
ly to rest upon the bOBoell of Mother
Karth. Then nature's painter will cov
er the landscape with a blanket of
lieautiful white and retire to await the
coming of spring.
We are not unlike the seasons. In
the springtime of life we come into
this world, "a feather of love dropped
into the lap of motherhood," our tot
tering footsteps are guided and our
prattling tongues arc taught words of
endearment by parents' love ; then
comes the summer-childhood, when the
mysteries of life are unfolded to us
arid we love and yearn to be loved :
then the fall when we take up the
cares of life just a
got us. Then f
we sit by the wa
of the past snd
Hons of old pals
ahead of us, for
inds win some
t as did those that be
lows the winter when
m fireside and dream
recall fond r collec
who have journeyed
surely the wintry
time find n and we.
A large delegation of good roads en
thusiasts will go to Portland tomorrow
to attend a conference between the
State Highway Commission and the
United States forestry service, over the
Loop Highway around the east base of
Mount Hood A contract -for construc
tion of six miles of the road on this
side of the mountain was to have been
let Tuesday, but the award was oost
poned until the conference called for
A circular letter to many citizens
was Bent out by the Commercial Club,
asking all citizens here who could pos
sibly make the. trip tomorrow to attend
the conference. Hood River citizens
will urge the State Highway Commis
sion and the forestry department to
reach an early agreement on the' Ixop
Highway. The Commercial ClubS let
ter follows:
"We are advised that the State
ilihtfway Commission is considering
the postponment of the Mount Hood
Loop Road. The United States gov
ernment has already let contracts for
about six miles of the Loop road and
has agreed to match dollar for dollar
any amount appropriated by the, Ore
gon Sta'e Highway Commission.
"The Mount Hood Loop Road is one
of our greatest assets, and aside from
its scenic beauty, it affords practically
the only means for the forestry service
to fight rireB. At present the (Wflght
ers have to use such traite as are
available in getting their equipment
where it will be of service. With the
loop road equipment can be taken
where necessary promptly, and the
enormous losses now caused by fire can
be reduced to a minimum.
"People living in southeastern Ore
gon will be afforded a route to Portland
when the loop road is completed1. We
want as many as possible to come via
Hood River, but the Columbia River
Highway will attract them one way at
IcaM, so we will get them coming or
"If for any reason the building of
the loop road is delayed, the federal
government will spend the funds now
available for the loop on some other
project, and we will be in Joat the
same position three years from now as
we are today.
"You are appointed a committee of
one to attend a meeting of the' State
Highway Hoard at the county court
house Friday, October 16 at 10 o'clock
in the morning to protect any delay in
the loop road. We want Hood River
represented by a large delegation.
Please do not depend on your neighbor,
but go yourself if at all iiosnible. This
means mu h to Ilood Kiver valley. Get
up a delegation from vour neighbor
hood. Do not forget: The time' is 10
s. tn. r riday, dc toner lf, the place la
the county court house, Portland."
Preliminary survey of the route to be
taken by the proposed Skyline road to
xtend from Mount Hood to Crater
Lake along the summit of the Cas
cades, has been completed, according
to L. R. Johnson, of the engineering
department of the U. S. forestry ser
The forest service survey party, com
posed of Johnson, F. H. Cleater aid F.
H. I.tnzie, started from Crater Lake
in July, meeting trie survey party from
the bureau of public roads which start
ed from the Mount Hood end at Three
Fingered Jack. At Three Fingered
Jack were nine inches of snow when
the party left.
I he road when completed will'be one
of the most scenic in the state, says
Johnson, and the numerous lakes will
rovide plenty of drinking water.
These lakes are now being stocked with
With the old Wau-Guin-Guin hotel
building, which the new structure will
replace, razed crews are Ti6w rtcavat-
ng for Oregon s first exclusive tourist
hotel, to he constructed by 8. Henson
and Henri I'hiele. The new liotel, U
be so built that additional units may
be added and the first unit to be of 60
rooms, will he ready bv spring, Accordi
ng to Mr. Henson, who was hte Frl-
Jay and Saturday supervising work on
the new hostelry.
Mr. henson celebrated hg RSUi birth
day Friday at the hotel site and isit-
mr local friends. His friends, bow-
eer. did not learn that it was hi birth
day until after he had left for Port
A wrong detour, a flat tire and then I
the exhaustion of her supply of gaso-1
line caused Mrs. I. R. Acheson a very
comfortable night Saturday. Mrs.
Arheson. leaving here late Saturdav
afternoon accompanied bv her young
son and daughter, was journeving to
Rowena to meet her husband
Saturdav morning Mr. Acheson and
Robert Harton went to I.yle on basi
u... Tkn.- r.i.ui u . . u l.
1 uv. o- imiinj uicj v nuiu inn rrw n
'White Salmon on their return in time
to catch the last ferry across, and Mr
like the golden leaves, will glide si
lently to rest.
Hut as we i urncv along nre e rug-
let us Keep the fires of
hi. i aglow and warn thoe
who follow us of the many aitfaHa and
thorns that betet life's pathway. Ry
doing this we eertfci ly can feel that
we have done something to lighten the
burdens for the coming generation.
lUrdtnc Leads in Straw Ballot
In the straw ballot that is being
taken over the nation by the Rexall Co.
Senator Harding is running more than
100. oral votes ahead of f?ov. Cob for the
presidency. The information on the
ballot is received here week ly by the
Kresse Drug Co.
Citizens of the Upper ValtfeV district.
n the virinty of Parkdafe, hav c..d
special election for Hattmtaf after
noon, fV'Vemberh. when they wJM vle
ifa proposed special tax l v of Ave
mills to augment countv funds' td be
used in building rrrsds ir the Section.
According to plans toe special roaj
tax, if voted, will le administered by
a i omm u tee of Upper V'al'ey rltitona
appointed by the c u ty court
Under the aupices of the Pine Grove
grange, the state market commission
hill will be diecossed at the Pine Grova.
giainie hall tomorrow evening Cir -cuit
Judge Staph-ton, of Portend, will
take the affirmative side in a debate on
the measure. The negative speaker,
who will be furnished wjr ties Stat
Chamber of Commerce, has nut yet