The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 30, 1920, Image 2

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1ti0ii Stor Starter
ARTHUR D. MOB. Publisher.
Subscription, 82.00 I'er Year.
Ton years ago it was impossible for
us to vision the era of tourist traffic by
automobles that is now in effect here.
Motor traffic has ileveloped rapidlv, and
despite the impediments arising from
paving operations on the Columbia
Highway, we have had thousands of
tourists here the past summer. The
visitors of this year, however, have
passed hastily. They have merely seen
the hisrh spots of our scenic glory, and
yet it ia enoughto last them for a life
time. They have returned to the four
corners of America to tell of the won
derful sights. They are going to win
fame in their home regions for exag
gerative immaginations. But no ridi
cule will cause them to swerve from
their stories. The? know they are
based on fact of snowclad mountain,
expanse of forest or the magic of a
sunset on the Columbia gorge. They
will persist in their naratives. They
will yearn to return to the land of won
dertul summers, and their yearnings
will be contagious.
We wonder how many of the first
wave of motor tourists said to them
selves or to companions of their flight,
"I would like to see more of this re
gion." That wish will persist and the
next wave will be of visitors arrived
with the express purpose of giving our
region a more thorough investigation
We are being aided in our preparation
for such an era by the new touriist ho
tel soon to arise on the site of the old
Wau-Cuin-Guin resort. The Ixip road
and hotels that will arise beside it will
We ahould not omit to cite as a stim
uIuh to this leisurely class of tourists
the work that is being done throughout
the east and middle west by the Pacific
Northwest tourist Association and its
representative, Frank Branch Kiley.
The third wave of visitors we arc
going to see here will consist of pros-
eetive residents. If men and women
cannot resist further visits and a closer
acquaintance with our Cascade natural
wonders after a casual view of them on
hurriedly motoring through, then they
cannot prevent their heartstrings at
taching to the land in a real love when
they view sylvan glades or the shim
mer of silver waters in a fir engulfed
gorge. There comes an impulse to lin
ger and live in a land so magic.
It is not going to be so very long be
fore we see some indications of this
third wave. And now we are getting
down to our little dream of the future.
Last week a golf links was uppermost
in the minds of a number of citizens.
The week before promoters of the coun
ty fair were eager to see a permanent
home realized. It is probably the wish
of all of us that we could afford both
In a few years' time we will get around
to the point where we cannot afford t
tie without the golf links and the coun
ty fair will never lie what it should un
less we have some such attraction aa
races to draw outside people.
Our suggestion, arising to our rnind
on the little dip into the future, may
not be practical. It will do no barm
however, for us to pass it along. Why
can't we set to work and combine the
golf course and the fair grounds
Mother earth is rather precious around
here. The property could be used th
year round for golf, and for a week in
the fall, when days are benignly calm
when Indian summer is tempering the
aimospnere, giving 11 an exnniarating
but !. ! i ii. ial kick, we might hold
county fair that would draw visitors
by the thousands that is, if we (level
oped racing. Horse racing is called
the s)ort of kings. It is exceediiiL'ly
interesting to the hoi polloi. Adams
and Hood will lean this way in excite
ment as the expectant fans hush their
voices while watching a couple of thor
oughbreds run neck Bnd neck down thi
home stretch, or it may be bu Ikies
hurtling loaf after swift trotters or
pacera. The environment will stimu
late horses, we think. We mifcht devel
op a track noted for record breaking.
Altogether it is a pleasant dream.
petticoats, overcoats, wool shirts, wool
scarf,' heavy hose, heavy underwear,
heavy wrappers, woollen gloves and
mittens, boots and shoes, lelt slippers.
It the old garments are.brightly col
ored all the better. Existence is aw
fully drab in famine stricken Armenia
now. But be SUM and do not send
some worthies- articles, such as laces
and silks. Your gift may be old, but
there is need that it be durable.
It is a regrettable state of affairs
into which the Federal Farm Ioan or
ganization has fallen. Attacked by
mortgage bankers the farm loan asso
ciations, which were progressing in a
thriving manner, are no longer receiv
ing application, for loans. The system
is in litigation and is now before the
United States I upreme court. It is to
be hoped that the mill of justice will
hasten their Kii; If the contentions
of those who onwse the federal land
bank system an- justified the informa
tion should be given at as early a date
as possible. Then national legislators
can rectify the land bank act.
The Baptist Church
Fine Street, near 12th
Dr. E. Herbert llayden, Pastor,
Residence, 1107 1'ine S9reet, I'bone H723
Sunday Services: Preaching, 1 a. m.
and 7 ,90 p. in. Bible School, 10 a. m.,
Mr. A. K. Bennett, Supt" Young Peo
ple's Hour, 0.45 p. in. Ladies' Aid,
Thursdays, 2.30 p. in. Mission Circle,
third Thursday in each month. Com
munion service, first Sunday in the
month, 11' m. A cordial welcome to all
these services.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Services will be held in Church
Building, (lib and Eugene, Sunday, 11 :00
a. m. Subject: Reality.
Sundav School at 11a. m.
Wednesday service, 8 p. m.
The reading room is open daily from 3
to 5 p. m., in the Church.
It seems that the prohibition officers
have declared an open season on boot
leggers. But the case of Hedderly has
showed that even illicit purveyors o
moonshine cannot be shot indiscrimin
Give the lawn a final barbering
put the lawn mower in where it
be out of the winter weather.
This weather will not last always
Remember the below-zero days of last
December and get in your fuel supply
We hope Jupiter's rain can will re
main empty until the apples are all
To date Hood River has made only
nominal expenditure on a free auto
camp grounds for touring motorists.
The Commercial club and tire Jlepart
inent performed a meritorious service
in contributing the purchase price of
the three acres utilized for a park.
The acreage has already proven too
mall. It ia likely that a larger tract
will be necessary next year. An invest
ment in such a property will be profit
able. All over the Northwest commun
ities are realizing the vnlue of automo
bile camp grounds.
The worth of such camps in the In
land Empire is indicated by the re.-ord
of the Spokane camp in the season just
closing. A total of 4402 cars carrying
more than 17,000 persons used the camp
for an average stay of W hours. Ac
tual figures are not, of course, availa
ble as to the sums expended by these
visitors at hotels, garages and business
houses, but the amount is known to be
large. A number of Inland Empire
towns installed free tourist camps this
season and the list will be extended
next spring.
Samuel Hill, of Maryhill.has aroused
the Hood River Anti- Asiatic Associa
tion by some of the statements in a
etter published in the Business Chron
icle of Seattle on anti-Japanese agita
tion. Reginald Parsons, who also con
tributes an article to a current number
of the Business Chronicle, arouses Sec
retary Scott. Mr. Scott, writing to the
Business Chronicle, says:
"Mr. Samuel Hill in his article re
marks that 'a bodv of men, purely and
simply agitators, led by men who never
constructed anything in their lives, who
are purely non constructive, have been
seeking to do so and so.'
Mr. Reginald Parsons remarks. No
local irritation or an aroused prejudice
on the partot cheap politicians or prop
aganuisis snoiiid oe permiiien lo laK
upon itself an international character
the trouble with both these gentle
men is that they do not consider any
work constructive in character except
that done by men in bigger things tha
tanning. In Hood River we have no
politicians, much less cheap ones. The
membership of our association is mad
up principally of farmers, if a frui
grower or orchardist iB a farmer. The
business men of Oregon have concluded
that a campaign of vindication agains
the Non-Partisan League in this state
will onlv serve to promote the matter
Mr. Hill and Mr. Parsons both conclude
their articles with an appeal to everone
to work tor a better understanding
In their articles they show no effort in
this direction toward those whose opin
ions ditler on the subject.
"Now we of Hood River have no es
pecial differences with our Japanese
neighbors. They are among us as good
Citizen! so far as our daily lives go
along. It is not the presence of the
some IKK) J ananese in the valley that
worries us. It was their constant in
crease and tendency to acquire land in
our community that worried us, and
does. When one stops to consider tha
ti6 Japanese married conples were re
sponsible for 25 per cent of the birth
returns in our community of 8,000, he
will observe that there is food for
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Services Sunday morning are as fol
lows: Low Mass, I o'clock; High Mass,
10: IM) o'clock. Instruction for the chil
dren at !) o'clock, each Saturday morn
ing. tf
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Sunday School at it :!I0 every Sunday
morning. Regular Services at II o clock
Regular Sunday evening services. Sue
cial musical programs. All cordially
invited. Rev. I). M. Carpenter
jnl7tf. Pastor
Notice to Creditors
Estate of Edward N. Cook.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned R. C. Glanville has been ap
pointed administrator with the wil
annexed, of the estate of Edward N.
Cook, deceased, by the County Court
of Hood River County, and is now duly
planned and acting as such and that
all persons having claims against the
estate of said decedent are required to
present them, properly verified, to him
at his office, Reom 1, First National
Bank building in the City of Hood
River, Hood River County, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated and first published on this
Mth day of September, 1!20.
R. C. Glanville.
s:!0o2K Administrator. C. T. A.
Thousands died last winter in Ar
menia for lack of clothing and food.
Naked tots were exposed to the ele
ments. Oregon is'not railing for funds
for this unfortunate 'people who suf
fered severely as innocent bystanders
during the great war. But people of
the state will collect old clothing for
them. Search through your closets
and chests and eeejif you haven't some
of the following article: 'oats.
sweaters, skirts, blankets,
By Roberta Lane.
Fire Marshal Frazier visited all the
schools Monday and sounded the fire
alarm withoutjany warning JOf his in
tention of doing so. At each building
the pupils passed out in good order,
and m comparatively uuiok time for
the first inspection. The high Taenia
building was cleared in seconds.
I he student body organization now
lias lv'i mi inhers. An election was held
ast week which resulted as follows:
Arthur Florer, pres. : Mont West, vice
pers. ; l.ernice t isher. sec; Katharine
Stewart, treas. , Paul Reed, ath. man
Harold Dixon, ass't ath. man.; Edith
Bwh k, Bea't ath. man. : Dick Ford, yell
leader; rrankhn Davenport, adv. man.
with the money made during the
county fair the student body will imme
diate ly pay the deficit on last year's
mascot, and start this year's work with
finances in food shape.
Die Mid Columbia Athletic league,
which is composed of The Dalles, Gol-
detulale. White Salmon. Odell and Hood
Hivei, will have a meeting at The
I i t Saturday, where each
school will have a representative to
approve the football schedule and dis-
tls: other schedule's for winter siiorts
Manager Paul Reed announces that
footlmll will tie played in Hood River
with micouver. 'annas. Bend and
Portland, and the team will go out to
ilay Pendleton, IThc Dalles, Golden-
dale, White Salmon and Gresham.
Gibson Field has been put in gooei
onditmn since the fair, and the IocmI
outfall team is hard at work under
I ach r leishman.
The freshmen and sophomores met
for t a first time in football last Friday
after school, the former winning by
two touchdowns.
The seniors feel highly elated to have
:ior of being the ones to give the
first party (if the vear. which is to be
tonn rrow evening. They received this
r account of being the first class
in the high school to be entirely repre
ented ir the student body. The senior
class will be hosts tc all pupils attend
ing high school, the faculty, school
board ami parents of all the pupia in
the high school. The program consists
of dancing from 8 to 9, games and re
freshments from 9 to 10, and dancing
from 10 to 11, at which time the part
will mi. The parents of high school
students are especially urged to attend
these high school parties.
tf7.ll acres lu one Iruct. divided us fol
acres apples, 14 acres In cherries, I acres
ars, ,'tf acres of low land, ii;! acres brush
id puMture.
and pusiure
In l'.iis the property produced IHt boxes of
apples, Wilfl iHiunds of Koval Amies, ! K)
17-10 dobss or Hinga ami Lsmosris, ami
171 in lb. boxes of same kinds.
No record of hay crops available.
It nl 1 1 ntfH consist of I room huniialow. a
barn for four horses, a pack I ng-bouse.
Kmilprnenl consists of team and the vari
ous Implements on the place.
This place Is rliht on the Columbia Klver
Highway six miles from Hood Klver anil
can lie purchased for tln.iMi.UD with a cash
pay ment of 1:1,000 and easy terms .on the
The owner lives In Illluols, hence the reas
on for selling.
Work Slioes for Men, Army Last, nice soft uppers, soft
cap toe, foot-form last. You could not find a more comfort
able shoe for everyday wear. Not too heavy nor too light
just what you'll like for a good, serviceable, comfortable
hoe. Valne3 in this lot up to $9.00. Hroken lots that we
want to close out. About all sizes in the lot from 6 to 11.
Your choice the pair,
Silk Petticoats for Ladies
A new shipment just received. All colors in Jersey and
soft Taffetas. Come in and make your selection now while
you have the big assortment to choose from.
You'll find our prices the lowest.
Sweater Jackets and Coats
We have the largest assortment in the city.
We have some extra specials in Cotton and Wool mixed.
These are samples they are good heavy jackets that
would be fine for orchard work.
Come in and see them.
Blankets and Quilts
Now is the time of year that you'll enjoy some good warm
bedding. We were never better prepared to supply your
needs than now. Any kind you might wish iiWotton, cotton
and wool mixed, and all wool. Oregon City mills manufac
ture the kind that always gives satisfaction.
Let us supply your needs in this line.
You'll find our stock the most complete and our prices are
the lowest. Come in and see them.
2nd Floor
Leather Vests and Jackets
Wool and Felt lined. The best work jackets you could
buy. They fit closely, keep you warm and dry and give you
all kinds of good service. We have a big assortment in all
styles that will pay you to see, Most of these were bought
at a special price and we have marked them so that you get
the benefit. You'll find these the most serviceable garment
you can buy for outdoor wear.
Let us show them to you.
&fe PAR 15 FAIR
Kor Hale New United mates cream separa
tor; 500 lbs. of milk per hour, Phone 57tt. so7
Kor Hale 19 .11 ItigHlx Htudebaker, tlrst-class
condition, driven less than 5000 miles. Tel
1702. so7
Kor Hiileor Kent Harness and one team
black liorses. well mated and well galtert, 1(1
and l years old. ( all iTXt, Kggirmont Or.
chard Co., l.Ileasley. so7
For Sale Auto trailer, tXSU tires, In giaid
condition, used about j miles; will sell very
reasonable. Also large apple wagon with
rack. Tel. Paul F. lloerleln, tel. 5779 o21
Kor Hale Apple rack, VA In, Htudebaker
wagon and V.: loo springs, all lu good condi
tion, will liau I 14) boxes apples; cheap If taken
stain. A. (J. W log, phone 5759. i21
Kor Hale
'olumbla at
Range with water coll, $15. 910
phone 2384. s.'K)tf
I'oat, American l-eglou. No. I. Meets p.
in. 1st Saturday of each month at Library
nan. Mrs. Anna Aiiranam, rrea.; airs, lia
ol Murphy, Hec.
Meels the second and fourth Thursdays ol
each mouth at K. of 1' ball.
Mi- May Chlndlund, V. V.
Mrs. Florence Kand, M.of K. and C,
K KM P LODtiK. No. 111,1. 0. O. F-Meets In
Odell odd Fellows' hall every Hutur
day nlKbt. Visitors cordially welcomed.
Leer 1 1 Allen, N. (i.
t'arl Newman, V. (J
II. H. Caughcy, Secretary.
Kred J. Howard, Treasurer.
, K. AH. M. Meets
third Tuesday In
lu Masonic Hall every
each month.
W K. I.araway.1. I. M.
A. H. Moe, Kccnrdcr.
IHMJll KIVKK LOOOI NO. 116, A. K. and A
M. Klrst and third Wednesday nights o
each month. Kent, Shoemaker, W. M
Harold llershner, Sec y
II i mmI Klver t'omuiindery No. 12, K . T
Meets every first Tuesday evening
ask month. K. O. Hlanchar, K. U.
A. 11. Moe, Recorder.
Isans. Meets the drat ami third Woitnes
daya, work; second and fourth Wednesdays
vriiaaii nau. u. IllNKICHH, VI A
.1. H. KoiiKito Secretary.
Hood Klver, Ore. C. D. Nlckelaeu, I'rea.
Mrs. Alma Howe. Hec. LssllS Butler, Treaa.
('all phone 1201.
MikMh the first and third Tuesday evening In
cue 1 1 month In the Odd Fellows Hall, seven
miles south of llisid Klver. R. II. I
Mrs. Pauline Howard. N. (J.
Otto Khrck, Hoc.
tHHIU Kl V KK i AMI', No. 7,708. M. W. A.
Meets In K of I' hall every 1st and :trd Wed
or each month James II alt home, V e
W. T. Frailer. Clerk.
HCHlll KIVKK CIKCl.K. No. 524, N K 1 1 1 1 1 HOKS
of Woodcraft Meeta at K. of P. hall on the
Ural and Third Thursdays of each month,
Mrs Nellie lili-k el. N.
Mrs. Mattle Nlckelsen. Clerk.
ICIIKN KNCAMl'MKNT, NO. , 1. O. O. K, -ttegular
mooting second and fourth Tuesdays
ii oac n iiionui. i nomas Manor, r. f.
lien. I In 1 1 1 s, i n Sei Hh'
.AUKK1. KF.H 1 K All I i HHiK No -;.l on F
Meets fjrat and third Mondays each month
M 1 .1 llan FIMier N (1
Mm Nettle Moses. See.
mmi prat and third Krld.-iv nights of each
month. C. 8 Field. U. F.
C. C. Aiidenwui, Secretary.
Kor Hale--Hlx rism house and
latlon, furnished Ii desired. Also 1911
ourlngcar. Phone 2303, 715 Cascade av.
For Hale
Irish Hotter pups, "registered,
Cecil Holman. s30
high pedigree; see I n in ;on display Saturday
ai r. A. Trans. (JO
r or Sale. The boat bargain In the city. Am
here lor a few days lo disposeof the bungalow
a! I.-, Monlello AM-, iryou want a home, bet
ter see thia. W II Jones, 00 the premises, oil
For Sale Drag Haw In ttrrl class shape
Complete. Used but little, .Two sows. Phone
Odell 314. s:i0
fOt HalS Qood pair wink horses, true and
gentle, 1 set harness, low wheeled wagon, with
apple rack, out lit JliiM. Uood Oliver Chilled
Plow JO. Hay Bailer complete at a reasonable
price. Two Ifszwsll cars, price S125 and 81175.
Other things. Percy T. Shelley. Tel. 375-1. hM
For Hale a modern well-built Jhouse, large
and beautiful grounds, select neighborhood.
Keply F;. K care (ilacier. hSO
For Hale Fine farm, 110 acres, near town;
I've made giant money here, am old enough to
retire you can do I he same; right price, right
terms; buy direct from owner, Harding t'ox,
Hood Klver, Or , 209 14 Third st. oil
Kor Hale Ivi-.p.issen
as new. I'bone Mii.l, J
nger Ford car, as gtaid
. 11 Fleenor. sfttf
For Hale Iluroc pigs and shoals,
wards, 9X3.
. M. Kit.
823 tf
For Sale - A Howard
new, burns both ival and wood
beating stove, nearly
Phone li3.
For Sale-Heavy team, wagon and harness;
would hire the omdl out to responsible per
son; part cash and terms to suit. I. M. Crav
ens, 1 he I )a I lea, (Ire., r. 1 near I hompson ad
dition scbiKil. o7
F'or Hale or lrade-ii. weeks old pigs; brood
-ow-, also one small drlviug or work horse.
Phone MIS. C. K. Miller. oil
For Sale-Keglatercd Jersey bull, 3-year-old.
C. T llennett, Mosler, Oregon. o7
For Sale by Owner F'our rooin plastered
bungalow and barn, ' acre line soil, close 111,
near high si-lnail; possession Immediately for
less 1 han vou could build the h
For Sale-10O apple boxes, 2 picking backets,
I Hnow apple press, small aiwer spray; can be
seeu at Sunnyslde farm west end of Brookside
drive and llelmont road. F'. 11. Sherman,
Cascade Locks, Ore. g30tf
F'or Sale- Small size Cutler weight machine,
very suitable for small crop; price 75. Phone
Win. Kosh, 1739, or H. K. liaveuport, Odell 3tw.
823 tl
For Kent Two-room log cabin on outskirts
of city; fireplace In one room. Call INI s30
F'or Kent One large furnished Trout slOOVS
room. One of best ltM?allons In Hood Klver.
Modern conveniences. Call H2I Oak street, or
tel. 2113. BWtf
For Kent Furnished rooms.
H. B. Leonard.
719 Ninth Ht-sMI
Famous Players Lasky Corp.
Presents a New
Wanted Kiperlenced Hhiaa and Men's Fur
nlshlnus salesman also ex oerleneoil smeslndv
Moldeu.Huelat Sather Co. s30
Wanted Work on farm by married man:
wants senarale bouse anil near sehiail Ail.
dress II. VV. Iiowd. Hiaid Klver. ireu'l delivery.
or call upstairs In Jackson bid g, over liross
si-i-omi-naiiu siore. h3u
Your order now for nranlna ISaLlSMi aaiia.
factlou guaranteed. 11. T. Iteguell, no No 3.
o7-l bl-111
on the premises.
Monlelbi ave.
use. Midline
Clara J. Noble, 15
a oil
For Sale Tent 14x20, lloored a
wllb good lumber. Also, Stude
touring car In good condition. N.
in ner, lulu -iierinau Ave. Uox S3.
"d walled
tinker Hix
W, lad
sb II
For Sale 7 cords of 1 foot oak wood at fiiio
per cord. A limited amount of M Inch yellow
pine wish! Also a few cords ol pine limbs
cheap. It. W. Perry, Kfd. 1. a30
F'or Hale Five and a half acres, three In
waring orchard, garden spot.isix-tiKlm house,
giant barn, good well 111 wash-house; at a bar
gain. J. c Hoggs, r.f.d. 4. oil
For sale-one Wade power drag saw In first-
class condition. J. W. F oster, Odell, dr. s30
F'or Sale so acres hind 4', miles from ( ify
il Hood IIimt, part bottom land with free
water, balance good pasture land not bonded
lor water. 1200 cords fir ahd iak wood slum
iiHu'e, ooonty road thru land, lair buildings.
I'1 per acre. .1. K. Phillips. Phone
59,51. Ju21lf
F'or Sale -apple
Phone 17S2.
A F'ord truck, giant cab,
All lu good shape. A
bed and
J. Oral!
for one horse wuitou
Io buy a pair ol straight
1 bonias I lagli
bonias F'lagler, phone
s:it r
Wanted -JMan to do the work on about 40
seres of orchard close 10 Hood Klver; $100 iwr
month for each month of the year; will be al
lowed a regular helajr nine mouths per an
num; stale experience, position and salary
heretofore had and give reference. X, Glacier
office. go7
Wanted - F.xperieuced womau to assist In
general housework two weeks lu Hiaid Klver,
remainder of winter in Portland. Phone
nom. of
Wanted - Two packers, or would contract
wrung hm packing to responsible party.
iiuucni,, mh . orowuiee, s3U
Wanted Two experienced apple packers
have Cutler graders and conveyors. H K
liaveuport, tel. (Idel 3ii7. a30
(llrls Wanted The Pheasant, 2nd and Oak.
Kor sali A lluick Six - F:illot-Overland Co.
The ( as, a, te Garage Tel. SJl. SjM
F01 sab siundaril and odd slr.e doors.
wliidim-, window frames and glass. Call
1474. tiiCIf
For Sale Klglit-weeka-old llur pigs. Ijiva
110a i ircnaru i o. eweu BB s-.-u
For Sale A Mllburn wagon, complete with
springs ami apple rack, r . W . Ivatllorn, ioi
1 :
I-or s.,;e ( heap; 100x200 fool. In bliM-k H, In
Pleasant V iew addition lo Hoort Ki ver.orogon,
IbrWOOO. Mrs. J. Klllotl, 3X32 Wabaab ave.,
F:. Han 1 dogo. CSJ, o2K
AN1IY W. K. C- Meets second and fourth
Saturday of each month at K. ol P. hall.
Mrs Hello I'erter. President.
Mr. Anna Abraham. Secretary.
W. O. W.- Kegular mot-lings are neld the first
and iblrii Monday or oacli month at K
P. ball. Isltors cordially Invlu-d. b. e 1
c w. iom, c Q,
I. H'.agg. e'lerk.
mam kiv kk
Meet second
of each mouth.
chaptf:k no as, ei. k.h
F'or Sale or Trade Nellaoii Tractor 12x24.
Almost new Also 3 bottom plow. One new
s bait disk 11. 11. Smith. PboneM7. rartf
Km - . n Klght weeks old pigs; Wade wiaid
saw. I olumbla grapbouoia. Iiavla.
it.r 11 . ly 1.111
For Sale Milk Goat. Does and Bucks, all
ages - ,,iHir, tug-milking strain. Moder
ate pi n-is Soudan stock. See goals moro
nism!. 1 evening and all day Sunday W. F.
Kip ey, 7 miles up Mosler Creek. ei7
FOf -a., l ure bred Ioland China pigs, elig
ible to registration E K. M oiler. Tel. 5S1C. sHlf
or Trade for Hood River alley
BO crea located lu Kernes Valley,
ilalbeur 1 oiinly: good water, 40 acre in cui
tlvallon, .io acre fenced; 3-room house; rlcb
valley land 011 mall route, giaal b'ghway; 40
mile much of crane. Address Baker Halle
r. f. d 1, Klver, Or. o;
Fit Sa
pro peril
WantedThree packers, will furnish room
ami iioarii 11 desired. Crop estimated at 1000 I
mixes, c. c. Paddock, Tel. ,V.Sit. aj
W anted Thoroughly experienced n hard
1st to take charge ol a large bearing orchard,
near HiMid Klver. alter this season on irv
and share of the profits; a nice place and an
excellent opportunity for the right man: ouly
applicants giving tbeirageand detail of their
prev nius experience will he. considered mar
state If all your fami ly are lu aisal boa 11
If you have children irlvo m.-n
Address F:. M. Kelt.. care Glacier. six)
W anted -Single man, permanent position,
on fnilt and ling ranch, with mine education,
to assist in elerleal work and have charge of
ralslug bogs; sute If any previous experience,
rmuiess iv r.. i., care uiacier. s;tl
wanted Man or woman to cook for ranch
help during October and November: good
s n. r roiors, route 1 iiiaiu itlver, Ore.
Phone 4072. imf
Hank experience as laxikkooia-r and assistant
i'hhii ier, is ue
If lie can find employment.
cos gladly furnished. V. F:verlt Koot. care!
iiiacier, iiiaaiiviver.
1 . t I H . . a - A
New York man with National
leuce as lMHikke,.er ami Hsslsluni
leslrousof hK!aling In Hood Klver
Highest referen
sd Kiv
Wanted I am wanting U buy modern Ave I
or six-room cottage, near school preferred,
S4ad good garden-space desired. Please stale 1
price and lia-atlon and whore owner can he
seen M . 1 care Ulaeiei ollteo. ao7
Wanted - Woman Ui dojplaln cooking dor
ing apple harvest, li lo 8 adults .No tuhim
and all modern convenience)). Address !'
uv aj osier, ur. sltitf
Wanted Straw, clover bav and alfalfa a.
bout 1 ion of etch. Phone 54tr7. stftf
Wanted To buy forSontember 1st dell rorv
I'.Klii lark Seedllug Berry plants. Gladwyn
Davis, Kid 4
boll O, Fuller, Sec y.
Meet in K
of P. ball ever
Jasper Wickham. K of K
D1.KW11.HK 1.0IMJK Nil h
Meet In Kra'ornal ball,
night. F K- I
tloi W . Thomson. Styreia
eiF P
sy night.
In. C. Q
O. O. F.
y TburnlaT
rd. N. G.
Christian Church
Bible 8c
Service, 11
1- rules vor,
to all.
Iiool, 9.4
a. m. and
b. 4f p. m.
a. m. ; rrearliing
p. m.; Christian
I'orilial welcome
For Sale
Odell Sa.
For Hale
six fvweek
trade pan I
fwo eowa. Phone J.
K Pkxai.
Purebred Poland ("
dna sit and
parai. I v or
phone H
ml Ml
I --ale WH) Gulgnard eirader.
I. Daveiia,ri. odell .167.
For Hale A limited amount of good. dry.
M in fir u - I. delivered In town or east lde.
saltiman Knw. I'bone 4711. Call evening.
Pgr Sak 1, 11. guard grader A. Hukari aitl
For Hale
Garage, ph.
For Sale
poar Hi
id hand anio paru.
U acre. 12
Irm room
k lbmugh place
?"! per acre.
bearing apples and
house Kn tilling
Wauted-Tobuy your used rui nlture. uit a1
and rugs, t'ash or new goods In exching
K. A. Franx Co. itiitf
Wanted To lease or boy on crop payment'
a place of 20 lo 40 acres. Am an expeiiended
farmer with grown family. Address M. J. K 1
care ellacler. al9tf
W anted Plain sewing children's dresses
suits and coat a specially. Mrs. W. Sumner
smith, 1010 Sherman Ave.
. cra fy HUCICI I BmV I INN
In the gallery of eternal youth, the master humorist
has carved their adventures : Huck Finn, Tom Saw
yer, The "King," The "Duke," Black Jim, "Pap" Finn
and Little Mary Jane.
All you have ever loved, or "cussed," in a boy ! And a
lot about men and women ! As only Mark Twain himself
could see it and set it down.
The tale of a lad who "fled from civilization," boarded a
raft on the Mississippi, floated down, down, adventuring
with a 'King" and a "Duke" and old black Jim.
The tale that will live as lonjr as the world can smile.
nu men remember youth. Made
truest sense great.
into a picture in the
II,., ise Wanted - Will pay good figure for
rent of five, to seven room house for term of ;
10 .1 years, nopiy 10 x 1 i.. uiacier Mir
Joining Barren
Kouto 4, box Si
gin atam:
Hee HarUhornr at Hooo River Uarage
tor Male- lines rr oid horse Wei
1MB pounds also ne S' in Mitchell
Stolen -JFrom County Fair groonds, three
prlae bantams. niolber hen and two half
Srown chick, pullet and cockerel, property of
oe Call I son, Parkdale. 4allXx2. KW
For .Hale - A I
clean and five fn
after t p. m.. O. L,
For Hale Cu
coiittition. onlv n
W s K,w,l a X.i
I'cara of heavy horses and harness
-l pullers: will sell iiissmsS
11 at one. B. I. Montgomery. Mt.
I aakf lsnble work harness. FS--Nnna-maker
grader. olS style. Lva Bed erchsrj
t o Parkdale. Ur Fbooe Odell 2S. JnlTlf
Iowt-On Heplemheril, Boston fouutsln pen
Please call elravea . f. a3U
Ut - Bnggy cushion, between corner bv J
T Miller a and Kordrn bin. Finder please call
V'S", P. e'. Hparks. aao
Mrs. J W Forbes l prepared to do hem
stitching. TU n-h street, near high school.
Phone 31)14.
Gltu-ier olfic makes rubber stamps.
jjrogJjndjM a kid once more
Mon.&Tues., October 4-5
Matinee and Eveninca
Adults, 50c: Children, 30c.-Incl. Tax