V o HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920 CUTLER BOX PRESSES ( i nar i No I i i i j CUTLER MFG. CO., mtmn, M3AO CWyV 3C3HJj S3NIMS A13J.VI03W Ul JLOOi m; Aa aanssaud SEE THF.M AT 1 Steel Cutler Hox Press FRAN HARDWARE CO. A. F. BICKfORD, VAN HORN. R. J. McISAAC. PARKDAI I H. D. STEELE. ROCKIORD STORE. Don't delay ordering Graders, Box Presses and Gravity Carrier. Portland, Ore. i i WE ARE WITH YOU SAYS THE DALLES KELLY- REPUBLIC SPRINGKIELD AM) RS GOODRICH TIRES I TIRKS J VST PLAIN FOUR-SQUARE BUSINESS HONESTY AND KNOWLEDGE At Your Service AT THE TIRE SHOP GAS VULCANIZING OILS AND ACCESSORIES REPAIRS I ' I J INDEPENDENT GROWERS ATTENTION! We wish to announce to the Independent Growers of the Valley that we will be cash buyers for both the Domestic and Foreign Market this season. See us before making any fruit contracts. Our consignment fruit will go into a different market from that bought for cash and will not compete in any way with it. We still want. Jonathans, Ortleys, Spitz, Arkansas Blacks, Newtowns and Winesspi for our Middle West demand. Order your Rox Shooks and Paper at once. It will pay you to see us at once. DUCKWALL BROS. "The Best for the Middle-West" Phone Odell 59 Phone 1361 M.J.B. COFFEE 1110 12th St. Why yes; so we have. A fine line of Staple Groceries on hand. A man to labor needs the best. Our motto is: "The Rest Is None Xo Good For You." In looking over our stock of Groceries, please don't forget to try our BUTTER KRUST BREAD, spread with LIBRY'S APPLE BUTTER Lots of other nice things -get our prices. J. A. CARR & CO. Free Delivery the hkk;hts HT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 Taking effect Wednesday, October i9th. 191"). . " t - . Ml'TltHo' 1 N'lKTHHorSH T. M. 4.00 4 03 4.12 4 2 4.29 4 X 4.40 4 43 4.47 4 VI 4.67 6.(12 6.12 6 17 r. m. ' No. 1 It, I lally A. M. 10.45 10.48 10.67 11.10 11.1.1 11.18 11. 23 11.26 11.30 11.33 K 8 11.63 12 00 Stations Ka. 2 No. 4 No. No. A. M. 8. no 8.05 8.15 8.25 8.30 8.40 I Itvtr Ar L. ....Pomerdale . . . Switchnacl ....Van Morn Mnhr. Odel' !."!.Blnrtnr- Ilolplein Winan. . Dm... TroatCree Wood wort1 Jr. Parkd!f L... i A. W. Kally Km pt : no 2.57 - V) 2.40 2 35 2 3rt 2 M 2.10 L' 05 - (Ml 11 II 11 .05 11 00 A . H. i Imlly Hnnday A. M. !i :' .r. J 22 !15 U Oj - s. 8 .53 S. It, 8 42 8 37 s M 8 30 S 2A 8.15 8.10 A. M. Dill) r. m. 2.15 2.11 2.04 i H 1.4:l 1.36 1.32 1.27 1.24 1.20 1.15 1 06 1 00 p. M. Mt-lc .1 HMturd y only I r. M. : ti.45 1.41 t M fi 22 1" 6.13 r. im, . ' 02 5.57 I H ! 5 50 5 15 5.36 6. r. fi. Steam, t Motor. Ovine to limited space on Motor Cart all trunks and heavy bacsrace WW !' handled on the eteatnt rains, either in kWih -f or folio mtr the pamx-np r?. The Dalles Chronicle, commenting on an editorial expression of thanks last week, from the (JlHcier, on the compre hensive story of lienson l)ay appearing in the Chronicle, says : Hood Kiver, we're mighty glad to hear you express such sentiments. And let us set down right here that The Dalles is boosting Hood Kiver all the time. We aren't very far apart as the crow flies and we aren't separated at all in trade and commerce and in dustry. Good price for your apples, Hood Kiver, means good price for The Dalles apples and poor price for Hood Kiverapples means poor price for our upples. We might go down the line and cite facts a id figures to prove our conten tion. Hut let it suffice to say that we cannot live to ourselves alone any more. With highways and airplanes and fast trains making the world smaller everv day, the interests of one section are being closely bound up with the interests of other sections sec tions far more widely separated than Hood Kiver and The Dalles. Arid it always happens that worth while men and worthwhile communities have KHM thing which points the way for another man or community. We do not all progress along the same level. We lag in this, lead in an other element of greatness. So it be hooves all of us to live together and profit by each other's examples and take to ourselves the best ideas wheth er they be found in Hood Kiver or The Dalles and some are found in Hood Kiver and some in The Dalies. Yes, we're mighty glad to be friends and well wishers and cooperators with you, Mood Kiver. Only through mu tual aid and cooperation and sympathy do men and communities win to high place. Again we say, Hood Kiver, we're behind you, we're boosting your game because, now that the highways and railways and airplanes have cut down distance, your game and ours is the same. So, across the top of Seven Mile hill, The Dalles extends the figurative hand of good fellowship to Hood Kiver as we say sincerely, "We're with you, friend." SEATTLE WOMAN GAINS 15 POUNDS f Could llanllv Breathe After Fatintr. Hut Digestion N Perfect Now ARMAND PATEREAU IS ILL FROM GAS . Armand I'atereau, veteran of the great war, who, except for a short fur lough spent at home in 11H7, served for the entire length of the fighting with the French army, has been forced to leave his ranch work and go to Port land seeking treatment for gas poison ing. Mr. I'atereau, whose father is an Upper Valley homesteader, hastened to France as soon as war was declared by the French government. He was gassed in 1919. Again in 1918 he re ceived a second dose of the poison which has affected Ids tings and stom ach. Mr. I'atereau won a number of French decorations. The Croix de (iuerre was awaided for his heroism in single-handed putting a German ma chine gun nest out of commison, killing or capturing the soliders manning the nest. Mrs. Kay Buried Saturday The bodv of Mrs. M. Kay, aged 28, who died at a Toppenish, Wash., hos pital Wednesday of last week, was brought here for interment. Following funeral services at the Anderson 'chap el Saturday afternoon Mrs. Kav was buried at Idlewilde cemetery. Mrs. Kay's death, which was sudden, followed an operation for acute unpen dicitis. She was taken from I'asco, where her husband is chief clerk of the I'lieilic'povver & Light Co. In addition to Mr. Kay three small children sur vive. Her father, H. W. Chapman, and the'following brothers and sisters survive: Robert and Fldon Chapman, Mrs. W. K. Sherwood, Mrs. Geo. W. Howard and Mrs. C. D. Mowers, of Hood Kiver; Will ChBpman, Vancou ver, Wash., and Mrs. Elsie Wood, of Iowa. Mrs. Kay formerly resided here with her family. Itii Auditorium Needed Hood Kiver, Sept. 7. Kditor Glacier Just a word of criti cism on the Highway celebration here Labor Day. We arrived at the park fully an hour before the speaking be gan, but the small amphitheatre, which is surrounded by a ten foot board fence, hardly held a third of the crowd. We neither saw nor heard a single speaker. I had asked several Portland eople up as my guests and we knew some of the speakers anil wanted to speak to them. After standing around until we were tired we returned home. The commit tee on this affair expected a big crowd and I do not see why room was not made for all. Mrs. Percival 1 Adams. "I have gained fifteen pounds in weight and am enjoying the Best of health since I began taking Tanlac, " sain Mrs. A. G. Sekund, who resides at 2404 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash., re cently. Continuing, she said : For the past several years I have suffered from a severe stomach trouble. My, appetite ws very poor and I had to virtually force down every mouthful that 1 ate, and even this would spur and ferment, gas would form and J would bloat something awful. I also suffered with terrible pains in my stomach, my heart would palpitate dreadfully and 1 had great difficulty in breathing. My head would ache so badly I thought at times it would simply burst open, and I would have such bad dizzy spi lls it was with the greatest, effort I could keep from fall ing. My nerves were in such bad con dition 1 could get but little sleep, and I was so restless at night I would just roll and tons from on side of the bed to the other all night long and would be completely exhausted in the morning. 1 lost so much weight and became so weak I could hardly get about at all and was unable to do mv housework. "A friend of mine who had been greatly benefited by Tanlac advised me to try it and I took her advice. The results 1 have obtained are simply re markable. 1 now have a fine appetite and can eat anything I want and never suffer from it afterward. 1 am never troubled with gas or bloating and never know what it is to have a pain of any kind. The headaches and dizzy spells have all gone and my nerves are in such fine condition I can now sleep all night long as peaceful as a child and get up always feeling greatly refreshed. I am regaining my lost weight and strength every day, and can do all my own housework with the greatest ease. I owe all my present good health to Tan lac, and am glad to recommend it to others." Tanlac is sold in Hood Kiver by the Kresse Drug Co. Adv. Senior Class Shows Aggressiveness On Wedensday of last week, when A. M. Cannon, superintendent of city schools, promised the privilege of the first party to the class of the Hood Kiver high school that would first show 100 per cent paid up duas of $3 each for .student body membership, Julius Johnson and Kay Slavens, of the senior class, underwrote their classmates. The two boys turned in $120 for the 40 members of the senior class, and as a result will arrange details of the first social event of the high school. The junior class is now busy raisng $1! membership fees, endeavoring to make second place. HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Them In Hood Kiver, and Good Reason Cor It Wouldn't anv woman be hanpy. After years of backache suffering, Days of misery, nights of unrest, The de iress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom? Many readers will profit by the fol lowing. Mrs. ('has. La Kocipie. 12150 (th St., Hood Kiver, says: "i am glad to 'say a good word for Doan's Kidney Pills. I have found them to be just as repre sented for occasional attacks of back ache and a soreness and dull aching across mv kidneys. My kidneys did not act right, at these times. Doan's Kidney Pills have alwavs relieved these attacks and strengthened my back and kidneys. " Price 60c at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mr. Rodger had. Foster-M ilburn C Mfgra., Buffalo, N. Y. 4 DRS. ABRAHAM AND SI TON PHYSICIANS and BURGEONS Roomi 17, 19, 20 Brosius Building Kcs. Phones: Dr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Sifton 3613. Office 4151. THOUSANDS PROCLAIM THE MEfflTS OF PE-RU-NA Read Their Letters Mrs. Martha C. Pale, K. F. D. 1, Cannon, Del., writes: "I am en tirely cured of chronic catarrh of the stomach ami bowels by PE-PC-NA." Mr. J. Bayer, Glendale, Oreont "There is no medicine like l'K-KU-NA for catarrhal ANUuMaS." Mrs. Kate Marquis, Middleburg, Ohio: TE-RU-NA cured me of ratarrh of the head nnd throat." Mr. J. 11. Celling. Wesson, Mis-.-issippi: 'TE-RU-NA makes me feel vigorous and nble to work without that tired, weak feeling 1 usually have otherwise." Mrs. r. Ludvigscn, Austin, Min nesota: "I got rid of my l:v r trouble nnd can cat anything since taking I'E-KU-NA. Mrs. L. Hearing, 2S3 East lf.;th St., New York City: "For catarrh of the head and stomach, I havo found PE-RU-NA better than any other medicine." Mr. W. H. Edgar, 49 Cooper St., Atlanta, Georgia: "PE-RU-NA cured mc after I had suffered fifteen years with rhcumati I 1 Mrs. Loona Podd, R. No. 8, Medon, Tennessee: 'TE-RU-NA n grand medicine for coughs and colds." So many diseases are due to ca tarrh and catarrhal condition, maltfs PE-RU-NA the best medi cine in the world to have on hand fr emergencies and general health protection. Thousands of families are never without a bottle of TE-RU-NA or a box of TE-RU-NA Tablets in the medicine cabinet. That Is the safe way. You can buy Bt'.-KU NA any where in tablet or liquid form. DR. E. O. DUTRO PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Office: Hal! Hldg., Phone 1571 Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. Residence: odell. Phone, Odail 868 Hours: 0 to 11 a. m. DR. N. PLYLER CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic and Electric Treatments. Room 23, 24 and 88 Heilbronaar Bldg. Phone 1838. Hood Kiver, Ore. Dr. Phoebe E. Culver Osteopathic Physician Oflh a lioiire, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to. 5 p. m. EUol Huilding, Tel. 2152 E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Ofl e 4211 Ret 1811 Office in Kliot Huilding H. L. DUMBLE, PHYBIOIAM AND HUKGFON. 'all prompt I Hnswprd in uWn or oonntrj Day Sf NlKliU TflrptuutcH Kratitcnrv, UNI: Office, 1241. om. i :i the Itnwlrm Hnlldln? L. L. MURPHY, D. D. M General Dentistry Room 11-15 P.rosius llldg. DR. W. H. THOMPSON PhMcian and Surjieon OFFICE: KLIOT BUILDING Oflto i.' one .'.al Residence 22-M C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. DKNTIST telephones: Office 1081; reeidoTi 8881 Otlnv over Butler Bank Dr. Carolyn Underhill DENTIST Smith Ituilding. Telephone 221 H. D. W. PINEO. D.D.S. IKNT1ST KLIOT BUILPISO I. phom SH2 liHH KIVKR Do You Know? That we do developing, printing and enlarging? Excellent work and good service at low prices. Let us make Kodaking a pleasure for you, rather than a disappointment. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF Cameras and Films Yours for Service A. S. KE1R, Reliable Druggist 'Agent for the New Edison Phonograph C. A. RICHARDS 111 2nd Street cigars Tobacco . Soft Drinks Confectionery czjocz) TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT The Heights Jewelry Store CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, WATCHES, RINGS, ETC. Gel Our Prices Eighteen Years' Experience First Class Work SLUTZ BROS. Garaged Machine Shop We arc exports on all makes of Automobiles and Sprayers. Phone 3173 WM. WEBER STILL SELLS HARNESS & SADDLES Also AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES AND MILLER TIRES OORDTMtM IN FORD SIZES THE SANITARY WAY HOFFMAN STEAM PRESSER All OerM Killed J. C. MEYER llootl River's Tailor and Pressor H..1..1 Oregon RUR. Tel. 1124 Hick's Eats 'n Sweets Meals, Candy, Ice Cream and Fountain Service Tel. SI sm h N Trl 3 mi M E. WELCH, KREMB KTEKIMARV I0MMI ! prrpttml to 4a aay wort la UM) r -7 line. He can be tnnnd by ealllac ai or "JlUi I!;, i aahton Slble Stranahan & Slaven (reneral Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor Office, Smith Mock H.xim J. Tel. 1IKI RIVKK. ORE. printed in errord d Food Ui, cell at B. B. POWELL Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work Cascade Awn or H(XI RIYft R. OREGON A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. OREGON LUMBER COMPANY DISK, OREGON FOR qUICK DELIVERY Tree Props Dimension and Finished Lumber Retail and Wholesale II ve just received a new II i I I I Country Club Toilet U RJLAJy i Preparations i II -S Come in & let iif show them to you HI 1 Ti Chas. N. Clarke YOUR Druggtet FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (THAT'S OUR BUSINESS) Motor Trucking and Hauling of ai! kinds. Try some of our GASCO BRIQUETS They are good for furnace, fireplace or range. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 WE WANT GRAVENSTEINS Irt nwtHj B boim In mil nil We wouM Uk ibruIw peek. Faced and tilled sell wHI if not too many fnuill apple". Portland will pay more MI'V for a larw''' cooker than for a small extra fancy. We siitrtfest mi ce;reate and ship Ltnp and Small. Larue (Jravenoteina will sell for IX. 00 to 12.60 the Box. Kim:-, Wolf Rivera, Waalthjra aad other odd varie- tiea will sell Faced and rilled. SHERIDANBECKLEY CO., 211 Washington Street. PORTLAND, ORE. Reference: llilernia Saving ijank. Yon can get Free Marking Ilox Scencil at this oflice. HUGOIN S BARGAINS Economy Kerr fWf flfMllR Mason Foster Seal Fast Economy Caps FRUIT JARS Quarts, $1.45: Tints. $1.30 ! Gal.. $1.50: Qta., $1.25: Pta., 95' Quarts, $1,10: Pints. 85' Quarts $1.60: l ints. $1.40 , 301 Criseo I Ita. $2.20: 8 lbs. $1.10: li lbs. 55o Lard Swift's Bhur Iaf 10 lbs $2.75: " Rml $1.40 M:1 .J gallon. $1.50: quart. 75c: pint. 40 Just received a bip shipment of ail kinds of syrups, which are now selling at our regular bargain process. L. H. HUGGINS. Tel. 2134