The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 26, 1920, Image 2

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8juui. $ut?r (Slartrr
AKTHUK I). MOH. I'uhllthrr.
Subscription, 82.00 Per Year.
of Hood River have an opportun
ity far participation in one of the most
memorable occasions in the history of
Hood River county Labor Day, Sep
U mber . when we gather with our
distinguished guests of Portland and
other sections of Oregon to celebrate
our completely paved Highway from
here to Portland. We hope that every
district is represented by 100 per cent
of the residents. It will give us a
chance to get better acquainted with
each other. We will meet and mingle
with our visitors. Let everybody leave
grouches at home and come to Chau
tauqua park with a loaded picnic bas
ket. The committee will serve coffee,
cream and sugar. The committee,
however, will not have cups. All pic
nickers en supposed to provide these.
The feast of the inner man will be
followed by some speeches of felicita
tion that are going to be remembered
for a long time In the Hood River val
Motor Tourist Injured
Viola, 14-year old daughter of
and Mrs. A. Croy, of Atlantic,
fell from the running board of
family automobile near Mosier Mon
dav. sustaining a dislocated hip. The
girl was rushed to the Cottage hospital
here. The family, on a motor tour o
the Pacific coast, will camp at the
automobile park until the girl recovers
sufficiently to resume the journey
We hope that as many of the Cas
cade Locks people as can possibly do so
attend the Benson picnic here Labor
Dav. We of Hood River and Cascade
I,ock8 have been strangers to each
other for years. We would have re
mained so but for the Columbia River
Highway. Formerly Cascade Locks
people came here once or twice a year
to pay taxes or to attend jury. Mem
bers of fraternal orders were here oc
casionally for meetings. Now it
not a rare sight to see a Cascade Ixicks
residents here shopping.
It will be an excellent time for us to
start getting better acquainted at the
Highway celebration. Iet the Cascadi
Ixicks housewives fill their lunch has
kets and bring all the kiddies along
A picnic is not complete without the
youngsters. They break the ice of
formality and throw about uh the lines
of friendship.
Just a few weeks remain until the
annual Hood River county fair. When
we contemplate how few cows the val
ley really had in l'.llfi it is rather as
tonishing to read off a list of names of
cow owners today. Some of the herds
of the valley will compare favorably in
size with districts devoted to dairying.
Other herds will take a lead for char
acter of breeding in any district.
If you do not believe that the dairy
business has reached a gratifying
stride in the valley just visit the
creamery some day. The creamery is
one of Hood River's most beneficial
institutions. Remember that interest
in the fair will aid the creamery.
Make the fair even better than last
It has not been so very many years
ago when whalers of New England
were unable to conceive of peril to
their industry from the refinement of
mineral oil pumped fromj the earth.
We wonder if oil refining concerns of
today are worried over the discovery of
the Seattltboy, Alfred Hubbard, who
propels motors with energy derived
from the air'.' Anyhow, the poor mo
torists who have found it so difficult
recently to obtain gasoline have a ray
of hope.
Friday and Saturday, August 27 and
in, Constance lalmadgu in Lxpen
mental Marriage," and Mutt and Jeff
Sunday, August 29, Sessue liaya-
kawa in lhe lemple of Duuk, ant
Paramount Magazine.
Monday and 1 uesday, August HO and
BL Mary Pickford in a new picture,
ine Heart ol me mils. Also a
Harold Lloyd two reel comedy,
"Haunted Spooks, " and Topics of the
Wednesday and Thursday.
ber EMM 2, Robert Warwick
in .Sec
ret Service, the successful play by
William Gillette, also Fox Sunshine
Friday mik! Saturday. September ."
and 4, Alice llrady in "The Dark Lan
tern," and Mutt and Jeff.
Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ.
Thursday and Friday, August M and
27, Edith Roberts in a brand new
drama, "The Adorable Savage," also
Episode 5 of the "Vanishing Dagger."
Getting better every episode.
Saturday, August 28, Pauline Fred
erick in "The Woman on the Index,"
and Holmes Travel picture.
Sunday and Mm. day, August 29 and
00 Charles Ray in "The IV ,h Hitler, "
and Pearl White, queen of the serial in
episode five of "The Black Secret."
Thursday and Friday September 2
and 6, Anne ' ornwall in "The Girl in
the Rain," and Episode 6 of "The
Vanishing Dagger."
tJarbara Vaughan at the piano.
Prices tt the Liberty matinees, 10
and 25c.
Evenings, Saturday, Sunday and
Holiday Matinees, lo and 35c.
Continuous show at the Liberty ev
ery Saturday, Sunday and Holiday I to
10 p. m.
Matinee at the Gem every Sunday.
Miss Beatrice Fisher and friend Miss
Gould, were in Mosier recently.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shinn and baby
arrived last week to visit Mr. and Mrs
J.R . Wilcox.
Mrs. Backland and mother Mrs
Clarke, of Portland, are visiting at th
Lngleke home.
Matt Shogren, Jr., of Eugene, has
been visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr
and Mrs. Gerald Wyss.
F. E. Harding, of Salt Lake, spent a
few davs in Mosier recently while en
route to Seattlo to visit friends. He
has a nice tract of orchard near Mosier
which he visits everv year,
W. H. Hill and family left last week
for Yakima. Wash., where they will
Mrs. J. E. Higley, accompanied by
her daughters, Mary and Ruth, Misses
Harriet Strauss and Ruby Proctor
spent last week out camping at Lost
Lake. E. M. Strauss took them out to
the Lake.
Ueo. Chamberlain is erecting a new
apple house on his fruit farm on the
road near Mosier.
Ten members of the I. O. O. F. lodge
attended a meeting in I he Dalles Mon
day evening, where they listened to i
fine address by Dr. Johnson, of Port
land Grand Master of the order for the
state of Oregon.
Miss Lizzie Elder, of 1'arkdale, was
in Mosier Saturday.
Mrs. John Koss lelt Saturday lor a
ten day stay in Portland with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kngleke have
left for a two weeks' outing at their
old home near Bandon. They will visit
friends in Portland en route.
Mrs. J. Kendlinger and son, William,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Itrown, were in The Dalles Wednesday
ot last week.
Mrs. W. E. Clark and son and Joseph
Higlev were in The Dalles last week
Mrs. F. A. Allini'ton is visiting her
sister in Tacoma.
Miss Thelma Johnson had dental
work attended to in The Dalles last
Some Mosier people attended the cir
cus in The Dalles limt week.
Mrs. J. P. Erhart, of Portland, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Dunsmore,
and family.
Mrs. (). E. Wilson and son Frank,
went to 'I he Dalles last week, where
the young man remained for a time to
be under the care of a physician.
G. P. Morden and family are out
camping this week.
E. 1). Carter, from near Oregon
City, has moved onto the Poe ranch
south of Mosier.
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Guv H.
Swain Saturday, August 11. a son. who
will respond to the name of Robert
P. J. and O. E. Wilson now have a
new ronl, purchased through the Car
roll garage.
Jno. O. Rcldin and family enjoyed
an outing for a few days near list
Lake, returning home Friday evening.
Some time Friday night burglars
entered the Carroll garaire and stole
the rear tires from a new truck. They
had evidently looked overall the tires
in the house, as the wrappings had
been torn. Finding no others to suit
their punxise they removed the ones
from the truck and departed, leaving
some ot their tools behind in then
Mrs. Elizabeth Lelliott received word
Friday that her husband had come out
from the operation, undergone Friday
morning at the St. Vincent hospital it
Portland, successfully and was doina
very nicely. It is hoped that he max
soon recover mid be able to return to
his home.
Mrs. 11. H. Moore and children ar
rived from Ft. Brown. Texas, last
Friday evening. They are spending
some time up at the Vensel ranch. with
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Vensel, bitfotf.
moving into town for the winter.
Capt. Moore will come later, as soon
as tie can be relieved from duty.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank (linger and son
IMwiii visited the stock and wheat
ranch of J. P. Tryon, of Castle Rock,
recently. they also Visited I'e Ml,
u lu re Mrs. Ginger's uncle lives, and
Mr. and Mrs. Isom at Washougal.
Tin J stopped en route at Vancouver to
visit Mr. Ginger's brother, and will go
to tdi huckleberry fields before return
ing to Mosier.
Mosier c itizens have been requested
to cooperate with the people of Hood
RiM county and assist in celebrating
the completion of the Columbia River
Highwa to Hood River and Mosier:
also to do honor to S. Benson, who by
his untiring efforts and generous ex-
enditiir of money, has made this
where a picnic dinner will be enjoyed
at 1 2. .'tO and afterward speaking by
prominent Oregon citizens. Arrange
ments have been made by the com
mittee of local citizens for two free
trips by an automobile and truck to
accommodate those who have no way
of going or may other arrange
ments made. The hour of leaving the
Carroll garage will be stated later.
All are requested to prepare their
lunches, the Hood River people having
stated that coffee will be served during
the dinner hour. (Bring your own
cups. The exercises will close at 4 p.m.
For Hale- Four voiiiik. freMli Juraty cows.
Price la right. J. A. llenderaon, Hlngm,
WuhIi. .1)16
For Hale One Syr. old horse, weight aliont
1iOO ixMindK; iiIno one ,'t j In. M ltctu-1 1 WHK'm.
rve HartahoriiH lit Hood Klver Oarage. MMM
For Hale 1 cow, 2 horses. chlekerH, hay,
wire fencing, poultry nellliiK, '-' plow, 1 har
row, garden tools. Phone A7A8, s-
For Hale All my household goods. If In
I created please call at once. Thomas E- Avery
Phone 4779 a2tj
It's Ruing to be part of
our business tbis fall to see that
to us for clothes shall tret more
For Hale- A BOlck Six Klliot-Overland 00.
The Cascade Uaruge Tel. .'1S24. a2iitf
F or Hale A Niinamaker grader, mountain
liack, Hiirrey, two milch cowa. Tel. Odell 55.
i. k. riag wn
For Hale- Beautiful 20 acre home and money
tnaklnu orchard, twelve acrea In seventeen
year old apple treex, standard varieties; three
acres In young pears; ahout four acres good
level nerry land; one acre around rauainn,
Oood house wllh all modern conveniences,
tenant house, ham and apple house, liulld
Inga could not he duplicated for 116,000. Piped
Irrigating system In orchard worth KjDOO
The whole thing, Including crop of nearly
HXm boxen, can he iiurcliiiHiil for the very rea
aonal price of J20,000. Address, A. 1). C, care
of (J I act or. 2
For Hale 5 passenger Ford Car as good as
new. Phone GPU J. H.hleenor. Kl
For Hale Good clean allalfa hay, this nea
son a crop, baled teal and loosest per ton. lei
Odell -MX2.
every customer that comes
value for bis money than ever before.
The clothes we sell will be just as
fine as ever; the best qualities are al
ways the most economical.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
make the best clothes we know of.
We shall sell them at the closest mar
gin of profit ever attempted. Maybe
we'll not make very much money on
them, but we shall give you some re
markable values.
Our first Fall shipments are now in
you see them. We can
ana price.
A full line of Boys' Suits for school wear and dress wear.
We have one of the biggest and best lines of Boys' Clothes
that Hood River has ever had. Let us show you what we
have- you'll find we are offering the biggest values out.
All sizes, newest styles.
Hart Schaffner
V &Marx
We'd like to have
supply your every wish in quality
New Fall Hats for Ladies
Our first Fall shipment is now in. You'll find the sea
son's newest creations at the lowest prices in our Millinery
Department. 2nd Floor.
New Fall Coats for Ladies '
Come in and let us show you NEW SHIRTWAISTS, NEW
New Fall Ginghams and Dress Goods
We are showing some of the prettiest Ginghams we
have ever had.
A good line of Felt Hats for Boys, sizes
( to G. Special while they last
A good assortment of colors of this splendid material at
the old price. These are odd pieces tnat we are nn
Your choice, the yard MJ.
cleaning up.
We have a small lot of that special 25c goods left that it
will pay you to investigate. While it lasts, the
For Hale Lota 1,2, 8 and 6, itlock 8, Wood
man h Addition to Hood Klver, located on
twelfth Ht. on Name block with K. I), (.'ate gHr
age and etuicr for resilience ro num
neaa iniildlng. 1 win aen tneae iota to person
making me the hlgheat hona ride caah oiler
In 30 daya ending September 20. Addreaa
Frank faddy, owner, Kd. A, Box US. Ureah
urn, Oregon. HlO
For Hale Klume lumber, building material
wood and apple tree DM pa while they laat,
W. I. Klruy. mill near minium Minion. TBI
Odell lUn. BNtf
For Hale
(lerdea, Tel.
Wheat and alfalfa
For Hale - Cord wood timber, about three
liiartera of a mile east of the town of Hood
Klver, on highway. F. M. Mllea, rm McKay
lildg., Portland, or J. N. (irillllli, II. H.
For Hale- Team of heavy horaea and harneas
and ill yeara. Al puller: will aell reiiaon
able If taken at once. II. J. Montgomery, Mt.
Hood, Ore. al'Jlf
For Hale- A registered Toggenburg milch
goat. Ii!7 W. Sherman Ave., Hood Klver. aM
For Hale A 1 ton Ford truck aa ifood aa new
. II. Ilugglna, tel. .'I II. a'4l
For Hale (IradlMg machine In Hral.r.laaa
running order, making three grades, with
iielilc motor complete, 51(a). Kluuril W
Van Horn. Tel. 4010. a2li
For Hale- llhode Island lied pullelN.
Ion Para), Biai'Uiaa , F rank, Tel. MOH.
F'or Salt- Medium size 5 passenger car In
gixd order. Will make good light truck or
dandy bug. A. J. Hhepler, .t! ( olumbla
Ht. n
For Sale Double work harness, t'Vr, Nona
maker grader, old style. I.ava lied Orchard
o , Pariulale, Or. Phone Odell M. JnlTtr
For Hale A learn, weight ahout WM) each
work good bold single or double, IkiIIi guar
anli ed true pullers, also a cow and sow, at a
bargain. ( . t: Hparks, Kfd. 4. IfJt
For Hale- 1 litli h.
oudlllou, 8116. Hue
Klcctrtc motor, perfect
F;. Newell, Mt. Hood
F'or Hale One horn1, H yrs. old, weight about
'.vill. Perfectly reliable any place. rhoni
Wm, s2
Fr Sale l.i acres, 12 bearing apples and
pears. Modern ii riaim bouse Kuunlug
water, ('reck through place. Joining Harrell
school. Price til) per acre, lloule 4, box !i
l i ii plume rM. ap.'tl
For Hale Thren good cows. Am leaving
allev and will sacrlllce for oiilcU sale Mrs
I' dim FJIen Wright, llarrett lllslrlct. uUU
ForHale ll!l Niinamaker (trader with elec
trie motor. Tel. UN, II. D. Mteele. mI'ii
For Sale or Trade For modern home or
place ittal could la easily made Into modern
Home and groundsill from iiii to 87 .( at.
iJHtl acre wheat (arm near Condon. Hud acres
u cultivation, rot acres in pasture. Plenty ol
iiulldlngs mid water supplied by springs
hi' I'liii'r. 130 per acre. Would give terms,
n y a Ik me outright from owneror real ealati
agent. I). II 1 liomas. ( ondou. Ore. aid
ForHale 1MB (lulgnard (.ruder, phone II
K. Davenport, Odell :u.7. inlHtf
For Hale -A limited amount of good, dry,
iii-in. nr wimiii, delivered in town or east aim
Hallman Pros Phone 4711. Call evenings
For Sale Untitling and Hume lumlier al
lowest prices. Compare our prices wllh
others before buying prices on rougl
i. ......... u. f a'... i.ui .....7
' l ' ...11... ' ., .. I. .1.101,
For Sale t wo brown Swlsa cows - and
rear old. Fresh II week Calvea go with
cows 1 1 1- cream and plcnl y milk W ill lake
hogs or wisid In exchange. Also giaal work
and saddle horses lor sale or trade. Hhelley's
Wisid Yard. Phone .: I mO If
For Hale F resh 4 gallon cow. Two nice
calves, work horses at voiir price. If you
can't buy them trade me something. Alaoa
wagon. Hhelley W oodyard. l ei
For Sale-Young horaea )ry 10 In tlrst
growth tlr wood, fll per cord In cord lots.
hirst class Oregon wheat liar, fll per
ton at the yard If taken ell the car a lower
price will lie made. One Htudebaker H.x, 7
passenger car. In fine condition Will take a
smaller car In trade, Nice two-year-old Jet
ey milk cow, fills Shelley wood yard, phone
.17M, comer Flrat and state. mini
For Sale Htl acrea land U miles from Clfy
of Hood Rler, piot Isitioni land with free
water, balance goon pasture1 land not
irrcat t vi iit is saible. This ci'leliration ; '" water. lJtiti mrda fir alnl oak wood stum
. . . ' " -. ... ....... ....a..,,,. ...... ...... I . . . . . , . . ...........
in to ot- ht 11 .-H-ptember , l.alwir Dav,
at ChaulHiiiiua nark in Hood Kivt-r,
age, county road thru land, talr buildings
Price :7.lki per acre. J . K. Phillips. Phone
' o
. ii '
For Hale-Heveral hundred pounds asaorted
nails, one good tiled lent floored, walled, etc.
with good lumber, mattocks, hoea. pitch
forka, scythe, hay knife, etc. For the present
can be seen at 1010 Sherman ave or N. W.
Leadbetter, box 83. al2tf
F'or Hale
for schiarl
Horse and bugay. Horse gentle
children. Tel. 5401. 8. ti. Car.
ForHale Nituamiiker grader and gasoline
engine. K. A. linker. RM .State Ht. Jyl5tf
ForHale Standiini and odd size doors.
windows, window frames and glass. Call
1471. mC If
For Hale or Trade Nellson Tractor 12x84.
Almost new. Also . botuim plow. One new
M fool disk. H. D. Hm 1 1 Ii. Phone M7X. m27tf
For Sale Second hand auto parts.
Oarage, phone Illfil.
For Hale Year.old White Leghorn hena. P,
U. i ion 1111 Wilson St. al2
hor Hale-To make room for some registered
(luernsey cowa 1 have bought, I will sell :i
giaid cowb, IjMt frenh ('. T. lloberta. I'hone
ma. an
F'or Half Qttlfjnard grader. A. Hiikari. a5tf
F'or Hale Klgnt weeks old pig: Wade wood
saw: Colnmblu itranliniiola. Uhnlwvu Davis.
K.H'.IJ. 4. tyistf
F or Hale-Dodge touring car, fully equipped.
A. .1. oraiunn, I.u.
F'or Sale A Jersey Hull suh)ect
Hon, 17 monthH old. Phone 4K7U.
to reglstra-
ForHale One fresh cow. Phone M'.9.
For Kent Two iiiiliirulslied rooms for light
housekeeping. No children. Tel. sm
For Kent- Partially furnished
house mil 11 October I. Tal. IS0.
F'or Kent :i unfurnished rooms. Tel 3661, al!
MWantad To rant raroi or apple orchard, or
will run on salary or salary and percentage ol
crop, can take possession on or tiefore Dec. I.
I nil give nest or rcierein es. Aiiiiress A. m .
siepln us, Kd. I, Hood Klver. aa
Man to dig well.
Call :H44or Odell
Young man to learn automobile
Dickson -Mamb Motor Ik). a2
Wanted To buy for September 1st delivery.
1 5,000 ( lark Seedling llerry plants, (iladwyn
Davis, Kid. 4. altf
Wauled To buy your used fill nlture, atovea
md rugs. Cash or new giaida III exchange.
K. A. Fran. Co. a20if
Wanted To rent a small orchard, 10 to 15
aen s, must be first class, by thoroughly ex
pel leuced orchard man. Address .1 . H. Hhull.
ltd. 4, lliaid Klver, Ore. s2
Wanted 1 1. leaae or buy on crop payment
place of 20 to 40 acre. Am an expel tended
homer with grown lauilly. A oil teas I li.
an- i.iacter. ai'JH
U anted Ki sisnslble parly with potato dig
ger toconlrucl to d Ig M acres of polaloes or do
Maine by the day. P.O. Box 2fj, ftM
Wanted A man for all around farm work.
lliaid irk, 1. 1 wages for the right man.
1'el. 47;u. altit f
Wanted M oiled American wants opiair
lunlty lo purcliaae 5 to 10 acrea of desirable
.iiproteii. or iiulinproveti laud on easy terms
and with H.-tiiui ice of enough work to make
payments Have ueneral farm experience
and one ton I ruck. Prefer work with truck,
but kind ol work a secondary conlderaion.
Willing to do anything. F'red T Hnilth. 2!r
slrd SI S K. I -i I laud. aolf
Wauled To buy one .'id 11. P. engine, lop and
Iww.-r atts, xrta.r husk and feed, complete
wllh eliitch, one 0X21 I saw planer, (live low
est cash price W. D. Hitrkey ,V Son, llusuio
Wash. all)
Uat I. ic use lag no. Dfloai. F'lnder please
return to H t Klver Abatract Co. ffl
IxmiI Probably near O. W. It A N. alatlon.
gold fob wllh gold and bliMidatoue pendant.
tewani lo i. -turn to (has so ley, Dee. rnon.i
Odell 406 a A Mtltcaae on Mt. Hood Ixalge road
I'leaae notify Dr. N. 1.. .tminerman, 491 t:
4Kb St.. 1'orliaiid. or phoue Tabor 0H6H, Port
land. a20
Mm. I rV Korbea Is prepared to do hem
stitching ;u y'li street, near high achisil
Phone mill. lillf
Annual Stockholders Meeting
mctlii,' of
The annual tra?k holders
the Glacier tVtrr
ejectior of officers and such other
nesa aa may come before the met
will be held at the Valley Crest s
house Saturday, September 4, at
Everett A. Brown,
Telephone H 51
The SHUBERTS of Chicago
Coming to HOOD RIVER Crtraf A
PYTHIAN TEMPLE, Saturday, J). 4
The East's Greatest Dance Orchestra. All Welcome.
We have been fortunate enough to secure a
second carload of BOX NAILS.
All growers who find they will require
extra Nails will do well to place orders now as
car will be unloaded this week.
Box Presses, Ladders, Picking Bags,
Nailing Hatchets, Nail Strippers
Several Good Used Fords For Sale