0ooo -Cv. q0 &oo OO O OO HOOD KIVEK GLACIER Til V KSDA Y. AUGUST L9, 1020 SW' COR0 s 'JfeVjS CURELV your car deserves the best in tire Ba bb qSk -L T O equipment. Ajax Cord Tires are built to out- a 0O Vvo wear to outlast, and to give your car that snappy mm WM7M W "well-shod" look. They are dignified, durable and aa o T dependable. Note that Cleated Tread, t holds. 1 -, See those Double Shoulders of Strength. . V na 3QTk' se Al'ax Cords and know real tire satisfaction. mm Do You Remember those frigid days of De cember, 1919? We merely call your attention to them in or der that you may pre pare yourself before another winter sets in. Remember that George Washington said, "Pre pare for war in time of peace." We are agents for Pipeless Furnaces. Get your order in now for Heating Appliances. You may be too late otherwise. HUCKABAY & BARGER Telephone 1061 THE SANITARY WAY HOFFMAN STEAM PRESSER All Germs Killed J. C. MEYER Hood River's Tailor and Preiser Hotel Oregon Bids. Tel. 1121 APPLE BOXES COST MORE THIS YEAR Visit your Washington Neighbors Reasonable Fares on Hood River -White Salmon Ferry. Automo bile, including up to four passen gers, $1.00, plus 3c war tax. Single passengers, 25c W ATKINS' Spices, Flavoring Extracts Toilet Articles and Medicines EARL BEACH, Tel. 192.) We are expecting soon a shipment of Light Six Studebakers $1700 f.o.b. Hood River CAMERON MOTOR CO. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED fETEBLNABY TilWON i j hhmI in amv work in the vetfrh - I (((lire. Smith Block. Ko ary linn H i-hii ! foun t by chIUdk mi or iimiii RIVED UNI.' prnalDf to the Fashion Stable. 1IOUU KIV&K, ua H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor Apple box sliooka will cost growers 28 cents per box this season. The price of last year ranged from 15 to 23 cents, a large number of growers having been supplied from contracts at low figures. Growers are paying 1A cents each for the manufacture of their boxes. Growers do not anticipate any short age of apple boxes this season, a con dition that retarded harvest last year. Apple Buying Nominal Reports reaching apple shippers from prepresentatives who have been attend ing the annual convention of the Inter national Apple Shippers' Association, indicate that preharvest buying will be nominal this yeHr. Growers, it is re ported, are holding their fruit at a price thought to be excessive, and buy ers, many of whom lost money as a result of heavy preharvest speculation last reason, are holding off. Board of Equalization The County Hoard of Equalisation will meet at the court house, Hood River, Monday, September 13, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. for the purpose of going over the assessment roll a id correcting such errors as the board deems neces sary. All applications for reduction must be filed with the county clerk within ir( days from Ins . date of publi cation of this notice or they will not be acted upon. al!is2 Eleetrieal repairing at Dakin Electric Works. Bl8tl mW It's dollars to doughnuts- no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight 1 Camels mellow-mildness will certainly appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and that smoothness! It's a delight! Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga retty odor I lust compare Camels with any ciga rette in the world at any price! Camels are aold every whrrr in mcientifically mealed packafe ef20 cigarettes for 20 centa. or ten pack aiea i200 cigarettea) in (lassine paper covered carton. We strongly recommend thia carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J REYNOLDS TOHACCO CO.. Wlntton-Salem, N. C. RIVERS AND HARBORS CONVENTION CALLED The Oregon State Chamber of (Com merce has called a Northwest rivers and harbors convention to be held in Portland nt the Multnomah hotel Octo ber 4 and 5. Five delegates will be accredited from each Portland and commercial organization of the state. One delegate will represent each in dustrial commercial or transportation interest. The shipping problems of the Pacific Northwest are becoming acute and de mand the serious thought of manufac turers, merchants, farmers and in fact all who must avail themselve- of ship ping faciltiies. The high freici.t rales in the past have worked seriously against the Northwest shipper, and now with the new increase effective the 25th of this month, the whole mat ter is presenting a problem the serious ness of which can only be contem plated. The railroads are handicapped on ac count of the lack of equipment, and while striving to give service are yet unable to handle the situation either in the matter of transporting products and raw materials to and from this section or to provide a rate that seems satisfactory to the Northwest shipping public. I f there was ever a time in the his tory of the Northwest when 'lie liuni ness'men should be alive to the need of the development of maritime shipping and to cooperate on the program of such development, or to consider seri ously these problems which mean so much to the business interests of this section, it is now. A relief for mer chants and industries of the Northwest can be secured through the develop merit of steamship lines and harbor fa cilities which will be able to handle the shipping of this part of the country, giving the advantage of both rail and water transportation. Just Little Stories S. J. Frank, while delivering powder at a highway construction point the other day overheard two workers talk ing. One could read but the other was illiterate. They were dtscursing a pic ture of William Howard Taft. who re cently lectured here. The man who could read made some remark about what a great man Taft was, pointing to the picture. "Sure," said the other,"hes a great man, but that don't look like him. "Why, do you know Talt'.'" asked the other. "Sure 1 do." was the reply. "I see him every time I buy my chicken feed." The only Taft he knew was the local feed store man. f am mj mmaaaamaWi 2a ammwfmam. H A high heeled shoe and a young woman in haste resulted in a comical incident here Saturday. The young woman, in from a ranch stopped to make an order at the Taft feed store. Returning to her automobile the long heel penetrated a crack in a platform. Members of the office force failed to see the accident and the young woman tried vainly for several minutes to ex tract her heel. She was apparently pondering on the necessity of unlacing her shoe in order to free her foot when one of the truckmen of the concern es pied her. Finally, as the young woman laughed In near hysteria, the man pried apart the heavy boards until the of fending heel could be freed. In these days of gasoline shortage when a few gallons are precious, the force of the Hood River Garage felt exceedingly ' disgruntled when they learned Sui day they had hung out the sign, "no gas," on that day, al though their tank contained more thm 100 gallons. It all happened as the re sult of early risinir of Standard Oil company crews. The gasoline was de livered shortly after dawn before any body from the garage had appeared. The garage went through the day sup posing its tank empty. However, it did not take long to distribute the fuel the next day. Marshal Frazier says (hat the I'nia tilla county desperadoes have appeared here on six different occasions. "1 didn't know we had so many ner vous people," says Mr. Frazier. "1 have been called nearly every dav since the Pendleton jailbreak by peo n'e who have just seen strangers tit ting the description (if Sheriff Taylor!; murderers and accomplices. If I had arrested all the people who have been suspected, I would have the jail full of prominent motoring parties." A tree felled last week on a high v Itage line of the Pacific Power Ai Lisrht Co. in the Upper Valley bv beavers almost caused the death of a horse owned bv H. ). Mongtomerv. As Mr. Montgomery drove along the coun ty roail his bursa came in contact with the wire and was felled instantly. The horse, ultimately recovering, was un conscious for ten minutes. The beav ers, engaged in constructing a new dam, have interrupted Hwer service in the vicinity several timei recently. While the Glear Creek district, to the southeast of Lost Lake and BDOVS the point where the West Fork of Hood river descends from its gla-ial court--, is ideal for camping, according to H. O. Kresse, ju-t back from an outing there, the lishirfc is r.ot good. The streams, Mr. Kresse save, are full of trout too small to take. He was ac companied on the trip b his wife and brother-in-law, J. M. Itadbetter, and wife, of Portland. Pear fanninj! Indefinite The Hood liiver Canning Co., which in former years has proceeded from the strawlerry and cherry canning sea son to pack Hartlett pears, may not handle this fruit this year. No derision will tie made until it is determined that buvers will be in the market f.r this fruit, which mutt be packed at a high figure because of the cost of sugar and lalor. The cannery, which has had a nor mal run on strawlcrrie-i and cherris. will can heavy ojuantitic of apples his fall. Apples are packed without sugar. The berry crop, it is said, was of fine quality. For electrical trouble" and M- najj riatteries, see Dakin, 111-11 3d St n Ml n mamm mv IN THE WORLD sf9m Ktiuifdto mouth clnli- ZM aamffmmr SEND AiL $936.20 Where can you for $986.20 find a car that contains these features: Valve-in-Head Motor, Zenith Carburetor, Splash and Pump Oiling System. Two-Unit Lighting- System, Three-quarter Floating Rear Axle. In only one Car The Chevrolet $1829.21 Valve-in-Head Motor, Automatic Lubrication, Delco Igni tion, Full Floating Rear Axle, Multiple Disc Dry Plate Clutch, a Car that is $300.00 better than its price The Buick HOOD RIVER GARAGE 20 DISCODNT ON GOODRICH TIRES DURING AUGUST Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 5 1 0 Cascade Avenue PHONE 4121 (The Old StanleySmith Lumber Yard) 30C Coal mmm ' et us Quote yu a P"ce. S cl llld """" or building purposes. LllTie-We have it in anj amount. FlctStd"""ust received fresh supply best made. WOOfl Fir 16 Inch, and Oak, 4 foot. )guac 1 G inch and 4 foot. Get our prices and look at the wood. c 1 ioi ) All Kinds of Building Material and anything you need in the Lumber Line. We are here to serve you. F. DAVENPORT, JR., Manager. THE FASHION STABLE'S Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 LMVM HmkI Kiv-r daily at 4.:H) p. m. L ;ivcs Parkdale Daily at s a. m. (except Sunday). Kvcry Saturday L ax s Parkdale it p. m. WANTED Hikfrp. hilikU-lx-rry i rk-r-, li-li-frm.i ami rrr ;li'in partu s In daw th.'ir pii.ihi w ..n kt-i t . Walitnm Lakaaad riciaity u allium l.afr Pack Train. RmSM i'vt Bn. Ston- or A. VV. M v t, 'aw.nte jr?kp. joSttf DRIED FRUITS This is the season when dried fruits are in demand and we are well supplied with nice fresh stock. Dried Black Figs 20c lb. Dried White Figs 25c lb. Dried Prunes 3()c lb. Dried Peaches 30c lb. CONSOLIDATED MERCANTILE CO. Furniture and Hardware FOR SALE HiglWl prires paid for anMSMsMH artirlcs atxl junk. H. (.ROSS C,r .Irl an 1 Osk. T. I MB R. C. GLANVILLE ATTOBNEY ,T LAW Room 1 National l'..,nk ftml'liu? H'.-l Ri r. I ir sjbli BUILDING MATERIAL Cement Lime Brick Plaster Roofing TAFT TRANSFER CO. 2 i m