The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 12, 1920, Image 2

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    noon Hivf-ft i,Acu:n, tiwuuw, vavnT r, 1020
HhA ffiiurr ftlurirr
AUtHllf II. ll I'uWi.h.r.
SiiMfrliillon.i2.00 IVr War.
We reprint in another column thin
wttak H HtHtement of .IhiihiiiiM' artivi-
ties in Oregon aa prepared liy the Ore
gon Japanese Association. The data
leemingly in fair and reliable. It may
he convincing that to date OfVgM haH
no detrimental inrlurree arining from
land ownership of the Nipponese. This
is all beside the question. We admit
that our proolem here has not reached
the stage of that of California. It is
a potential one. Yet all indications
point to just such a status as exista in
our sister state to the south if Japan
ese are allowed to continue their influx
to such fruit districts as Hood River.
The Pacific coast states can pass
laws preventing land ownership. Most
of them already have done so and are
ready to make such legislation really
stringent. But in the final analysis
the question is one for the federul gov
ernment to settle.
Procrastination at Washington may
lead to a friction that may result in
more than ernbarrasment for the na
tion. Delav is dangerous. As long as
Japanese are permitted to enter Amer
ica and own land, under whatever
terms they come, just so long will agi
tation rage. Radical proponents of the
Japanese and equally radical anti-Jap
anese throw a web of exaggeration
around the controversy. The federal
government can end the problem for
all time by taking a firm stand and
frankly telling Japan that her nation
als, who'cannot assimilate with Amer
icans, must, remain away. Some busi
ness interests of this counrty'fearing
strained relations, and a loss of dollars
to themselves.are bringing pressure to
bear for Dostrioniinr a frank ultimatum
to Japan on the subject of imtnigra
tion. Delaved long enough a settle
ment of the problem mav prove dan
If the lya of lh town tmd their way
would largely ahif t
from here to The Dellee before nest
Wednesday, when the MMMM Hrrua
will call at the neighboring county
neat. Until begin to travel by
airplane 00 I l ey rati reach t hough level
ground for the big tons on the valley
floor we are likely to go without the
childhood pie DM of shouting at the
Any tree is worth saving when the
axeman anil Htarta an mm
sary destruction, but the great old oak
on Thirteenth street, the great branch
es of which spread at a short distance
from the ground, ought to be so le
loved by all Hood River people that its
loss would cause a ptrMWl grief. We
wonder how many children have played
fairy tale games among and beneath
those broad and stalwart boughs.
Jack Brown risked his life to avoid
collidingjwith cureless motorists last
week. Two cars were running abreast
at a sharn turn on the Highway. Jack
Brown is courageous, but the next fool
ish motorist cutting capers on danger
ous links of road may not meet with
man of such consideration.
Henri Thielo is the kind of a man to
make a success of any venture. He is
a hustler and a good manager. The
ease with which he fed, to the point of
comfort, that big crowd Sunday demon
strated that he is much more than a
man with a magnetic personality. We
are glad to welcome him among us.
Let the call go forth to all of the
county for every rancher and every
it v gardener to prepare the best of his
products for the .ipproaching fall fair
The event, which can be made interest
ing and protfiable, is not far away.
The good automobile camping park
will cause many motor tourists to re
member with fondness the name of
Hood River. From the numbers who
already crowd the park it seems sure
that enlargements will be necessary.
No American citv has shown a faster
growth than Log Angeles. People have
not been drawn there because of indus
trial activity. The benignity of cli
mate has been capitalized by the pro
gessive citizens of the city of angels
Homes have been provided, and the
retired farmer and business man, who
have garnered their little fortunes by
hard work in a severe wintertime clime
of the middle west, have been ready to
purchase them and to settle down in a
country where the weather is less rig
orous. where old aire feels less the
thinning of the blood.
Los Angeles niitrht point a way for
us here in Oregon. Here in Hood Riv
er, if we had more homes available we
could materially increase our popula
tion before winter begins. During the
past few weeks we have heard of a
number of families who would settle
here if homes were available. Several
of the prospective residents are folk of
means ready to retire. Now that Henri
Thiele and S. Benson have taken the
tourist hotel problem off our hands, we
might evolve some plan for stimulating
home building in Hood River.
Those who have to pass Mr. Beaure
gard's pig pens on the Highway hope
he will hasten the removal of the
Ros'n ears are ripe.
We of Hood River are justified in
keeping from our end of the Highway
the taint of Jazz. We believe it a
compliment to the good citizenship of
Hood River county that public opinion
is so strongly expressed in opposition
to Sunday dancing. It is not a display
of radical narrowness or tendencies to'
ward the old puritanical, for we know
those who protested to the county
court to be men and women of toler-
ence and breadth)f mind. The move
merit is not one resulting from petty
bigotry or factional feeling. The
spontaneity of the expressions and the
general representation of all the coun
ty on the petition presented Monday
should le a warning to all 00CMM med
that we do not want the spirt of jazz
to fasten on Hood River.
Jazz is not a symptom today of My
particular community or nation. It
seems to have pervaded the globe. It
is not merely a worry to Hood River
people, but thinking, conservative folk
throughout the nations are alarmed at
the inroads it has made A summary
in the editorial columns of Monday's
Oregonian admirably sets forth the
end.-, to which our morals have retro
graded to the accompaniment of jazz
music. We repent the editorial in an
other column.
The county is proceeding with con
struction of a stretch of concrete pav
ing on a main road through Ode II.
Work has been delayed by a number of
annoving incidents, it is stated. A
steam roller secured for the task broke
down and a number of other minor ac
cidents occurred. It is thought, how
ever, that concrete will be (loured next
The county court has visited the
place of MrswtT J. Nicholson, of the
Krankton district, where a proposed
new road will tie laid out, and has
awarded her $.'i(MI damages, an increase
of $lbl over the allowance of road
viewers, the court also increased an
award of damages to M. D. Odell,
whose place will be crossed by a new
road in the Odell district, from tM to
Man Uses Reserve Too Soon
W. N. James, of Portland, returning
home from a six weeks' motor tour
that carried him and his family as far
east as Bitter Root, Mont., had his
first experiencejwith gas dine shortage
here Tuesday.
"I am much chagrined," said Mr.
James, as he applied to dealers in an
effort to get enough fuel to carry him
tol'ortland during the day. "I had
heard much of the gasoline shortage,
and when 1 started out I secured a Ill-
gallon drum, filled it and carried this
reserve with me until just McON
Starting on the last leg of the trip to
lortlanil. dusoline seemed plentiful
and we nsed all of our reserve. W
arrived here with only about a gallon
pf fuel, and all garages have the
no gas' sign out. "
Mr. James finally secured enough
gasoline and kerosene mized to get him
into Portland.
K. A. Dixon, former Vancouver, Wn. ,
merchant, and A. J Marsh, who until
recently was in charge of the mechani
cal department of the Ford assembling
branch in Portland, have purchased
from II. T. DeWitt the lattcr's auto
mobile business here. The new con
cern, which wilf be known as the Dix-on-Marsh
Motor Co., will handle the
Kuril line of automobiles, tractors and
trucks exclusively. Accessories and
tires for the general automobile busi
MML however, will be kept in stock.
Mr. Marsh is an ex-service man, and
for IK months during the war was in
charge of tuning up Liberty motors at
the flying field of the navy at San
Diego. The two new owners are young
and progressive business men who have
come to Hood River with the highest
Mr. DeWitt, a pioneer among Hood
River automobile dealers, is as yet
indefinite as to what his future busi
ness relations will be.
R. V. Wright, for the past two years
in charge of the Smith-Hughes agricul
tural department of the Hood River
high school, has accepted a call from
the University of California to take
charge of extension work in farm man
agement. Mr. Wright, an Oregon Ag
ricultural graduate, who has just re
turned from a tummer session at Berk
eley, will leave for the south by Sep
tember 1. The local school board, who
announce that no choice of a successor
has been named, express regret at los
ing Mr. Wright, who has been highly
instrumental in building up pure-bred
dairy stock here and in stimulating in
terest in the annual fall fairs.
Nw in the tinv you'll enjoy on- of lUtw f i n suilH we
have I hi aea. n. vV ha io'vit displayed a nicer assort
ment and tfct prices are very reanonahl. Any style u
wish in cotton, wool and cotton mixed and all wool, plain and
faii itrlptt. ('hildren's, Misses', Hoys', Ladies' and Men's
Let us showjyou some of these suit.
Friday and Saturday, August 13 and
14, Olive lhomaa in Out Yonder, al
so a Mutt and Jeff cartoon comedy.
Sunday, one day only, August 15,
Sessue Hayakawa in "The Temple of
Dusk," also a Paramount Magazine.
Monday and Tuesday, August 16 and
17. Henry B. Walthall in the great
northern story. The Confession
Also Larry Semon in "Between the
Acts and a Topics of the Day. 10c
and 35c.
Wednesday and Thursday, August 18
and lit, we present the raramcunt Art-
raft production, The Woman Ihou
(invest Me," with an all star cast
Also a Fox Sunshine comedy, "The
Light Weight Ixjver." 10c and 35c.
Friday and Saturday, August 20 and
21, we will present a Metro screen
lassie production, also a Mutt and
Jeff comedy. 10c and 35c.
Vera Kolstad at the Liberty organ.
Without attempting to cast any re
flections on the promoters of the Home
Park dance, other than an expression
of our opinion that Sunday night danc
ing Might profitably be eliminated and
some other form of amusement substi
tuted, we do wish to record our senti
ment on nwdhouse. and dance resorts
along the Highway. W U iu'Vt ,t was
fortuna'e that citizens hastened to ex
press a disapproval of dance.-. tr..,t
might ap, ear risque. All of us know
f the unsavory reading occurrences in
Clackamas county have made for th-.
Portland papers. We do not believe
that Clackamas county is proud of
some of the resorts just over the line.
It is our opinion, based on an obeerva
tion of reports emanating from them
that Multnomah county resorts along
the Highway are of a high order, jtt
us of Hood River keep our resorts
clean and make them places of which
we will all be proud
We believe that we have made a
goo4 beginning toward a realization of
w holesome places of aaiusement.
Comment on Auto Park
Hood River, Aua-ust 8, 1020.
Mitor dlacier: We motored up
from Portland yesterday with a big
lunch, expecting to eat it in the new
auto park. We drove in, and whiu
ti ere w ere numerous tables and
benches every fone was laden down
with household stuff, chattels and bed-
dinif. No one was eating and no one
offered to clear a table so we could
Now, is this park for "free lodgers
by the week, or is it for the benefit of
eople traveling along the Higwhay,
to eat their lunch? We had to eat our
lunch in the car and were very much
In Portland the tables are not al
low. I in be occupied for more than an
hoi:' I v one party. It seems there
ought to be a sign enforced to this sub
ject so that ail might have an equal
chance and "hogs" could not motiOx
lize the park. Yours truly,
Mrs. Percival U Adams.
Apple Buyers Are Busy
A large er cent of the apples of the
White Salmon and Husum districts, ac-
ordingtoJ. E. Made, here Tuesday
from the latter district, have been pur-
hased. Mr. Slade savs that Dan
Wuille & to. and Page & Son, the lat
ter firm of Portland, have been the
heaviest buyers.
'I was offered $21,000 for my crop
i mated at 10,000 boxes," said Mr.
ate. "bat I declined to sell, for I be
ve I will get more money."
The deer season will soon be open.
We wonder what district will first re
port a man shot for a buck.
( tlit Ask That Tree Be Preserved
Activity of crews yesterday in exca-
f a magnified t i ak tree,
stami:t c n the middle of Thirteenth
i reel. Utween State and Oak, caused
citizens to fear that the tree might 00
removed, and a protest followed. City
authorities, however, state that the
excavations will not endanger the tree.
When Thirteenth street is graded.
I have asked that the old tree,
said to be one of the finest in the en
t r. mid Ydumbia district, be pre
served. I'r Scholl'a foot expert will be at
.he store of J. C. Penney Co. Friday
and Saturday.
NOTE, Starting Monday, Aug. 16,
Phe Liberty 't heatre admission prices
will bet Matinees, 10c and 25c, ex
cepting Saturdays, Sundays and Holi
days. Lvening prices, 10c and 35c,
dso 10c and 35c for Saturday, Sunday
and Holiday Matinees. This raise in
prices is made necessary by the con
tinued rise in the cost of film rental, a
recent "sharp advance of over 50 per
cent in the cost of advertising as well
as other increased costs in labor, and
in every article used about the Thea
tres. The only deviations from the
above prices which will he made will
be in a few instances where big pro
tltu lions that are put on by the pro
ducing companies are played at the
Liberty, then they will be shown at
exactly the same prices as they are
shown for in Portland.
Thursday and Friday, August 1 1 and
12, Frank Mayo in the very latest
Mayo picture, "The Red Lane," a
tense story of the Canadian boundary
line. Also enisiode 3 of that king of
serial stars, Lddie Polo, in "The Van
ishing Dagger."
Saturday, one day only, August 14,
the queen of light comedy, Mabel Nor
mand. in her great Goldwyn success,
"A Perfect Thirty-six." Also Burton
Holmes Travelog.
Sunday and Monday, August 15 and
Hi, Dorothy Dalton in "The Vampire, "
one of her famous Triangle plays. Al
so Pearl White in episode 3 of I hi
Black Secret," the serial of a thousand
Prices at the (Jem 10c and 25e, in
eluding tax.
Barbara Vaughan at the piano.
K. S. Olinger's Daughter Heroine
Miss Mary Olinger, heroine of the
Mton t urt hotel fire in Portland, is
the youngest daughter of E. S. Olinger
dean of Oregon iieace officers, who has
lieen constable here continuously for
nearly 40 years. Mr. Olinger did not
know of the exploit of Miss Olinger
until he learned of it through stories in
Portland papers. He expressed a pride
in the coolness of his daughter in
limbing down shutters to escaoe the
Miss (linger has a brother, Winficld
Olinger, who was in the aviation ser
vice during the war. He now resides
in ( alifornia.
Our first shipment of Boys' Suits for Fall is now in.
We have a bitf assortment, Knickerbocker style with one or
two pair of trousers. Full lined suits that will stand the
rough wear that hoys are sure to give them. We have en
deavored to select patterns that will not need to be cleaned
every time the boy wears it, besides being neat and dressy
in appearance. Bring the boys in and let us fit them out
while our assortment is most complete. You will be pleased
with them in quality, style and price.
Ltdtef' Seamless IfW, fast black. A splendid value
at the pair -
I,;,, lies' Seamless Hose, fast black, white side, double
hjMl llld toe. The pair
Ladi. s' Fibre Silk Boot Hose, color tan, the pair
Indies' Silk Lace Hose, color heather mixture,
"seconds." However, the defects are so slight
that they are scarcely noticeable. The pair
19c i
25c I
48 V
i nese are
SPECIAL We are offering some splendid values in
Lawns, Dimities and Flaxons in dainty stripes and figures.
Good that will make up lovely into aprons and dresses for
Ladies and Children, these pieces would cost us at least
.: more riirht at the factory today if we had to
buy them. Your choice while they last, the yard.. .
A good assortment in stripes mostly darker shades.
Here are some goods that will wear and give the best of sat
isfaction. Look at it when you're in and you will or
realize the wonderful values in them at the yard OOC
ABOUT $200,000
The increase in freight rates will cost
Hood Kiver apple growers approxi
mately 200t000 this year. The in
crease that will be applied to apples
moving to points east of the Mississip
pi, about 75 per cent of the crops
which will exceed 1,225, (XX) boxes the
coming harvest, is about 31 per cent
The increase will also affect shipments
of apples to California points.
Last season the freight cost of a box
of apples shipped to a point east of the
Mississippi gateway was t2J cents, ex
elusive of refrigeration, the increase
th coming season, including refrigera
tion charges, will be about 18 cents per
box. loea shmners state.
It is the belief of apple shippers here
that the high freight rate will result
in a concerted action of Northwestern
fruit shippers toward securing water
At present, says Walter Woolpert
or Dan Wuille & ( o., no apples are
moving to Europe by ocean freight be
cause of an utter lack of refrigerated
space on vessels. The increase in rail
freights, however, will quicken inter
est, both on the part of shippers and
the steamhip companies.
Kor Sale Gnignanl grader. A. Ilukari. a5tf
For Sale Year.old White Leg-bora liens, t,
Q. Hlgdoa, MM Wilson Bt. a!2
A. M. Cannon, superintendent of
schools, has announced the following
faculty list for the next term, which
will open Monday, August 30:
High school History, H. H. Conkle,
principal; English and French, Celia
Hunkins; historv and,hnglish, hvange-
line Husbands: mathematics. Maybelle
Phillips; commercial, Mrs. Edna Wise
man : languages and athletics, Earl E
Fleishman; science, Wm. J. Thornton
home economics, Grace E. Smith
manual training, U. C. Goodman ; su
iprvisor of physical training, Frances
Elizabeth Maker; supervisor of music
Mrs. C. H. Henney.
Junior high school- Principal, C. C.
ewhouse; Mrs. Harnett Mlashfield,
Mrs. H. G. Barklage and Miss Char
lotte Kinnaird.
Park street school Principal, Messie
joyttte ; Alice Tomkins, Lina I.. Rob
erts, Lulu Mrather, Velma M. Wilkin
son, .Sarah Nealeigh, Vera A. Ulin.
wo places remain to be filled.
Coe primary school- Principal, Mrs.
Henrietta Cornelius ; Mayme McKnight
orence Mrosius, Marion Howe and
Daisy E. Crocker.
The following janitors have been ap
xnntcd: High school, C. a. Jones
'ark street, Isaac Ford, and Coe pri
mary, Walter Waddell.
Divorce Case Filed
Willis Wells Orvis has filed suit for
iivorce against Mrs. Hattie Luana
Orvis. charging'that she deserted him
over a year ago when the family re
sided at Livingstone, Mont., and re
turned to PurTalo. Mont., where she
has since resided w ith her mother.
The couple was married in Buffalo
October 17. 1915. Thev have one child.
a small daughter.
Forestry Undscaper Visits
Prof. Waugh, chief landscape expert
of the I'mted States forestry service.
who visits national parks to select sites
for tourist hotels, has been on a tour of
the Ioop Highway around Mount Hood.
iTof. W augh, who was piloted into the
national forest district by Milton Cra
ven, I'pper Valley packer, also visited
liOst Lake while in the district.
Notice of Union Picnic
The Woman's t'nion of the Riverside
Church ill participate in their Annual
Picnic on Friday, August 20. st the
ranch home of Mrs. A II. IVrry. They
will start from the Chareli promptly at
II a. m. All without means of tra-
tation are intrncted to notify Mrn. I. K.
Aeheson, chairman of the transporta
tion. Mrs. J. W. Ingalls,
19 Chairman.
Standard Gas Takes Jump
The price of gasoline was advanced
three and a half cents to distributors
here last week. Dealers applied an in-
rease of three cents to their charges,
and motor fuel is now costing the con
sumer 33 cents per gallon in Hood
Notice of Dissolution
Noti e is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing !etween the
undersigned, doing business as the Hood
River Motor Car Company, has been
dissolved by mutual consent.
J. O. Eastman,
Archie Lust nun,
a2ti M. F Ostenberg.
Notice of Sheriff Sale
Bv virtue of an execution in fore
closure duly issued by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the County of Hood
River, State of Oregon, dated the 10th
day of August, l!t2(, in a certain action
in the Circuit (ourt for said County
and State, wherein Belle Johnson as
ilatintiff recovered judgment against
i'aul P. McCully and Gertie M. McCul-
Iv, his wife, for the sum of Three
Hundred ($300.00) Dollars with inter
est at the rate of 10 per cent per an
num since March 5th, 1915, ana costs
and disbursements taxed at
Dollars, and attorney's fees in the sum
of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars
Notice is hereby given that 1 will on
the 11th day of September. 1920, at
the east front door of the court house
in Hood Kiver in said Lounty, at I
o'clock in the afternoon of said day.
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash, the following de
scribed property, to-wit :
IjoI four ) in ection rour (41,
Lots one (1) and two (2) in Section
rive (St. and the southeast uuarter
(SE1) of the northeast quarter (NED
offSeetloa five (5), all in Township one
(1) North. Kange nine () tsst, ot
Willamette Meridian situated in the
county of Hood River, State of Ore
gon, containing 1"6 acres, more or less.
Taken and levied upon as the proper
ty of the said I'aul P. McCully and
(tertie M. McCully, his wife, or as
much thereof as may be necessary to
satisfy the said judgment in favor of
Belle Johnson against said i'aul V. Mc
Cully and Gertie M. McCully with in
terest thereon, together with all costs
and disbursements that have or may
Thos. F. Johnson,
Dated August 12, 1920. al2s9
Presented with a petition from rep
resentative citizens from all parts of
the county, the county court Monday
modified a public dance license grant
ing a permit to give dances at Home
Park, located near Wyeth on the High
way to such an extent that Sunday
dances will hereafter be prohibited.
The petitioners, represented in the
court room by representatives of the
Ministerial Association, Woman's Club,
Merchants Association and civic or
ganizations, also asked that dancing be
prohibited after midnight on week
days. The court, however, took this
portion of the petition under advise
ment, promising to set the hours for
dancing at the September session of
Yor sale To make room for soma registered
Querns flows I have bought, I win sell :i
good eowi, i jnst fTteb 0, Ti Roberts, Phon
11133. a!2
For Hale Horse and buggy. Horse gentle
tor school children. Tel. MOl. 8. B. Car
nine. SOU
Kor Bale- BlgOt weeks old pin; Wade wood
saw; Colombia arapbonola. uiadwvn
K.F.U. 4.
For Sale A 4 year old DIN, weight 1380
guaranteed to work any where single or douh
le. Tel... jjUf
Kor Hale-Dodge touring ear, hilly egnipped
a. J. Qraham, phone 1212,
Kor Male Flume lumber, building material
.11 ! slab wood, al mill, U mile soulli of Sum
mil, W. 1. Klrby, plume Udell 10S. BlHf
Kor Side
1417 1.
Standard and odd size doors
window frames and glass. (Jail
me u
Kor Sale-One liorte, H yrs. old, weight about
1250. Perfectly reliable any place. Phone
5H63. 82
For Hale Desirable team black tiorses. Ex.
perlenced In orchard work. Weight.. 2400 lbs.
It years old. Apply 0. E. Graves, Oak Grove.
Phone .5608. B12
Fur Hale- 1 acres, 12 bearing apples and
pears. Modern 6 room house. Kunnlng
water. Creek through place. Joining Barrett
school. Price $700 per acre. Koute 4, box 52.
Telephone 5751. a!2tf
Kor Male or Trade Nellson Tractor 12x21
Almost new. Also .(bottom plow. One new
g foot disk. B. D. Smith. Phone 5478. m27lf
For Hale Second-hand auto parts.
Garage, phone 3151.
Kor Hale 10 acres of land, suitable tor truck
gardening. Imiulre Gerdes Hotel, l'hom
17C4. Jylnll
For Hale Two brown Swiss cows 2 and
rears old. Fresh 3 weeks. Calves go with
cows. Fine cream and plenty milk. Will take
hogs or wood In exchange. Also grod work
and saddle horses for sale or trade. Hhelley's
Woodward. rnooeS7Dt. 1 ' 11
For HalP Fresh 4-gallon cow. Two nici
calves, work horses at your price. If you
can't buy them trade nic something. Also a
wagon. Shelley Woodyard, Tel. 3754. JS-tf
Kor Hale-Team weighing MO, Also harness
and wagon. Horn llros., phone V11. Jyltf
Kor Hale- Three good cows. Am leaving
Valley and will sacrifice for quick sale. Mrs
Kdna Ellen Wright, Barrett District. a!2tf
Kor Sale-Several hundred pounds assorted
nails, one good sized tent floored, walled, etc
with good lumber, mattocks, hoes, pitch
forks, scytne, hay knife, etc. Also, a P. A O.
disc. For the present can be seen at 1220 'I av-
lor st., or N. W. I,eadbelter, box S3. aljtf
For Sale Household furniture. Including
kitchen rane, dining room table, chairs, dav
enport, bedstead, springs, 9 x 12 rug, dresser,
millet, roll ton desk, grapbonuhi. babv bed.
baby buggy, also lawn mower and garden
implements, etc. R. V. Wright, lit Mar Rt
roans wn. a u
Kor Hale-1011 Nunamaker Grader with elec
tric motor. Tel. 5780. 11. I). Steele. al2tf
For Hale Cheap Good team of black mares
and double harness. Good workers, weight
lOOO pounds each. Inquire of Mosler Valley
Bank, Mosler. Ore. alu
For Hale or Trade Kor modern home or
place that could be easily made Into modern
home and grounds al from 04 (too to 07,000. a acre wheat farm m ar Condon. HOI) acres
In cultivation, H)0 acres In pasture. Plenty of
buildings and water supplied by springs on
the place. 020 per acre. Would give terms, or
buy a home outright from owneror real estate
agent. 1). B. Thomas. Condon, Ore slli
Kor Male Refrigerator In good condition
109 lb capacity. Price 015. Hicks' Restau
rant. Phone 2161.
Kor Hale Young horses. Dry Kiln, ttrsl
growth tlr wood, III I per cord In cord lots
First-class Eastern Oregon wheat hay, H per
ton at the yard, it taken on the car a lower
price will be made. One Mtudehakcr H, x
passenger car. in fine condition. Will taken
smaller car in trude. Nice two-year-old Jer
sey milk cow, gift. Shelley wood yard, phone
37D4, corner r irst ana .stale. mini
Kor Male HO acres land I1 v miles from Clfy
of Hood Kiver, part bottom laud with fret
water, balance good paslure land not bonded
for water. 1200 cords fir ahd oak wood stum
page, county road thru land, fair buildings.
Price J37.50 per acre. J. R. Phillips. Photic
5!54. Jn2llf
For Sale Double work harness, 0JB; two row
corn planter, Nunamaker grader, old Style
Lava lied Orchard Co , Parkdale, Or. Phone
Odell 20. jiilTlf
Kor Hale Twenty acres of land Is more than
I teel like caring for. Therefore 1 will sell 10
very reasonable, and for reasonable terms.
Will consider ofler on eutire tract. H. P. Al
len. Tel. 5420. Jul7tf
For Hale 3 pure bred Polaud China I'lgs
Gnlligan strain, fine for breeding purpose.
U. A, Corwln, Rt. 3, llox 73, phone 0007, Jn.'ltt
For Sale 1010 (iuignard (irader, phone II,
K. l)aveusirt. Odell 307. mlstf
Kor Sale Old style Cutler Uradln much in..
with motor. Call Odell OM, Hii
For Hale A limited amount of good, dry,
M-ln. tlr wis)d, delivered in town or east side.
Haltzmau Bros. Phoue471I. Call evenings
For Sale Building and Hume lumber at
lowest prices. Compare our prices with
others before buying. Special prices on rough
lumber. Standard hum. Co., Tel. 5581. Jyltf
Kor Sale Nunamaker grader and gasoline
engine. E. A. linker, si 4 State St
House Kor Male Lot MOXSO, 5 Kami house
llghls Hint water, good chicken house, easy
walking distance from town. Will lak. i in
cash. Phone 1272 or 0001, Iy20tl
For Sale I'lgs, Poland China; in. pun of
Ed. Clark, Odell, or phone Odell 166. xl.i
Kor Hale 3 milch cows aud I bull; also 1
bam horses weight about I MOO lbs. Gu 1
Parker. Phone 1812 ujj
Kor Exchange - Improved San Diego city
property for small ranch In Hood River valley
Write owner care of Glacier. .,ii
For Hale Furniture ami business 01 m. lin
ing house, cor. 3rd and Oak St. Tel. 1012. alO
Kor Sale A Jersey bull, subject to registra
tion, 17 months Old. Phone 487'J. lyiJtf
For Kent-One large furnished front alcove
room, one of the best locations in Hood River.
Modern conveniences. Call 821 Oak street or
phone MM. n i j! 1
For Rent
block over
one suite of rooms in the smith
Clarke's drug store. Call In.
Kor Kent 3 unfurnished rooms. Tel 3661, all
Wanted To buy for September 1st delivery,
15,000 Clark Seedling Berry plants. Uladwyo
Davis, Rtd. 4. alOtf
Wanted- If you have any poultry of any
kind to sell ring up 54118. Avalon Farm.
Sherman .1. Frank. aug5tl
Wanted Married American wants oppor
tunity to purchase 5 to 10 acres of desirable
i .nproved, or unimproved land on easy lerins
and with assurance of enough work to make
payments nave general arm cxpeiicnce
and one Ion truck. Prefer work with truck,
but kind ot work a secondary CODlldsraton.
Willing lo do anything, KredT. Smith, 2908
53rd St.S.E. Portland. aiilf
Wanted To buy your used 11 ture, stoves
and rugs. Cash or new goods in exchange.
B. A. Franz Co. s2iiif
phone OOOt.
Hauling to do. Alice
jy I6U
Lost An Automobile crank Willi wnodeu
handle, wound Willi tape. II C, Dletl, Tel.
3134. als
Ixist-Hiinday, Aug I, small hand bag con
taining lady's articles, between Ml. Hood
Lodge and Hood Kiver. Addle.., .1 mm-
eham: OM Ivy Bt., Portland, Ore, Reward, tj
Lost l.ewelien seller, White with black
spot on shoulders and ears. About 7 mouths
old. Kinder please notify II . O. KrOMO, phone or 0074. h
Mrs... W. Forbes is prepared 10 do belli-
stitching. 711 0th Street, near high bcI I.
JyUU I Phone 001 1.
New York Manufacturers'
Lines of
Ladies' Suits, Coats
Silk and Wool Dresses
Skirts and Silk Waists
Will be on Exhibition and Sale
at our store
August 16th and 17th
Under the personal direction of Manufacturers' Western Representative.
NOTICE. This Sale will be on same plan as all our numerous Manufac-
turcrs uarmeni aaies in past
savings will be substantial
seasons, and YOl
on any Garment you
know that your
may select.
Remember the Date
!5SS: ft "land Come