ROOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1020 Tires for the Smaller Cars Built With Goodvear Methods uniiti tin imMiimiimiiitiiiittmmitiiiiMH mi In using its immense resources and inventive skill to build tle highest relative value pos sible into tires, this company has never made its work more effective than in Goodyear Tires for the smaller cars. These have the full advantages of Goodyear competence and care, plus the modern facili ties of the factory we are devoting to the world's largest production of 30x3-, 30x3V2-, and 31x4-inch sizes. The sum of this extraordinary effort is avail able to you, as the owner of a Ford, Chevro let, Dort, Maxwell, or other car using these sizes, at the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer's place of business. Go to this Service Station Dealer for these tires, and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes, He is ready to supply you. 'Jfc ' 30 x 3'i Goodyear Double-Cure 4150 Fabric, All-Weather Tread LJ 30x 3y2 Goodyear Single-Cure J 50 Fabric, Anti - Skid Tread JL Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more than tubes of less merit. 30x3V& size in water- $50 proof bag - ..Mill 1 Uli' I " III I Hood River Garage (Incorporated) Storage Battery Service Department We have just installed a new Battery Charging Plant to take care of our increasing business. MR. J. E. DAVIS, who is an expert in Battery and Ignition Work is in charge of this Department. He is a very pleasant fellow and you will enjoy doing business with him. CZIOIZZ) A COMPLETE LINE OF 99 "DISCO DETROIT STORAGE BATTERIES FOR ALL MODELS OF CARS IN STOCK. cznoizz) Try Our Battery Service IT'S FREE It takes only a FEW MINUTES for us to test your Battery and then YOU'LL KNOW. cnor3 "DISCO" DETROIT STORAGE BATTERIES Will put "Pep" into your car TRY ONE, C30EZZ CONSULT US ON YOUR BATTERY AND IGNITION TROUBLES Hood River Garage (Incorporated) Do You Remember those frigid days of De cember, 1919? We merely call your attention to them in or der that you may pre pare yourself before another winter sets in. Remember that George Washington said, "Pre pare for war in time of peace." We are agents for Pipeless Furnaces. Get your order in now for Heating Appliances. You may be too late otherwise. HUCKABAY & BARGER Telephone 1061 Gasoline at 1 6c per gal. Sunday, April 25, test made on the Ford Speedster belong ing to Grant Brawn of the Kresse Drag Co., gave the following results : Mileage, per gallon: Old Carburetor - - 22 U & J Carburetor - - 40 We nearly doubled his mileage awl made his liHHoline expense er mile a 1 1 r o x i 1 1 1 a t e 1 y the name ;18 if he hal Bttd the old carburetor with gas at Mc per gallon. When can we demonstrate on your car? U & J SalCS CO. of Oregon GEO. I. HOWE, Distributor MISS LENORE GREGORY Violinist Will be available for Violin LeaaOM every Saturday in Hood Kiver. Miss Qnaory is a violinist of Kuroean training and experience, ami is an accredited State teacher. For information, ioqalra Satur days at Oregon Hotel, or write Miss Gregory, 80S Hancock St., Portland, Oregon. WM. WEBER RILL NELLS HARNESS& SADDLES ALIO AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES AND MILLER TIRES Culil TIRKS IN FORI) SIZKS W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands L. C. BA1 DWIN BALDWIN & SWOPE CONSTRUCTION CO. Plane and Sketches for all Classes of I'.uildingH Furnished. Construction Work and Alteration. No Job Tx Rig or Too Small. Our Work is Our Recommendation. BROSIl S HI li DIN. HOOI UVEA, ORKCiON Phone 35 1 M. E. WELCH, LICENSED TETERI AKY M'K.KO I prrpu-rxl to do any work In tn retort r -rj line He run be found t.y calltnf i or ! to in Paataioo subl H. J. FREDERICK Building Contractor ffice, Smith Block, Room 2. Tel. ?M4 IIOOU RIVER, ORE. THE FASHION STABLE'S Parkdale Auto Stage Phone 1201 leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Even.- Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. THE SANITARY W Y HOFFMAN STEAM PRESS! K All Oerini Kille.l J. C. MEYER Hood River's Tailor and Presacr Hotel Oregon Bl.lf?. Tel. 1124 Paint and Wallpaper Contracts Taken. I irge or Small H. S. BRA AKMAN Pbonf Glacier otl.ce makes rubber stainpa (or Fruit Boxer GOVERNOR STEPHENS ASKS FEDERAL AID The influx of Japanese into Califor nia has brought "alarming'' conditions and it has become necessary to protect the sovereignty of the state against this "growing menace" through diplo matic negotiation or a strict exclusion act, Governor Stephens said In a letter uddressed to Secretary of State Colby. Governor Stephens expressed the hope in the letter, which was 5000 words in length, that the initiative measure, now being projected in the state to deny Asiatics the right to all land purchases or leaseholds, would be accepted by the electorate by an over whelming majority. While California harbors no animosity against the Jap anese people, he said, the state does not wish them to settle within her bor ders and to develop a Japanese popula tion in her midst. He asks that imme diate negotiations be entered into with the empire of Japan to make imossilde any further "evasions" of the existing immigration agreements and to make such agreements as rigorous as possi ble. "Twenty years ago our Japanese pop ulation was nominal," the letter Baid. "Ten years ago the census reports of the United States government showed a Japanese population in California of 41,886, A computation and survey re cently made by the hoard of control of the state of California indicates that at the present time this Japanese popula tion has been more than douhled it amounting now to 87,279. The best figures available indicate that our Jap anese population comprises 80 and 8.r per cent of the total Japanese popula tion of continental United States. "In produtive values, that is to say, in the market value of crops produced by them, our figures show that as against 16,286.66 worth of produce mar keted in 1909 the increase has been to $lV7, 175, 7307 - approximately ten-fold. So that it is apparent withuut much more effective restrictions that in a very short time, historically speaking, the Japanese population within our midst will represent a considerable or tion of our entire population, and the Japanese control over certain essential food products will he an absolute one. "They send their children for shcrt periods of time to our white schools, and in many of the country schools of or state the spectacle is presented of having a few white children acquiring their education in classrooms crowded with Japanese. The deep seated land often outsNiken resentment of our white mothers at this situation can only he appreciated by those people who have struggled with similar problems." Although respecting Japanese culture and advancement and the right of Jap anese to true development, Governor Stephens held that "the people of Cali fornia are determined to repress a de veloping Japanese community in our midst. They are determined to exhau6t every power in their keeping to main tain this state for its own people. " After stating that "the blood fusion of the occidental and the oriental had nowhere eser successfully taken place," Governor Stephens said that "Califor nia views with alarm the rapid growth of these peoples within the last decade in population as well us in land control and foresees in the not distant future the gravest menace of serious conflict if this development is not immediately and effectively checked." "We are confronted at this time by problems that have arisen in the Ha waiian islands where the Japanese have now developed to an extent whi h gives them a prejionderance, 1 nm informed, in the affairs of that territority," the letter continued. "That mistake of Hawaii must not and it is determined shall not be repeated here." The spirit of existing anti-alien laws land and immigration agreements have been evaded through the employment .if legal and other subterfuges to such an extent that the purposes of these measures have been frustrated, he charged. He referred to the suspen sion of anti-Asiatic legislation in the state during the peace conference at the request of Secretary Lansing, but held that decisive action was necessary now. "The Japanese, be it said to their credit, are not of a servile or docile stock," the letter continues. "Proud of their traditions and history, exultant as they justly are at the ex traordinary career of their country, they brook no sggestion of any dominant or superior race. And it is juat be ase they pos sess these attributes in such a marked degree and feel more keenly the social and race harriers which our people in stinctively raise against them that they are driven to that race isolation and, I fear, ultimately will reach that race resentment which portends danger to the peace of our state in the future. "We have faith in the willngness and nower of our common country to pro tect its every part fiom foreign dan ger. We also have faith, however, in the inteligence of the Japanese empire to understand our attitude and recog nize that it is prompted solely by that inherent desire of every race and tyie of neople to nrotect itself." G ivernor Stephens said he feared that the inititative measure, if passed, might fall short of its purpose through the Japanese retaining posssion of ag ricultural lands through personal em ployment contracts and that therefore government action waa necessary. The governor's letter accompanied an exhaustive statement by the state board of control on the status of the Japanese in California and was prompted by the revelations in the statement. Strawberries ( heap in Dun Past While strawberry growers this sea son have been netting better than $5 per 18-pound crate for their ('lark Seedling strawberries, it was not al ways so. 1. CL Nealeigh, who still holds the record for the season's harvest of strawlierries from a single tract, here with his wife and mm on a visit, re calls the season of 18'.M, when he was forced to cease hii harvest about the middle of the season liecause of the record freshet statre of the Columbia. "I netted 40 cents per 24 -pound crate," says Mr. Nealeigh. "Some time I had to pay the freight on ship ments. That season I picked 912 crates from a 40 acre tract. I was just about half through with the haivest when the Columbia stopped shipments." The far and the Man You cannot alwava tell a man by the automobile he drives. Iast week an interesting apectacle occurred hena on 1 a main residence street when a large red, eight-cylindered automobile halted ' a flivver to seek directions. The big ' red car contained an Indian chief and , his family. The flivr was driven by H. I.. Hasbrourk, West Side orchardist and jeweler, who is Republican candi date for county judge. St. Mary's Catholic Church Srvn - nn.Uv morning are a fol low: l-nw Maa. ' o'clock ; Hirh Mass, 1i;30 o'c!k. Instruction fr the chil-' dren at 4 o'clock, each 'tur laj ov.rn ii U 1919 Fire Loss in Hood River City Dwellings and Contents, - 16861.60 Farm Dwelling and Contents, - 3108 40 Manufacturing Plants - - 5100.7H Hotel, Apartments, Flats, etc. - 130.43 Total, .... 117,190.91 Losses in 1917 were - f:H),(Jiti 77 Losses in 1UIH were .... 28,948. 42 Total for Oregon 1917 - - $1,829,317.70 t Total for Oregon 1918 - 1,511,049.12 Total for Oregon 1919 - - 1,881,871.55 R. E. SCOTT AGENT Writes InsoranQe In the Iwst companies and at the lowest ratet ob ahtahle. My office paid alsmt 6000 ol the above Ittaaaa. La Tosca Pearl Necklaces We have just received a new lot of these beautiful ornaments. No article is liner for Summer Gifts. Our line of Watches is very complete. The beauty of our wrist watches is appealing. W. F. LARAWAY JEWELER We've Got Two Types in Goodyears in the Clincher Tire Sizes 30x3 30x3-31x4 A real tire for the Ford, Maxwell, Chevro let, or any car that uses Clincher Tires. The tingle cure Goodyear in the smooth or anti -skid tread stands way above any other tire in Itfl own price field. And the Good year two cure with the All-Weather Tread at a little higtier first cost more than lives up to its name an a bigger, better and stronger tire for the lighter cars. We've got both types in stock. With Regular or Heavy Tourist Tubes to match. DeWitt Motor Co. Advertisers pay large sums for space in news papers or on sign boards in pubiic places. It is worth the price or they would not do so. Space in a telephone directory is fully as valu able. Our Directory in the Hood River Valley is in one thousand three hundred fifty places of busi ness and homes, and as a whole is used seven thou sand times each day. Call Telephone 1001 for space. OREGON -WASHINGTON TELEPHONE CO. FOR SALE Thirty-five Acres in Hood River Valley, 3 miles from Hood River. 15 acres cleared. $3,000. Small first payment, terms on bal ance to suit purchaser. Address, Owner, care Glacier. - i s