The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 24, 1920, Image 8

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0 isi 9 3
Lumber Prices Drop
Two weeks ago we reduced our prices
5 on common lumber. We now an
nounce a further reduction which aver
ages 10 on all grades. The two re
ductions approximate 12 on all
while the price is down. Lumber au
thorities agree that present low prices
are not permanent and that higher
prices may become effective as soon
as cars are available for eastern ship
ments. BUY NOW
Bridal Veil Lumbering Co.
Phone 2181
N 1.1. SON EMRY, Manager
4th and Cascade
.1-' ..
The Cutler Grader
side ivw of I wo Set (ion Model for small growers
On account of the difficulty of obtaining delivery
of material, we strongly advise growers to place their
orders early for
Phone H. K.
or write us
DAVENPORT, Odell 367
for circulars and prices.
353 East Tenth Street, Portland, Oregon
(By Mrs. Eugene Lewis)
The artistic song recital presented
hy Mrs. L. 0. Meacham, under the aus
pices of the music department of the
Woman's club last Thursday evening
at the high school auditorium, ac
quainted a large audience with the un
usipil vocal talent possessed by Mrs.
Meacham. Appearing in concert for
the first time in this city, the singer
charmed her listeners with the remark
able tone qunlities and clear notes of a
rich, coloratura soprano voice, proving
herself a finished artist in rendering
the several numbers of a delightfully
chosen program, augmented in interest
by the varied selection of song num
bers. The personality of the singer,
as well as the developed perfection of
a natural vocal gift, was received ap
preciatively by Mrs. Meacnam's audi
The opening number, "Vissi d'
Arte." by Puccini, gave opportunity to
prove Mrs. Meacham s ability in hand
ling operatic selections, and immedi
ately won an enthusiastic response
which characterized the reception of
all the following numbers throughout
the program. "Hymn to the Sun, I
CoC d'Or. by Rimsk y-Karsakov, which
was in point of technique the most
comprehensive and difficult of her M
lections, embracing light trills and
staccato notes of diverse range, was
delivered in a pure and faultless style.
I wo other compositions, rendered in
French were handled in a manner
equally skillful. The song entitled
"Trees" was interesting as the poetic
creation of Joyce Kilmer, renowned as
a poet of note who gave his life in thi
world war, the words of which have
been set to a lovely musical theme by
Fergus. Five Chinese Mother Goose
Hhvfnes translated into the English by
a profe-sor of I'ekin University and
adapted to music by Hainbiidge Crist,
of Portland, were unique as unu.sual
types of song and delightful in sim
plicity of rwiditfcm which nevertheless
rr quired the artistic touch of the vocal
ist to present them successfully.
Miss Arline Smith, a pianist of not
able ability, 'assisted In he program
with piano aoloa. Her selections were
well rendered and appreciatively re
ceived. J. Hutchinson, of Portland,
supported Mrs. Meacham ha accompan
ist. The concert, given for the benefit of
the American Legion was an assured
success, the proceeds, it is Raid, ex
reeding the anticipations of the com
mil tee in charge. The attendance was
well over 400 and the printing of extra
tickets was necessitated to meet the
demand of the patronage who wished
to not only aid the finances of the Le
gion, but also toSanjoy a musical even
ing of unusual interest.
Ho i
To the Citizens of Hood River:
I have just purchased I he grocery store of H. W.
CHAPMAN &, CO. on the Heights, and ! take this meth
od of soliciting a portion of your business. I intend to
cany a full line of the best and rnosl wholesome Groceries
at prices that ai 0 right
, I am selling a Rood hulk Coffee at 10 cents per pound.
I will buy any produce the ranchers may have to market.
I earnestly solicit a part of your business. Thanking
you in advance for sitine.
Yours for Busines i
Phone 1.161
1 1 10 12th St., The Heights
il direr Cltlsem Mwily Ttsllfy ami
( uiiihi. nl i Recommend Houu'm
EMmj Pills
It is testimony like the following that
has placed Doan's Kidney I'ills so far
above competitors. When people right
here at home raise their voice in praise
there is no room left for doubt. Read
the public statement of a Hood Liver
citizen :
Franklin Miller, retired, MO June
St.. Hood Uiver, says: "I have used
Doan's Kidney i'ills and ran recom
mend them from experience. My kid
neys were weak and I bad a dull act)
ing pain in me small ol my nacK inai
minle it hard tor me to sloop or oenu
My kidneys did not act right. 1 used
Doan's Kidney I'ills for this trouble
and they helped me by strengthening
my l idne s and buck.
Prid Sue. at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan s Kidney I ills the same that
Mr. Miller haif. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 1
San Francisco Woman lias Gained
Thirty Founds hy Taking
"1 had not seen a well iiey in twenty
five years until I started taking Tan
lac," said Mrs. Virginia Stapp, of 185
Valencia St., San Francisco, Cel.
"I wasbeginning to think," she con- !
tinned, "that I would have to bear my
wretched health as long as 1 lived. 1
bed no appetite, and when I managed
to eat a few bites 1 could not digest it j
and as 1 could get no strength or nour
ishment I fell off twenty-Are pounds In
weight. I hardly knew what it was to
be without a headache. All mv life 1
have been so constipated that every
day for years I had to take a laxative.
My tongue was always coated and 1
had a bad taste in my mouth all the
time. My condition was so bad that I
could get little sleep, but would roll
and toss about all night long.
"Hut all that is changed now, for
since taking Tanlac i am able to eat
anything I please without any bad
after effect) and i have actually gained
thirty pounds. 1 haven't had a head
ache in lo long I have almost forgotten
about them. My constipated condition
has been relieved ana 1 never have
that bad taste or coated tongue any
more. 1 sleep nine to ten hours every
night, can do mv housework with ease
and I have so much new life and en
ergy that I just feel fine all the time."
Tanlac is sold in Hood River by the
Kresse Drug Co.- Adv.
Mrs. Walters Has First (herrics
First cherries for the season were
marketed Friday by Mrs. Harriet Wal
ters, of Columbia street, at the Arnold
grocery store. The fruit, of the Ox
Heart variety, retailed at 20 cents per
pound, a record price for eaily season
( berries. Commerc al varieties of
cberriea will be ripening this week.
Bids for Wood Wanted
16 cords body fir wood fur Cue Pri
mary nuilding.
.to cords body tir wooc
1 1 ig h School Bulking.
35 cords body fir
Stri if Building.
To be delivered on or befort
i I. 1920.
Bidl will be opened July 8, 1920.
By order of Board of Directors.
M. H. Nickelaen, (Jerk,
jn24 School Di.-trict No.
Notice to Creditors
Do You Know?
That we do developing:, printing and enlarging?
Excellent work and good service at low prices.
Let us make Kodaking a pleasure tor you,
rather than a disappointment.
Cameras and Films
Yours for Service
A. S. KEIR, Reliable Druggist
''Agent for the New Edison Phonograph"
d for Junior
for Park
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as executor of the estate of
William Moorman deceased, has filed
his final account in the tounty court of
the !.,!.- of Oregon for Hood Kivei
countv, and that Saturday, the 10th
lay of July, IfltO, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., of said day In the court
room of said court, has been mi pointed
by said court as the lime and place for
Hearing of objections thereto and the
settlement thereof.
Dated and first published June 17th,
Alfred W. Moorman,
jnlTjyH Executor.
Time Table No. 3?
'Faking effect Wednesday, October l'ih.
MM I II l.i l i
We S I He. I He, I I Ma, J j He. 4 I Re. No. 8
Mnfnr ' Molur ''""J M'hih f I Wily Motor Motor
nV.iv Oailv Stations kp KP' TmZ
Daily - n. i su.t,, --mil.. Daily oni
r. M. A. M. A. M. t Ma A. M. T. M. P. M.
4 00 10 45 l.flO U. lead liver r 3.00 0.25 2.1ft 6.4ft
4 0.1 10 l." s.(t- Powerdale 2.R7 0.22 2.11 41
4 12 10.57 8.15 Swit.hl.Hck 2.50 9.1ft 1.04 .34
4 :'; 11 10 8.25 Van Hera... :'.40 o 02 1.12 0 22
4 Lt 11.14 K .11 Mir .fj 8. 58 1.48 .1S
4 :t5 11.18 8.40 (Mel I 2.3 8.M 1.43 , 0.11
4 10 II H 8.45 j Summit 2.25 8.4i 1.36
4 4.1 11.26 8.50 Mlouclier 2 20 8.42 1.32 02
4 47 II :io !. liolatein I 10 8 8" 1.27 ft. 67
4 5" '1 S3 B.O ... . YY inane 2 05 1 8.34 1.24 i 5 54
4.57 11.38 1 020 i ...Dee na. . ft.M 1.20 5 M
5 02 11 i . 8 25 Treat Creek .... 11.11 8.2ft 1.18 ft. 45
l.fcf D . ; i ..Wood worth ... J 11.05 I 15 l.n5 5 :5
5.17 12 00 rO.H Ar. Parkdalf L. . 1 1 .00 s 10 1.00 6 3"
r a. i a. a. i . a, a. a. I r. a. I r. a.
"team. fMoor.
ing to liinite.1 spice
m M
lindld on the steam trams, either in
I'srs all trunks and heavy b:iiri;-L-e will
dvance a4 or laila iBMJ the pMMMfOMB.
Anderson Undertaking Co.
C. C. ANDI KSON. Sole Proprietor
Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director
phune im
415 OAK STRtl. I
Notice of Sale
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Hood Kiver.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Adelia
A. Stranahan, Defeased.
I, Albert K. Strananhan, executor of
the will of said deceased, hereby give
notice that I will, by virtue of the
DOWef and authority in me vested by
the terms and provisions of the codicil
made Hnd executed by said deceased
on July 12, lOltj to her will made and
executed on June 25, ly 12. sell at the
hour of ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon
on the 2Uh day of June, MO, at the
east front door of the county court
house, in the city of Hood Kiver, coun
ty of Hood Kiver, On-gon, at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
all of the following daeetibed real
property situated in the city of Hood
Kiver, county of HiHid Kiver, state of
Oregon, to-wit :
Meginning at a point 2.5 feet north
and 140 feet east . f the mot easterly
southeast corner of the Wm. Jenkins
Donation Land Claim No. 38, in Town
thip 3, North. Kange 10. Kast of W.
M.. paid point In'ing the southeast cor
ner of a certain tract conveyed to
John (t. Belli ; thence east 120 feet,
more or leas, to the southwest c. rner of
u tract conveyed to J. II. Coll; thence
north along the west line of said Gill
tract 00 feet ; thence east alonir the
north line of said Gill tract 110 feet
to the west line of Twelfth street:
thence north alontr the west line of
Twelfth street M feet, to the south
east corner al the C. K. Sumner tract;
thence west along the south line of
said Sumner, tract 128 feet ; thente
north aloni; the west line of raid Sum
ner tract l.K levl; me nee west '.'I leet,
more or less, to the northeast corner of
said .oils tract, and thence south along
aaid "lis east line 298 feet to the place
of beginning, excepting there! MB,
however, the following described
Heginning at the southwest corner of
the tract above described, running
thence east 100 feet, thence north 145
feet, thence west 100 feet, thence
south 145 feet to the place of begin
ning. Said sale shall : made in one igircel
and in one sale, or in separate parcels
and sale, aa may be most beneficial
for aaid estate.
Date,! at Hood River, Oregon, this
24th day of Mav. 1920.
Albert K. Stranahan.
m27jn24 Executor.
In the Countv Court of the State
Oregon, for Hood Kiver ' iunty.
In the matter of the Kstate of Leti-
tia h. hddy. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator of the above entitled estate b
the County Court of Hood Kiver Coun
ty. Oregon, and ha- qualified as such.
All persona tuning claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same within six months from
the date of this notice properly verifi
ed, at the office of A. J. Derby, First
National Hank lluilding, Hood Kiver,
Dtted and firit published June 17th,
J W. T. Eddy,
j n 1 7 j y 1 5 Administrator.
"Caro" from DestiCARE
(to dry up)
is the
Chemically Treated
Fruit decomposition starts from a bruise which opens tiny holes and permits the juice to escape and BACTERIA to enter.
"Caro" clings closely and dries up the escaping Juice. "Caro" ingredients harden the spot, kill the BACTERIA, arrests
the decomposition, and thus Prolongs the Life of Fruit. If your fruit is worth shipping it is worth keeping in best condition.
Demand "CARO"-Wrap Your Fruit in "CARO" The Fruit Buyer Knows "CARO"
Fruit is "Caro" Wrapped Quality Fruit
111 2nd Street
Soft Drinks
Draught Luxo
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Hood Kiver County.
Oregon Dumber Company, a corpora
tion, Plaintiff, vs. Robert Hitch, De
fendant. To Robert Hitch, the above named
defendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
an: wer the complaint tiled against you
in the above entitled suit on Jr before
the expiration of six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
lammOMi to-wit, on or before the 22nd
lej of July. 1!I20, and if ynxi fail so to
ippcarend answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in its complaint
herein, to-wit, for .judgment against
yu. lor the sum ot J vjzi. to and mter
aat thereon from December 5, 1911, at
per cent per annum, and for the fur
ther sum of $l0ti.h6 and interest there
in at 7 tier cent pa! annum from March
19, 1920 and for tSOO.OO attorney's
fees, and for its costs and disburse
ments hereiu, and for a judgment and
iecree foreclosing that certain mort
gage made, executed and delivered by
you to the plaintiff, bearing date the
5th day of December, 1914, wherein
and whereby you mortgaged to the
plaintiff, to secure the indebtedness
for which paintitT seeks to recover
ludgment herein, the following de
scribed leal property situated in Hood
Kiver Countv, Oregon, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the
boundary line between Sections 14 and
Ml, Township 1 North, Kange 9 Fast,
W. M.. 8960 South 0 degrees 0
minutes. West of the Northeast corner
ot Section 14 which point is also the
Northwest corner of lt 56 in First
Addition to Riverside I'ark in Section
IS, and running thence North 89 de
grees 1 minutes, vest I.KU leet;
thence South 0 degrees 0 minutes West
1625 feet, more or less, to an intersec
tion with the North boundary of the
right of way of the Dee Irrigation &
rower t ompany . thence in an Eaeterly
direction along the North boundary of
the right ol wav of the Dee Irrigation
- Cower Company to a point on the
hast boundan of said Section 14 which
point is 157 feet North 0 degrees o
minutes. Fast of the Southeast corner
of said Section 14: thence North 0 de
grees 0 minutes Fast 1184.5 feet to the
place of beginning, containing 42.78
acres more or less; save and except
the right of way of the Oregon Lumber
Company Locvinc Railn ad, being a
strin of land 4n feet wide over and
across said land . also a strip of land 20
feet wide al i c Imth the West and
Fast boundaries of above described
land for PtOpoMd county road: the
above described land situated in Sec
tion 14, Township 1 -Alert h. Kange I
Fast. W. M.. and Section 23. Township
1 N. rth. Rare, 9 Fast, W. M..
j and directing that you be barred and
foreclosed of all right, title and inter
I est in and to said premises and that
j the same be sold in the manner pro
j vided by law for the sale of real prop
ertyupon exe. ution and the proceeds
j thereof be appl.ed in payment of said
' judgment, costs and attorney's fees.
This summons is serves) upon you by
wablicallagbj ocdaref the Honorable
Fred W. WiUon. Judge of the above
j entitled Court, made and entered on
! the 4th day of June, 1920, and direct
J ing that the same be published in the
Hood River (llaeier, a newspaper of
' treneral circulat'on printed and pub
lished in H od River, in aaid Countv
HnnH ftivr Motor Car fn
II VVM a a w a t v- v a V V
Wholesale and Retail
"T. R."
"T. H." stands for
"Threaded Rubber" of
course- -the insulation
found only in Wd'.ard
Battariaa with the red
trade mark. The in
sulation that las's as
long as the plates, so
that 90', o of those who
buy The Red Trade
Marked VVUlard have
no re-insulation bills
to pay.
a let moic
to you on
y qncaUoa,
ic in and talk it
of intcrcs
this bat It
Everything Klectricnl
Phonu 1782
We have just received
lot of
Country Club Toilet
Come in & let us show them to you
Chas. N. Clarke
Thor Electric Washers
Royal Vacuum Cleaners
The Cleaner you have been loohing for
Our terms for these household necessities are wry liberal.
Call and see.
Garage& Machine Shop
We are experts on all makes of
VutomoMles and Sprayers.
PhOtM 3173
this summons ia June 10. is), the date
of the lat I'ul.liration is July 22. 1S2.
Huntington & VVilson.
Attorneyedor Plaintiff.
Mi M3 Lewis Building,
Portland, Ore. j
Repairing Storage Gas and Oil
Fourth and State Streets
Mt. Hood Meat Co.
SiuvcsMirs to V. J FILZ
A complete line of first quality meats eared for
the best possible manner.
Phone 4141