The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 24, 1920, Image 1

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No. I
Ijriners Welcome
Fly Rods Casting Poles ' Reels
Snelled Hooks Spinners
Gut Leaders Wire Leaders
Silk Lines Silk Chinook Line
Fly Books Creels Salmon Eggs
l i t us show you t ho COfttblMtloa
Kresse Drug Company
The &Ug&b sorc
Come in and hear the new May Victor Records
1 900
Member Federal 'Reserve System
Safety Deposit Boxes protected by
Electric Burglar Alarm System
A Point of Our Service
To Remember
It is not only how much goods we sell, hut how much
pood will we make that's why and just why we ever
lastingly say -
Walkover Shoes
Hansen Gloves
Arrow Shirts
Boss of tne Road Overalls
Kuppenheimer Clothes
We know they are the hest money huys and the
cheapest in the long run.
Last week we planted potatoes for our main c rop and to
some people it must look like rather expensive seed, for we
could get 12 cents per pound for those seed potatoes.
Likewise our new potatoes are coming on nicely and at the
.price offered for those it seems foolish not to put them on the
market, hut wait until the price drops. One of the greatest
drawbacks of our country ami especially the farming OBd of it,
la that very few think and prepare for tomorrow; one pound of
growing potatoes in the ground now will increase to 5 pounds
in a month, and 1 pound good seed planted now under intelli
gent culture will increase IS fold before harvest.
It has always been our aim to market our stuff when it is
matured, and while it has not been very profitable in some
instances from a financial standpoint, any enterprise must adopt
a system and stand by it, if it wants to succeed.
Of course our garden has grown ; our vegetables cannot be
gathered and handled by one man any more, but under our rules
anil supervision we aim to have our product
The 20th Century Truck Farm
Leader Water Systems
Quaker Pipeless Furnaces
Shipped complete and easy to install
by anyone who can use a wrench.
Arsenate of Lead
Full stock on hand.
Convenient four-pound packages if wanted.
Hood River Spray Company
Phone 2421
Now is the time to buy vur next winter's
t T!-e
portable saw t low rate.
We handle entire lcal receipt from Oregon Ltimlier(o. mill at lee.
Hood River Fuel Co.
Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade
are no
Sold by the
The Heights Garage
J. F. VOLSTORfr. Monaster
Telephone 3151
Thousands of Nobles Expected to Visit
Hood River Latter Part of This
Week They're Welcome
Portland is the Mecca of the faithful
' this week.
Members, of the Aneient Order of
the Mystic Shrine from all comers of
j America have joifrneyed by special
j trains to the Rose City. The trainload
caravans began arriving Saturday.
Sunday thev were rolling down to the
Willamette by the score. Fourteen
Shrine specials passed through Hood
River Sunday and on that day. witn a
few exceptions, automobiles Ml round
numbers for the season, traveled west
ward laden with Shriners and their
families headed for the great Portland
Oasis of Shrinedom. t ars bearing
Montana. Idaho, Wyoming and Wash
ington license tags were interspersed
with numerous ones from eastern Ore
gon. It is estimated that fully BOO
passed through to the west Sundav.
All nature has s in i led a greeting.
Recent rains have left hillsides id as
nntly verdant While the sun has shone
brilliantly, a west wind has prevented
an unpleasant rise in temperature, and
not only have motorists, but hundreds
of Nobles who have passed through on
the special trains, making their last
stop hen' before reaching Portland,
been hi ard to praise Oregon weather.
Gasoline is plentiful, aid i.o tank
IcavtS Hood River empty. The Stand
ard Oil Co. has assured garages a full
supply throughout the week. Lack of
signs, however, has caused much in
convenience to motorists. Comprehen
sive signs weie placed Monday morn
ing acquainting motortait with the de
tour around the unpaved section of the
Highway belwen here and the Nickel
sen and Hinrichs corners. Sunday
Commodore Dean did valiant service,
having volunteered to direct motorists
how to get through the city and Frank
ton and Belmont districts over the de
tour. Members of the Shrine Club, will be
unable to spend more tlian a day in
Portland for the most part. They are
remaining on the job in Hood River to
see that visitors do not lack or com
forts. Most local families will visit
Portland during the week.
The Rose Festival, for which Port
land has made a worldwide name, is
also this week. The parades and fes
tivities of the Shriners, however, will
etdipse the great festival. The event
will be one of the greatest ever record
ed in Portland.
So great is the passnger tialFie in
and out of Portland this weak that
transportation of all freight, except
erishahle products and foodstuffs, has
been embargoed.
By Friday and Saturday, when the
Shrine program will be well over, No
bles from other states will begin tak
ing side trips Then Hood River is
expecting an mllux of thousands of
vi.-itors. Every preparation is being
made for them. A canvass has been
made of the city to secure "lodging
quarters, and private families are be
(ag asked to furnish meals, in CMS
hotels and restaurants are too over
crowded. In case you have nut been
solicited, call C. A. Bell or Walter
Every visiting Shriner and his fam
ily will be riven an automobile ride,
through the valley j-nd a feast of the
community's famous Clark Seedling
The Commercial club is Cooperating
in every manner possible to make visit
of the Shriners to the Hood River val
ley pleasant. The following communi
cation haj been addressed to all club
members :
" The hosts of Shriners are upon us.
The Portland Shrine automobile com
mittee is unable to advise us how many
Shriners are coming to Hood River by
train and boat, but thousands are com
ing, and our only mians of showing
them that we appreciate their presence
is by taking them in our automobiles
for tours of the valley.
"Please hold yourself in readiness to
respond to a hurry up call from A. W.
Peters, in charge of transportation, in
case he needs your car. When he calls,
drop what vou are doing and go right
away to headquarters, take the party
assigned to you 'and show our visitors
"You do not rfeed to be a Shriner to
loan your automobile just a Hood
Riverite. You know what this means
glad hand and willingness to do your
Shriner headquarters for Hood River
have been opened at the Commsreial
club, where the visitors may rest, tike
a shower bath and make full use of the
club's commodious quarters.
issued by Seattle optometrists, who, in-:
inviting their fellow eye doctors to'
the Sound City, give pictures of Mount j
Hood and Portland's business district,
claiming them as their very own.
Hood River cider, it seems, is index! a
potent beverage.
Kansas City Shriners are folly thi
equal, in noisemaking, of Texan-, who'
aroused Oakland, Calif., with a lire n . .. .
irea. When the special train carrying , r'tnotK Reliinnus Service on Lourtli
tne Ararat caravan rolle
in here Mori-
day morning at 5.110 somebody opener!
a single stop of a caliope that sounded
something like the Hood River electric
fire siren. Members of the lite depart
ment were on their toes in a few re -on
Is. Then they became mystified,
when the tune changed, lb ads opped
out of downtown hotel windows, and
residents of all lower city residenre
districts came forth in slumber robe.
"Oh, it's the Shriners" was the cry,
and everybody smiled.
The caliope stopped and Ararat's
jazz band erne ged from the train and
gave a serenade. Before the train was
readv to leave a motley throng crowd
ed the station platform. Men wore
uants over pajamas, and their bedroom
silppeis. A few donned dre-sing gowns.
Somebody thought to visit the storage
plants Of the Apple t irowers Associa
tion, and Ararat Nobles left happy
they had strawberries for breakfast,
On July 5 I5il!y Sunday to
pire fiase Hall (lame
at, granted 2
Automobiles from Idaho and eastern
Oreuon carrying the insignia of Snia
urs began to pass through I loud IJiver
en route to Portlsnd last. Thursday,
Greetings of focal Nobles, afldraesi I to
visitors, were heard on the streets.
Thursday Mr. and Mrs. C M. Vaa ar.
ofPomeroy, Wash., and Mr. and Mis.
O. Vassar, of Lewiston, Ida., patted
through. They report that roads are in
fine shape as a result of recent rains.
On Wednesday the party, leaving Pom
eroy in the early morning, traveled 'SW
A committee of the Shrine club called
on J. IL Frtdriry last week and tried
to persuade him to go to Portland and
lead his red, white and blue lizard in
one of the great Shriners' parades.
While Mr. Fredricy is not a Shriner,
he is head of the local F.Ik's (Tub
bunch of Bills, and is doing everything
Itosrible to make the visit of Nobles
here blear-ant, and he declare he
would like to help out.
"Nothing would give me and my liz
ard greater pleasure than to associate
for awhile amU frisk around with the
Nobles," says Mr. Fredricy, "but I
will be too bus getting special trains
through Hood River."
With her famed weather eye for pub
licity, Seattle took advantage of the
Hood River lizard and indiretcly claim
ed it a a reptile of tributary territory. Gen.
I he Seattle Argus flippantly asked, Sunday was
'How long it take Hood Itiver j jty bureau in
cider to ferment anyhow?' Icsl com-1 Commodort
mentators, however, pointed (Hit that two dignified
the discoverer of the red, white and 1 dancing girls
i lue liazrcl was a wniriwina ot a boosl
er.and that his efforts had just brought
to materialization a motor rVghwav to
Lost Lake. The anecdote about
ruin, wnen some j
The elephant and the donkey are in
eclipse this week. The Northwest can
onlv see a camel. Politics have been
shelved. "Who's Texas support ing for
Democratic nominee fir president'.'"
somebody asked Sundav when the Bella
caravan from Dallas stopped here
"Can the politics," smiled a big No-
fble. "We admit we are nearlv all Dem
ocrats on this train, but. we arc not
even allowing activities of Bill Hryaii
to worry us any this week. All cares
are laid aside.
().-W. R. t N. crews were busy here
all day Saturday and Sundav white
washing and painting up the passenger
station and surrounding-, preparatory
to the arrival of Shrine specials. Ma
sonry wotk around the big water tank
in ii pusts were given a coat of white
wash. A wall west of the station is
now ncaulilul WHO the blossoms ot
rambler roses planted teverHl yeais
ago by agent Fredricy.
Wonder of wonikrs a newspaper man
with gout. C. P. Sonnichsen, has
been ill with the gout. He is a mem
ber of Zurah Temple of the Mystic
Shrine and feaied his illness would
prevent his attendance at Portland fes
tivities this week. Pr lends of the
family ""V Mrs. Sonniehsen is second
to none as a cook. Mr, Sonnirhsen,
however, attributes his gout to ances
tral epicures.
Every Shriner and member of his
family, who visits Hood River will be
given at least one treat of t-trawber-ries
and Creatn. Growers are making
contributions Of the fruit , which win
ba distributed by G., A. MeMiHan. li
is expected that about 800 hallocks pal
iIhv will be nee. led to feed the visiting
A. D. Moe, member of Al Kader
Shrine T mple. bad planned on Staying
at home until Wednesday, but the en-Lhusia.-in
Of passing caravans headed
for the great Port land oasis proved to
be very infections, and Monday he
succumbed and obeyed an irresistible
impulse to hit the oaisis in the mom
'Yini folks put the Glacier to sleep
this week," he instructed the force, a
he donned his Fez. "Mrs. Mae and I
ttre on our way. 1 am going to fOrg I
thai I have a paper at Hood River lot
the next few days."
Mr. Moe was formerly a publisher at
St. Paul, Minn., and Fan go, N. D. He
expects to nieet nume rous brethren
from back there, and when the big
doings are over In Portland he is going
to bring some of them up to Hoou
River to hold a small conclave and
drink cider.
Ur. Dumble is determined to see a
part of the Shrine festivities. He has
Mm ral patients that demand.his atten
tion here a part of each day, but each
afternoon during Shrine wtk Dr.
Dumble is catching a trHin to Portland,
returning on a late evening t.ain.
Asked when he sleeps, Dr. Dumble
said :
"Sleep? What member of the fsith
ful wants to sleep this week? Any
how, I'll wager that my program en
ables me to get more sleep than my
fellow Nobles who are in Portland all
tbe tune."
It began to grow quiet in Bond Rivir
Tuesday, and yesterdav the Portlaid
oasis of the Shriners brought to Ho d
River the silence ot the tomb. Nearly
everybody went to Portland by train
or automobile. Evafl the Indians who
have been hire engaged in strawbstry
harvest have joined the merrymaker.
The festival has cleaned tbe valley of
surplus laborers. Ranchers with hay
in the field are unable to liisi help.
G. A. McMullan displayed a unique
window at the Poeasant. r igures rep
resenting prominent miners were
shown. Geo. M. Sunday was shown
quaffing Zem SSem in an effort to re
cover from his failure to nominate
for the presidency. Mr
head of the Wood public-
Dean and C. H. Castner,
Shriners, are shown as
The American Legion P
. LI I .
a oiaiiKei concession for all entertain
ments tor the coming Fourth of July
celebration, has made elaborate plans
for the event, which will begin Satut
dayy evening, July 8, with an open air
concert by the Knights of Pythias band
and dancing at the open air pavilion.
"Our main event of Sunday, " savs
R. L. Foust, chairmen of the commit
tee in charge of preparations, "will be
a union patriotic religious service at
the open air theatre. Senator Cham
berlain will deliver the address at. 10
o'clock Sunday morning. All ex-service
men will be present in unifo.m."
Sunday afternoon the American Le
gion hae ball team will play the Cen
tral Door and Lumber Co. team, ot
Portland, at Columbia Park. A high
clafs musical.'eoncert will be given at
tbe open air theater Sunday evening.
At daybreak Monday morning, vet
erans of the both Coast Artillery Regi
ment, which saw service against the
buns i.i i Mince, will lire a salute with
an old cannon from the courthousj
lawn. An elaborate parade, partici
pated In by Grand Army men, veterans
of the great war, civic, patriotic and
fraternal organisations, will be held.
Following the awarding of prizes
for decorated automobiles a id Moats
an athletic carnival will be held. A
feature of this will be a wa'er tiht
between Army an! Navy vete ans.
Monday afternoon the lo i.l Legion
baseball team will play the Multnomah
Guards. Rev Billy Sunday will be u n
pire for the game.
1 he Legion members, wh i will ap
propriate all funD rail.d on the day
for a proposed home for the orgnnizB
tion, will maintain enteitanmtnt
booths on the main business street.
The replica of an early dav mining
camp gambling hall will be in opera
tion. Paraphernalia will he brought
from Happy Canyon, famed at Pendle
ton Roundups, for the gambling den.
Although prizes of some other evea's
are great ii is expected that no ath
letic contest will create a greater in
LOMSt than the toller skate marathon.
Scores of kiddie are proficient in
skating. The awards will be 3, $2,
and $1.
J. H. Fredricy states that an im-
tacdiate campaign will be started by
the Hood River Game Protective Asso
ciation to raise an additional l,000
for completion of Improvements on the
Lest Lske Highway.
"Our fund raised last year and ap
I ro.iriations of the county are running
low," SaVS Mr. Fredricy. "We need
an dher $1,(100 to pc-mit Commissioner
Li aiHUllT to C taspfot straightening out
the old crooked road between San ly
Fist and Flint's corner. Geo. I. Slo
com and (i. A. Molden have been ap
pointed on a Committee to solicit funds
in the city, Tbe game association has
started the fu id with a $25 subscrip
tion. "
Mr. Fredricy has himself given $10.
the forestry F-erviee is engaged in
tn pi sting a ne link of roa.l Ibrough
the national foreSt to the of the
Rural SubtefffaOM are requested to
mail their checks to Mr. Fred. icy.
The city KOOOl board, having re
scinded an award made to Hull &
Hedges, of The Dalles, has let the
contract for constructing the new
rade school, replacing the old Pa'k
si n et frame structure, tn Stranahan &
Slavens. The bid of the firm, $411,601,
:s on specifications calling for a brick
and tile structure. The bid of The
Dalles contractors was for $4f.7"0
but on specilicalions calling for a con
crete building.
The original award was made as the
result of a misunderstanding. Work
on the new building will be started at
All's well that ends well.
1 least that is what C. C. Crew,
manager of the Legion base fall team
says. Mr. Crew and Heed River fans
are wenring btoad smiles this week. fur
the local aggregation won their first
game of the sea-on Sunday, when they
defeated the K irkpatri.-ks. of Portland,
by a score of live to three. The sensa
tion of the gin. occurred when Jeff
Bell lined out a three bagger, wilri
base full, and brought in three runs.
Interest in baseball is pi .-king in.
loe G. Vogt has made an offer of a
$2.50 tie for the man making he m t
hits at each Sjnday game. Pa;.
Guernsey and Terry tied for that pr.ze
lat Sunday. It is stated that they w-lt
play off the tie with a game of Afr cas-
golf. It has not been announced
er will be permitte I to see
this game or not.
Next Sunday Hood River will meet
mah (i. lards at Columb.a
box score for last Sundav
the Mi
HO- l K W H
neril re
aring for
w as re
moipator, d Grant's
portrdl that Grsnt I
whiskey was recalled,
memberd how the Or
quirk as a wink, hat
favorite brand. He hi
The suggestion, local folk dec lured,
has raised Seattle to order Hood Rn r
cider, and it is further alleged that the
order has played havoc. An evidence
has just been discovered in s booklet.
Of all the Shriner decorations in
Hood River none created greater atten
tion than that at the hardware and
furniture store of K. A. Frani A Co.
A huge crescent and scimitar were
made A bottle caps. The window was
strewn With battles carrying labels of
differrnt betrs. formerly far famed.
Indeed, the window looked a little like
that of a good old fashioned beer
house, and mry were the I ng ng and
regretful glsn;s cast upon it.
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