HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. .NAT. 1020 the "Dry -Charged" Buttery Eight months added to your battery life IS YOUR battery failing? It may want 1 attention today without your know ing it Why not obtain our expert advice without cost and add to your., car economy? Wa will give you the kind of battery service the Golden Rule stands for. We'll nor try to sell you a new battery if your old one is repairable And if it is, we'll guarantee it for eight months on an ad justment basis. It it is not repairable we'll sell you a Ub'L Battery with durable Machine Pasted Plates. Our Service is a Good Vv ill Builder. Elliott-Overland Co. 'I 408 Cascade Ave., Hood River Berry Growers We are ready to serve you. Use the tele phone in ordering supplies for your harvest hands. We invite the Valley's out-of-town Berry Pickers to make our store their headquarters. THE ARNOLD GROCERY CO. Is Always At Your Service We have the most EFFICIENT FUEL For your KITCHEN RANGE NUT SIZE KING COAL Handy to use; No large lumps and no dust ; No slate or waste of any kind and heat in every ounce. You burn only what you need. Can not be equalled for Summer Coal. HOOD RIVER FUEL CO. Phone 2181 Fourth and Cascade FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (THAT'S OUR BUSINESS 1 Motor Trucking and Hauling of all kinds. Try some of our OASCO BRIQUETS They are good for furnace, fireplace or range. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 DES-DES At last, tor year of protrMfted study ind much In experimental work, effective uohwri for quincln, rata, gopher, moles, ralbits and mice has been perfected and is being used in California with great success. Tliis discovery is called DES-DES, and is more eco nomical and safer to thV fanner than oilier so-called Rodent Exterminators. It is 0HBjaaaad so as to attract bath in odor and t:u-t'. and will produce the desired results, where others fail. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. If y.'iir lt-;tl r il-.es n"tliav- it. writ'- ns. American Produce Co., Sole Agents for Oregon 216 Henry Building Portland, Oregon Sole Oi&lributor for Oregon A. S. K: IK. Local Agent VERY BAD CASK OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY Depot? Marshal Hart, v. ho keeps away burglars, auiomoli le tbn ves and boay men while hii fellow eitiMM deep, went Imtiie iti a hull Ht da break Friday mornini;. It was nil the result of cut of mistaken identity. Al though Hood River eoenty DmnodMrti rave the Republican candidate, TImm. ! P. Johnson, the nomination of the BooriMM, no small number of the 'Democrats compliniente I Mr. Hart, faniiliarlv known as "Bill" by writing in his Mme. When the official recount was beiiiK scanned at the secretary of : state' office, somebody jumped at the I conclusion that Big Bill Mart, the mow I hero, had received the vote. It made a mod story in the morning Orejjonian, and thpt. is why Mr. Hart is sore. Mr. Hart is a Kenturkian. So is the I (her iff, In fact, it seems a prerei)uis ! ite to attaining a position as a local ! peace ollicer that the applicant be a i native of Kentucky. Mr. Hart is known to be a bad hombre when he i peeved. He inquired Friday who the Oreonian correspondent at Salem mijrht be. At intervals he escorts some of the convicted bad men sent to the penitentiary from Hood River to Salem. He intimated that he might j call on a newspaper man the next time he sallies down to the capital. KOLSTAD PROVIDES A TEETHING ROOM A. S. Kolstad has arrnRed for a ''teething" room for babies in the Lib erty Theatre, now being overhauled. ''When a mother brings a teething yOUngltei down to the chow and the new ivoriea be-in to ache," says Mr. Kolidad, we will Hash a notice on the screen that our crying room is fixed un with all the conveniences of home. We will provide all Che good home remedies necessary, and will have other articles of a baby's boudoir at hand for vounji mothers." The theatre is receiving a thorough remodeling. Baldwin & Swope are re building the Ulge, which will be equipped with an old Knejish pros. en ium arch. Wards Home From South "The roads area little rough in spots but for tie most of the going the mo torist has no difficulties to confront from Long Beach to Hood River, " suys J.J. Ward, who with his wife arrived lust week from the south, where they pent the winter. "In practically every instance where we were the least bit inconvenienced," aayi Mr. Ward, "it was caused Jjy new construction. The two roughest places we struck were on the Si-kiyous and between Viento and Hood River." Sheep Are Coming Eastern Oregon sheet) owners last week began the importation of flocks here for summer pasturage on logged oh" land and the national forest. Thir teen cars Were brought from Condon Thursday, The sheep were taken to Dee by special train over the Mount Hon I line. Herders j ay that the for est pastures are in excellent condition at present. Ranges are covered with wild pea vines, declared to he very fat tening for lambs and to produce a high quality of mutton. Notice of Street Improvement Oak Street Pursuant to the order of the Common Council contained in Ordinance No. 593, of the City of Hood River, pasted by the Common Council on the 24th day of May. 1520, and approved by the Mayor on the 28th day of May, 1980, notice is hereby given that the under signed City Recorder will receive bids for the improvement of Oak street from the west line of Ninth street west to the south line of Cascade a enue, by grading, draining, the con struction Of cement sidewalks, the con st ruction of cement curbs and gutters Nelson F.mry, and and by paving, a follows, to-wit: A cement sidewalk six (ti) feet in width shall be constructed two (ft) feet north of the north line of the property abutting the south line of Oak street, from the west line of Tenth street west to the east line of Thirteenth street. A cement curb and gutter, on both the north side and the south side of said portion of Oak street a distance of twelve (12) feet from the property line, beginning at the west line of Tenth street anil extending west V the east line of Thirteenth street. Pavement shall be placed upon the Burfece of said portion of Oak street for the full width thereof between the, curb lines, beginning at the west line of Ninth street and extending west to the east line of Thirteenth street. Paving shall be placed upon said portion of Oak stieet sixteen (MS) feet In width, being eight (8) feet on either tide of the center line of Oak street. beginning at the east line of Thi teenth street and extending west to the south line of Cascade avenue, said work to be done in the manner and form as set forth in the spec ideations prepared by the city surveys and now on file in my orIi e. Sealed proposals for the work will be received at my office up to H o'clock p. m. June 21st, 1SJ20, and the Common Council will at its next regular meet mg aftfr the completion of the i iibli ration if this notice, to-wit: On the 21st day of June, IHSL at the council chambers, at the hour of S o'clock p m.. proceed to open ami eons Mar all for said work, which is ordered bv ' the Common Council by said Ordinance N.,. duly etia -t tl as above s'.c i tied ; that the'improvement will be let in one contract, and will be reipiirejl to l e completed within 30 days from the date of the awarding the same to Um successful bidder, who will be raquiMd tn furnish a band to the City of Hood Itiver, in a sum of not less than 2-r. jm cent of the estimatel east of the con tract for the faithful performance thereof : that complete specification -arc on tile in my office covering the MB provements for which bids are called, which may be examined by prospective , bidders upon application, or Copies theieof will be furnished upon the de put it of $5.00 to insure the safe return thereof t the City of Hood Ku r af ter the awarding of the contract, anit raid contract will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder upon said t fications. The Citv reserves 'he right to rr iei t anv or all bids, i.r to waive fe. t therein, for the bone It af if flood Riser. TV t ims f the specifications frhall be notice to prospective bidder of the require ments demanded by said City in the perf ornr a ice- of said work. This notice is giejri fcr ten day BJ publication in the Hod River Glacier, a newspaper published at the City of Hood Kiver. Oregon, the date f the first publication being the 3rd day o June. 1920. H. I. Howe. iSjIO City Recorder. K3 Time Telling Through The Ages No window display has granted so much interest recently as th,at plgced in our store showing photo graphs of the book just issued under auspictsf of the ngernoit Wmtcfa Co. and bearing the title as appearing in the above heading. It has not been so long ago, as the student counts time, since time-telling contrivances were luxuries and only potentates or the very wealthy could afford them. The Ingersoll Watch Co., through the ingenuity of modern science, organization and quantity production has provided watches for everyone at a nominal cost. Let us show you this new book and tell you more of this miracle of factory production. The Ingersoll Factory is one of the wonders of all times. OUAI II Y AND HI I I Mil I 1 I W. F. LARA WAY JEWELER The Higher Plane of Living Combined with Increasing Wages is Sufficient Reason that Families Who Have Been Living in Two Rooms or in Rented Houses Should Build Homes of Their Own. Visit Your Home Before You Build It and Secure a Definite Contract Covering Total Cost of Material and Labor. Eliminate all Guesswork. Build from One of the 500 Economic, Artistic and Scientifically Arranged Designs of the BRIDAL VEIL LIMBERING CO. Mr. flume 2IN1. ttli mivl laecade. Receive Everlasting Satisfaction Convenience and Comfort. OREGON LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS Wholesale and Retail MOORE ELECTRIC CO. 406 OAK STREET AGF.NTS KM Thor Electric Washers AND Royal Vacuum Cleaners The Cleaner you have been looKing for Our terms for these household necessities an- very HbtrtL Call and see. HOUSE WIRING Special Beginning Saturday of this week I will sell for cash only 100 pounds ROYAL CLUB COFFEE for 50 cents per pound, also 30 2 pound cans FOL GER'S GOLDEN GATE COFFEE at the same price. This is regular 65 cent Colfee. I also have VAN CAMP'S CATSUP at 25c per bottle, and many other articles of equal value. Yours for Quality and Service HEIGHTS GROCERY N. H. M icMILLAN. Proprietor The man who waits to be given a chance has a life jobas a waiter. Wo are taking this chance to ask you, when in need of anything in the Hardware Line to drop into our store and let us show you a stock of honest, dependable Hardware at fair prices. Getting the goods is the most difficult phase of our business, but our stock is rea sonably complete and we are adding to it daily. The box nail situation is critical ; don't wait - buy now. Blowers Hardware Company Pains or Callouses There ? Produced by uneven dist ribution of body weight, the greater portion being thrown upon the ball, causing a weakening of the transverse arch. Ask litr our hook let " Treatment Mkd ( .itv of Hi.' See our Practipcdist at once. And for Shoes that Wear go to JOHNSEN'S SHOH STORE ALL, LEATHER SHOES r FOR SALE i 1 Horse, about 1100, good single driver. 1 set double work harness. 1 set double driving harness. 1 light wagon, capacity ."0()0 lbs. 1 turn under delivery wagon with top, capacity 2000 lbs. CONSOLIDATED MERCANTILE CO. THE HOOD Kl V I.R MARKET has been purchased by Albert Davenport and R. E. Steele. The new management assures the people of Hood River and vicinity that the shop will offer for sale the best of products the markets afford. Courteous treatment and full value for your money. DAVENPORT & STEELE The Hood River Market Telephone 1311 T DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR Duy good the Watkins Way and Fret real service. Our great line of necessities covers all you need for health emergencies, the toilet, cooking, pickling, preserving and for protection rf poultry ati.I oth. r livestock from disease or the results of injury. Send fcr complete lit Watkins Line ron-isls of Medicines for hum:.n beings and animal?; toilet .aps and pow.k r-; f.. o r .. u.,.l powders; Wftttt of all Kind?, extracts, of ail flavor:- ; toncs for poultry MM livestock; Louse Killer for poultry; Stock Tip and Iisinfe-Unt and many other .ir. .tie of hotrii. i.v-'i .. J ivnJwrts. The Ne Carda Line of toil 1 ing in The mm itions is tneet pular favor. Carda wont in Perfume, Toilet Water, Face Cream and the . ' . i . ' -fetful i- t.vi;j and MttM from THE WATKINS RETA1LLR E. E. BEACH, 1315 13th Street I.FN-l i