The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 27, 1920, Image 2

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    HOOD DIVER GLACIER, TlirliSDAY, MAY 27, 1020
ARTHUR l. MOK. P. bllahrr.
Suhxt-riution, 82.00 I'er Year.
Dimity advertising, per Inch, transient rn'e
(ft MBtl SrM time BUd .SI cents for name adv.
uguln; contract rate, llrsl time cents mid It',
c uts for MOM adv. HgHln.
Local reading notices, r cents per line.
Classified A,ds. JB eentH for one Insertion, 5
lines or llleenls I ich additional ih-.t.
tlon ol same ad.
W hen su bacrihers desire a change in add ress
tills office should he notified promptly, and a
week before If possible. Always give old ad
fr,.s ,,s us the new. Also, Hood River
MibserilH-rs Kiionid notify tliisofliie al once
when changing their address from one rural
mot.- lo another, or trom city delivery to
.uiiiii v rt.-liverv. or vice versa. If you do not
get your paper prompt ly, notify us by mall or
leiepnoni anu ine nmiivi win Nriiirasu,
Too much jazz and too little serious
work, the Saturday Evening Post de
dares, is the trouble with our country
today. The l'ost, in a recent long -'di
torial, entitled. "hiddlniK, UfgW
that citizens everywhere call a haJt on
extravagance. The advice can he ap
plied locally in numerous instances
Until it is applied by communities
throughout the nation, we are K"m to
continue our mad race toward a burnt
ing of bubbles. The Post says :
It is not the extremes of blue denim
pants for the men and calico dfWN
for the ladies that will brine: better
conditions; not meatless days, wheat
less days and sweetless days for every
body ; not grftnd'ttanding bv million
aires who braif in the papers about
the patch on the seat of their trousers
and then limousine it home to be
waited on bv a corns ot able-bodied
butlers and footmen, but just the exer
cise of simple common sense, modera
tion and the setting of a good example
to one personyourself.
Too Much Mustard has become the
national anthem, and the Shimmy the
national dance. A period of Strauss
and the old-fashioned give her-room
waltz is about the prescription that we
need. There is something wrong
about the stvles when a woman who
wearsll her clothes finds herself con
snif uous.
The world needs and should have a
moderate amount of the luxuries and
pleasures that make for real comfort
and true happiness, but every manu
facturer who is draining labor from the
country to meet an inordinate and un
wholesome demand from the Rddltrs
and the dancers iH chasing profits into
the mouth of a pit that will finally
engulf him. Kvery man and woman
who is keeping unnecessary help, lux
ury and show servants, or letting able
boiiied men fill the jobs that women
could hold is actually more blame
worthy than if he had done thene
things during the war. The need for
every able man in useful, productive
work is greater now than it was then.
Youth will be served, but if Age will
be served by it, the time is romintr
when there will be blamed little to
serve. "A little service, please" is
the cry and the curse of this country
We do not need more service. We can
get along comfortably with a whole lot
less. The cafetria idea could be ex
tended with advantage to roanv depart
ments of life.
JJ It is not desirable for the country to
proceed to extremes of self-denial.
I5ut we can very well get along with
simpler living, fewer luxuries and
cheaper, more wholesome pleasures.
Make the old car do: make'the old suit
last. Buy new clothes when you real
ly need them, but cut out extremes of
style. Starvation and superlluity are
equally undesirable. Stay at home oc
occasionally and read a book as an al
ternative to the theatre ; take a walk
bet ween the trees ti nee in a while in
stead of chasing pleasures between the
bright lights. In short, cut d iwn ex
cesses of consumption and speed" up
your production a little. A great deal
is not asked of anvone, but a little
from everyone. Somewhere in our
work we all have a little slack that
can be taken up. Hit a better pace
during working hours if you are one of
those who make a god of short hours,
add a little to your working time if
you are one of those who have discov
ered that the secret of happiness is a
good deal of work and a little play,
(iet a job if oti are a loafer, rich or
poor, male or female. No great giv
ing up and no drastic speeding up bv
anyone is needed, but just a little from
everyone. hie man or woman to set
an example in a house, a hundred in a
plant the boss taking the leati and
a few thousand in every city, will
start a movement that will ipiicken the
willing to join and finally drag in the
Unwilling by the seruir of the neck.
Life is a game of follow the leader.
If you can't be the leader, nick a good
one to follow and keep him moving in
the right direction.
Again, we must have a revival of
home owning and home life, harm
tenants and city tenters are bad for
the country All other building should
give way for the present to necessary
business extensions and to houses. We
can easily double up in the churches it
necessary ; there is plenty of room in
them. Intensive cultivation and co
operation in the religious field would
be a good thing for us. We can get
along for awhile without memorials
anil theatres and ouija-board factories,
but we cannot do without home own
ers. It is a fine thing to have an auto
mobile when one can alford it, but no
one can Jafford it until after he has
Isiught a house or a farm. A real es
tate mortgage is usually a mark of
thrift and progress, but a chattel
mortgage never is. We might very
well slow down on all drives for
awhile, cseeially the professionally
promoted ones, set the paid drivers
and publicity men to work iin other
fields, and put enormous and ofttimes
misdirected energy that is behind them
into a great campaign'of home build
ing, home owning and home making.
We are ashamed of Oregon's vote
on the presidential race last Friday.
Hood Kiver. however, giving Wood an
overwhelming majority, did herself
i r
Sam Kuzer received the nomini-tion
for secretary of state. The Republi
cans made a wise choice. He knows
the office from Alpha to Omega, and
his administratiop w ill ) of profit.
Cleaned up yet for the Shriners'
It has been rather cool, but a few
bold flies are 014. Swat 'em quick.
Save up, and maybe you will get
together surplus enough for a straw
berry shortcake Sunday.
Rubber Siarui' Ink at tliiofliee.
I'hoto copyright by Moflet'. Studio.
The Hood Kiver Valley has never
lost a more substantial citizen than (J.
K. Marshall, whose sudden deathjast
Tuesday night brought a great shock
to his friends and associates. Of a
grutr temperament, although his frown
ing exterior enfolded a heart as tender
as a woman's, Mr. Marshall did not
make friends quickly. Hut acquaint
ances ripened inU) friendship. The
longer one knew C K. Marshall the
better he liked him and the more he
respected him.
Mr. Marshall has worketl indefatigu
ably for the interests of Hood Kiver.
His was a mariner too frank for diplo
matic tactics, and on the occasion of
his activities as county roadmaster he
aroused ill feeling that led to unment-
d criticisms. When he passed into the
great beyond last week the Hood Kiver
valley lost one of hersim-erest expon
A fair share of the wealth of Hood
Kiver county is in her forests. There
fore it behooves Hood Kiver citizens to
ai quaint themselves with the purposes
of Kroest Protection Week. May 2,'t 2!l.
Do you know that already 4,MMi.(KMi
acres of Oregon's timber have been de
stroyed by lire? And do you realize
what this means in increased taxes and
shorten life for the industry? Unques
tionably the time has come when we
have no more timber to waste. Thou
sands of dollars are spent annualy to
prevent fire, but civic activity i need
ed to eliminate the tire hazard in st far
that it can be done by human agency.
Henry Albers should pay the penalty
of his indiscretion, if you please to call
it such, of a drunken tirade against the
United States of America when (ler
many was warring on the world.
Henry Albers is a German who has
made a fortune under the protection of
the AinericHti government. A jury
found his act seditious, ami thus most
of us will term it, as well as indis
creet. Henry Alliers has money, and
his pardon at this critical period in our
national alfairs would add fuel to the
propaganda of the I. W. W.
The motor tourist season will soon
be at its height. We have noted that
numerous children play in and out of
nine of the principal thoroughfares.
It is a dangerous habit for parents to
allow their children to fall into. Mo
torists should not and must not be al
lowed to speed on city streets, but
children should not be allowed to play
on the streets.
For iic prt.le ami enterprise, pass
lh in.ilni to the members of the
Knights of Pythias band. They have
completed their band stand on the
c.uirt house lawn, and next Monday
the boy will be out to render patriotic
music to put spirit into the occasion.
Numerous citi.ens are reporting pet
t thefts of garden tools and such ar
ticles. It is to be hoped that some of
the perpetrators of this contemptible
sneakery will las apprehended and made
an example of.
Welcome to Hood River Bill TafL
You are one of our nation's truest cit-
We honor and love you.
Join the blue-clad and khaki-clad vet
erans next Monday in paying a tribute
to the noble dead.
We hojie winter ia over. Let the sun
shine hot enough to make us think of
the old swiminirg hole.
Malt Wot Disappears
Matt West, homesteader of the Fir ,
district, has disappeared from his j
place, and neighbors fear that he may
have wandered away in the woods, be- j
MM h -t anil ih rishe.1. lie is snout
55 years of age. The theory of foul j
play is also advanced by some.
For Butter labels printed in accord
ance with Hairy and f ood Laws, rail at
this oihee.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Services Sunday morning are as fol
lows: Low Mass, H o'clock; High Mass,
Id: 80 o'clock. Instruction for the chil
dren at 'J o'clock, each Saturday morn
ing. tf
O.-W. R. 4 N. Co. Time Table
II. Spokane Port, l'ass 6:11 a. m.
5, Fast Mail ":.r5 a. m.
III, Omaha, Kan. City, li2Jl0pIn.
I (onver, passenger . . j
I, Pend leton-Port. Local. .1:80 p.
17, Chi., Omaha, Denver, i
Kan. City, Salt Lake V 4:80 PR)
to Portland, pMteng'r I
ti. Port -Salt LekeJpeoa.
12 :5-r a. m.
..9:80 i..m.
2, Port. -Pendleton Lical
H, Port , Salt Lake, Men
Kan. CltV, Omaha
II am
Chicago, passenger... )
4, Omaha, Kan. City, ) -Denver,
passenger . . (
52 p. m.
18, Spokane-Port. Pass.. HAH p. m
l'ost, American Legion, No. J. Met !- " I'
in. 1st HHttintiiy of seek tnnntii at Library
Hull. Mis Anim Aliriilium, I'res.; Mrs Ma
Ml Murphy, Nw.
Meets the - I out fourth Thursdays ol
saeh month Ht K. of I' hull.
Mrs May t'lilnilliind, K. ('
Mi- I 'nr. limn!, M. of It. and c.
CANIIV W. It. 0. MSStS second mid ronrtli
Saturdays or each month M K. ol H. hall.
Mrs llelle IVtler, l'renldut.
Mrs. Anna Aliralnim, Secretary.
V. (I. W.- Iti'KHlnr incctliiKH arc Held the Mrsl
and third Mondays ol each month at K. ol
I'. hall. VlNllorH cordially Invited. B, ('. ('.
K. K (ioodrlcu, C. C.
W. II. OH. Clerk.
liooli It I V hit UMAiTCB NO. t O. K. H
Meets second and fourth Tuesday evening
of each month. Visitors rordlally welcomed
Mrs I'. K. Marshall, W. M.
Miss i li t 1 1 udii Nli kilseii, fec'y
UMKL HKBKKAH LOIKtst No. 1st, I .."
Meets the first ajui third Tuesday evening In
eindi month In the Odd Fellows Hall, Hevcn
miles aouth of Hood Kiver, K. I). I
Mrs. I 'nil I tin' Howard, N. U.
otto Khrck, Mec.
Meets In K of I' hall every 1st and Ird Wed
ol each mon III. James Hal I home, V. ('.
W. T. Kra.ler. Clerk.
of Woodcraft - Meets at K . of I hall on tin
first and Third Thursdays of each mouth.
Mra. Nellie Hick, U. N.
Mrs. Mnltie Niekelsen, Clerk.
DEN KNCAMI'MKNT. NO. , I. (. (. K.
(tegular meeting second and fourth Tuesday
if eaeli month. Thomas Usher, C. I'.
(Ion. W Thomson Serllie.
Meats llrsl and thud Mondays each moiilh
Miss I.IIIIhii Kisher, N. U.
Mrs Nettle M.iscs, Sec.
Mis ts rlrsl and third Kridav niihtsot eacl
month. i s Field, H, H.
C. ('. Ainferaon, Mecrelary,
Meets in K. of I'. hall every Tuesday nilii
L, M. KaldMln.C ( .
Jasa'r Wickhani, K. of It ami s.
k KM I' U)ltK, No. isl, I. tl o K - Mis-is in
Odell Odd Fellows hall every Salur
day night. Visitors cordially welcomed.
T. A. Ilolen, N. .
L-il Allen, V. O.
W. I.. Csrnes. Socre(ary.
Knsl .1 llo id Treasurer.
Ml HOOD ( or M II. No s K. S. M. Meets
lu Masonic 1111 every third Tuesday in
each mouth.
W. K. iJiraway, 1. I. M.
A. !. Moe. Kecorder.
HOOD KIVKK LODUK NO. lift. A. K. and A
M.-t-Trl and third Wednenitay ntKlils o
each month Kent. StuM iinki r, W. M
Harold Hershner. Sec y
Ivans. it
days, woi
els the llrsl and third Wedtien
k; aecond and (ourth Wcdm-sdaf
Art isans
I l. II 1 N KleHs. M. A.
J. II KoakKo Mecrelary.
In Kra'erual hall, fverv ITiunstay
ii la: lit K K Howard. N. O.
(Mi W Iliomsin, !ecrelary
Hood Kiver. Ore. C i N K-kelarn. Iraa.
Mra Alma Howe. Her. U-s!te Buller. Trna
Hisnl Kier Commanderv No 11, K.T
Meets every rirat Tueadax netnnn
sack monih K tl. Blaorhar, K. C
A I1 Moe. Kecorder
Hore. huhtk-y and
I . I 'i li.U t
- hlte llmtn Pu
Phaa Mrs II II
rw piano box.
sblnkea Waller
On si
I i ol
relied hi( tan liana- Jarasy I
tali lo iff arm 044; aaml
iaiairrvu siura. a
Ladies' Muslin Underwear
We have a complete
Muslin and "Silk Underwear, priced at a saving. In
cluding Ladies' Seal Pack Union Suits, Envelope
Chemise, Silk Union Suits, Vests and Envelope Che
mise, Camisoles, Brassieres, etc.
Ladies' Cotton Hose, black, white and tan, the pr., 25c
Children's Black Ribbed Hose 25c
Men's Silk Dotted Half Hose, black, brown
white and grey 69c
We have got anything you want in Hosiery, from
the cheapest cotton up to the finest silk.
We have a special in a Pink Coutil elastic top
four hose supporters, aluminum coated
rustless boning throughout, special $1.69
Kor Half? or Trade Nsllam Tractor l3sM.
A I moat new Also KbotUim plow One new
9 (bot Olafc. 11. 1). Smith, Pbooa 5478. m.Ttf
Kor sale -Ten tacks of Qold tela aeteleasal
Tc per pound. I'honeaH:!. HSt7
KorHule- A small sawmill. See. .1. It. I'hll
llps, Hood Kiver, Ore. inlHtf
Kor Hale- An unusually K'xid, yoiinif USfBSJ
cow, fresh ahout a week. M. A. Motir. Tel.
MM. BT27
For Mali I1 fj Ii. p spray pump and engine;
KimiU cow, Iresll soon; I Sam or horses, cheap.
Call Odell 3.1x2. ra'
Kor Hale -one icray horse and one :t year old
coll, hrokc, cheap. Iiiilllieal Koi kfnrd store
Kor Ms 10100 ( lark SssdllM strawherry
plants, phone, John Cooper, Odell 2x0.; BSjfl
Kor Hale (iasollne power sprHyer.complele,
on small truck; lusl the thlnij for small orch
ard. Want lop-hiigsy, also two plks. Hnray
iiik maoNlnacan he seen i Bnnoyslda fnr,n,
Weal i ml llnsikside drive and Bslmool Road,
K. H. Hherman, Cascade licks, Ore. in.1l tf
Kor Bshs flnmii lumber, bnlldlns materia'
ami slab mill, '4 mile soul h ol H11111
mil, W. I. Klrhy, phone Udell Ills ml:: If
hoi Hale lulu UulCOard (iriider, phone II.
K . liHVeiinort. Odell :i7. mlHtr
Sale-Kresh Kkk Keep Put down yonr
lor 1 cent her dozen Huh on Hie ikks
I'irvs lor I cent Iter do.en Itllh on
umi uwuv lii csrlons or euK crates
preservative on the market. Km Hale hy
A vi Ion Poultry Kami, Hiicrmau I Frank
phone Mm "ilHtl
Kor Hale It lots In east half of block lfl. of
Hood Kiver, between Haael and Kmiene
Hlreets, with hesiililul view of the Columbia
thai cannot be obstructed Can be bought on
easy terms. Apply to A. W Onthunk. JiBtl
Kor Hale Heeond hand auto parts. HsteblS
( laraue, phoue :ilftl. j"lf
I-or Hale 7 I'assi inter, Hludebaker, five K'a'd
tires, two brand new; perfect condition, ptTft,
Terma, Other OOd aeOOOd hand Imys, Kl-iioit-overland
Co. The Cascade Oarage.
I'houe Bafli SUU
Kor Hale I riHiin house, larue pantry, larue
wisid house, llithts and water, sewet ice
lions ;t nice lot, graded streets and sidewalk.
II. C. Dell., tel. 3i:ll. allf
Kor Hale -Kir wood,
hold s (JriK'ery Hlore,
lavu orders at Ar
Kor Hale Cliean Two Horrel mari s, s years
oil weight about llao eaob, Baa sow tar aeii-
inir, have Iiki niMiy horses. Anton Cna-riid,
It. U. No. Aprl ill II
Km Bala ' Studebakcr" six cylinder, seven
passenger lourliiK csr in tine condltlun N.
w. Ueedbetter, UN Taylor NL aitf
For Hah I. mill team and harness, f 17..;
doehls work harness, tttTi; I wo row norn plant
er. Nnnesnaksr graear, old si vie. Lara Bee
Orchard Co , Pars dale, or. Phone odell M,
Kor Hale llesldence adjicent lo business
d I at riot, Prtoe fSOSO, one.fouriii naab, balaaes
In I 1 ears at li ar cent. HI riioins. furnace
and modei n phiinhiUK. Will rem by the
month at t-io. r monlli until sold. A pnly to
A . w Oathank, mVHf
Kor Sale !' acres 1 1 miles wiiitheast ol
paikdiile, KiNid house and h.irn, between '.
and I acres cleared, water pisd to house, tree
Irrigation water Kor Mjam W. M- Keeling,
It. f. 1. I, Hood lllver, Ore. M.
Kor Sale ItH Kind louriiiK car, ni'WIi
painted, a i dltfcasi IMI Kurd too ring ear.
S-l eondltlon. elect rlc atari er; Meyers spraj
machine, lame triplex limp. I wo im- II. If
die triplex spray machine. Pine Orove Osr
age, phone MB. or II. (1. Havldson. phone
l.i'i aVIl
Kor sai,- ' area nnsitsis of a Maafe between
.Hi snd Hi and May and June sis.. .'7u (eel on
May It , am on 7lh St., ahlewalk III tnels
araoed, Dve room bongalow, oaereem ana.
laire. sheds, oak Irces. fine views, close lo
blifh sclusil. As?a whole, or will suhdevlde
Keiisoimhle Ii nils. Make otter to owner, Mrs
II. II. IjiiikIIIc, i't!S liuiant Ave.. Ilerkeley,
t nl I lor u ia. mltr
. 1 g
Kor S i htsp. MS acres Hood Kiver land
1,'mms if desiied Kor nart loll lars write. A H.
Hoggaoaack, Itt'sS ItSI Ave., Cellar Itaplds.
Iowa. Jly I
Kor Hale Voting horsea. Dry H SB, llrst
mow Hi Or u.ssl. fll per cord In i-ord lots.
Kirst class I ii-lcrn Orekon wheal hay. III pel
Ion at Hie yard II taken ott the car a lowei
price will he made. One Htudehaker Six. T
.u r In line coll, I It loll Will taken
smaller car In trade. Nice two-year-old .lei
sc milk BOW, nV Hhelley wisal yard, phone
IT .I. cornel Klrsl and Hlnte inllll
Kor Hale Hay horae, 7 year, line worker
IiikIc or doiihle. sound and true. Also dull
tde anting tank pump, In ood Bond It ton
Wi lie Kriies! (Omae, lloilto No ;i mi l It
Kor Hale A limiteil amount of food, dry.
hi In nr wood, delivered In ( I or anal BMe
sa'tman Hro Phouel7ll. Call evoninits
Kor Hale
standard and odd alae Sisi.
window frames and glaaa. fall
11 it-ti
Kor Hale I wo brown Hwiaa cowa and :i
lean old. Kreah weeka. Calxea co with
caw rine cream and plenty milk WMlMfes
hints or wood lu exclianite Also (' work
:.ii,l saddle horsea for sa.e or (lade. Hhelley 's , atil. ti "
Kor sale house. Jut p luteal, four
Iota, fine garden spitt, running water lam
leaving lor Calitomla on Ma Ji audwlllaell
at a hargain on time to rtshl parly. Cell SI
.1 Columbia St. or I'houe F. P Jnnea.
A pi WI.
peg sale or Trade -For chickens or pif.
smith fr. liner No. i lype writer. Phone .STM
in . II
I ..r , acre, all In 7 year old hearing
orchard on Hoe Flat. Pbooe (Well 7. jS
1.- sc. Cheap n 1 on gisi.1 terms a Foot
touring car In Al condition. J. T. Holmau.
Iliaal Kiver. Oregon, (el 1S1 1. OSU-U
For lieu t I Minlahed mom ftw light honae
koptug A Motrle. ll Kngeue Hi mJr
lot 10 1 a nic" targe nmni. one i hm
rln. t l. i.on in Haa1 Kiver. with nKalern I
.-.., -.1 oak si I'none .14 a.'.'u I
lor Keiil-Two Furnished nana. T1S Ntntb
SL It. B Uoward. uiaat
I mi lea weal of lon
U !
k Hei
Buy-n riding horae '
17. J
Man and a lie with four 1 liSgii 11 would like
lac. with large fruit gmwe. all amuaaa. aln
place lo live, write (lacar .How dew. 7i ,
barman sa . Pnrtlaod. oreg.aa. j
line in all kinds of Ladies'
i ir m y m. b w m i jl m.
t . .
t ailtwl li.irme I.I 11..I.W ML. tier I SI
per mouth, al owner rlak In case if accident.
All horae must have hell am lioul lure
all fenced, and pleut water P Mulizman.
Hiaal Kiver. orrgon. t1inae47!l Jnlti
Wanted-To rent fartilnhed or parllv fur-
11 .lied holi'e bv mulllle cnmle Plume
Wanted Man to contract 1.1 lay I no feel of
le drain Koom and ir1 iurmsl,e,l. ijiva
ed Orchard 10 . Parsdale. tare. aiflf
Wanted - To aegtWonr nard tut nit 10-. sloven
and ruga. CWah or Dew gsUi iu eicbsnge.
. v i o o if
re latVe and
al River retereaswe. st, t'latr Tta-
nk and
' .. 11
aV On. ui.t
Mrs. J W Fortwu t prerwred ! do hem
Miichinc. T14 rb -arm. wear high arlKsil.
Phone kill ITnJ
lo lake
charge Heria-rt
A "truck
hat -HiacS poe-. omta ning ba
kB Mr, came taeoaor.-M. H.
Our line of Ladies' Low Shoes is now complete.
We have all kinds of Pumps and Oxfords, high heels,
low heels, in black, brown and white.
All kinds of Khaki Clothing for Men, Women and
The regular price of these are $2.05.
The Designer is a combination of the Woman's
Magazine and The Designer.
VESTMENT Is Offered Hood River People by
In Its
Read the advertisement and
also the article entitled "Some
History and Plans for the Fut
ure" published in last week's is
sue in The Glacier and The News.
The effort of the Hospital As
sociation to procure funds for the
purpose of increasing the capac
ity and accommodations of the
hospital building is not a matter
of expediency, it is a necessity,
that confronts the hospital man
agement. The present facilities have he
come inadequate to meet increas
ing demands of the sick and in
jured. More room must he provided
at once, the emergency is acute.
The planned improvements will
meet the immediate necessity and
very probably provide for a nat
ural vrowth for a decade.
The bonds now offerred for sale
at either bank are a first mort
gage on a valuable property, they
can and will be paid at maturity.
The hospital Association is of
fering you, the business men and
women, of Hood River, a safe
and conservative investment.
Our appeal, however, is not
alone to your business sentiment.
We appeal to your community
pride, to your philanthropy.
The sick are asking for a place
to lie down where they may lie
nursed back to health and useful
ness. Such a place this association
can provide if you will loan us
your money.
This corporation has never paid
one cent to its stockholders and
probably never will.
All of its surplus earnings will
lie applied to the payment of the
bonded debt and for betterments.
The demands of Such an institu
tion cotinually grow.
The sick are with us always
and must be cared for.
"We do pray for mercy and
that same prayer doth teach us
all to render the deeds of-mercy."
By order of the Board of Directors.
We are now taking orders for the above.
Come in and see us.
Cash Buyers of Berries
We need a daily supply of packed STRAWBERRIES
also Field Run Beiries for Canning.
Phone or call.
Phone MM P. L TOMPKINS. Manauer