The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 20, 1920, Image 4

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    3P 33333333
a o ft
Six -room Bungalow, on State Street,
built in 1912, excellent furnace, fire
place, built-in China closets; a very
good property at a very low price.
$3,000.00. Easy terms.
Hood River Abstract and
Investment Co.
J. W. CRITKS, Pres.
K. W. SINCLAIR, Sec y.
The Monitor
Light Six
It will be your last chance to get immediate
delivery on a Monitor Light Six, as we are entire
ly sold out except for one car, FivePassenger
Touring, and one Touring 4 Chummy Roadster.
Why not add your name to our list of satisfied owners
and possess a sturdy car that will do duty all the year around ?
Fall's Tires and Tubes Curtis' Tires and Tubes
General Service for all makes of Automobiles by a good
mechanic with ten years of general experience:
Vote for Good Roads -Vote 302 X Yes
for 4 State Road Bond Limit
No Property Tax!
No Increase in Auto license lees.
No Direct Tax.
No Increase of Gasoline Tax.
I'r tsciit Atiio I i. iim' I its :i ml (.asnlim- Tax will .i Ixdli prim iul ami
inteieM mi all the homln under tlii constitutional MMMidment. Appro al of
this anu'iiilmeni is mi 10 permit early completion of Slate Highways.
Hood River Motor Car Co.
I elephone 2861
That Telephone is out of Order
The "ouuiiif
poteii to the weatlu
to ihe element at
coper wire wrapped mitli paper .
perforation appear: a driving rain
an 1 fiftnra linn In-.l tt-J-lIi. -n nr
lern plant.'
-ring Immlrtsl nf tiny
iinrrum'iipie c-rv k or
the paper insulation
Sleet and ice gather on the a,., - ,n ! !-a- them down' the nn-
ilwaigfatmaf anapa puh' th. telephone on that "le.rar 1 i!
Twitted pair "drop wire'1 t the ilweriler hoam beoutne
water-aoaked and "rr mmi ;" a tree or limb if hlown awoM a line ;
truck break a pole ; ligktnintr or current from a hmkeo power w ire
"blowa" fuse; a down town tire deatnr a distnhainr nole
ot a few nntnplea of th
n cannot prevent. U it
'AmmA" : .
Gasoline at
1 6c per gal.
Sunday. April 25. tost madt
on tht Ford Bpordatct belong
ing to Grant Brawn of tht
Krvsso Drug Co., (rave the
following results :
Mileapre. per jrallon:
Old Csrbur.
I & J Carburetor
We nearly douHed hi? milea and
made hi tramline expend per mile
approximately the name as if he hal
used the old carburetor with gas at
ltV per trallon.
When can we demonstrate
on your car?
U & J Sales Co. of Oregon
(.Ml I HOWK. Distributor
Herlert Hoover s, statement as to
his withdrawal from the Qtetton pri
maries ii creating interest. His name j
will appear and many will cast their!
votes for him. The Democratic presi
dent's demand that the League of Na-!
tionB he accepted as presented by him
to the senate without reservations, and
Senator Johnson demanding its entire
repudiation, means, as Mr. Hoover has
put it: "An emergency has been
Created by this alliance of destruction.
wnat will nappen at unicago will be
the nomination of Herbert Hoover by
the Kepublicans for the presidency.
The convention will not accept John
son's program. They will be afraid to
nominate Wood, for fear that the bolt
ing Johnson will defeat him as Roose
velt defeated Taft. The result will be
that the Kepublicans will tWn to Hoo
ver, and the combined Republican and
Democratic vote will sweep the coun
try for him as it did for Wilson in 1912.
R. E. Scott,
Member Hoover State Executive
W. M. Rusch returned from Port
land last Wednesday, where he had
been on business.
Mrs. Geo, Barr went to Hood River
Monday to spend the week with her
daughter. Mrs. Geo. Ertle.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lott spent the
week end with their daughter, Mrs.
Myrtle McElvery, at Stevenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Galliean spent
Sundav at the E. C. Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ringer were Hood
River visitors one dav last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kitchel spent
Sunday at the C. W. Kitchel home.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Ruhnke and daugh
ter, Kuth Emmaline, attended church
at Mount Hood Sunday.
Otto Smith, of Portland, spent the
week end here with his sister. Miss
Cloy Smith.
0. M. DeWitt sold his house and barn
to C. E. Monroe.
The Mount Hood Christian Endeavor
society will hold an ice cream social at
the church Eriday evening. Everyone
is most cordially invited to attend.
f "I"1"I"I"1 IM ir ll-l"T"I"I"II"I'I"I"l''l"I"I"r
Clipped Here and There
When the various county courts of
Oregon meet to pay the hill for the
primary election this month thev will
lirid that the item of furnishing ballots
will be one that will have mounted
considerably in price Fince last time.
The chief cause of this is. of course.
the cost of paper of the quality of
which ballots are ordinarily printed;
anoui uouoie wnat it was two years ago
And another thing has to be taken into
consideration: The law provides that
he Democratic primarv ballots must
be printed on blue paper. This is un
obtainable in any of the papers which
are ordinarily used m ballot printing
and the only paper which can be had in
tins particular color is in the bonds.
which are the highest priced papers on
t he market.
The Dispatch tried every paper house
in Portland m an effort to tret enough
blue book paper for the Democratic
allots for Wasco county, but the same
reply came from all, "We haven t got
it and can t get it.
Oh, well! Such is life when you get
used 10 u. wuiur utspatrh.
Judge Wilson Kntertains Friends
Circuit Judge Wilson recently prom
ised his old friend. Otto B. Rupp, of
Seattle, a trip over the Columbia High
way whenever he should visit Oregon.
Monday he received a telegram from
Mr. Rupp, reminding him of the prom
"The Highway was closed by pav-
ipk. said Judge Wilson, and I wired
him that we would have to compromise
on a drive over the Hood Kiver va -
Mr. Rupp, accompanied by his wife.
arrived at noon Monday. They were
escorted over the orchard districts and
to surrounding points of scenic interest.
Mr. Hupp declared that he thought the
Judge was spoofing him about a com
promise when he returned from the
motor tour.
M Sign Irrigation Petition
Kiftv-four signers were secured to
the petition which is to be presented to
the Klickitat board of county commis
sioners asking for the granting of the
White Salmon irrigation district. J. E.
Slade, promoter of the project, which
s to water a vast area of lands in the
White Salmon vallev, made the an
nouncement. The petition will be pre
sented to the hoard of commissioners at
heir June meeting at Guldendale.
McNary is Committee Head
t hii executive committee meeting
if the American Legion Monday night.
Cobcrt u. McNary was apH)inted chair
nan ot an entertainment committee.
which will stage a series of a proposed
Legion home.
The first of the forthcoming enter
tammeuls will be given under auspices
f the Women s Auxiliary of the !.-
gton on Ihursday, May it.
Mrs. fastner Hill Return to Vote
Mrs. t'. H. Castner left Monday for
Gooding, Idaho, to address the Idaho
reiieration oi omen s i tuns on
"Americanization." "I will return in
time to vote," declared Mrs. Castner,
and to serve on the election hoard. I
wouldn't miss giving mv support to the
millage educational bills."
Kobinson Goes to Ontralia
The Centralis school board has
elected E. T. Robinson sutierintendent
of schools at that place. He will re
I salary of Ri.faM. He has ler
superintendent at Hood Kiver two
years, prior to which he headed the
l eppenif h schools for eight years.
Bids for Wood.
!ids will b received at the office of
County Clerk until tl tirt We I
day in June, for sixteen cords, four
I wood, to be delivered at the Court
use mi Sherman Avenue.
Iv order o( the Countv Court,
E. 1, :-i.oemaker. Clerk.
The Farmer's Truck
The Ford One-Ton Truck may well be classed as an
agricultural necessity, it fits into and fills so many wants on
the farm. It is a reliable bearer of farm burdens, not only
doing the work of several horses quicker and better than the
horse, and does not ''eat its head off" when not working. The
aggressive farmer has only to consider the possibilities of the
Ford truck and he is ready to buy one. We judge this to be
so from the way farmers are buying them.
DeWitt Motor Co.
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
5 1 0 Cascade Avenue
PHONE 4121
(The Old StanleySmith Lumber Yard)
Q Al We can furnish you now with all you want.
SAND We are hauling Sand every day and can sup
ply any quantity.
- We have it in any amount.
( mi
Windows, Sash, Doors, and all special
sizes of Glass Frames.
All Kinds of Building Material
and anything you need in the Lumber Line.
Let us figure with you on anything you need in our
Spray Hose for Sale
Arsenate of Lead
Orchard Supplies Farm Trucks
Farm Implements
Flour, Grain, Seeds
KELLY BROS. CO. Phone 1401
Office and Store: STEWART BLOCK, ThirJ and State Streets
Buyers and Shippers of
General Motor Trucking
Wood For Sale