The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 20, 1920, Image 2

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Sinoh tKiurr (Slarirr
AHTMl K I) Mol:. I ..Wither.
Miliscrintion, 82.00 IV r fr.
lUspisy advrillsliig, per Inch, transient rate
25 ('l ilts It I HI llllll' HIKl M rtllls for MHIIIH HflV.
iciiini: roiilract rate, rtrst time ti rents and I',
priitjt (or Minut adv. again.
Local rending mil ires. .'irriilH per line.
Classified, Aih - '5 cents for one insertion, I
liiiPM nr irSiOreiiiH lor each additional luser.
1 loll ol Name ad.
When suhsrrl hers desire a change in add rex
Hits ofllce should he notified promptly, and a
week liefon-If possible. Always give old ad-dies-.
iiN well na the new. Also, Hood Kiver
Dlwcriben should notify this office at once
when changing their address from one rural
route to luiolhcr, or from city delivery to
country delivery, or vice versa. If you do not
net your paper promptly, notify us hy mall or
leleidioni and the mutter will he in vestlgated.
The eves of the nation will be on
Oregon tomorrow to see how the Re
publican electors express their prefer
ence for presidential nomination. The
act of Herbert Hoover in asking that
his supporters forget him and express
their party sentiments on issues rather
than in personal terms will no doubt
have a great hearing on tomorrow's
vote. While we would have predicted
a week ago that Hood Kiver county
would show a plurality or a majority
of votes for Hoover, the Hoover ap
peal will probably throw the lead to
Wood, who, before the Hoover boom
was started, was the strong candidate
here. We have no fear of Hiram John
son carrying Hood Kiver county.
We wish to take this opportunity, al
though we do not believe that he es
peeisllf needs it for making votes, of
reendorsing Representative in Congress
N. J. Sinnott. Mr. Kinnott has risen
to a place of prominence in Congress.
He is one of the big men, and in a poe
ition to render great service to his
state. It is absurd to think of not re
turning him to congress.
Herbert bjrbert and Albert S. Rob
erts, of Wasco county, should have the
support of Hood Kiver Republicans for
the joint state representativeship from
Hood River and Wasco Counties. They
are known to be aggressive and solid
men. F. M. (Jill, who seeks the nom
ination, has a reputation for radicalism
that should cause voters to hesitate be
fore offering him their support.
Contests in Hood River county art
few. The (Jlacier endorses H. L Has
brouck for county judge because we
consider him temperamentally better
fitted for the office than his opponent,
A. J, (Jraham.
On his announcement of candidacy
the Glacier endorsed (Jeorge Sheprmrd.
We repeat that he is a man of ability.
Voters will make no mistake in choos
ing him as commissioner. He is a cit
izen of middle grounds, neither radical
nor over conservative. Hood Kiver
county will profit by his nomination
and election.
Not only are candidates to be select
ed tomorrow but a number of import
ant measures are to be passed on by
We may pass on without the neces
sity of discussing the educational nnll
age bills or the four per cent road bond
limit. Hood River, we think, is fairly
nnanimouslv in favor of these issues.
Hut it behooves everybody to go to th
polls. Even the Democrats will hav
tin opportunity 01 voting on the meas
ures. although their own ballot, excep
in the case of Chamberlain and Stark
weather, offers'little choice. The re
Kard of Hood River Democrats, how
ever, for Chamlierlain will no douli
take them to the polls. Chamberlai
rose above partisanship during the war
and Hood Kiver Democrats will not
we Delieve, barken in I he least to tht
Wilson appeal. Imbed, we have beard
of Republicans who expressed the wist
that they miitht vote for George to
Ann rica ;i r - common throughout I ba
world. The Hank of England has
raised its discount trte to 7 per cent.
Canada is going tnrough a period of
tight money. Japan is in the throes of
a financial panic, said to have been
caused by overspeculation and excessive
industrial development. Everywhere
there seems to be a shortage of capital
and credit due to the lack of accumula
tion during the wasteful war period.
Under ihtmt conditions it is important
that credit be conserved for essential
uses and not absorbed in non creative
pursuits. There is an obligation upon
individuals, corporations and munici
palitiesto refrain from using materials
and labor and transportaton except for
essential purposes. In this respect the
state of Illinois has set a good exam
ple. That state recently voted several
n II of dollars or bonds for state
hiL'hwrfV purposes. It is now announced
that no highway will be constructed
this year, owing to excessive costs, car
shortage, unfavorable bond market, etc.
After setting forth these causes the
Department of Public Works adds:
"Still another iactor which the gov
ernor and department are taking into
consideration is the question whether
by driving ahead at full speed in road
work and paying the continuously in
creasing prices for labor and material,
we are not adding to this bubble of in
flation and thus tending to increase
costs all along the line. The people
are being urged to refrain from pur
chasing anything that is not absolutely
essential in order to start a movement
in the other direction, is it not there
fore advisable for the state to begin to
work in harmony with that advice:
This view of municipal responsibility
is recommended to the attention of
those cities and counties and states
which seem bent upon increasing their
indebtedness in order to provide public
improvements not urgently needed.
The position of Ieonard Wood fcr
president was considerably strength
ened yesterday on receipt of a tele
gram by U.K. Scott from Dow Walker,
Oregon manager for Wood, who gave
Wood's stand on matters of immigra
tion. Mr. Walker wired:
"Leonard Wood's stand is: No im
migration should be permitted of aliens
who cannot intermarry with Ameri
cans. America for Americans. I can
not conceive of a stronger position."
Mr. Walker early yesterday wired
asking that Mr. Scott, as secretary of
the Hoover club, use his influence in
swaying votes to Wood. Mr. Scott,
while he had already announced such
an intention, thought the Wood position
could be made stronger by an expres
sion on the Japanse question. Political
observers expect the telegram to give
Hood Kiver an overwhelming vote for
Suits for Men
The American public is being "driv
en" past the point of patience. Cam
paigns for raising funds for patriotic
purposes and for securing subscriptions
for Liberty bonds were a necessity
during war days. Hut unfortunately
they pointed a way to every institution
and organization in need of funds, and
we have had a deluge of drives.
Every drive is meritorious. Without
merit, officials, much less the public,
would never allow them to reach the
point of actual materialization. Hut
they are overdone. Then, too, the
drives always hit a certain class of
people. In war davs, those in charge
of campaigns were able to set individ
ual quotas, if the necessity arose, and
were able to force all contributors in
to line. The war is over now, and only
the strictly conscientious are reached.
Many overzealous citizens have given
more liherallv than they could afford.
Unless drives are discontinued, the
public is going to arise and swat them.
They are getting entirely too numer
'Hy Hood Kiver Abstract A Inv Co.)
B. G. Emilio and wife to Kessie I.
Person, parts of lots 64 and 55 River
side park, Dee.
Henry Krebs and wife to D. T. Her-
nath, tract at r ir.
August von Hacht to Thomas A. Cul-
bertson, tract at i'arkdale.
Max Kortum to Jas. M. Taylor and
wife, n. M acres on Neal creek.
Geo. W. Combs and wife to Wm. T.
Smith. 46 acres Mount Howl.
K. H. I'erigo and wife to H. M. Cum
mins. fractional lots 1 and 20 in block
24 in Hood Kiver I'roper.
K. Kida and husband to Y. Nishioka,
mz acres, Barrett.
Now is a good time to select your new suit. We
have one of the best and largest assortments of young
men's, middle agecTand older men's models that can
be found in the city. We can fit the hard to fit, too.
Wd have models made especially for the very tall and
slender fellow as well as for the extra stout. You'll
find our prices most reasonable. In fact much lower
than you could get the same quality of material and
workmanship for elsewhere.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
and Artcraft Clothes
are fully guaranteed to give you entire satisfaction
in every respect.
Come in and let us show you.
2-piece Suits that will please you in quality, style
and price. A big stock to choose from. BriiiP-
the boys in and left us fit them out.
Misses and children's knit pants, lace knee,
the pair
Ladies' Sleeveless Vests some excellent values
taped neck and arms, each
Children's Play Suits of percale and yingham, neatly
trimmed, the pair
Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists These are excellent
values at the regular price. Values up to $5.50 Q q
regularly. Your choice while they last v0
Fiber Silk Boot Hose for ladies; reinforced toe, heel and sole.
Lisle top, colors Black only. While they last, r
the pair OOC
no rnnrvi
Last, but
vote for fhe
will enable
Gibson at
not least, do not foreet t.
local initiative hill tha
us to keep Superintendent
his Hist with a livabl
An unusual opportutiitv is alTor
a I Al 1 Ma... .
me ninny man or woman today to
save money and invest it advantage
ously. The wise individual will prac
lice such a policy. If he be in debt he
will remove theburden with cheap dol
lars. If no encumbrances demand bis
attention he will pr.ivide against leat
seasons by saving.
V ... . . . - M n. . .... .
' i'i one oui oi ii individuals ;s
practicing economy today. This post
ueiium cycle seems like a time of
Krasshoppers. Money has never flown
so freely. The individual, corporate
businesses and municipal ana state
governments are saw nding on a grand
scale. The signs of the times point a
w arning, an i if it is not heeded we
may suddenly draw up in financial
Recently here in Hood Kiver we
voted $02,000 in bond and tax for a
I'ark street school. An emergen.
isted. and the issue was carried.
Last Friday we proceeded to add
another $45,000 to our indebtedness.
The regard of Hood River citiiens for
rt:nent and the
hirhtin" appar
t. presented an
city hall. how-
Will somebody please dig out of the
liles those plans about a Mosier Day
here in Hood River in celebration of
the opening of the new stretch of the
Highway. The graveling was com
pleted last Thursday. The celebration
should be held before the circumstance
of the elimination of the old hill road
becomes ancient history. We have a
suggestion to make to the Mosier peo
ple. Hood River cannot have a circus
because of lack of available level
ground on the lower levels. Mosier
might persuade Al G. Karnes or some
otner circus magnate to pitch the
white tops over there. Then tVCffkodf
in Hood River would go over with the
Why Vote for Capital Punishment?
Lditor tilacier: A correspondent in
a daily paper recently presented the
argument in favor of restoring the
death penalty in our state by using this
ninie passage : "Whosoever sheddeth
man's blood, by man shall his blood be I
shed. Another Kible passage de
dares, which is in the form of a com
mand, Ihou shalt not kill."
Matisties have well proven, resort
ing to this method of punishing crim
inals by death is not a deterrent of
crime, and has in many instances
worked untold injury to innocent per
son, who have been executed under
circumstantial evidence.
; There has always been manv contrib
uting agencies whereby criminals have
been produced. At Uie close of every
war a long list ot crimes have been
lerpetuated and our late war possibly
has been no exception to this rule, not
withstanding the struggle lasted com
paratively speaking a brief period.
I here is a class of criminals with
whom death has no terrors. This may
inciuue suicides also. It there were
more strict preventative measures
there would not be the crimes we have
in our land today. We must admit so
ciety at large and a failure enact just
provisions in our governmental rela
tions have had a share in fostering
1 0 vote against capital punishment
at our near election shows no sickly
sentimentality, but a Christian anil
humanitarian principal which over
comes any spirit of intolerance or re
Julia A. Hunt.
Etv GBsWl ii inn ii rwfF?'!
3 aaBJMlWI Ill II ni-i--u-wi iMim
Vacuum cans not to improve its incomparable flavor
j but to insure its delivery to you as fresh as when it left
our roasters.
Henderson Ships First Berries
The first mid Columbia Clark Seed
ling strawberries for the season were
Shipped last week by J. A. Henderson.
of Kingen, the crate selling for $12 in
t oruanu.
We are
also roasters of
"Country Club"
Tastes Better, Goes Further"
Sabbath Dav of Americanization.
I bus has the grand commander of
the (irand Army of the Republic
termed Memorial Day. It is a day to
hold sacred. Citizens in a spirit of
seriousness should observe it in honor
of the soldier dead.
The citizen who dares not eat straw
berries firr fear of a discomforting rash
isn't in such a pickle after all this
year. Strawberry shortcake, judging
by quotations, will be a real luxury
this season.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Services Sunday morning are as fo
iws: Low Mass. H o'clock : High Miihs.
hi: M o'clock, nstroctioa for the efcil-
dim At 9 o'clock, each Saturday morn-
'"g. tf
An inspection will convince you that
l be service of the Palace Hotel, 1'ort
land, Oregon, Washington and Twelfth
-treeln, is second to none. Convenient
to shopping and tbealr- districts, clean
st rooms in city for SO i ts. and up.
When you want your clothes pressed
mil cleaned by the most sanitary
method with n Hoffman steam nrescer.
lelepboneJ. C. .Meyer, No. 1121. and he
will cend for them. i22tf
At the Gem
Monday and Tuesday, May 24-2?
in her latest
Paramount Picture
"Three Men and a Girl"
Topics of the Day.
Wednesday, May 26
A 2-Reel Comedy
and a Special 5-ReeI Feature
Thursday and Friday, May 27-2S
Episode Number Nine of
"The Road to Divorce"
Saturday, May 29, one day only
"The Rider of the Law"
and a Comedy
The Gem and the Libertv will
will both be running every da
until Monday, May 24, when the
Liberty will close and the Gem w ill
be open everv matinee and even-
ng unlil the Liberty Opens.
Remember the Libertv doses
Monday, May 24. for a few davs
for a general overhauling.
I be (icm opens everv matinee
and cm mill' until further notice.
I'cretiiate the blossom wees pag
ant, as exemplified at I'ine Grove last
wi-ek. Iiv all means. And net war
et tlie entire population turn out.
rorSHIr II i. ii I t...,n lot xi i,v in
n-ri fHn i.iiii. l i re f ual W. A W.u..l
hi 1 1 . . iii- ti-i. vti
KorSnlr I'llii'lired IiIk type IniriM- Jrrw
H"KI llnniMl irV III tu .;,!. .Ill II In.
ii ricisi. ri-,1 M iM'k . U.K. (MHi. II
illonr i hi, II 1 ii i
i ami up anil clean up! riant Mower
beds and barber the lawn. The Shrin-
crs arc coming.
rorWMlf An iiiiiihiihIIv KiNMt. yonnic I. rs
..w, ntKII BiK.iii kivi. m. A. Mu'ir. 11
roll, color tilck
irw, M il i
MiK.ier.Urr miO
The overalls erase has bubbled out.
I'he really thrifty, however, are con
tinuing to wear their old clothes.
for Mule . ,,. J r ,,1,1
Kni H.mhI KUct r run i o
Kor -l
r per pou
ror Kiny horw hiiiI one .1 er old
""I, nnwe, i-nrnp. Inulir Hi Koekfunl more
iiihhi' n,HHi iinver or work horw. vrrv u. ml,-
Ten MM-kaiif OoM total potnlom a
ml I'liour 'JiM.'l. nr.',
now noes vour ganlen grow I hat s
tin. re miked of here now than the
Tomorrow it is not merely your privi-
mm but yi ur duty, too, to ga to the
Is and vote.
Kor Hie
litlin ( iiprr.rrkilHle
.Mill etr alu ( lark ami Unit
. .urn. inui i yrar oui puniia
I'limie I Mel I Jl- mi)
I'uUrf the garbage dump problem is
settled. Hood River mav ereet the
tinners with an offensive smell.
(aiming Situation Imnlwd
ror air uaaoiine iiower Kpra.yrr.nunpletr,
iiiu-a. niai in. ininic lor Kinall on-Hard.
W aul lop l.ii( alao two plK Spray
tig iiiaehiDe ran he nrru at Siinnyiilile aarai.
W'exl ml HrMkldr drive and Heliiiout Kiut.t
K. H. Miierniao, ( aaradr I Ax-kn. Ore. iiiUf
r..t-le Mllllle lllllllN-r. IHllldlllir material
and alab wood, at mill. ' mllr wutli .if Hum.
tull. W. 1 kirtiy. plume laleli life ml tf
the Volunteer Fire l
apparent need for fire
atus, and a home for
other emergency. A
ever, is not needed.
With these needed emergencies taken
rare of, let us herein Hood River call
a halt on expenditure for the time
being. Let us etrUil expense' ir. ev
ery fashion and be prepared for the
.nn toward a financial Inw ebb,
which will certainly follow
of extravagance,. It is already loom
faf 08 ttwariiwa. The tightness of
money is everywhere reflected in ad
vanced interest rates.
r situation has resulted in a
end on canning straw beries.
s of 16 and 16 cents per
made several weeks ago bv
activttv IS now rn.ieal. In
Hood River fanning IV,
rmer seasons has parked a
on of Clark Seedlings, has
the offer of 15 cents to
large port
J. H !Uter. respreaetitative of the
Starr tanning Co., of Portland, says
'ks for the price of canning straw
a?rne- to decline as the season prv-
rres - -
"Canners." says Mr. Kjnaater, "are
only gom- to pack what tMe have or
ders for They feel that it will be an
unjustifiable gamble to pack high pric
ed strawberries in high priced sugar
and face sales at declining prices.''
D. Wm.
Kur Sale Ivl ' (uutnarri ilml.r ., n
K lav uport. udrii t 7 miwf
ror Sale
ecs ar i
and put at
prearr alt
Avak.o IN
phone "o
nppr1 t O-
I'ul down
nt per doreti Hub on the
ray III mil or eit rratea. Heal
on the market "or Kale h
oltry rami, Mneinian J frank
Km sale-".Sttidelmker" six cylinder, aeven touriiiK car In tine roinllilon. N.
i ciiiiiieiier. ixsi rayior Ml. nr
Hor Sale l.iKht team hiiiI BaWWaas, fi;:,
-liiiih1!- ,.rk ImrneHs. J.Lr; two row corn plum
r, .MinmiiHKer irnider, old alyle. I.ava lied
urriiMril ( o , rnrkdnle, Or. I'liour Udell M
ror sale Itesldenre iidjurent to huxlueNN
insiru i. rrlre JiHIiO. otie-fourlli i-mhIi, luiliiin-r
in In . Krs id c, mt cent, in rooniH, riiruaee
mill inoitein pliimbiUK. Will rent by the
in, null ni io. per mouth mull wild. Apply to
A. W outflank. in'JMf
Kor Hale 111) arrea 1', miles aoiilheHHt of
PHikdale, i(i Mid li.ui-,- mid barn, tietwreii 7
iiul s in i.-s rleared, water plail to liomie, free
IrrlKiitlon WHler Kor II.IKIO. W. M. Keellnir,
R r, 1 1 I. i.,...i Kiver, Ore M ,
POT Sale- Pill Kord toiirltiK ear. BSSflJ
pHluleil, A-l condition: HUH Kord tourltii! rar,
A-1 inndltl.m, elect rtc siarler; Meyers spray
machine, lame triplex l ump, two gum.; Ilar-lu-
trip i spray machine Pine (ir..w Our
SSWi pi e . or B. O, DWvMsoSl, phone
lW aVf
Kor Sale
Standard and odd alee
window frantfH aud iclai
a call
m. II
h,.i salt- Two brown Hwlaa cowa 2 and .1
years old. Kreah :t weeks CaUes in with
rows Kine rreani and nh-iilv nnlk Wllliake
lions or wismI In exrhauife Alno aoad work
and saddle horses for ale or trade. Hhelley's
Wiaidard. I hone r .4. inlV-tf
KorSaie s dmiiii houae. lusl nalnled.
lota, tine garden apol. runtiliiK water lam
k lor California on Mav x and will sell
at a akMaala on time to riglil airty. Call al
l.'tn Columbia St. or I'hone MiU K. I' .lum
A pi -.HI f.
Call odrll f.
May 20.
f or Sale-Muita? .leraey boar.
Salr-Two-ton federal truck, or will
odrll V. Johu K. rio,. May 20
Vertical Lift M and 5foot Cut
We carry Repair Parts for
John Deere, McCormicK, Champion
Deering and Osborne Mowers
Kor Hale i hear. Two aorrel mare s ears
old. welalit about ll.aiearli K. hmmi I. .r' sell
ItiK. hae too mkliy borara. Auton Coprrud.
ft. D. No. 1 Aprl -tl
Kr U
Kor Hale-a mall pa
gp llM Kurt Ore.
Kor Haw la Iota in au
Hiawl Kiver. bet ween
nrwta with rwaatttul v
I hat ram.. .1 be obatruete
aat i. rto. Ai-P i m
J. K Kbll
blia I. JS ..I
r"or Hale Memnd band auto nart
iiara-e. phoaw IU1
buards Win b
The Multnomah Guard base ball
team, ere Sunday, won over the Hood
Kiver lierton team by the small mar-
. 1 "o imn tn i ne laarade
r of Ibe Columbia
Can he bouahl on
Outhank. Jfitf
ii. sMai
Kor Sale-Alfalfa Kanch. A ranch of p.
arre. v- ,.f water, real in naaturr. K. K. on
weal line ol place. One tulle to atatlon. Joins
nn ... ... alxt ran.-l. nvnilii put
liaatsl hy lir. K. la SSrottee and A M. keir
Thla is ..tie of the moat desirable pla.-es In
Central Oregon Ativttoe Intamated can con
n I lu -.,,t!e or Mr Kelr ronrernlna troi
ertT W rite U (". O. Cornelius, Kedmood.or
Kiw Rale- Bay horae. T years, tine worker,
ma-le or double. atMind and true Alao doa
ble arOng lank pump. In food onndltlon.
w rite Krueat Ooase. Hnuto o I mlitr
fot s.iir -harp lea Cream -epavrator for 2 u
ran. A bargain at I 5. Avakm INmltry
Karm. Hbenuaa J Krank, rh.uiriaja. mjntf
For Hake A limited amount of gaaal. dry.
K. In. flr wtatd. delivered In town oreaat aide man Hroa. I'hone 47 1 1 twll evealnars
Kor Hale-
atrrhard on la.
art, all in 7 year old
e rial. Phone Odell 407
Kor wale A'bean and on .. ... i tr. . . s-..,.
ouriug etar In Al ronditi. i, J T -
I Stiver. (IntMi. lei n ni in
II. sal
re. nveawaat
1 1 ion. tKV
laiv. r
a; .-r
s ,- lireyjuarlers of a blork between
Mh and 7ib and wiay and June at a. . TJ0 Sret on
way at . aW aw 7th at . atdewalfc la atreala
tcraded. five raatm bungalow, one room rot .
age. sited . iwk treea. One view, rkraas to
blab artxatl Aa?a whole, or will subdivide
Kea-nable leraia. Make offer to owner. Mrs 1
H. h. Langilka, 30 Purant Are.. Berkeley,
i a , i torn i a aattX
Koraaj light work harness.. I act of
I ' mat
rarwale About li pound. ,.( i ; ajinne
. ailti Rem fttni Tel. 17X2 J U ( anrr. m?7
For Male 4 i
large pantry,
tier, aran aaot
railed streets and atari
i rasa H
fans declare.
The American National Bank, of San
rrannscat. one of the largest financial r,n 4 to.3 .Th" fm- r
institution, on the iWific Co. Wa2ST Vn.,??l'.,,:
t i atiiTtire, UK mama men awsriare.
warmnir: aittatremtlw diat.laveii a favor foe th.
conditions exiating m Witora,
rwcaty acres on He rial aaa
aawawiw twelve rear avid apple
aawattaa . Har Ore al it
Unavr) BSata.
a uit
rder. at r-
Barrea Hood Kiver larB
d SVw pam.-ular. write, A.N.
KM -Hi Aire. Cedar Kapstta.
Pur lataae- l .atng horara rv M la.
growth Br woraj. Ill per cord la cord
1 ri ruv laalern Oregon wheat bar. a
too at the yard If taken on I be rar a lower
t-'.e win or awai atne t uaeoaaer aam. ?-
,jt in Bar matdlttoa Will take a
i let .-ar ,ti trade i ls.iiatr-.ilil Jer
milk row. SaV awriiev a .al rard ,.r,.
!?r ot Trade-fo, , i,i. k.BW piga.
smith l-remler No. 1 type wrller. I'hone S7SI
mt. If
Man and wife w th four l.ndren would .,,
place with large fruit grower, all eaJ Ji Jl
- Place to hve. write i'I "';
Thuriuan mi Portland, 1 jS
KWr Rent I lnrnlhed room tor light
iwa . A Kngene st t3aif
For Keat A
floet loeajtlaaa
per ronveti
i . '
n II.
in BJWa
s.M (rfk
..I K .
of the
Wanted - Horaea to
per month, at owuer
All horaea must hart
an fenced, and plet
Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Wanted Hi worn,
place n berry Oelds i
Mm. H. A tta'rren rti
pa.ture lis r ,,
rik in rata- ol accident.
lasn on. inast psktiirar,
' wler. r. Sailman.
I hone 4711 ni,
? ''"re dattghlera
Warned -Klderly lady wants: cooking and
houaraok. Ad.tres. K-uiie t Isn l:: in--I
Wanted -Ki-Nerrire man wants a job dm -i
i.g truck or rar. -tne 0i. BaS
Wanted Maa to enairart to lay I-JBW feel of
IUe drain Koom and board turn iVbed ji
lied orrhard to . I'arkdale. Ore. aiStf
Wanted- "osiuon on raorh
rliai .- i-.. ::-m a . tstrurk
a B Brt oi Hood kiver. uea i Del
lo take
ror Kent - Two
It H. B lei.nard
I To l-nd
71 MntB
aw saand Oct
Young man run
fruit ranch near town
care Chipping i ha
Wanted To rent ft
nianed houae by midal
year around job on
Hood Kiver. Kout- 2.
urnianed or partly for
ore agtd rouuee Ittone
Man to reahtaartsitaatfaTW
I .11 Ci wa ... '
W anted
and rugs
K. A. Krar
nian dealt
raactt; la j
good II. at
1. WW
-ri hny your nsed lot niture, atovea
cash or new gvaaia iu etrbange.
A re table and eiperieured otrvtd
s position on it. sal Kiver orchard
rara of age and married, eon g1e
I Kiver relereoeea. SI Clair Ina
ne mm ni v :
Wanted-Uond naatare tor two
f Haoel. Odell v i.
borata. I.
M v
ott rvawl.
l.i v ., on iNwt Can
return lo GlacaBT olltrr or
Mm. J W i ... .
titrbiog. 7H aB
prrtawed u d
I rat and Mate n . I
ear bigb