The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 20, 1920, Image 10

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    HOODlitlVEll GLACIER, THUlttjDAY, MAY 20, 1020
Then used to call a man a "sport'
when he bought an automobile
THAT was before the
days when pretty nearly
everybody owned one or
could, if he wanted to.
There was a lot of waste
about motoring in those days.
A man spent a lot of money
on his car and never thought
very much about what he
was getting in return.
When a man buys a tire
nowadays he has a pretty
definite idea of what he ex
pects to get out of it.
The dealer who sells him
one that gives him less than
he expects isn't likely to get
any more of his business.
That's one of the reasons
why we handle l. S. Tires
and recommend them to the
Select your tire ac
cording to the road
they have to travel:
In sandy or hillycountry,
wherever the going is apt
to be heavy The U. S.
motorists of this community.
The U. S. reputation tor
quality is not built on any
one tire.
There is not one standard
for large U.S. Tires and anoth
er standard for small ones.
Every tire that bears the
name "U. S." is built the
best way its makers know
how to build it. The oldest
and largest rubber concern
in the world cannot afford
to play favorites in seeking
its public.
Come in and tell us what
you are looking for in tires.
We can probably tell you
whether you need a U. S.
Nobby, Chain, Usco, Plain,
or a Royal Cord.
For ordinary ronntry
roads -The U. S. Chain
or Usco.
For front wheels -U.
S. Plain.
arm cord nobbv own usco -piaih
For best reult every
where U. S. Royal
United States Tires
This is to announce the purchase of the
local branch of THE DALL ES GARAGE, lo
cated in the Mt. Hood Annex Building at
the corner of Oak and First Streets. The
Concern is now owned and operated en
tirely as a Hood Rivt r concern.
We wish to solicit your patronage. We
will be glad at any time to demonstrate
our popular line of cars.
The Studebaker
The Maxwell
White Trucks
Telephone 2431
Dodge Brothers
Service Station
Prompt attention given to all matters apper
taining to upkeep, lubrication and repair of
Dodge Brothers' cars.
Repair parts and accessories for Dodge
Brothers' cars carried in stock.
Brunswick and Goodrich Tires. All Sizes.
Dodge Brothers' Cars equipped with the
Alemite Lubricating System. It saves time
and trouble and prolongs the life of your car.
Mechanic in charge.
Body Headed by Senate Presi
dent Quezon Reiterates De
mand for Independence.
Tliat the Filipino people arc In earn
est in their demand for Immediate in
dependence la Indies ted by tbs coutpg
to. the United States of n MCOSd l'hlll
pine mission to work for Independence.
Coincident with this announcement tht
War Departmeol received a cable from
Minilu statin;,' that the all-FH Iplno leg
islature hal adopted resolutions re
Iterating its plea for Immediate Inde
pendence. The second mission, like the first, Is
eonpOMd of the leading men df the Is
lands and will work In the United
Stales not only for Immediate Inde
pendence, hut also to bring about "bet
ter understanding, greater confidence
and closer economic relations between
the United Slates and the Philippine."
The- mission is again headed by Man
uel L. Quezon, preaidenl of the Phttlp
plne Senate, who Is well known in
America, having been fo.- six years res
ident commissioner to the United
Senate President Manuel L. Quezon.
States. Mr. Quezon nnd the lion. Ser
gio Osmena, Speaker of the Philippine
House of Representative! and Vice
President of the Council of State, are
the leaders of the Naclonalista party
which has heen In power since HK)7.
While Speaker Osniona Is not so well
known in tike United States as Quezon,
he Is considered one of the ablest men
In the islands. Senate I'resident Que
zon recently referred to Osmena a
"the greatest Filipino since Kizal."
The personal relations between Os
mena and Quezon are probably withoul
a parallel in modern polities. Thej
have heen the lending political figures
In the islands for IS years, yet there
has never heen the slightest indication
of rivalry between them. Throughout
their College life ns well as their lonj
political service each has refused to M
a candidate for any position that thi
other aspired to.
I luring the years Quezon was tlx
Philippine delegate in the Americai
Congress he won the esleein and eon
fiilenee of lxlh the Uepuhlican an
Democratic ildei of the chamber
Whenever he spoke he was nssured o;
a good attendance. One of the ofltcW
short hand reporters once declared
Quezon used the purest I'nglish of anj
Dembef of the House.
OamtrHi U president of the Nacion,
alista party, is the leader of thV na
tional movement for Independence.
"Osmena Is the premier 'de facto' ol
the Philippines," said a leading 1' ilipl
Speaker Sergio Osmena.
no Journalist, now in America.
very COBSCtentfaMM ;uid tireless worker,
tl, i.ii. ugh and per.-i-;ent. a genius tjl
grasping the big features as well 4J
the smallest details of puhllc ntTalrs,
cool headed, qulel by temperament anj
education, a deep thiukcr, an eloquen
speaker, a polished writer, a keen ob
sen er of men such Is Osmena."
Both Osmena and QjfMH have bee
consistent advocates r.f Philippine 1
dejondenee. yet when ,)ie x as;on h
mundeil it thej have In c ited ts
champion the cause of Amcrlea good
Intentions toward the Filipino iroople
Notice for 8k
Vote for GOOD ROADS MAY 21
Vote 302 X Yes lor 4.1 State Road Bond Limit
School District No. 6. of Hood River
: County. Oregon, will receive bids or
; the erection of a reboot building at
Parkdale. Plans and specifications
' may be had from the Iitrict Clerk's
: oitiee fct Parkdale upon depoeit of
Bids must be accompanied by a cer
j titled check of 5 per cent of bid. Suc
- cesssful bidder must furnish bond.
Iti.U Kill I.. , i..r-.-,-l at m Jtirva
2. at the grade school building at
Parkdale. OregotVo
M. O. Boe, District Ulerk.
ml3m27 Parkdale, Oregon.
I'hotu copyrlKhc by Mullet'. Studio.
JmmSU c?lftfe housework
Every woman enjoys housework
if nicely painted floors, neat wood
work and attractive furniture give
her half a chance to keep them
neat and clean.
That's why she insists upon the
timely application of B-H Paints and
Varnishes. They bring back the new
appearance and make possible the
"something accomplished" feeling
which makes the day's work worth
See that the Bass-Hueter label is on
the can that you buy! There is a
special B-H product for every use
all easy-spreadirrg ; long-lived; made
especiaHy to meet Pacinc
Coast climate and condi
tions. Come in today and let
us help in your selection.
Paints & Varnishes
Phone 1M4
Vote for 4
State Road Bond Limit
We have yet to find a single voter who would not
vote for the 4'. Sta'e Koal Rond Limit when fully
advised as to the purpose of this measure. We find
however, that without iroing fully into the matter, some
voters are under the impression that this act would
either increase projitrty tax, auto license fees or gaso
line tax.
Therefore in the interest of Highway Development
in the State of Oregon and (iood Roads in Hood River
Valley, we think these facts should be clearly in the
mind of every voter:
No Property Tax required No increase of Auto
License Fees or Gasoline Tax Revenues from
present License Fees and Gasoline Tax will
finance all Bonds that can he issued under 4
limitation k Either build State Highways Now,
with Federal co-operation, or wait indefinitely.
Member Federal Reserve Systusn
Wood Cutters