The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 13, 1920, Image 5

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Value in Tires for
mailer Cars
lillllll "HI. KlIMIHIHtlMlliiMHIIIMinWMm'''
Back of the manufacture of Goodyear Tires
for the smaller cars is the same purpose to
supplv high value in the product that is behind
the manufacture of the Goodyear Tires that
equip the most expensive automobiles built.
This purpose is expressed by the enormous
resources, extraordinary skill and scrupulous
care applied to the manufacture of Goodyear
Tires in the largest tire factory in the world
devoted solely to the 30x3-, 30x3V2-, and
31x4'inch sizes.
The effect of this endeavor is noted in the
fact that last year more cars using these sizes
were factory-equipped with Goodyear Tires
than with any other kind.
It is also noted in the fact that if you own a
Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other car
requiring one of the sizes mentioned, you
can secure Goodyear Tires and Goodyear
Heavy Tourist Tubes at the nearest Goodyear
Service Station.
30xV2 Goodyear Double-Cure
Fabric, All-Weather Tread it J
30x3' Goodyear Single-Cure S'l 1 50
Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread m kr
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes tha'
reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a
cheap tube: Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more
than tubes of less merit. 30x 3'A size in water-
l t y
proor oag
Thor Electric Washers
Royal Vacuum Cleaners
The Cleaner you have been looKing f Jr
Our terms for these household necetsittei an' very liberal
Call n ml see.
kelly- uwmte
At Your Service
(i as vn. v.mzim;
It has been IkOTOUgfalf demonstrate i
that tha treating of weed potatoes ln'
fore iliinLii)i will increase the erop by
killinir some of the diseases whieh ate
00 the potatOW which reiluce the yield
Hfd have a tendency to make the eiop
more mueh and knotty .
It la preferable to treat the potatoes
10 d.iys or more before planting them,
then spread them nut. where tliey can
dry Oft. ' Do not expose to the hot sun
a it is liable to caute black heart.
1 he iip solution MmmW '"t Mod In
a metal eortainer or hIIhwuI to conn
in contact with metal of any kind as it
attacks the RMtal and weakens the so
lution. One of the mnst convenient
methods is to use two or more wooIm
tMf fab), with a small hole, bored MM
the bottom. They can be tilled with
potatoaa and the sohilion poured over
tftowi. The solution sag then be drawl
off into a w.ioden bucket and pouml
;nt 1 the re .t barrel.
Take four ounces t,f rotrosive subli
mate cnstals, or pWOer, to every M
gallons of ater. Dis-solve in one nl
Ion of hot water in a n'ass jar, IMM
cri ck or woollen bucket before diluting
with the 30 (rations af water. It dt
e 1 eases in fctteiitfth syith ue. To cor
rect thin three quarters of a pint ol
the stock hot water solution, us de
H.'fibed alaive, can be applied after
treatmir four bu-hels of isitatiwa for
one and a half hours. This can be re
peated until the solution has. been um
s-ven or eight time, after which it
JmMssM be thrown away and a new
solution used. Welting tbe potajtaaaj
for 12 to M hoars before treating bolfJI
to remove dirt, soften the black scurf
t Ityzoctoma) and makes the disinfec
tion effective.
(ireat care should lc used as this so
lution is a deadly poison and will kill
any kind of animal life.
The potatoes should lie left in the
dip one and a half hours, hut not long
er, aa it will weaken the seed if oxer
dipped. If the seed is sprouted it should Mi
te left in the dip so long, only from :tO
to till minutes.
Housewives. Attention ! ! !
The fish season for Royal Chinook
iiiiAiii Uav I ThHi. fiah nr-
plutaly the lt canning tisb l the
on. We have made arrangement
with local fishermen to secure plenty
of fresh fiaS daily to supply the needs
of those wishing to can the.r own
salmon. Hood River Market, Phone
4311. mil
Summons lor Publication in Foreclosure
ol Tax Lien
In the Circuit Court of the State of
I Oregon, for Hood River County.
Vera Inez Woodward, plaint) IT, vs
I William C. Harper, also all rMMt per
MM or patties unknown i loiminfl an
! right, title, estate, lien or intnest in
Um real estate described in Plaintiff!
i Application and Complaint.
T11 William C Harper; also to all
(other persons or paities unknown
.claiming any right, title, estate, lien
or interest in the real estate ilcsi riheil
in this summons :
I 1 the hame of the State of (begun :
You are hereby notified that Vera
Inez Woodward, the holder of , Certifi
cate of Delii qiiency numbered L'hX, is
stj id 111 the 10th dav of April l.17. by
ihe 'lax Collector of the County Ol
Hood River, State of Oregon, for Um
amount of six and 4'.'-l(HI dollaia, the
same Ming tha amount then due and
lei : in 1 lent for taxes for the year lfl&,
together With penalty, interest and
BMtt tlureon upon the real propeit)
assesseil to you, of which you are th
owner as appears of record, situated in
said County and Stale, and particular!)
bounded and described as follows, to
wit : The southeast quarter (SKJ) of
the southeast quarter (SKJ) of section
thirty-three (83), township three Ci),
North, Range eight (), Kast of the
A'illamette Meridian, in Hood River
County, Oregon.
You are further notified that said
Vera Inez Woodward has paid taxes on
said premises for prior or subsequent
ve i's, with the rate of interest on said
amounts as follows :
p in- I K-. . ,, tat- ol
l' III celpt Jio llileil
Mi Aim in. ran
1 April 10. wr,
M 1 Airll HI II7
,tt a pi 11 in. i'ii;
!' . ol
IMP. June II, IH17
art', of
Ml ''l' '.'4, 1KI7
Itl7 Mcli Pi. IV s
karw oi
1 s M' li -."J. now
i, m
IWls Hip 17, mis
r wi
a 711
4 IS
l.i t er o i 1
It r rlil
II per r.-ni
1 .jiri i-i. I
IS er r-iit
k r rnl
l.s Mr ci 11 1
IS -r cent
This article was published in the
G lacier in January. At the request of
numerous growers, who wish to place
the recommendations on their files, it
is reprinted.
Dr. C. A. Maorum, former commis
sioner of horticulture for the Fourth
Oregon district, in his report to the
State Moan! of Horticulture last year
gives a formula for a spray that he
has tested on his Hosier tanch and has
found effective in eliminating numer
ous sprays and resisting action of
spring raina.
Mr. Macrnni In his report says:
I have been much interested in the
problem of reducing the number of
sprayings i.ecissary for Mab control
and also devloping a spray which
would resist the action ot spring rains.
It oct u red to me that a combined Bor
deaux nil amulaioii Fpray, applied as
the buds are opening, before the blos
soms appear, would control scab, San
.lose scale, the aphis, leaf roller, red
spider, curl leaf of the peach, and the
copper would bo present to prevent the
ravages of the MlthrsoAWt spores
when the ruins come in the fall of the
1 was
unable to find that the co'ri
had been made or until 1
unite to Prof. Foster, of the (leneral
Chemical Company, and requested that
lie make the combination if he did nit
already have a formula at hand. P of.
Foster replied that he did not recall
having Feen a formula, but he would
endeavor to make the combination. A
year following Prof. Foster sent me
the formula tigether with a report on
the results he had had. In thi-i report
he mentioned the success: ul results
he had in control of the disease in
prunes due to evlinrosporum. The
method of preparation is as follows:
Prepare the copper sulphate solution
in the usual proportions of one pound
to the gallon of water, diisoive 1J
pounds of common glue in 1J gallons of
water, slack VI pounds of lime, .stir 12
pounds of hydrated lime in water at
time of using. Fill a 2(10 gallon spray
tank three fourths full of water. Pour
21 gallons of Milestone solution into
1 he tank, stir the agitator and add t lie
lime m Ik slowly until a neutral solu
tion is had. Test with litmus paper to
tell when the solution is MQtial, Ad I
IJ gallons of glue solution. MeHsuie
nit 12 gallons of the (ieneral Ch. m cal
Company's No. 1 oil emulsion or a
orresponding oil emulsion, add a little
water and stir until emulsion is starte I
is shown by the nixture turnint'
milky. Pour into the spray tank ai d
dd water to make 800 gallons. The
igitator must be kept running during
tha whole 1 roi'e.lure. The spiay should
lie applied a.i soon as prepared.
The above are the proportions for a
200 gallon tank. In making stock so
lutiona for a day'a aprayini the qttantl
ties given can be multiplied by th-
umber of tanks required. The strength
if the Bordeaux can be varied as
deemed i e. e.-i-ary. The amount ot
upper sulphate in the ab ive formula
ia the i-ame as in the ordinary li i 50,
It i8 necessary tbat the Bordeaux solu
tion b neutral und not alkuline as
ordeaox is ordinarily made This is
determine I bv adding the lime milk
-.lowly allowing the lime milk and cop
per solution to be well mixed and
testing with blue or red litmus papar
Lo determine when the neutral point it
teached. If no rain follows the appli
cation of Bordeaux oil emulsion apt ay
for 24 hours the spray dries thoroughly
and stays -on the bark of the trees
throughout the season and is effective
against anthracnose development alter
the fall rains begin.
Notice to.Creditors
In the County Court of the Stale of
Oregon for Hood Kiver County.
Notice is hereby given that the un
deisigiied has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of .lames Chitty,
deceased, by the County Court of Mood
Kiver County, Oregon. All persons
having Jelaiina against said estate an
required to present the same, duly ver
ified according to law, to the under-
ilgnajd at the offtca of John Baker,
Brosius Building, Hood River, Oregon,
within six months from thejdate ol the
first publication of this riothe.
T. I). Tweedy,
l&nlS Administrator.
. A-
Notice ol Hearing ol Pinal Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Hood River County.
In th mutter of the Kstatc of Mary
Ann ram. Ireeased.
MM of the last will and
Mary Ann Cram. Ie
e1 hit final report in the
Court, and that the
tiaa act SUurdnv. the ' 1.
12", at the hour of 10.30
M a. M , of said da
Mirt room, in the
r, Oregon, aa the t
carina the same, i
ed to fi4e any ubjoet
to the wttlina u
Rubber Stamp Ink at Glacier Office
and the dn
th rlerk
aid date.
Frank Abbott 1
Saul William C. Harper, aa the own
er of the legal title of the above de
scrilied proiierty as the same appears
of record, and each of the other per
sona above named are hereby fuither
notified that Vera Inez Woodward will
apply to the Circuit Court of the Coun
ty and State aforesaid far a decree
foreclosing; the lien against the proper
ty above described and mentioned in
said certificate. Ami you are hereby
summoned to appear within rixty days
after the first publication of thia aun -mona,
exclusive of the day of aaid first
publication, and defend this action or
pay the amount due as above shown,
t igether with coata and accrued inter
est, and in case of your faiure to do
so, a decree will be rendered forecloa
in g the lien of aaid taxes and coata
against the land and premises above
Thia summons ia published by the
order of the Honorable I.. N. Blowers,
judge of the County Court of th State
of Ofefon for the County of Hood i
River, and aaid ord waa made and 1
dated thia 2th day of April, HO0. and
the date of the first publication of this
aummona ia the Uh day of May. 192
Draayoa at the address hereafter men
tioned. George R. Wilbur.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Addreaa Eliot Bid;.. Hood Kiver Ore
gon. tn6jl7
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for Hood River County.
W. J. Filz and Kalherine Fib', Plain
tiffs, vs K.-ther llcimer and the un
known heirs of W. J. Ilelmer, I'e
ccased, Defendants.
To Esther Ilelmer anfl the unknown
heira of W. J. Ilelmer, deceased :
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint hied against you in the above
entitled Court, on or before the lth
day of June, 1921); and if you fail so to
appear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiffs will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for therein, towit:
For a decree forever quieting the title
of the plantifTs in and to the Northeast
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 2X, Township 1 North, Range
10 East of the Willamette Meridian,
and forever barring you and each ot
you from setting up any claim, right,
title or interest in and to said n ;ti
IMMJttf adverse to the plaintiffs here
in. Thia summons ia served on you by
publication thereof in the Hood River
Clacier. a weeky newspaper printed
and published at Hood River, BmJ
River County, Oregon, for six succes
sive weeks, the date of the first publi
cation living May nth, UHL pursuant
to an order of the Hon. L. N. Blowers,
Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Hood River County,
dulytmade and entered on the 4th day
of May, l'J2o, wherein you are require)
to apiear and answer said complaint
on or before the l!Hh dav of June,
A. J. Derby,
Atton ey for the Plain tiffs.
m5jl7 Hood River, Oregon.
Notice Fur Publication.
Irnmnl of th' Interior, ' a l.mrt
irnnr st Thr pall, orwoti . March 1 sh, iwsu
fMsnalioti anil worn a'
lay 4 Mai lii twf. K K
t oT th 1'iimit 0,011. at
at lltnv l.i mKH thia
IM Of h al In ntrT
Rubber tstanopt at Olaricr offic.
Goodyear Clincher Tires
for Smaller Cars
We have a full supply ia stock.
We carry Goodyears because they make
more satisfied customers.
We offer you a real honest,
dependable Service in con
nection with the sale f
tires which -enables yon to
realize their ful mileage
All other sizes
in stock.
DeWitt Motor Co.
They Make Your Tires Last
Longer (ioodyear Heavy
Tourist Tubes
Purity Flour
Shamrock Cereals
Your Grocer Keeps Them
az iqiz 3
We are dealers and manuf icturers of all
kinds of Stock and Poultry Feeds
Highland Milling Co.
Telephone 1761
The Thorobred:
a New Sport Car
THIS new- Lexington Model has smart, rangy
lines, vith stle and individuality.
Its mechanical soundings is based on tha
many exclusive improvements which have made
Lexington a leader.
In M rformance and jtryicc the Thorobred
gives you full rmasure of satisfaction. Let us
show ou tins sj.lYt
Highway Auto Co
LexV.-' -n M r C - ; : .v . ( - i I' . .
- iW-