The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 13, 1920, Image 3

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'To serve you as
we would want you
to serve us"
Golden Rule Service
Service is the one thing that we sell
service in line with the Golden Rule
WE distribute this same Service to all car owners and to
all makes of batteries without discrimination.
When you pay money for a new USL you are buying Golden
Rule Service, of which the battery is but aa essential part. It's
just the same as paying your employees, your lawyer, your doc
tor, your dentist for Service.
Service is the most important thing in the world today. To
all car owners, we aim to be the "greatest Servant of them all."
Our Golden Rule Service, we think, makes us so. But we
invite your careful co-operation in caring for your battery so as
to assure you long battery-life.
Often when a man thinks his
battery is "done for" and he is
ready to buy a new USL, we
show how we can save him money
by repairing his old battery and
giving an adjustment guarantee
for eight months.
We sell only USL Batteries
with the durable machine-pasted
plates. The factory ships them
to us "Dry-Charged." Thisavoicb
all before-sale deterioration so that
you really get a perfect, full-life
We are a USL Golden Rule Service Station not a battery store
Elliott-Overland Co.
Jin ii i ir, nm rftmrHfTrrrtiyinnMH iinimi Ji'iniimrmrTr
he Monitor
Light Six
It will be your last chance to get immediate
delivery on a Monitor Light Six, as we are entire
ly sold out except for one car, FivePassenger
Touring, and one Touring 4 Chummy Roadster.
Why not add your name to our list of satisfied owners
and possess a sturdy car that will do duty all the year around ?
Fall's Tires and Tubes Curtis' Tires and Tubes
General Service for all makes of Automobiles by a good
mechanic with ten years of general experience.
Vote for Good Ro;ids-Vote 302 X Yes
for 4 State Koad Bond Limit
No Property Tax!
No Increase in Auto License Fees.
No Direct Tax.
No Increase of Gasoline Tax.
I'i.mhI Auto Llrtin Fa :i n l Gaaoliaa Ta WIM pay both principal ami
intrrtsl on all llif kamto umlir this onstilutiiul mini mt. Approval of
tins tmt ntkmi al is aoraaaarj to pararil early comptotlofi oi State Highways.
Hood River Motor Car Co.
Telephone 2861
That Telephone is out of Order
Tl. "ont-i.l.- pl.ini" f the WaftVM asahajaai i torajaly ex
hso. t tli meatluT, even tin- m.iiutaitiel f m Itii plants yieM
to itn firm -nl 4U"I In vilent t time.
Tli lf'l sln'tli of llic aerial raWc emariag baMnia a tiny
mprwr win wrApjul witli ppor cry-tl lire, miTw.ijic rrvk fr
lrfrtiiTt appvar : a lrivin.r rain wu.-trati It t.i the MjNr inpu'.alioii
an, tiily or a Ininlrr4 tl"il. u- nic I I' arv ' i-ntnv I up."
T!eH Mai ha zU'n-r aa HM wre an I dra IIumh ilown; the nn
nsml weijltl nny ')!' a pol- Ute U-lepli tin- m t!i it "lea I" are "I-1 1 "
Tritl pair Mr.p wire" ti t!i suit' rbf hn Ik mn
ater . ! I an. I "toaaajj a tree t limb in bl.urn aclon lin-;
trifk break" p le; lilitnini: or rnrrnt from a broken porr wir
"blows" fit ; a .lown town Cue .Mtr..y a .itri'oit in ile
Jut few "iiiin;le of the many tlrn.- that liaper( : thai pre
caution cannot prevent. I? it any wonfer that tel. li i. n
"Ut" occasionally
Gasoline at
1 6c per gal.
Sunday. April 2.". t st Madfl
on I lit- Fonl Speedster Itelony
intr to (Irant Brawn of the
Krcsff Drag Co., rave the
folloiriag wuiU :
UilwKie, per ptllon:
011 Carl.un-tor - - 22
U & J Carburetor - - 4"
W'v nearly iloiil l-. his mileage aixl
mv!"- his (fao'ine eiiK-tis- ier mile
approximately the fame a if lie hal
1 aix' old carburetor with at
ih per gallon.
When can we demonstrate
on your car?
U & J Sales Co. of Oregon
GEO. I. HOWE. Distributor
The following resolution was adopted
by the Men's Forum of the Upper V'al-,
ley United Church :
As American citizens the least we
we can do with capital punishment is
to vote tiro or con. But aB men of to
morrow we talipot stop here. We must ,
strike at the cause of the curse that
death penalty is suposed to eliminate.
The demand for the reestablishment
of capital punishment is prompted by
the increase of crime. However, facts
and itatUtiri fhow that death penalty j
.Iocs not deter men from murder. Grava
crime has increased over per cent
during the past three derades in spite
of various penalties.
What ifl more, records show that
ho.nicide has increased two and a half
times as rapidly in states having capital
punishment as contrasted with states
that did not have it. We all know that
at the present there is a vicious v ave
of incteasing crime that is douhtle.-s a
natural byproduct of the war. To stay
this wave of hlood, people demand the
punishment of death.
The question is a deeper one than
capital punishment. It is a question of
rapid and efficient justice instead of
severer penalty. We need to enforce
the laws we already have on the stat
ute books, which are ample if admin
istered with justice and without waste
of time. Playing with law labeled
"Justice" is what invites crime. In
our own state penitentiary a life MD
tence means less than seven ais.
Up to 1013 not a aingle "life-termer"
had (tied in prison. Where do thejj ffol
Men st i ti i to death had their sen
tences commuted to life imprisonment
and life imprisonment, through parole.
paidon and politic, became little more
than a joke.
Too much of judicial procedure
smacks of partiality flavored with in
fjuence and politics, plus coin. In this
way law ceases to be justice and it is
not to be wondered that people lose re
spect for it andjdefy it. We toy with
our crimes tbay become ancient
history. A lawyer in public office
made this assertion : "W e are not
asked to protect justice, hut to protect
the law." Think of the case of Dr.
t'lippen, who in 1911 murdered his
wife and was tried by the Bngliah
court. In lour tluys from the day his
trial was begun he was executed. Now
place beside that some of the red tape
unravelled by our Court of Justice.
What is needed is the certaintv of a
just penalty, not severity. Let justice
be meted out impartially and without
loss of time and crime will decrease.
While we ask for certainty oT a just
punishment, we ask that the penalty
M fitted to ffce prisoner, not to an ab
stract hlSSl code; that the penalty be
adjusted t lit the criminal, not the
crime. Wrf would not I'rus i.inize by
making the state the epd and man an
innocent toot. Give us justice and
crime will wune.
Why kill the man'.' We call upon
those who love justice and righteous
law more than DOEinal legality to
place the emphasis where it belongs.
Respectfully submitted,
A. J. Hiuimuist,
F. W. Kockhohi.
W. O Bent hid,
r Committee.
Adopted by the Men's Forum of the
Union church of the Upper Hood Rival
valley at l'arkdale. Oregon, May 'I,
1920. '
The Anti-Asiatic Association, organ
ized here for the purpose of preventing
alien land ownership and for working
fer a constitutional amendment that
will prevent the automatic citizenship
of children horn of aliens that cannot
be naturalized, has sent a circular let
ter to eveiy Oregon candidate for con
gressional or legislative ollice. The
letter follows :
"This association was formed because
the Japanese ownership of land in
liood Rivet county is becoming an in
dication of what will gradually happen
in Oregon, as it has happened in I'alt
fornia and Washington. The members
of this organization are vitally inter
esled in your attitude, as an aspirant
for public office, upon the purposes ot
the association, and therefore respect'
fully ask you whether or not you favoi
thUSe purposes."
Forest I" ire -Creates Scare
A forest hre. starting on the UppOl
Valley place of Judge Blowers, where
diaeaaoa apple trees were being burned
broke bounds and was driven ucross
two miles of brushland Sunday. The
burn created excitement and a messen
ger summoned the men of the neigh
borhood from church services. The
dailies were controlled before serious
damage resulted.
To prevent an outbreak Sunday night
Judge Blowers placet guards around
the burn.
Mendenhall Huilds His (pan
Monroe Francis Mendenhall clerk at
the O.-W. H. & N. freight office, has
solved the housing prohiem here. With
no additional ipiarters available and
f OWd to move. Mr. Mendenhall pur
chased n lot on Columbia street. He
has. devoted his leisure hours the past
month to COO tract hag a cottage. The
place is now complete, except for
painting, and Mr. Mendenhall's tan d .
has moved in.
Mr. Mendenhall is now bury spading
tindr r the rod of his lot. on which he
will taise garden product.
(iraeling Completed Today
traveling of the new grade between
here and Mosier will tie completed to
day, according to K O. Archibald
Crews, however, will continue for a
week or two in clearing up rough m- t
along the grade.
Motftrists who have parsed over t1 e
new stretch ! lare that it i one of
the mot scenic along the entire Co
lumbia Highway. W ith the new grade
gt.iw led motor traffic will discontinue
use ot the eld hill roan to Mosier.
Ford F.vpert Comes Here
Kdward Marh. for a number of
years foreman of the rord brani h JJa
tory in Portland, haa arrived and w
now in barge of the machine shop of
the IK-Witt Malar Co. Mr. Marsh,
who has the reputation of being one of
the most skilled mechanics in the
Northwest, soccceda Frank Jones.
The latter will leave soon for Califor
nia because of poor health.
w is i raw
Funeral services were held at the
Anderson chapel Friday for W. Nelson.
Ihit-hts shoemaker, who died last
week Tuesday on his Fklrd birthday.
Mr. Nelson who is survived only by his
widow, came here seven mor.the ago
from Da I ton.
Surest Thing in the World
Two and two have always made four. Then w ould not he more than three
million five hundred thousand Ford cars in daily service which is just about one
half of all the automobile's in America if the Ford, as a reliable motor car, did
not meet the demands of all classes of people a very where and under all circum
stances. Two and two have always made four. If the material, the iron and the
marvelous Vanadium steel used in the cortltruction of the Ford chassis, were not
of the highest quality known to the science of Metallurgy, then the Ford car
could not have won its world-wide reputation for reliability.
Two and two have always madi' four. When replacements and repairs are
required on Ford cars, the Ford owner will be wise in bringing his car to our
place, bcaUM we use only the Genuine Ford Parts, and we have the Ford skilled
mechanics, and all the Ford knowledge that goes to maintain the high Standard
of quality which is original in the Ford car.
When you want a Ford car or a Ford truck, antl when you want repairs or
replacements for the same, we earnestly solicit your business! assuring you of
prompt attention, real Ford service, and economical Ford prices.
DeWitt Motor Co.
Tum-A-Lura Lumber Co.
5 1 0 Cascade Avenue
PHONE 4121
(The Old Stanley-Smith Lumber Yard)
O A I We can furnish you now with all you want.
J)asaWe are hauling Sand every day and can sup
ply any quantity.
A f-g Wt- have it in any amount.
Windows, vSash, Doors, and all special
sizes of Glass Frames.
All Kinds of Building Material
and anything you need in the Lumber Line.
Let us figure with you on anything you need in our
F. DAVENPORT, JR., Manager.
Orchard Supplies Farm Trucks
Farm Implements
Phone 1401
Office and Store : STEWART BLOCK, Third and State Streets
Buyers and Shippers of