HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THt!IU?0A Y, MAY 6, 1020 1 CHINESE WOMEN STUDY HEALTH Three Doctors Return From America to Begin Active Health Campaign Among Wcmen. COUNTY CONFERENCE SHOWS WORLD'S NEED The Nash Six Five Passenger Touring Car Owners tell US that the beautiful lines of the Nash Six and its comforta ble riding qualities are features which contribute much to the satisfaction they have in driving this powerful car. . The Nash Six is beautiful. Its double-cowled body of deep Nash blue is penciled with gold. Its graceful lines and the fact that it is low hung upon its chasis make it in appearance a car you are proud to possess. It was expected that any car the Nash organization would produce would express the highest art of the coach builder. And the Nash Six, in every detail, lives up to these expectations. It also has all those comfort features which are so necessary to motoring satisfaction. Its front and back compartments are unusally rooniy. Its seats are broad and wide. Its upholstery is deep and restful. Being low hung upon unusually long springsVor a car of its size, it has a low center of gravity and so holds the road at all spaads without sidesway. The well balanced construction of the Nash Six throughout gives it riding qualities which are at oncj ippwsiatei whan you txks your first rid 3 in this car. Its power, beauty and comfort are parhap? the chief reasons why the thousands of Nash Six owners throughout the country display to such a marked degree what is commonly termed "pride of ownership" in this line motorcar. MT. HOOD MOTOR CO. ALL AGENCIES COMBINE. American Y. W. C. A. Will Support Women's Part of Chinese Health Campaign -as Part of World Service Program. As n result of the Y. W. 0. A. Inter Rational Conference of Women Phjr Kiciiuis, held dHfillfl September and () tolier, Chinese women are to have m ftr-IMChlBg health progrum. Lr. Ma Kahn, Or. IJ Bl-Cu ami Or Oau, three of China's half hundred women ph) sieians, who attended thlf Foreign Plague Spots Threaten America, Say I. W. M. . Speakers. During the county conference held In thi city by the Interchurch World Movement, much tlnfe. was devoted to results of the home and foreign sur veys Blade during the last two years. For these surveys, according to speak ers at the conference, the Interchurch World Movement was able to call to the Work a larger staff of eotnp. tent investigators than ever before has been used for such an undertaking. In addition to hundreds of men specially qualified and truined for the work, the Movement was In a position to call on missionaries of all the Pro testant denominations associated with It, in every part of the globe. The facts secured in the world sur veys were declared startling by the speakers at the county conference, and were used to show the vital need for the greatly in ireas d missionary effort which is planned by the Chris tian bodies associated with the Inter church World Movement. t The Baptist Church Pint SI reel, near I2tll iv. K. Herbert Haydan, Patter, Rehiilem e, 1 107 Pioe street, Phone 2729 Sunday Services- Preaching, II a. m. and 7.80 j, m. Bible School, in a. m , Mr. A. B. Bennett, Sunt. Young Peo ple's Hour, li to p. in. Ladies' Aid. Thuradava, 2.30 p. m. Miaslon Circle third Thursday in each month. Com First Church of Christ, Scientist monion service, lirst Sunday in the I month, 12 in. A cordial welcome to all ' these seru es. Services will lie held in Church j Building, !th and Eugene, Sunday, 1 1 :0H Christian Church a- '" ?abfe : . Adf F MD i), i i ii air i. i- Mimlav School at II a. in. Bible School, 9.46 m. j Preaching Wednesday aartioe, k p. m. Service, 1 1 a. in. and S p. m : Christian , Tie rending room is open daily from II Endeavor, 6.4 p. m. Cordial welcome ,ri n. m. In the chord, in an. liulib'-r Stamp Ink at tin a office. The llaeler office carries liulter paper HIR IDA KAHN URGES CHINESE WOMEN TO WORK. conference, n re to take nn active part In promoting this health program for women which will be the share of tin Y. W. C. A. In the big health move pent In China. 'the funds for establishing these health centers, for demonstrations ol how to cine for babies, for health lectures for the women, for babies' dls ptnaartM tad for a general educa tional campaign, will be raised , thr American . W. C. A. us pan g its program of world aarrlca for women und glrlf) i'i ItiO. Dr. 1 la l.ahn, In a recent appeal to modem Chinese women said, "Let Ottl women of e.lueatiou in Peking und ejsowherv g.itber themeles together to work ft the schools, Red Cross and Y. W. C. A., iind everything' else which besiei,ks .the betterment of the coun try, Inafrad of slay ing at home lo play poker and 'spuriow,' und going out to attend endless dinners, tea parlies ami dances. "Let us rally our forces und help the ship of state to move safely. One per eon cannot accomplish much, but one or two hundred millions of women can work wonders. Let us go buck to ti more Spartan like simplicity of llvlag and let us build up social service until every city In China Is sanitary, every section of the town has Its propel schools, mid every child, whether boy or girl. Is sent to such schools. True social service brings democracy In Its 1 1 alii, and we w ho are citizens of n new republic can help to make It truly great by DTMChlng and living -Jemoc racy all the time. Why not letirn to do our household duties, deeming l effeminate to be waited upon I17 maid and slave girls ull the time? "Tin- status of women In China while leaving much to be desired, still ;s quite hopeful when e consider that -be Is Just emerging Into the si" tertMOd of the nations. Our men CM depend upon us to Pear the burdens of the day, for nowhere Is there a more industrious, diligent and persevering womanhood than in China." Dr. Kahn Is lecturing In this conn try on the need- of her fellow country women, in the Interests of the Y. W C. A. Kilucation.il Campaign which plans to acquaint people with all phases of Y. W. C. A. work In the Culled Stutes, South America. ('Una. Japan, India und Lurope. This educa tiomil campaign will be followed by nn active effort to raise the fcl.lim mii i needed for servl-e f"r women through out the world. DR. A. J. SULLENS District Superintendent of Congre gational Extension Society, now tour Ing Oregon for the Interchurch World Movement. "Not alone is the need for Increased missionary activity necessary for the well being of foreign lands," declared the team leader at the conference here. "Leprosy, anthrax a whole Pandora's boxful of 'ilia have been let loose In Asia and Africa, and us long as they race unchecked the I'a Sine Coast nor any othei part of our own country will be aafe. 'With improved methods of trans portatiou yearly making the world smaller, we In Hie United States are coming into uucomfoi table proximity with the most virulent and the most deadly diseases known to man. And you can't put an embargo on disease. You can bar the Oriental or the Hindu or the savage African himself, but Ins diseases will elude the sharpest of port officials. For Its own protection if for no other reason, the West must ach the ICast what il knows concern lag the fighting and curing of disease." Already the activities of medical missionaries, according to conferem e speakers, have been of great g I Much work has b en faith tally and scientifically done, many sacrifices Close Your Eyes And. Imagine You Will Never See Again YOU MAY THEN REALIZE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BLIND CHINESE WOMEN HAVE FINANCIAL ABILITY. jjgggi SS Since j Jm w iM 11 s' Braakman m' r igfH Hood River, Oregon TxHsgsaiH I mk ? a They Carried Y. W. C. A. Campaign 'Over the Top." Much bus been said about the hon esly and skill of the Chinese business man The worhl ha- neglected lo men I Hon the tlnalic'al ability of Chinese Maeea The pnavad this ability in tin' hi t laaflCM campaign of the Y W. ' A In Tb ntalii Ordinarily three u.-eks are alb-wed In which to raise the budget by -ill. s. riplioii after the finance -ominlltee I a- le uled i.'li the sum tie, , s-ary ry on the Work of the coining year The Tientsin ampalgn was car rd on entirely byttilnese women and ok. all records f.t going over the op In ten days with a large surplus v . r the budget Dn Ontfna Hema Want "Prohibition has rendreed the Aso- cited rharit e- of A River r,ur t v Linactive," says Mrs. Chas. Sotey. pres ident of th organization, who is now seeking to turn over $10 left in the treaeury to some ot her .heritable or ganization 1 We've had this !um of money f..r .. . . vv ,-., f..r merly rilled on fre.juer.tly to aid ttaaV dren whose parents were unable to re sist drink. These men ate now meet ing; tgspr bill and their families no longer want." i lira. Sole.v declares that need for charitable work decreased after Oregon want dry. REV GEORGE H YOUNG Baptist pastor, long known in Ore gon, now speaking for Interchurch World Movement. made ami many perils faced, since the first medical missionary started work In India luu years ago. "To mark the centenary of medical missions the Kvangclif al churches of America are planning a year's cam paign to Increase the numl -r of med leal missionaries in foreign fields According to the budget of the churches ami organizations coopera ing In the Interchurch World Move lie n' no less than ,.'..'. medical mis aionaries are wanted by the ailcua mission hoards for work during the coming year." IGNORANCE ISLAM'S ALLY That Christian education ran Is at provide the leader-Up which will re g.-n-rate North Africa is the finding of the Inleri hureti survey, a. . ording to speakers at the county conference he:e lanorance has always been and la Islam's strongest ally Not more than five persons in every hun lr d oi North AfrUa'a population (an read or a ril rh.a-.-int l;. modeled The I'heasant. which has won arfaW st. read i- i otritv during ita year of exiaten e Bel, had to be enlarged to meet the demands of the hnngrv public. Mr. and Mr- G. H. MrMuUan. who have won many friends ainec coming here, have leased the old brick struc ture just south of the I'heasant. and ICZ3QEZ3I Help the Unfortunate Blind of Oregon by Providing a State Industrial and Employment Bureau VOTE 316 X YES ON BALLOT STATE ELECTION MAY 21st This space paid fur by Citizeng' Committee from funds derived from public entertainment in Portland. Dr. T. L Perkins, Medical Bldy;., Portland, Chairman; Oscar W. Home, Secretary. Which Do 9 af"m afV afi W Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead Black Leaf 40 Miscible Oil Lime and Sulphur Alfalfa & Clover Seed Implements WE HANDLE THE FULL LINE OF THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. COLUMBIA IS ON THE RAISE AGAIN In aci epen again aith for ita guests. Commercial Job (.rioting at the Ola After atauding still f r the paat week the Columbia ia rising again. The river ia now rt muling at the stage of nine feet alxive low water. The ri.se hits mailc tstssihle the reHumption of Hervice by the Dalles Columbia Com pany's dorks and a daily Hervice, ex i-ept for Sundav, is given by that con ern. the J N. Teal having been put into coriiin inn the past week. Leon ard Mill. r. ..rel agent, says the freight busineaa has been better this spring than ordinarily. O.-W R. A N. (. Time Table tM IKH'Nl) No. II. S.kane-l'ott. Pasc....A:ll a. B. N.. . Kasi Mail ' a. in No. IV, timaba. Kan. City, I ta IVnver! pa-enger , No. 1, I'i i. lleton-l'ort. I al 3:.K)p in No. 17, OW , tlmslia, lenrer, i Kan Cilv. Salt Lake 4 W i in 1.. I'ottlati.l. passeng'r ) kasi mm No 6. I '"it -Salt l.ake,iiM ll'.V. a. m. No. 2, l'..rt IVtMlleton lH-al .:S0 . m. No It. I'ort ,slt l.ake. Ien-i Kan l ily. Omthi, ll:(Cam I ' I C , -eligel Ro. 4. Omaha, Kan. t"ity, I . r Ihiim, -ienfer P No. 12. SH,kane -fort. Paaa . K 18 p. in. For Kent anJ For Sale sigu at tba Glaciar utSos. C A. RICHARDS 1 1 I 2nd Street Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks Confectionery aop TRY OUR Draught Luxo WE KEEP IT RIGHT