HOOD DIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1020 j i ODELL Mr. and Mrs James Cherry and their small daughters, Doris and Mary, mo tored over from Mosier Sundajt and spent the day at the home or Mrs. therry's sister, Mrs. R. H. Kemp. They came over the new section of the Highway and report it not had. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnsap. of The Dalles, were Sunday visitors at the hoOM of Mrs. Johnson's cousin. Mrs. W. r. Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson motored from The Dalles over the Highway. Mrs. Veva Wiley and children are now located at Hanks. Odell trrange announces a dance Fri day nifiht at the hall. The Hoy Scouts will meet at the high school Friday evening. Dr. Dutro will give a lecture on First Aid. After having spent the past two and a half months at Stanlield, L A. E. Clark returned hom." Monday evening. Mrs. Ingalls has been wrio'.isly ill since Friday. She is being cared for at the home of her Kori, Fred Ingalls. Judging from recent happenings in Odell a real live temperance crusade would he in order. Your correspondent much prefers to give the bright side of community life but after having seen young men stag gering about and taking after the- silly manner of the intoxicated, and to have added to that the conviction that citi zens of our own community are taking an illegal way of reccivirg profit, we believe it is time for exposure and wt shall weclome a vigorous cleaning U The Methodist Ladies' Aid Society will hold its next regular meeting at the home of Mrs. L. D. Hoyed YVednts day May 12. The recent membershii campaign has increased the roll of members from 00 to 75. The new members were tendered a reception at the home of Mrs. J. K. Ferguson last week. Miss Eunice Kroeger has been chosen delegate from the Methodist .Sunday school to the annual convention of tht Oregon State Sunday School Associa tion in Portland this week. Mrs. J. K Ferguson and (J "A. Weber will also be in attendance at the convention. The annual election of offloSH of th Epworth League, held at the Method ist church last Sunday night, resulted as follows: Algie Weinheirner, pres. Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, 1st vice pres. Gordon llaskins, 2nd vice pr e . ; Mrs E. T. Jaques, Krd vice pres. ; James Fletcher, 4th vice (ires. ; Horace (Jil kerson, sec. ; Nathan (iilkerson, treas Miss Margi.ret Fletcher, pianist. The new officers will fie installed by Rev. E. C. Newham next Sunday night. Mother's Day will be observed at the Methodist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The church will be decorated for the occasion, Rev. Newham will deliver an appropri ate address and there will be special music. Sunday school, Epworth League and evening service will be field as usual. meeting. Supt., Mrs. J. E. Andrews. The measures which will be voted upon at the special election May 21 will also receive attention. Mother's Dav, the second Sunday in May, should be uni versally observed in gome manner and we trust that Fine Grove people will not neglect this privilege next Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mason, Mrs. Rol and Wiley, Mrs. Joe Vannier and baby and Mrs. and Mrs. Jarvis have been recent guests of Mrs. Fred Tooley. at The Defies. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Manns, who have been on the Shoemaker place, have gone to 1'ortland to make their home The high school .--tuiJcnU) who patron ize Mr. Haglev s East !i(fe jitney en joyed a picnic at in the Upper Valley last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs 1'. I!. Laraway and Mr. and Mrs. 1'e teison were invited as chaperones. Mrs. ( . 11. Jlennev will conduct a pagCMlt and May pole dances given by the children of Harrett, Dak Grove, Frar.kton and I'me CnVr schools liet Wednesday afternoon on the Pine 'irot school lawn. 1 he pageant will repre sent the "Dance of the People." r. ercises will begin at 2 o'clock. All those interested :n the schiiol are urged to attend. CilfTord M. Druery friends, Rev. and Mrs. visiting his O. Benthin. jiOSIER. BELMONT PINE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. M. Pendergast, their son, Willis, and Miss Ellen McDermotl left last week Wednesday for a motor trip to Seattle, where they will visit for a few weeks. Miss Florence Reynolds, of Seattle, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. F. Hickford. Clifford Poss has accepted a position as manager of the Wittenberg King Dri-Fresh Co. at The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Ross will make their home there this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Apgar and Hon came from Portland yesterday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James ( lark. Miss Faye McDonald, daughter of mr. anil .Mrs. j. k. McDonald, was Rtirriid Monday to Charles Cochran in OttURIWK, la., where they will make their home. The W. C. T. U. will meet'with Mrs. S. K. McDonald Thursday afternoon of this week. A musical program will be given in connection with a mother's Mrs. W. V. .Allen and daughter, (ilenna, left Sunday to visit friends and relatives m The Dalles for a few davs. Mrs. M. P. Itenberg, after spending several days in Hood River, returned to her ranch Saturday. Miss Pearl Chubb will be her guest during the week. The Junior Social club met Saturday at the home of Harold Forden when the members spent a delightful after noon it being Harold's birthday. All helped in e.iiiiig hil birthday cake which Harold himself made. The next meeting will be at the home of Donali Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nunamaker arid son, Neat are expected home this week, i heir niutiv friends will be glad to see them back. Mrs. J. W. ('rites, of Hood River Mrs. II. M. (irant and Mrs. C. M. Hurlbiirt were callers at the Aitken ranch Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Aitken left ves terday for Portland to meet a sister of Mrs. Aitken who is coming to visit her father, Capt. Schelky. Her home is in INew York. Mrs. Dean Italian!, of Seattle, carru Monday to visit her parent., Mr. and Mrs. W. J Knight. Miss Helen Knight is expected today from Herkeley, Cal.. where she is attending college. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. (irant siient a few days during the past week at The Dalles on business. II. M. Holbrook was called to Los Angeles Wednesday of last week bv the serious illness of his brother-in-law. Mrs. Maie hubli spent the week end visiting friends and relatives in itel moot. MOUNT HOOD Cecil Kltchel anil Mabel I ott were married at Hood River Saturday, May 1. Tom Hopper returned home Saturday after spending several months in east ern Oregon II. C. Wyatt. Marian Wyatt, Hilda McK inley and Mrs. Geo. Wishart drove to Mosier Sunday afternoon in Mr. Wyatt's new Over land. E. C. Miller returned home from Wasco Sunday, where fie had been on a business trip. Wm. E. Burr returned home from Port laud Sunday. Ross Ringer and family were Hood River visitors Saturday. ('has. Shaw has purchased a Ford. Miss Elsie Narver spent last week here with her mother, Mrs. Mabel Nar ver. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Lott are enjoy ing a visit with their daughter,. Myrtle, who is here trom Stevenson. FOR SALE 81. .' 0 ; per ill innrtKiiiri' n f1rl clung pfOfNItl MKiied by very responsible pii'iie. 'i,t!S0 7 per cent morlKAtfc, Hit me (iotllly. IMM tor at of loailaaf oraberd property with Ml aqalpaaaat. Fell art of baUdiefe. am ir. rented. Weal Hide." HMH for K atria, aUa it i lae nfnliaid. MoflMM hill eOMpUail'UI ot IiiiiI,IiiiKn Mini i.illplilent. H unt lde. $.1,110 for 5 arrea of bearing, orchard w ill. Mittlclcilt liUlldiiiKN and nil i ,nll nl Went ld. f.'l,ti fori ncrexol bearing orchard, full i iilimant, fulr tiilllillngH, Well located and under Irrlga lion. Taken half ciudi. Kail side J,r) fur III aercH ol bearing .n, haul, miiiiII timid lhgn. well N Hilled. Kant side. IMM canh ra il II I red. Mrs. S. E. Evans, assisted bv her ! daughter, Mrs. J. R. Wilcox, enter tained the Ladies Aid at her pleasant home Wednesday afternoon of last week. Those present were: Mrs. M. E. Harlan, Mrs. Amos Root, Mrs. W. T. McClure, Mrs. A. A. Marsh. Mrs. E. J. Middleswart, Mrs. N. A. Hunter, Mrs. Mary Chattield, Mrs. R. D. Chatfield. Miss Ethel Andrew, Airs. C. Rusher, Mrs. F. A. Allington, Mrs. Geo. W. Mathews, Mr.. W. E. Chown, Mrs. E. M. Straucs, Mrs. C. G. Nichol, Mrs. C. Holley, Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. Geo. i ha.'iiherlain, Mrs. Wm. Mar.-h, Mrs. James (.amp, Mrs. J. Cherry. Mrs. O. W. Veatch, Mrs. Thos. Lelliott, Mrs. JlM. Heldin, Mrs. B. J. Weller, Mrs. W. A. Husbands and Mrs. Ernest Evans. Dainty refreshments were served and a pleasant time reported. Geo. Evans, acedtnpanied by his fa ther, Lee Evans, motored to the Des chutes last week Wednesday to"enjoy Billing, Geo, Chamberlain and little son were in The Dalles one day last week. Geo. Wilson was having dental work attended to in II 1 River last week. W. E. Chown motored to llixsl River last week, and also to The Dalles. Mi.-'s May Shogren is home after -pending some time in Portland. B, W. Veetch was a business visitor in Hood River Wednesday (if last week G. P. Morden made a husinss trio in to eastern Oregon last week. Mosier people in Hood River Satur lay were Misses May and Ann Sho eren, Mr. and Mrs. !-. h. r.vuris and son, Forrest. Mrs. Wm. Johnson and children wree in 1 he Dalles .Saturday. Judg' Fred W. Wilson was out to hi Mosier farm Sunday. L. J. Merrill spent Saturday evening and Sunday in Hood River valley. Harold Stoltz returned to his work in the postofliee in Portland Monday, after spending a few days here with his par tus. J. N. Mosier left Sundav evening for Islackfoot. Ida., where he expects to remain another vear. ! A numlier or Mosier people were in attendance at the County Sunday school convention m I he Dalles Saturday Among them were noticed Geo. L. Car roll and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans, Thos. Lelliott, Mrs. J. P. Roes an 1 Mrs. J . E. 1 1 ie lev. Prof. W. E. Jolly is attending to his duties in the school room this week af ter his recent illness. Holders of Liberty Ponds of the Third issue and of the 4 per cent bonds of the First and Second issues should present them now at the hank to fie forwarded for exchange for permanent bonds. Mrs. L E. Howe came from Seaside fuei-day to spend a few days on the ranch. Mrs. F. J. Engleke went to Portland Monday to visit a week with friends. W. E. Chown motored to Portland arly Tuesday morning to attend to business. Geo, Chamherlan was a business vis itor in Ihe Dalles Tuesday. IIUHAT OFFERS All) TO CITY COUNCIL Representing the newly formed Merchants Association, the president. . O. Hiielat, appeared Monday night tietore the city coiirincil and ottered lhat body the cooperation of all its members in conducting campaigns for civic betterment. Mr. Hiielat reported tn the council that his organization was support ing a proposed bond issue r $i;..uoo wnicn electors will pass on it a special election lie field Friday, mm 14. mi i ne i oiiimiiia steadily creeping up over the dumping ground on tin lowlands north of town and the old lumping pit, used during the ?riod of high water made unavailable bv the on-iniciion oi ine Hood Ktver-Mosier stretch of the Columbia Highway, the ncanri commiuee or tin illicit IS worried over the disposition of garbage luring tins year s treshet. Lds west uf town, location of an old pest house Ai re recently sold, anil the town may uive to lease a new dumping ground r hum the refuse. HUSUM GROWERS PLAN IRRIGATION J. E. Slade, owner of large orchard interests at Husum and chief promoter of the irrigation scheme, Jhere Saturday to confer with Geo, R. Wilbur, who will be legal advisor of the new pro ject, announced that steps are being taken for forming an irrigation dis trict, covering 14, (XX) acres of land in Klickitat county, in the White Salmon district. With Marvin Chase, Wash ington state hydraulic engineer, pres ent, a meeting will be held next Satur day efteroOOfl preparatory to circulat ing petitions wnicn win ne presented to the Klickitat county board of com missioners at (ioldendale June 7. The proposed new district will draw its fource of supply from a number of small creeks tuat (low down the west base of Mount Adams. The water from the small streams will be diverted into I the White Salmon river at an elevtion of 4,.r,()l feet. It will be diverted from the larger stream into a flume about 12 miles north of Husum. Only 2,200 acres of the proposed irrigation dis trict's land are now in cultivation, and Mr. Slade declares that organization of the district will lead to an unprece dented development of the fruit dis trict. The region nils long been known for its early strawberries, but lack of wa ter has cut down the yield. The irri gation project, it is declared, will cause an immediate stimulation of the berry induUry. and the neighboring fruit section may in u few 'years pro duce a greater Volume of Clark Seed ling strawberries than the Hood River valley, it is claimed. J. C. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION COUNTY HEALTH NURSE IS BUSY In her first report to the county court, Mrs. Glendora Blakalv, who was appointed visiting nurse for the Hood River County Public Health Associa tion a month ego, indicates that her activities have been chiefly in the pub ic schools. Mrs. Plakelv has visited 15 schools and has examined 1.000 chil dren. She has found 7-r)0 pupils with lefecte. ranging from minor physical faults to serious ones. A segregation of the principal defects follows : Vi sion, i children : hearing. 12: breath ing, IWi teeth. ;i77: throat. 2:55. and glands, fif. Mrs. RlakeK has given 21 school lec tures and has visited 80 private homes. She has been furnished an automobile by the local Red Cross chapter. Patrons Favor School Movy E. T. Robinson has f mi d sentiment in lavor of a weekly moving picture program at the high school auditorium. In response to a questionnaire recently mailed out by Mr. Robinson. H" par ents voted for U''h a venture, while 30 2 Snappy New Smart Styles in Ladies' New Ready to Wear WHITE WASH SKIRTS We have just received our shipment of White Wash Waists. They come in Piques, Gaberdines and Sateens. All sizes. These skirts were bought from 35' to 40 under the market and are wonderful values. Prices range from $2.49 to $7.50. LADIES' SILK BLOUSES A big long rack full of Silk Blouses in Pongee, Georgine, Crepe de Chine and Georgette. All colors, sizes and styles. Now is the time to buy your new Blouse. Our prices, $3.49, 3.98, $4.98, $5 90, $6.90. LADIES' KHAKI KAMP KLOTHES Riding Breeches , 3.25 Riding Skirts, Divided 3.19 Coat Style Middies 3.49 Riding Suit, Coat and Trousers 10.50 Hat i t 89 Women's 1-Piece Khaki Belted Work Suit, . $2.69 Suit Cases and Traveling- Bags at Saving Prices If you want a good one, we have it. If you want a cheap one, we have it too. J. C PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION expressed opposition. In their replie8 the parents declared that moving pic tures exert a great moral influence on a community. The patrons of the school expressed the in lief that a natatorium should be constructed as an amusement center for young people. A FiveAct Classic Comedy Is the vehicle of the Senior Class in their Annual Play at the Hood River High School Auditorium next Tuesday Evening "She Stoops to Conquer" i BY (;OIISMIIIi It will be well worth your while, Buy ioiir Ticket today at Clothe Dn A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE WILL BE QIVEJI at THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Corner Ninth and Eugene .Streets Sunday Afternoon, May 9rh at three o'clock I! Y EZRA W. PALMER, C. S. B. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED MMH fr IS Hi'iei, 10, if nr. 1 1. of n,v, mill i iiiliin nl KuM ldo. tH,M j ul red. lillilltlllKM I ih re- Now is the Time to Paint Spring is the best season to paint after your surface has become dry and before dust gathers. r.1!ll Ui' liie., .'.'of ..r,-lmr,t, anil e.iHiniinl. Kusl m., liny, liiillituiiri ; ' 1 :i-li required IMJM for lii i i.n l.t Brlim iircliHnl ah u ider IrrlgR llnn. A rpie pnv of property, ijiiite lnw bdllfllMf No pijiitpim-iit. I.i, well, ifood prop In pi mci. Mum Iiow Ji i rh on til IH. implement of yuim worth '.an IIP. A SkMUl 35 Helen apple and penm, full toolx, Hint MpMpMMM NelMtaft the iiionry. Take a lot ol rami I it) Hue property Iffl.tKm fin I flue piece if orrlmrd pMMHy, ill al tbeetjulpniPiil. Iioimea. Irriicaliou right; M priwiMHUicoiMt. M MM la Hi., irurt, no! iiilt all In orchard. Taken HMH lu BMIi to handle. R. E. SCOTT AGENT PLANS FOI, PARK STREET SCHOOL OUT PIMM fur UM new Turk afreet KhOttJa to replace the old ftiititiUHted Wooden atrueture, have la-en received 1 the i i i i .1 . . . . m nooi iidiini irorn i . in. itur;ett, an architect of Ihe Dalles. The huildinjr. wnicn will coat ri.ti.tKN). will provide It) new claaa rooma. It w ill lie two atoriea in height and of lirick and tile i nn- Ntriictlon. A i ,i i i i i i plavriHini will ne arriinjel, ami a princmal a room MM private riKim for teachers will he provided. l egislative (andidate Visits Here A. S. Koherta, N asco e iiintv farmer who ia seeking the Kepulihaii nomina tion for joint representative from HikkI Ikiver and Wasco oountit-s, was here luesday tnnldinn fences. Mr. Roberta, who was a nieniher of the legislature Mm MM. r.kni anil l'.wil. was U.rn at White Salmon. He called on a MMMMff of pioneer families here. Seven rageiipr ("handler Raf Sale, ivis model, driven onlv S.tHUi nnlea. KiiuipiMSl with cord tire. two hr:inl new. rno- f Hilt), ltennctt !ns. niL'Mf boat time table The Northwestern Transportation Co. DAILY SERVICE EXCEPT MONDAY Steamers Joseph Kellogg and J. N. Teal Leave Hood River for Portland Daily, except Monday. 8:45 a m. Arrive on up-river trip about 5 p. m. On Sundays only, down river ;i -i t k' is nttij connect with up-river Imat at Cascade Locks lor rttutn trip. Phone 9SL4 L. S. MILLKR, Agent. Notice or Street Completion Columbia Street Notice i hereby Riven that C l"a. contractor, has tiled written tue the 4th dav of Mav. l'.ilM. of the i completion of the grading to grade of that pirtion of ( olumlua street from 1 15th ativet west .150 feet, laying of 250 j feet of '-foot walk and floO fet of curh under hia contract with the Cttj of Hoal River heretofore entereI into under (Milnance No. fWO. arwl that the amunt due aaid contractor uto i its ac jceptance ia hereby -atatl to H- And notice is further given that any objection aa to the acceptance of aaid work tinder the contract with th.- aaid ! contractors on the part of raid City I may la- fild in the office of the under i signed CKf Recorder by any interested party at any time within 15 days from tue uaie oi nrfi iHiiuicalion id saal no. tice, to-wit within 15 day from th 6th day of May, I'.GO. I ht notice is put I River ( lacier for tun We have taken the Agency for the SAMSON TRACTOR and expect a shipment in about THIS WEEK HOC Our ACME Line Contains a Paint for Every Use Heights Garage OUTSIDE PAINTS Shingle Stains House P'lint Veranda Paint Cement Coater Outside Varnish INSIDE PAINTS Floor Paint Moor Varnish Kalsomine Flat Wall Paint Stain Color Varnish Enamels in the Hood CORNER J. F. VOI.sroRFF. Munagrr TWELFTH AND C STREETS iti May. 1 rm-13 theref being the tth day Telephone 3151 AUTO PAINTS Auto Color Varnish Auto Clear Varieties Auto Enamel Auto Top Dressing ' Engine Enamel Radiator Paint E. A. FRANZ CO. p M V. A I. SB H. 1. Howe. City Recorder.