flOOD RIVER GLACIER THURSDAY, APRIL 20 1020 I I I Mil High School Mascot You can dodge an elephant, but you can't dodge the fact that the 1920 Mascot will be a humnJinger Hero are some of the salient features : 50 New Engravings; Catty India Tint Paper of the best quality; Two-Color Cover; Individual Basketball Pic tures; 5 pages best jokes; 15 page athletic section; 120 pages in all. This is considerably larger than any previous number. If you are at all interested in the school, you cannot afford to miss getting one of these. Tickets now on sale at Clark's Drug Store and by stu dents of the High School, 75 cents each. This is the only sure way of getting one of these books, for only a limited number will be printed. Delivery Commencement Night. PRESENT AUTO AND GAS FEES WILL PAY INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL OF $40,000,000 ROAD BONDS Approximately $40,000,000 of state road bonds can be issued under a 40 limitation on the present assessed valuation of the state, including borrds already issued. The constitutional amendment to be voted upon at the May 21 election provides for this 4 limitation. Interest and principal of the entire 540.ooo.ooo of bonds can be paid from revenues from auto license fees and gasoline tax, based on conservative estimates ot that income. Following is an official estimate of the income to the State Hiehwav w u - rund trom auto license fees and gasoline tax, compared with interest and principal requirements for the entire 540.ooo.ooo of state road bonds. This table has been audited and certified by Whitfield, Whitcomb & Co., certified public accountants, whose attestation is subscribed below. It verifies the claim made that votine for the a. state road bond limitation will not involve any tax on orooertv. as Drincioal and interest will be paid from the auto license fees and the gas tax, leaving an actual surplus above tne amount required. OFFICIAL TABLE Statement of Kstlirtatetl Income in Kti Hivhwav Fund ( timtinr) With fntpreftt $ and Principal KequiremenU to Carry $40,000,000 Bonds. Yetr Eitimatrd Number of Motur Vehicle Motor Vehicle License Feet Net Income to State Highway Fund (iatnline Tax Net fncome to State tiigtiwy Kund 'J otal Amount Eatbatted Income to State highway 1'und 1920. 1921 HIGH SCHOOL PLAY AUDITORIUM FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 30 "BACK TO THE FARM" Presented by the Smith-Hughes Department of Agriculture A Snappy Three-Act Play Time, 2lA Hours A good live time for everybody Farm, College and Off ice Scenes i i GET RESERVED SKATS AT CLARKE'S DRIJC, STORE ADMISSION, 25 CENTS Reserved Seats, 10c Extra Which Do 7 Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead Black Leaf 40 Miscible Oil Lime and Sulphur Alfalfa & Clover Seed Implements WE HANDLE THE FULL LINE OF THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. 105,000 .125,000 1922. .143,000 N21. .158,000 1924. .170,000 1925. .11(0,000 1926. .185,000 1927. . 190,000 1928. .195,000 1929. .200,000 1930. .200,000 1931. .200,000 1932. .200,000 1933. .200,000 1934. .200,000 1935. .200,000 1936. .200,000 1937. .200,000 1938. .200,000 . 200,000 . 200,000 .200,000 . 200,000 . 200,000 . 200,000 , 200,000 200,000 1947. .200,000 1948. .200,000 1949. .200,000 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. I94S. 1946. $1,575,000.00 $ 525,000.00 $2,100,000.00 1,875,000.00 625,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,145,000.00 715,000.00 2,860,000.00 2,370,000.00 790,000.00 3,160,000.00 2,550,000.00 1150,000.00 3,400,000.00 2,700,000.00 900,000.00 3,600,000.00 2,775,000.00 925,000.00 3,700,000.00 2,850,000.00 950,000.00 3,800,000.00 2,925,000.00 975,000.00 3,900,000.00 3,000,000.0i 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.01 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 .4,000,000.00 J.000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 S.000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,00000 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,0OO,000.0C 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 4,O00,000.U J.000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 -1,000,000 00 4,0.0,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,(10(1,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 OFFICIAL EXPLANATION OF TABLE Interest and Principal Requirements tor $40,000,000 lion da $ 494,850.00 1,043,250.00 1,393,250.00 1,679,750.00 2,007,340.00 2,677,617.50 2,957,367.50 3,149,180.00 3,329,742.50 3,429,05;.00 3,3.96,842.50 3.308.392.5C 3,219,942.50 3,131,492.50 3,043,042.50 2,954,592.50 2,866,142.50 2,777,692.50 2,689,242.50 2,600,792.50 2,412,342.50 2,327,892.50 2,218,442.50 2,068,492.50 1,845,952.50 1,161,475.00 793,275.00 513,012.50 244,000.00 56,237.50 Surplus Ke maii.ing After Payment ol Interest and Principal $1,605,150.00 1,456,750.00 1,466,750.00 1,480,250.00 1,392,660.00 922,382.50 74,632.50 6 50,820.0C 570,257,50 570,945.00 603,1 57.50 691,607.50 780,057.50 868,507.50 956,957.50 1,045,407 50 1, -33,457. 50 1,222,307.50 1,310,757.5 1,399,207.50 1,587,657.50 1,672,107.50 1,781,557.50 1,931,507.50 2,154.047.50 2,838,525.00 3,206,725.0(1 3,486,987.50 3,756,000.00 3,943,762.50 Column 3 represents the net income to the Stat Miuhwav Fund frnm m,.t,,r vehlrlr license fees (Chap. 399, Laws 1919). The 1920 registration figures to date obtained from the Secretary of State's office indicate an average license fee of twenty dollars (I.'O.OO) per vehicle. The law provides that twenty-five per cent be returned to the county from which the vehicle is registered, therefore the net income per vehicle to the State Higliwa Fund is approximately fifteen dollars ($15.00) ner car which is the fi purr imed in com puting Column 3. The administration expenses of the motor vehicle law will be met fron the receipts from motorcycle licenses, chauffers' badges, transfers, etc. , Column 4 represents the income from the Gasoline Tax (Chan 159 I i 19IQ . , Stale Highway Fund. Figures obtained from the Secretary of State's office indicate thi average tax per vehicle in 1919, was approximately five dollars ($5.00) and this figurt has been used in computing Column 4. Column 5 is the total amount of the motor vehicle license fee and the a.isrdin m based on the estimated number of vehicles as shown in Column 2. Column 6 is the amount required each year to nav off the interest and nrinrinal at ma turity of State Highway bonds up to an estimated amount of $40,000,000 (the approxi mate amount which could be issued with a 4 per cent limit on the present assessed valua tion of the ttate. These figures are based on these premises: That the halan- ..f l.. si. Million Dollars Bonds (Chap. 423, Laws 1917), the State Co-operative bonds $1,800,00:. (Hean-Barrett, Chap. 175, Laws 1917). and the Ten Millic.ii Dollar Bond. Ch,n 171 Laws 1919), now unsold will be sold during the vear 1920. Also thai fin f life hmwlc uill be sold as follows: 1920, $5,000,000; 1921, $5,000,000; 1922, $5,000,000; 1923, $5,000,000 f 4,iw,wu ; a lotai 01 j-tu.uuu.uuu. All of the bonds thus far authorized are serial bonds and. except the Bean-Barreti issue, mature one-twentieth each vear after (he fifth vear. The Kean-Karrnt la m, .-.. $100,000 each year beginning with 1922. The Six Million and Bean-Barrett issues draw 4 per cent .merest. All other issues 4 'A ner rent. Column 7 shows the surplus estimated to be available each vear after maimer Mo lions for principal and interest. The One-Quarter Mill Tax (Chap. 237. Laws 1917) on the total assessed valuation of the state is not shown in this table as an asset of the State Highway Fund at thi? fund it used principally to meet administrative einenses survevi in th virimn miU mm. gineering tupervition of county construction, and desiun and inspection of county hri'ir aim an unities. Wfc HhRhBY CKRIHV that we have examined the official records of the Statenf Or.n at regards Income from Motor Vehicle license! and Gasoline taxes and believe the estimates above set lorth in columns 1 to 5, both inclusive, to be conservative. We lurttit-r Lertnv that based upon these estimates the tabulations set forth aboVe in columns o and 7 arc true and o correct, IK A L 1'ortland, Oregon, April 14, igjcx VWHTF1LLD, WHITCOMB & CO. Ctrtxfitd Public Accountant, I1 1 I I I I I I l l-l 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I M J I! FINS, Fl KS AM FKATIIKKS j r H 4 d .....M..H--l..H"M"M"l' l' ""'' The following, which Mi- David Mitrlor, recently arrived here from lif.. whs clipped from an Kitt-ondidn, Cali iHMT Among animal the champion mother in a little fox terrier that belongs to Mr. and Mr. S. h. Uoodell. of the rhnmpaon ranch in San l'asiual, who wire in town Wednesday witn Ihe proof of their strange story. This Intlc mother fox terrier recent ly gave birth to one pup which died toon alter turth. hhe immediately adnptt'd a very young, suckling pig, of which she takes the best of rare. She not only keeps away any person who would touch the pig, but suckles him and keep him warm through the cold nights. The pig, which is of the red .lersey-Duroc variety, is as fond of his adopted mother as he could be of his own mother. He cries if not in com pany with the terrier and the terrier cries if not taken any time the auto starts on a trip. This means that the terrier 'and her strange pig baby ride in the back seat when Mr. and Mrs. (lOodell come to t'scondido or go else where in their car. Many local iwonle saw the interesting sight Wednesday morning. The pig has already grown so rapidly that he requires more milk than his adopted mother alTords. The deficiency is suppleid by the cow Mrs. Goodell relates that this same fox terrier some time ago adopted a whole brood of little chickens, whose mother had died, and took the beat of , care of them. If there were a prize offered for the beat animal mother, ! this dog would certainly be the winner. Citv Health Officer Edgington. even though surrounding hills were covered with a i.ew blanket of snow, calmly annoonced Tuesday that snrmir had really begun in the mid-Columbia. "1 m statement on the arrival of a pair of humming birds," said Dr. Edg-' ington. "I saw the handsome little fellows tins morning sucking honey from wild cherry blossoms) in my back yard. 1 have always noticed that the weather soon gels comfortably warm and springlike each year after the hum ming birds reach here." personal property list. City Marshal rrar.ier says, will prevent him from seizing animals in case of failure of owners to pay city license fees, as in fi inner years. Mr. Frazier has warned dog owners to pay their licenses, $:l for males and 85 for females, to the city recorder. In case of a violation of the city ordinance owners will be prosecut ed and fined. Fishing in Hood river is reported poor. It is estimated that more than 1M1 anglers visited pools of the lower river Sunday. But few catches were made, however. The spring run of steelhead and salmon trout is slacken intr, and the water remains too high for mountain trout. Ben I'owell landed a large tdeelhead Sunday. KjLprm and Baggage Hauled. Tel. K. K. Goodrich, No. 3011. jl5tf as happy foOSW Julius Wang and Adolph Schmid. ot Trout I made a record catch of furs last winter. They selected one of the roughest sections of the Cascade mountains in the vicinity of Twin ! But tea and about 20 miles to the west of Trout l ake valley, and their catch netted hands.. me results. They secured '.' marteta, for which thev got $30 to! $75 ; 12 flatter. $45 to $100; five foa. to 5T, two wildcats, three wolvea and 1 nutjseroua weasel. The hoys expect to trap the same ground next winter. The state law placing dogs on tha YOUR appetite will find a lot of happy eneouranv nient in the food sold here. You'll In? able to eat three "squares" a day with a relish if we fur nish you with our provi sions This is a pure food store where Rood grocer ies are sold to an appre ciative puhlii. We give S&H Green Trading Stamps Ask for them. Do You Want Service ? If you do, try us. We are trying to do our best to give real Service. Every Department is be ing brought to shape to serve you. . . In time, when you hear the word SERVICE you will at once think of the HOOD RIVER GARAGE. TRY US AND CONVINCED Hood River Garage Phone 4444 Summer Reasons For This Sedan Triplet Springs Insure Riding Comfort on All Roada. Overland Four D001 Sedan Insures Comfort In All Weather THE SUPERIORITY of the Sedan for autumn, winter and spring is even more emphasized in the wide range of summer motoring. It's thick per manent top is a cooler shield from boiling sun. Breezes are freely admitted or entirely excluded at will. Rain, dust and sudden cold, are shut out at your command by heavy plate glass which never cuts off your vision or leaves you feeling "Shut in." Now the Overland Sedan adds to all this convert ible convenience, the riding comfort of Triplex Spi ings. and extraordinary light weight economy. Tounni. $98S; Roadster. $98S; Coupe. $152Jt Srdaa. $157$ mncm La To.edo. wb( ,0 cUmv without one. ' FXLIOTT-OVERLAND CO.